Jupiter Meet with SeaHunter this Weekend!

We're all full of jokes, but I think everyone knows that this is a serious working venture...what happens off the boat stays.....on my camcorder :D

I'd like to say again, many thanks to you and SeaHunter. You guys are doing a lot of work and planning, and I would imagine Scott has pulled some strings, jumped through a few hoops, and maybe even called in a few favors to get us all on site. I hope our appreciation of what you are doing doesn't get lost in our wise-cracks. You know once we get on site we'll behave ourselves...if not, there's always keel haulin'.


I took a quick shot from the cam for you guys for the weekend, you are looking in the wrong place.


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Nice work Cablava :D We'll move a few yards southward next time. LOL


Hi Seahunter and everyone here

I wake up every morning and run to the computer to see what is going on with your guys trip, I guess this weekend will be the biggest gold find on the treasure coast in years. I am up in Atlanta and if you need anybody extra for diving and metal detecting ( excal ) in the future please do not hessitate to call.

I think tomorrow is the day.

Good luck everybody


Welcome to the forum! I am tingly all over! This trip is going to be pretty cool! It started out with Darren and I setting a date, then scubaseeker joining in after his canceled weekend, and it has just grown exponetially from there. I haven't done a head count, but its going to be fantastic. We will definately take lots of pictures.

My hat goes off to Seahunter and Riobravo for the site and use of the vessels.

Robert in SC

Thanks Robert

It so exciting to see what gets found out there. I have a few pieces of 1715 treasure already from the Atocha expedition. I guess when there was not enough from the Atocha, investors would get some treasure from the 1715 fleets. Have a gold coin and 2 silver, I will try and get a picture up of them. But the treasure is down there its just getting enough sand away to hear it with the metal detectors ( or a big storm would probably do some wonders also)

I will be over in Europe from Saturday to next Sunday but I will stay tuned for updates so keep them coming.

This ain't fair, I'm a local (40 miles) and want to take tomarrow off :-X but that ain't happining. I've been watching Scott all afternoon from down at work and it's been driving me crazy. I even stopped by the inlet on the way home and watched for a few minutes as he was blowing a new hole, but had to leave before I started to cry( can I play please). Oh well maybe tomarrow afternoon when I get out of work I could swim out and meet some of the guy's. If not I'll see y'all on Saturday.

Joseph, we'll be looking for you on the inlet cam :D Scott's been busy this afternoon...man do we a good weekend in store for us!!! See you guys tomrrow...God it feels good to finally say that!


Leavin town, be there tonight around 12:00! See you in the morning!

Robert in SC

My home away from home :D

As I left the office today, my boss said "Have Fun!", I said "I will, I'll call you Tuesday"...she said, "I thought you were coming BACK on Tuesday"....I laughed and said, "You thought I was coming BACK??" :D She didn't think I was very funny.

See you tomorrow.


Man , wish that I hadn't postponed dive certification because going out w/ you guys would be a dream . To be so close living in Rockledge this trip would be a hop skip and a jump too . Well maybe next year or perhaps see you guys from the beach w/ Whites beachcomber in hand . Good luck fellows , bring home the bacon : )

As most of you know I will make a little visit to the Jupiter Waterfront Inn tommorow evening at about 7:30 p.m.
My trip to the west cost has been put off. It seems that the mag we were going to use is not working right and must be sent off for repairs and the weather is not going to be all that good with high winds coming from the Northwest. This of course is on the Gulf Coast.
Hope the weather is great for all you guys going out this weekend.
The Best.
Peg Leg

The first report of gold finds should be coming up, I hope you guys are connected out there so you can tell us all what the finds are.

Keep up the good work and lets here about some finds

This forum is going to be real quiet with all the treasure hunters in Jupiter. I'm on my way!




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