Fool Me Once?

It's all a joke don't take it to seriously.

The part about me finding an anomaly is true.

Fool Me Once.webp

Now, That's An Apology!

I came to this thread hoping to find posters who would council me on on how the Jesuits may have had some sort of connection to the Oak Island Money Pit.

What I was subjected to was the contrary.

So I bid you all Adieu!...Back to the Thread...I Started...
I credit Grand Chess Master...Bobby Fischer... who may have once stated:

“It is a brave player who moves his King away from the safety and protection of his Castle into the onslaught of his opponent’s Queen and Bishops, as this move most certainly results in Checkmate.”

Bobby Fischer.webp

Well, I think that I now know about 10% of what I thought that I knew about Jesuits, just a few weeks ago.

I’ll look at the things that are more “carved into stone “.


Look deeply. This one photo ( credit to Weekender) shows symbolism of Latin trained priests, a cross that appears on Latin Bibles. And the clear mark of Masons.


I came to this thread hoping to find posters who would council me on on how the Jesuits may have had some sort of connection to the
Oak Island Money Pit.

What I was subjected to was the contrary.

So I bid you all Adieu!...

If your calling me out as a liar just say so and get it over with. You know you can't do that out right (It's against TN rules) so you dance around and insinuate it. Now who's the Little Brown faced Peep?

It's not the posters jobs on this thread to council you or anyone on anything. We're not your babysitter. With all your jumping to conclusion's I'd be very careful jumping around that money pit thread you just may fall in!

I may BS a joke once in a while, but, apparently people with lack of humor become offended and demand apologies for having their sensitive nature insulted. You thought your little investigation into my obviously fake photo's would produce an "Ah Ha"! moment and when you didn't "get" the inside joke it was about you landed hard on your "Mr. Detective" like ego.

Well dust off your Tutu and take it like a child. Stomp you feet and burst out the door into another thread. Or was this whole drama thing you created a veiled advertisement for your Oakey Island Thread? Once you settle down you may return with an heart felt apology for all of us if you like. We can't tell you not to return this an open forum with set rules you seem to forget.

Thanks for sharing such a witty feminine like departure...PM may want to follow you over there he just adores hissy fits so!

I bid you both farewell.

I'll be posting more updates on this thread with the anomaly that seems to bring out the very jealous nature in a few. Or lack of humor it seems...


Well, I think that I now know about 10% of what I thought that I knew about Jesuits, just a few weeks ago.

I’ll look at the things that are more “carved into stone “.

View attachment 1656094

Look deeply. This one photo ( credit to Weekender) shows symbolism of Latin trained priests, a cross that appears on Latin Bibles. And the clear mark of Masons.


What I see is an empty hole! It reminds me of Blakes Treasure! Please explain to us the exact thing you're looking at here Mr PM. Circles and arrows with paragraphs on the back of each one may help. I think Mr Blake may have gotten there first!

Better let Mike (Weekender) know he's got another stolen Blake treasure as he's my good Friend and partner Treasure Hunter! He hunted with me here in Arizona! (Just earlier this year)

Come Over To My Thread...And See Who's...Check Mated!

If your calling me out as a liar just say so and get it over with. You know you can't do that out right (It's against TN rules) so you dance around and insinuate it. Now who's the Little Brown faced Peep?

It's not the posters jobs on this thread to council you or anyone on anything. We're not your babysitter. With all your jumping to conclusion's I'd be very careful jumping around that money pit thread you just may fall in!

I may BS a joke once in a while, but, apparently people with lack of humor become offended and demand apologies for having their sensitive nature insulted. You thought your little investigation into my obviously fake photo's would produce an "Ah Ha"! moment and when you didn't "get" the inside joke it was about you landed hard on your "Mr. Detective" like ego.

Well dust off your Tutu and take it like a child. Stomp you feet and burst out the door into another thread. Or was this whole drama thing you created a veiled advertisement for your Oakey Island Thread? Once you settle down you may return with an heart felt apology for all of us if you like. We can't tell you not to return this an open forum with set rules you seem to forget.

Thanks for sharing such a witty feminine like departure...PM may want to follow you over there he just adores hissy fits so!

I bid you both farewell.

I'll be posting more updates on this thread with the anomaly that seems to bring out the very jealous nature in a few. Or lack of humor it seems...

Bobby Fischer.webp

I like spreading manure...With the hope shrooms may call me Johnny Manure Spore...hehehe

You'll not see me eating any of them darned cursed psilocybe cubensis...The last time I did I imagined I found the lost Tayopa mine...Or was that peyote???Heck...Maybe that is another story in itself...rofl

I have never done shrooms nor peyote at any time in my life...And I am sticking with this statement...lmao

Ed T...

Hey Johny Manure

I don't know about mushrooms , but from what I remember you have wrote how you were drinking all the way to your Real de minas , while you were riding your mule . Realy , how you collected that Pt ore , falling from your mule ?
You still have your front teeth ? :tongue3:

What I see is an empty hole! It reminds me of Blakes Treasure! Please explain to us the exact thing you're looking at here Mr PM. Circles and arrows with paragraphs on the back of each one may help. I think Mr Blake may have gotten there first!

Better let Mike (Weekender) know he's got another stolen Blake treasure as he's my good Friend and partner Treasure Hunter! He hunted with me here in Arizona! (Just earlier this year)

Bill, it’s okay that you cannot see the writing on the wall... but insulting the man that discovered that spot, isn’t what a good friend would do.

I know about your trip to AZ last summer and that still doesn’t give you a license to insult him behind his back.

He doesn’t slander anyone on any forum on TNET. He treats everyone with respect.

He has been my partner for four years and a good friend for longer.

He discovered that spot and photographed it with little more than his instincts and intelligence, and his camera.

He is a good upstanding man that joined TNET to study, learn and have fellowship with fellow believers in treasure hunting. Not to disrupt, nor insult people.

He has a great sense of humor and knows a good joke when he reads one.

Your attempt at a joke, was again at someone else’s expense. This time it was at the expense of someone that you call a good friend.

I respect him and I don’t just call him a good friend, I consider him to be amongst my very best friends.

I don’t believe that he would take cheap shots at anyone, especially at someone that he considered to be a good friend!

You should apologize to him in public and on this thread, since you chose to insult him here, in public.

He wasn’t a part of this disrespectful disruption to someone else’s thread.

Then you can return to Alice’s Restaurant, where you can insult anyone you want.

And please don’t try to drag his name down to your level, by saying that you know that he would not mind being insulted, under the tent that you call, a good joke.

Hey Johny Manure

I don't know about mushrooms , but from what I remember you have wrote how you were drinking all the way to your Real de minas , while you were riding your mule . Realy , how you collected that Pt ore , falling from your mule ?
You still have your front teeth ? :tongue3:

I was pretty wasted Marius...Did you catch my post where I had mentioned taking a sip or two of Tejuino on the way to the real de minas???lol...I hope to try to retrace my steps to that dang place one day ya'll...Until then...I will keep on keeping on and spreading manure of course...

Life can be so funny at times...And stepping in manure while walking along is hilarious...

Ed T


All your questions have been answered several times in the now 129 pages of this thread.

1. Where are the Jesuit Mines? Very simple. Many of them were reopened and worked. Because of the mineralized nature of the entire area between Tucson and Arispe, prospectors have been crawling all over those mountains from the 1600s until the present. Take for instance, The Wandering Jew Mine:

The Wandering Jew Mine was discovered in about 1870. Remember that phrase "SO NO ONE COULD DETECT THE COVERED WORK." Why would a miner find a very rich ledge of silver/galena, work it for a while, then cover it up and leave it forever? No miner would do that (except maybe Jacob Waltz HAHAHA). No, a silver/galena mine is nothing like a rich gold mine. You can't take out three caches and be set for life. Silver is just not that valuable. You combine the stated Jesuit Documents with the fact that Col Poston did exactly as they instructed, and saw the place he had already found to be worked, and you have proof the Jesuit Documents were right.

2. How rich were they? They were exceedingly rich. They had to be, because the Spanish/Jesuits methods of refining were still very crude. If the ore was not very rich, it is a fact that the Spanish would just forget it.

3. Who operated them? Temporal coadjutors (or laybrothers). Jesuit Priests were bound by Ecclesiastical Precept not to operate any businesses for profit. They were also specifically forbidden to have anything to do (directly or indirectly) with mining.

4. Where di the money go? This one is a LITTLE more problematic. Much of the money that came from what they could legally do, went to the Cabaceras and Colegios of each individual Rectorate (while Mexico was broken up into states like; Sonora, Pimeria Alta, Sinaloa, etc the Jesuits broke up the New World into Rectorates. Each Rectorate had a Cabacera [head] and a Colegio [college]). Wealth from their mining nobody is 100% certain (because it was illegal and the Jesuits were instructed to burn all their correspondences that could damage the reputation of the Order). What some of us have figured out is that there were two paths for that wealth. The one to Rome went via Matamoros to the Bay at Galveston. The path to Manilla (which began later after the Eastern Route began to get more populated), went through Caborca to Loreto (on the Baja Peninsula). From there (initially) down to Punto Cabo San Lucas, where it was secretly loaded onto Manilla Galleons. Later, another Mission (now lost) was built somewhere on the Pacific Coast of Baja for this express purpose. After it was proven that Padre Kino's theory (that California was not an island but a peninsula) was correct, the Western Route went around the Laguna Salada Area, and South into Baja. This may also be where the story of the lost Mission Santa Ysabel came from. It may have been a waystation on the trail to Cabo.

5. If the loot was once hidden in Arizona, why would we assume that it is still hidden there? This question is the MOST vexing of all! But I do have a good answer. The Order of Jesus was restored worldwide in 1814. At this time, Mexico was in the throes of its War for Independence. Mexico was in an almost constant state of war until about 1917. Much of Latin America had caught the Independence Bug. Even once the fighting was over, the places (where I believe) they hid their wealth before being arrested were becoming populated. It would have been nearly impossible for a bunch of Jesuit Priests and a train of mules to head into the mountains unnoticed. If they would have been caught transporting a muletrain full of gold and silver, all their stories of being a poor order, having no wealth, etc would have been exposed as lies. So, they let the wealth stay where it was. The Church does not have a human lifespan. The Church can afford to let that wealth sit in the ground for hundreds of years. OH, and not just in Arizona! California, Baja, New Mexico, Sonora, and maybe others.


There is none really. HAHAHA We get to play "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon", and I will show you the Jesuits! The gold bars (and silver) found in the area had unmistakable Jesuit connotations (Padre Saeta, Cross with "V", etc). The "Mayan Number Rock" guided the way to that Jesuit Gold. Who would know how the Mayan Numbering System worked in rural Southern Arizona? Maybe a Jesuit Priest formerly stationed in Maya Country? Did the Jesuits interact with the Maya? YES!


This is an excellent post.

MDOG, thanks for bringing Gollum’s post back to the top of the pile.

A good and positive string of logic, that has been needed here.

And thanks for the information Mike.
Just good, straight forward information.


MDOG, thanks for bringing Gollum’s post back to the top of the pile.

A good and positive string of logic, that has been needed here.

And thanks for the information Mike.
Just good, straight forward information.


Yes, I’m glad Cyzak brought our attention to this post. It fits in with some of our discussion on Sandy’s thread.


I believe is a mixture and a cooperation of both , man and nature . Treasure owners had used natural landmarks for their spot , but also have made their own vault if there was none , or wanted a safer place .
Nature is unpredictable and if they would chose a natural vault , then the possibilities the treasure to remains hidden would be uncertain too .
The treasure owners , usually would chose for their hidding place a man made vault , a mine , a tunnel , etc. , which should has the properties of a safe ( non floodable and non a cave in ) depository . They knew how would have the mother Nature as an adversar , and would take the best precautions to avoid its efects .
Look at the Sacambaya/La Plazuela treasure . They have chosen to make a vault in a granite cliff , at a depth of at least 20 yards from the top . Below I post a diagram with the distances given in the hidden meanings of the encrypted letter's words . I have added the Cross of the bill seal with its dimension and angle like is described on it in the TV show , and a blue line from it , to se how this blue line is a mirrored line ( red ) given in the text .
The treasure spot is at the confluence of the pink-yellow -blue lines ( dark circle ) . I post also a GE image of the treasure spot .

View attachment 1654936 View attachment 1654937

Oh, I forgot to post a GE image of the Caballo Cunco ( the Cuncos were a native tribe from Chile of the pre-Hispanic era ) which is only few decades feet from and looking to the vault's entrance.

Caballo Cunco.webp Caballo Cunco 2.webp

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Oh, I forgot to post a GE image of the Caballo Cunco ( the Cuncos were a native tribe from Chile of the pre-Hispanic era ) which is only few decades feet from and looking to the vault's entrance.

View attachment 1707764 View attachment 1707767


"Caballo Cuño" (politely) means Horse's Vagina. If you see a real picture of the hill, you will see that its looks JUST like that. lol


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"Caballo Cunco" (politely) means Horse's Vagina. If you see a real picture of the hill, you will see that its looks JUST like that. lol



IMO, the hill across the mission,like a horse's vagina, has nothing to do with the real horse landmark. The stone egg on that hill is only a point of reference.
I believe the researchers were looking at the wrong part of the horse :tongue3:. They were looking from behind and not from aside.


IMO, the hill across the mission,like a horse's vagina, has nothing to do with the real horse landmark. The stone egg on that hill is only a point of reference.
I believe the researchers were looking at the wrong part of the horse :tongue3:. They were looking from behind and not from aside.


The entire story is BS. There was no father San Roman stationed there. None of the other seven priests named served there. The letter itself was examined by someone whose specialty is Paleography, and it was written in the 1800s. The man that told the story of the treasure to the crazy King took the money the king gave him, disappeared, and was never heard from again.

I have gobs of original research materials for this story (including two separate roles of Priests). The whole thing stinks, and I wouldn't spend a dime of my money or a moment of my time (except as an interesting story) on it.



The entire story is BS. There was no father San Roman stationed there. None of the other seven priests named served there. The letter itself was examined by someone whose specialty is Paleography, and it was written in the 1800s. The man that told the story of the treasure to the crazy King took the money the king gave him, disappeared, and was never heard from again.

I have gobs of original research materials for this story (including two separate roles of Priests). The whole thing stinks, and I wouldn't spend a dime of my money or a moment of my time (except as an interesting story) on it.



Nobody wrote or says how father Gregorio San Roman stationed at Plazuela mission. The story/text says how he only gave the description of the hiding place to his brother. Nothing more and nothing less.
I believe the text was written by his brother later and handed down to his son in the early 1800's. The text has nothing to do with what you are hearing literally but is only a metaphor of a different land.


Nobody wrote or says how father Gregorio San Roman stationed at Plazuela mission. The story/text says how he only gave the description of the hiding place to his brother. Nothing more and nothing less.
I believe the text was written by his brother later and handed down to his son in the early 1800's. The text has nothing to do with what you are hearing literally but is only a metaphor of a different land.

The text of the hiding place says about a stone egg on a hill and there was found a stone egg on a hill opposite the La Plazuela mission.
In the book " The treasure trail " page #20 is written about a discovery of a parchment which is " speaking " about riches and after of its examination by experts, was found as genuine.
So, the text/description of the treasure spot was not made up but was encrypted by the priests involved in the hiding of the treasure, who gave the text/description to father Gregorio, who left it to his brother in Cuzco for safe keeping. If father Gregorio would know about the treasure place and wanted his family to find it, then he would leave only the location of the entrance in a few simple words. Is clear the description was not made for the father Gregorio's family.

Sacambaya  riches.webp Sacambaya riches 2.webp

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