Full Member
Great read! Good stuff that's good to know as a prospector in Denver.Check out my new blog entry on digging in metro Denver:
Digging in the city means participating in recreational gold prospecting as a guest of a local government, parks & rec district or similar organization. While the tools of prospecting are the same (shovel, pan and sluice, maybe an electric highbanker like the Gold Cube), the process of finding a spot to dig is vastly different. No worries about the BLM, National Forest Service or checking on prior mining claims at the county clerk office. [ 664 more words. ]
...I'd love to hear your questions this brings up. What else do I need to add or explain here?
I wanted to mention my findings on the South Platte from where is flows under C-470 down to Aspen Grove. No one talks about that area. Not only is it a nice outdoor park and place to hike, but I've found some really great gold along that part of the river. I believe it needs more attention. If you are ever in town and want my grand tour of the area I would love to show you! I've been spoiled by "straw" creek since I got my bazooka and haven't made a trip back to the river yet. This is a repost but this is what I got from only 4 gallons of dirt at the Platte.