Oh my - the ship might be sailing away :)

Conceptual, I find that statement of yours very interesting , coming from you as you are a self proclaimed former Jesuit.
I can not let that stand ... former victim, survivor of indoctrination, they still send me snail mail
I thought you had been in the business of life after death?
life of microbes, mulch me in the garden
Do you no longer believe that there is a place for you in Heaven?
what is this place you speak of?
Did you not rush to the bedside of those in your flock when on their death bed?
Pray for the souls of those that had passed on?
LOL @ pray for anything
Comfort those who where left behind?
I have NEVER left anyone behind, and no one has ever made any such assertion before you, can you explain?
Why would it not be a good thing to be concerned about the health of the living,
I dunno, got me there - why do you say that?
or give condolences for the loss, which ever the case may be?
what ???
I did check the local newspaper and found no article in the obituary section online, before calling.
I apologize for having not died :D
(does not mean that was not found)


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You have it all wrong Sailaway! CN is worried that he might be watching from Heaven as a bunch of people call his wife checking up on him and hitting on her!


That is just so wrong :P

But you nailed the part about Sail not getting it :P

Sorry Sail :P

Mike, I will never be in any mythical place such as this 'Heaven' you proffer, nor any other. No one will. Ever. Not ever.

You never know until you die! Having died and watched and returned after an operation, I can say there is something after death, and it is so peaceful.
Frank five star.webp
6 06-1 Yellowstone 119-2.webp

Buenas dias Frankn / Concept, cafe?? :coffee2::coffee2:

. Onapa is fifteen leagues northwest of Yécora which is in the province of Chínipas. Twelve leagues th of Onapa is the real SS Trinidad [SS stands for Santísima, meaning most holy], and four leagues north is the real of Tacupeto.


La Triinidead was Tayopa # 2, renamed.

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That is just so wrong :P

But you nailed the part about Sail not getting it :P

Sorry Sail :P

Mike, I will never be in any mythical place such as this 'Heaven' you proffer, nor any other. No one will. Ever. Not ever.

Okay, if you think that Heaven does not await you, then make certain you die gloriously in battle, so they will accept you in Valhalla! Its a little more violent way to spend eternity, but the booze and women look great in the Prospectus!



maybe this map can help with that link, it shows missions and mines,homes places names in spanish
and from the link above a link to
[h=3]9.2. Mining Camps and Settlements of Spaniards[/h]

map was made in 1769
Mapa, que comprende la Frontera, de los Dominios del Rey, en la America Septentrional.
Map, comprising the Border, King of Domains in North America
Mapa, que comprende la Frontera, de los Dominios del Rey, en la America Septentrional. | Library of Congress
pdf of map

Buenas dias Frankn / Concept, cafe?? :coffee2::coffee2:

. Onapa is fifteen leagues northwest of Yécora which is in the province of Chínipas. Twelve leagues th of Onapa is the real SS Trinidad [SS stands for Santísima, meaning most holy], and four leagues north is the real of Tacupeto.


La Triinidead was Tayopa # 2, renamed.

Onapa is at 29Lat. & 278 Lon.
SS Trinidad is 12 leagues S. of Onapa
Is that correct?
Quien Saba
FrankView attachment 1102638

Here is some food for thought, has anyone studied Jan Hus and his followers? July 6, 1415 Jan Hus was led through the streets of Constance in southern Germany naked, wearing only a tall paper crown upon which were three painted devils fighting over the possession of a soul, then chained to the ground and burned. Bundles of wood and straw were piled up to his chin and ignited when he refused to recant. He was tried and convicted by the Holy Roman Catholic Church because he said to the panel that he could not renounce beliefs that he never had. Hus had gone to Constance when he was promised by Sigismund the newly appointed and reinstated Holy Roman Emperor elected by the Catholic Papacy that Hus would have safe -conduct, a fair hearing, and a free and unhindered passage to and return to Bohemia regardless of the council's decisions. So here is proof of treachery of the Catholic Church and lies of the papacy.
Hus's followers were known as Hussites or later on as Taborites who believed that the Communion "in both Kinds" (wine from the chalice and bread) should be for all not just priest. Open conflict came in 1419 when King Wenceslaus (Sigismund's older brother) who had kicked out the Germans from Czech, fearing invasion by the Catholics for reason of religion, made an attempt to stem the reformist tide, restricted services to only three churches in Prague. July 30, a mob smashed into the town hall and seized the Catholic councilors and flung them from the upper windows onto the pikes of those down below. The incident was known as the First Defenestration of Prague and King Wenceslaus died of a heart attack. The Heir to the throne was none other than Emperor Sigismund, whom they saw as the betrayer of Jan Hus and who pledged himself to sweep Bohemia free of heresy. The Taborite believed that the word of God should be applied in every sphere, their aim was the creation of a new Zion in which there would be neither Barons nor prelates, and Christ alone would be King. Seizing the Fortress of Hradiste, headquarters were built nearby. A meeting took place where everyone took Communion in both kinds, and preaching by priest. There they called each other brother and sister, and the rich divided food that had been prepared for themselves with the poor. The community that was established at Tabor was run on strictly egalitarian lines. Its leaders were elected by popular vote and all goods were held in common. As the Taborite code described it, there was "nothing mine and nothing yours, but everything in the community is possessed equally, so everything should always be in common for all." This is also what Native American law was when the Spaniards showed up a century later in America. Many left Europe for unknown places and the Catholic Church issued orders for those who left to return within two years or forfeit their property to the church. Question is did these people beat Columbus to America to lay the foundations of freedom and democracy 100 years prior to the Spanish invasion of the Americas? Was the search of Columbus not for a route to Asia as we are told, but a lie propagated by the Catholic Church to cover up the truth of the human hunt to track down and destroy the beginnings of Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood?

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As the Spanish say, Quien Saba. The thing is all religions go thru developement stages. This was the radical stage of the Roman Catholic Church. Islam is now in this stage. It's like people things mellow with age and the light appears! Just a thought. Frankfive star.webp

On another note, I am working on a list of all 30 some of the mission's locations. It will probably take me a month or so, but I will wind up with the Lon & Lat for all the main missions and the direction and distance to the sub missions and mines. Then the trip begins. Frankfive star.webp
CASA GRANDE 1904.webp I took this photo a long time ago, no one knows for sure who built it.

Frankn, you're not fooling anyone here. Everyone knows that's the Casa Grande ruins.

Sure it's Casa Grande, but the local Indians told the Spaniards that they didn't even know who built it.
Hay that 'cover' was a real distractor. lol I really took the picture and cloned the 'cover off in Elements. Frankfive star.webp
6 06-1 Yellowstone 063.webp Hay can you identify this one. lol Passed it driving thru Wyoming below Cody.

I took this one a long time ago....when I saw Kino wandering around


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Sure it's Casa Grande, but the local Indians told the Spaniards that they didn't even know who built it.
Hay that 'cover' was a real distractor. lol I really took the picture and cloned the 'cover off in Elements. FrankView attachment 1104073
View attachment 1104074 Hay can you identify this one. lol Passed it driving thru Wyoming below Cody.

If you didn't get an answer in your 'mistory house' thread (or the other 4-5 threads that you posted this picture in) as to the identity of this building in Yosemite, you're not going to find it in a thread about Jesuit treasure.

EDIT: Sailway has found it. Good job Sailaway!

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The famous Smith Mansion sits along the Buffalo Bill Scenic Byway, approximately 15 miles East of Yellowstone National Park. Located in the heart of Wapiti Valley Wyoming, the Smith Mansion is surrounded by wild back country and beautiful wilderness.
The Mansion is a landmark to the locals, tourists or anyone with a real interest in the home. This legendary structure holds a significant value to the town of Wapiti Valley.
Photo Courtesy of Dewey Vanderhoff

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I do see a connection between the Aztecs and the Jesuit treasures. When the Spanish were shown the treasure (while still thought of as GODS) that the Aztecs had found, it took the Spanish three days to inventory it, soon after that it disappeared. (known as Montezuma's Treasure) Casa Grande was the original home and the Aztecs, they had no beast of burden so everything that was not transported by boat had to be carried by people. The Aztec records described White Mountain as where the gold was by the description of the Crocodile in the pool with Lilly pads with the map of the world on its back. Could it be that the Aztecs took the treasure back to where they found it? (King Solomon's Treasure) Also would this be the reason the Spanish were able to defeat the Aztecs as many were absent to take the treasure away? Then the Padres also went to the same location and hid their church riches in mines in the same spot, knowing or unknowing? By what I know of gold it wants to gather in the same spots and form an eagle (which makes it a 'memory' metal). I do not see what a mansion abandoned after Lee Smith's death in 1996 has anything to do with it.'s_treasure
Montezumas Head.webp
This is the First picture I posted on this site only cropped so you could see Montezumas' head on the back of the Horse on White Mountain.
The thing is Montezuma's treasure needs to be found and unearthed for the proof that it is indeed a ancient Hebrew treasure.

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Roy is right, this is a thread about: are Jesuit treasures for real?

Trying to form a connection between the Jesuits and Aztecs does not answer this question.

I think we need a nay-sayer to come in here and stir things up, the way Lamar and Joe used to.

I find that's when good solid information starts coming across, as opposed to posters making things up, or digressing.

deducer, are you implying the the story of the Aztecs is made up? or the treasure of the Jesuits location is made up? If so what documentation do you have that proves any of it false?

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