Karl von Muller"s, Iron grate found above the Colorado river

Re: Karl von Muller"s, Iron grate found above the Colorado river

Karl was a gentleman and a great treasure hunter. May he rest in peace.

Re: Karl von Muller"s, Iron grate found above the Colorado river

:icon_farao: :icon_thumright:The post about the iron gate was very interesting. Well entertaining is more like it. Could you please post other similar info about other lost treasures,mines or stories. :read2: I'm in Colorado and wouldn't mind an adventure to locate such a place or visit one in my state.

Re: Karl von Muller"s, Iron grate found above the Colorado river

I live in Connecticut and be grateful for any information on Bury Treasures in Connecticut. [email protected]

Re: Karl von Muller"s, Iron grate found above the Colorado river

Welcome Gold_Striker,
There are many good treasure stories and legends that apply to your area.
Be at the very least discriminating about the ones you choose to chase.
some are easily debunked and ALL are a quick way to drain a bank account chasing.

Find one,
Do the research... do more research. then as time allows, Between even more research ...
Get the boots dusty. see some country. and even chase the legend.

Most important,
Have fun.
That's the treasure.

Re: Karl von Muller"s, Iron grate found above the Colorado river

Craig Colorado,Placer gold was found and lost,Lizard head Colorado,Delores river gold was found lost,in small box canyon, plenty of locations to look for gold and lost Spanish artifacts and posssibly smelted gold bars they left behind. Supposidly some ancient Egyption artifacts were found on a Colorado ranch,and I heard a story about a Spanish sailing ship being located...As the above post mentioned a little research can go a long way.

Re: Karl von Muller"s, Iron grate found above the Colorado river

I can tell you all this much. Be CAREFUL researching the internet on the Lue Map or treasure. I was searching google the other day and read a lot of stuff. I went to one link and it had some info on it with another link associated with it and when I clicked on the link, another window popped up and started scanning my computer. I couldn't get it to quit or shut down, so I had to turn my computer off and reboot it.

Long story short. After I got my computer back up, (took me quite a while as it was turning off and on constantly automatically and would never load the windows). So after I got the computer back up, I had noticed all my favorites list was GONE, 95% of my pictures GONE, ALL of my word documents, GONE, Important files, GONE, everything GONE, and what I noticed was that there were quite a few programs on my programs list, like "Play to Win", all kinds of games, and crap that didn't even come with my computer. There was like over 300 gaming programs and ALL my files, etc, GONE!!!!!

I got my computer dropped off at a place that recovers data, etc. I just hope they recover it all!

Be careful when you click on links even though it is attached in a page related to something you are researching! I certainly would like to find the $*&#()#)$ that do this kind of crap and cut their freaken hands off!!!!

Re: Karl von Muller"s, Iron grate found above the Colorado river

This is a document that I have sealed that I carry with me while detecting , You can do a search and download it in PDF form , and it is good to have this with you if detecting in a Forrest as some Rangers do not know of the law on this matter . But you still need to let the Ranger in charge know you are going to be there as most do not mind you detecting .

It is Forest Service policy that the recreational use of metal detectors and the collection of
rocks and mineral samples are allowed on the National Forests. Generally, most of the
National Forests are open to recreational mineral and rock collecting, gold panning and
prospecting using a metal detector. This low impact, casual activity usually does not
require any authorization.
On some eastern Forests gold panning does require a letter of authorization due to the
high clay content of the soils. It is always wise to check with the local District Ranger if
you have questions. Some wilderness areas are closed to gold panning and metal
Metal detecting is a legitimate means of locating gold or other mineral specimens and can
be an effective prospecting tool for locating larger mineral deposits. This activity can also
be conducted as a recreational activity locating lost coins, jewelry or other incidental
metallic items of little historical value. Prospecting using a metal detector can be
conducted under the General Mining Laws and is covered under the Forest Service 36
CFR 228A locatable mineral regulations for lands open to mineral entry. Metal detecting
for treasure trove or lost items such as coins and jewelry is managed as a non mineralsrelated
recreation activity.
Metal detecting is a low surface impact activity that involves digging small holes rarely
more than six inches deep. Normally, metal detecting does not require a notice of intent
or written authorization since it only involves searching for and occasionally removing
small rock samples or mineral specimens (36 CFR 228.4(a)).
Metal detectors may be used on public land in areas that do not contain or would not
reasonably be expected to contain archaeological or historical resources. Normally,
developed campgrounds, swimming beaches, and other developed recreation sites are
open to recreational metal detecting unless there are archaeological or historical resources
present. In such cases, forest supervisors are authorized to close the area to metal
detecting and the closure would be posted at the site. Such closure notices are not always
practical in undeveloped areas, and federal agencies have not identified every
archaeological site on public lands. It is possible; therefore, that you may encounter such
archaeological remains that have not yet been documented or an area that is not closed
even though it does indeed contain such remains. Archaeological remains on public land
are protected under law. If you were to discover such remains, you should leave them
undisturbed and notify a FS office.
The purpose of the restrictions to metal detecting on public lands is to protect historical
remains. The Code of Federal Regulations, (36 CFR 261.9) states, "The following are
prohibited: (g) Digging in, excavating, disturbing, injuring, destroying, or in any way
damaging any prehistoric, historic, or archaeological resources, structure, site, artifact, or
property. (h) Removing any prehistoric, historic, or archaeological resources, structure,
site, artifact, property." The Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA, 16
U.S.C. 470cc:) also prohibits these activities, stating, "No person may excavate, remove,
damage, or otherwise alter or deface or attempt to excavate, remove, damage or otherwise
alter or deface any archaeological resources located on public lands or Indian lands
unless such activity is pursuant to a permit...” ARPA exempts the collection of coins for
personal use if the coins are not in an archaeological context. In some cases, historically
significant coins and other metallic artifacts may be part of an historical-period
archaeological site, in which case they would be considered archaeological resources and
are protected under law. These laws apply to all National Forest System land and do not
vary from state to state.
Four forms of metal detector use are recognized.
1. Searching for treasure trove: Treasure trove is defined as money, gems, or
precious metals in the form of coin, plate, or bullion that has been deliberately
hidden with the intention of recovering it later. This activity requires a Special
Use Permit under The Act of June 4, 1897 (16 U.S.C. 551). Forest Service
Manual 2724.4 states “allow persons to search for buried treasure on National
Forest System lands, but protect the rights of the public regarding ownership of or
claims on any recovered property.”
2. Prospecting: Using a metal detector to locate gold or other mineral deposits is an
allowed activity under the General Mining Laws and is subject to the 36 CFR
228A regulations. A Notice of Intent (36 CFR 228.4(a)) is normally not required
for prospecting using a metal detector. A Notice of Intent (NOI) is required for
any prospecting which might cause disturbance of surface resources. A plan of
operation is required for any prospecting that will likely cause significant
disturbance of surface resources. Normal metal detecting does not cause surface
impacts that require either a NOI or a Plan of Operation. People who use metal
detectors for prospecting should bear in mind that many of the mineralized lands
within the National Forests and open to mineral entry have been “claimed” by
others who have sole right to prospect and develop the mineral resources found on
the mining claim. A search of County and Bureau of Land Management records
should be made prior to prospecting to determine if an area has been claimed.
Normally, any gold found can be removed and kept. If the removal of the gold,
rocks, or minerals might cause disturbance of surface resources, beyond digging a
small shallow hole, a NOI may be required.
3. Searching for historic or prehistoric artifacts: Using a metal detector to locate
archaeological or historical remains is subject to the Antiquities Act of 1906 and
the Archeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 (ARPA) as amended and
requires a special use permit. Such permits are granted for scientific research
only, however, there are many ways to get involved with organized, scientific
research. See below for ways to use metal detectors for this purpose under
sanctioned public archaeology programs.
4. Recreational pursuits: The most common form of metal detector use is searching
for gold nuggets, lost coins, jewelry, and incidental metal items having no
historical value. Such use is common in developed campgrounds, swimming
areas, and picnic areas and requires no permit. However, one must assume
personal responsibility to notice if the area may indeed contain archaeological or
historical resources and if it does, cease metal detecting and notify a Forest
Service office. Not doing so may result in prosecution under the Code of Federal
Regulations or ARPA.
Metal detecting on the National Forests is recognized as a legitimate prospecting method
under the General Mining Laws and also as a recreational activity for the casual
collection of rocks and minerals. This policy does not permit the use of metal detectors in
or around known or undiscovered cultural or historic sites in order to protect our
valuable, non-renewable historical resources. However, recognizing the universal
interest in archaeology and history and the vast public knowledge of such resources, the
USDA Forest Service sponsors a public archaeology program through which metal
detector enthusiasts and others can help. Passport In Time (PIT) is a national program
inviting the public to work with agency archaeologists on historic preservation projects.
We have done numerous projects through PIT in cooperation with metal detecting clubs
and individuals. The cooperation has been beneficial for both the detectorists and
agency’s archaeologists. Locating archaeological sites becomes a joint endeavor and we
learn a great deal.

Re: Karl von Muller"s, Iron grate found above the Colorado river

Great information.

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