Kenworthys Book, Treasure Signs, Symbols, Shadow and Sun Signs

Hello boogeyman, I've just been doing this since1963, made a lot of trails , seen a lot of stuff, had a lot of help getting where I'm at, tried my best at what I seen, My thoughts are the English done the survey work ( because the maps reference from London ) the pace seems to reference 33 inches Bible seems to be have a lots reference,( Jesuit priest ) Anyway that's my thoughts, Some of these folks seem to want someone to show them where to dig Really how dumb is that.
Dsty. You've been on tnet long enough to see many greenies hoping to have someone waltz em out and put their finger on the big lost treasure. Hopefully, most of them will learn that the knowledge learned, sights seen is well worth the time invested. Lots of them don't understand manners & respect. When someone gives you knowledge it's a gift that will last forever!

Wise man told me that if you stop learning you might just as well roll over in the hole and die. I think he's right! Learn something new every day!

Thank you boogeyman, there's lots of times that I have changed my mind about something, I sure like Short stack, He certainly has LOTS to offer in the different fields of Degrees and such, Lost Horse and Kim, Rangler, Thom, Books, most of those are I have referenced many time's, and I know that it would take page's to list all those folks that helped me, anyone that I have offended I wish to say I'm sorry. I believe that if everybody pulled together we could share info and get it all figured out. Just like a triangle with 5 backward seven's across the top and my opinion is that triangle could reference a bow with the arrow at the bottom of the v direction The backward 7's indicated follow the long part ( North ) then go ( East ) short, even things like this goes from big to little, long to short deep to shallow, big boulder to small boulder distance usually the distance is indicated at the 1st boulder hole ,

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Thank you boogeyman, there's lots of times that I have changed my mind about something, I sure like Short stack, He certainly has LOTS to offer in the different fields of Degrees and such, Lost Horse and Kim, Rangler, Thom, Books, most of those are I have referenced many time's, and I know that it would take page's to list all those folks that helped me, anyone that I have offended I wish to say I'm sorry. I believe that if everybody pulled together we could share info and get it all figured out. Just like a triangle with 5 backward seven's across the top and my opinion is that triangle could reference a bow with the arrow at the bottom of the v direction The backward 7's indicated follow the long part ( North ) then go ( East ) short, even things like this goes from big to little, long to short deep to shallow, big boulder to small boulder distance usually the distance is indicated at the 1st boulder hole ,

Dsty, that's a good list of mentors and translations.
Most of them have helped many times. Shortstack was the first to respond on a couple of my threads.
I have not seen him post on any threads lately. Have you seen him lately?
He does a lot with his computer, like coming in on details, adjusting color and contrast, as well as riding deep into his wealth of experience and knowledge.
Have you seen him lately? My phone doesn't keep my email contacts and I have been trying to contact him.

He was the first person that came to mind when Shahram started me for help.

And by the way, when I told him to post a photo, I was offering it from my thread... I don't know why he started on this one.

Thanks to you and boogeyman both for trying to help Shahram.

I didn't know he couldn't speak English, when this started or I wouldn't have let it spin out of control like it did.

I do wish that it was as simple as making an X on his photo and digging up a treasure chest.

I still don't know how to translate for him...

#/;0( : -

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The treasure is in the hunt. When YOU find your treasure you will wish the hunt wasn't over. The thrill of discovery out way any treasure in my opinion. If you do your own labor and research you will be proud of this achievement. Just my thoughts.

As far as Kenworthy's book I would take any treasure symbols information with a grain of salt. Symbols that lead to hidden secret treasures often take on different meanings.

Please continue.

Captain 1965, I agree fully.
The mine site that has kept my mind working for over a decade, has been much more a pursuit of knowledge and true living history.
It was only when our attention from that goal, and considered opening the mine that it became a burden. The thrill of the hunt and the joy of discovery are the treasure.

As far as signs and symbols go, they are the tools to translate what someone stated long ago, as their message to the future.

I think Kenworthy and his family have done well enough with what they have found, to hold their rank and file.

#/;0) : -

In case Shah didn't send pms to all.....
He sent me for2, appallogised to all in regards to all not taking and not responding.

I'm going to try to start a thread of his own.

If this doesn't work, then he needs an interpreter...

Shah, first thing to do is get help translate what has been posted and respond to them about their post.

Second thing. Start a thread of your own!.!!!

With one photo and learn
From the folks that tried to help you .

Remember, trail markers only mark the trail. So ask if anyone sees any
Evident markings.

If these things do not get done.... we have no reason to continue, we have a language barrier.

Answer here on thread.
I cannot respond to you from the private messages.
It locks me out of my account.


Okay. Now that you have a translator, read the posts from the other folks that have tried to help you, because they have given you the best advice.

Then start a thread for your signs and symbols and move your photos to it, so that many people will find them and your questions.

Start with the earliest photo, or the one that made you start following the trail.

Do not just post a bunch of photos and ask where to dig the treasure.


When you have done that, post link to your thread here, so that others know where to look for them.

Above all else...
Stop sending Private Messages. I cannot answer them, because when I try to, my phone locks me out and it takes me hours to get back in.

please do these things if you want me to help you.


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Shahram, stop sending private messages to me.

I will respond to your posts if you start one of your own.

I have not offered to be a private teacher. Only a contributor to your thread.

I have not offered to give you my books, nor copy information from my books.
Books are copyrighted (c).
For the authors protection.

You must purchase those books to learn from them.

The best way and the only way to learn without buying books is to learn from as many people as you can from their experiences.

I cannot and will not respond to your private messages.
Every time that I have done it, I have been locked out of my account by my phone.

This thread is about Chuck Kenworthy's books... or at least it was.

You are hijacking it.


hi...what am I doing ?!!!!!? where should I send my picture for get answer frome u and another person ?!? I confused.....!!!!!!!!!

hi...what am I doing ?!!!!!? where should I send my picture for get answer frome u and another person ?!? I confused.....!!!!!!!!!

1. Start your own thread. If you do this, people will read it and respond to YOUR post. It will be coherent, all related to your picture.

2. Be prepared to provide more than a single picture. Sometimes, there needs to be enough information to see a pattern to follow.

3. Don't give away the location. Keep that secret, as well as blocking out any identifiable landmarks that might give away your location.

4. BE PATIENT! I've seen some threads get many responses (look at how those were presented) and others get none.

5. Check regularly, add information / pictures as you are able. Something you thought was insignificant may be THE clue that solves it.

Now, dazzle us --- make us all as excited about your find as you are --- but do it in your own thread.

thank you .....i have sevral pictures .can i send my pictures in this site or another site???? if it is possible i send my pictures.....if it is impossible where can i send them to you ......???

If YOU can't start a new thread, there is no point asking for help.

If you cannot or will not follow instructions, you will not get the help you are requesting.

The forum is an ORGANIZED DISCUSSION ... it is not who can scream louder or who can change the subject of a thread.

Again, if you want help you must follow the PROPER PROCEDURE. It may not be what you are used to, or what you like, but that is how it MUST BE DONE.

If you continue to try to hijack the threads of others, this matter will be brought to the attention of the moderators and administrators.

Again, this is a place for ORGANIZED DISCUSSION. Continue to refuse to follow proper etiquette and you will get no help from anyone here.

START YOUR OWN THREAD, stop hijacking the threads of others.

If YOU can't start a new thread, there is no point asking for help.

If you cannot or will not follow instructions, you will not get the help you are requesting.

The forum is an ORGANIZED DISCUSSION ... it is not who can scream louder or who can change the subject of a thread.

Again, if you want help you must follow the PROPER PROCEDURE. It may not be what you are used to, or what you like, but that is how it MUST BE DONE.

If you continue to try to hijack the threads of others, this matter will be brought to the attention of the moderators and administrators.

Again, this is a place for ORGANIZED DISCUSSION. Continue to refuse to follow proper etiquette and you will get no help from anyone here.

START YOUR OWN THREAD, stop hijacking the threads of others.

Starting your own thread is like starting your own conversation instead of butting in to some other conversation. Think of it like jumping into a conversation between two others. :icon_thumleft: It'll help you keep track of the answers / help you receive answers instead of trying to figure out if we're talking to you or the other guy.:icon_thumleft: One thing to remember is there's a huge difference between here and conversation. Talking face to face you have tone and inflection when you talk. Here you only have written words so it's easy to be misunderstood or make someone mad. (Trust me on this one!) :tongue3: So by starting your own thread it'll be like talking to another person one on one, not talking to a bunch of people that are talking about other things. Now that you have someone to help you translate that will help eliminate a big problem. If you do this you'll have a better time. Save the information offered to you! You may not think it fits the project you're working on but may be the piece of another puzzle later in time. Knowledge is precious hold on to it!

Hope the best for you on your project!

tnx about all advice.....tnx
but ..i have one question......
what is thread?????????????????
how to start my thread??????? please help me............tnx.....i understood all of your opinion but i didnt understand the meaning of thread!!!!!!!!!! tnx

A thread is a topic. To make your post here, you clicked on "reply to thread" ... so to start your own, from the main page of "treasure marks and signs", click the button that says "Post New Thread".

i translated your advises,thanks for all of them.i apologize from prospectormikel,because i couldnt translate his advises and posted my pictures but now i am doing your offers.i psted my pictures in symbol and signs treasure but anyone didnt respond me.i found many clues but isnt anyone to help me.

i translated your advises,thanks for all of them.i apologize from prospectormikel,because i couldnt translate his advises and posted my pictures but now i am doing your offers.i psted my pictures in symbol and signs treasure but anyone didnt respond me.i found many clues but isnt anyone to help me.

you did not do what I suggested ... you jumped to another thread --- but that is a better place to ask questions.

Be patient, someone will be along who can help.

Chadeaux, where did he jump to?
I have been looking, but have not found him.
But I have been looking for a new thread...


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