Kenworthys Book, Treasure Signs, Symbols, Shadow and Sun Signs


up of head turtle is this stone...but i dont stone?////

View attachment 1238302
help me about this symbol....

Shah, keep following the turtles. They are the trail.
As for that last post...

I don't see any sign that I have studied and have no idea what size any thing is.

You really need to start a thread with these photos.
Other treasure hunters don't know these exist if they are not looking for Kenworthy's books.
You are hidden to many people that can help you.

#/;0/: -

Good eye ProspectorMikel! I almost missed the turtle.

Since he is walking, shahrammoradiyan, follow him. When you find him resting, pulled back in his shell, you've arrived.

I completely agree with Happy Trails.

Kenworthy has some good knowledge in his books. I think it is wrong to discount him because some of his conclusions were wrong (I don't think he found the LDM). Both he and his his son Chuck (Tiger) spent many years hiking and researching (actually, his son Chuck is the one who wrote the books).

Gale Rhoades' book is a wealth of knowledge as well.

I would suggest that you get ALL the information you can afford to get. Read it all for yourself, go into the field, and get practical experience, THEN discard what you don't agree with.

You might also try researching some of the great Treasure Hunters you might not have heard of, like:

Frank Fish
George Mroczkowski
Karl Von Mueller

Those three guys have found a ton "LAND" Treasures. Mostly in caches. Some documented, and some secret.


Mike, I've got to disagree with you on George Mroczkowski. If you had been to his shop , you'd know why. A lot of what he wrote and supposedly found were done by members of his Treasure Hunting club etc.

Mike, I stand with you, on Kenworthy's works.
I have two of them, and they have contributed greatly to my research.

They may have missed the point a few times, but overall they saved me years of walking in circles.

I got both of the ones that I needed for less than forty bucks with tax and shipping.
I found many copies for over two hundred bucks.
Maybe someone will buy them. I'll stick to bargain hunting.

#/;0): -

Could what you are calling a turtle be a elephant waist deep in the soil / dirt / water with cargo

i have 3 stone forward head of turtle ...
is box of treasure?

Pictures like these are why I urge you to start your own thread!!
There are many small signs carved here.
You need Jesuit students to see these.

How far they apart are they, how high are they, what direction are they pointing. Usually carvings take years to work from start to finish, each step taken will verify, who done it, is it a trail marker, is it a royal trail or several other possibilities. No it is not a treasure chest, most are trail markers to point the direction to something useful, Safety , Shelter, Towns , settlements, water, food, If you find anything of value ( treasure ) more that than likely there has been lots of folks there before you, Most will only give you experience, mostly it will give you a truck load of experience and wore out boots / blisters

No more P.M.s

The last thing that you can expect to find is a box of treasure!

You need to stop posting photos and asking " Where is treasure?"

Start reading the advice that others have offered to you.

When the good hearted folks on these forums offer advice that they have spent years learning, only to be ignored. It is hurtful and disrespectful to them.

You have ignored the advice that I have offered in private messages, now you are ignoring the advice from one my many mentors.

It is disrespectful to him and me.

Stop posting and start reading, is the best advice that I can offer.

There are no shortcuts.

#/:0( : -

Last edited:
After looking back there are several that have posted advice that have been ignored.

I have learned from them.
Read what they have posted and respond to them, while you still have a chance to learn from them.

No more P.M.s

The last thing that you can expect to find is a box of treasure!

You need to stop posting photos and asking " Where is treasure?"

Start reading the advice that others have offered to you.

When the good hearted folks on these forums offer advice that they have spent years learning, only to be ignored. It is hurtful and disrespectful to them.

You have ignored the advice that I have offered in private messages, now you are ignoring the advice from one my many mentors.

It is disrespectful to him and me.

Stop posting and start reading, is the best advice that I can offer.

There are no shortcuts.

#/:0( : -
Very good advice! If you're not willing to accept the knowledge offered, you've learned nothing. If you've learned nothing you'll find nothing. I don't think anyone is willing to walk you out to your site and put your finger on a treasure. Listen to these people! They've got tons (years) of knowledge and experience they're offering as a gift. The knowledge they're offering would take you half your life to learn. Note - A lot of us are getting on in years, and most of this knowledge will be lost sorry to say.

Hello boogeyman, I've just been doing this since1963, made a lot of trails , seen a lot of stuff, had a lot of help getting where I'm at, tried my best at what I seen, My thoughts are the English done the survey work ( because the maps reference from London ) the pace seems to reference 33 inches Bible seems to be have a lots reference,( Jesuit priest ) Anyway that's my thoughts, Some of these folks seem to want someone to show them where to dig Really how dumb is that.

Hi fellas.
After I posted "no more pms. " he sent me another two! A total of thirteen.

I started trying to help
Him on pm and told him to post one photo and I would help him get a few folks interested, and then start his own thread.
I gave him some info and then said start your own thread and post here that it was started. Every post he made, I told him to stop because folks would not see him.
The last pm he sent me, he stated he is from Persia and doesn't understand what we are telling him.

I don't speak Persian.
He needs a translator.


I'm sorry for letting it get this far along, without just shutting him down.


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