You know why things have gotten this way, because it is legally enforced that you can not hand out common sense whoopins. Ignorant trolls have become such a social norm. Go back 40 years and crack the same fella in mouth for popin off and deliver a few more for good measure.
But it all started with those parents who did not hit, then over time developed into acting like a victim when these sort screw up.
Ignorance needs to be taxed greatly, they should be made to register and inform their neighbors that they are blithering tards, back of the bus, separate parking lots, segregated public stores with limited supplies and variety, no access to natural resources like fishing or hunting, swim rings enforced around their necks in public swimming areas so that life guards can protect the productive members of society, no computers or other networking devices other than a single land line per house hold with a cord.
Their foot print has grown, and it has not helped anyone.
Maybe its just me but I already thought it was getting really bad when weights for cardio started getting rubber coated. Like really you tard, its a weight, do not hit your self, others or anything