I don't know if there was an Oklahoma (Indian Terr.) connection to the James's. But it might make for interesting conversation a connection with Albert Pikes Indian Regiments. There was bad blood in the Indian Terr. too.
Civil War Virtual Museum | Native Americans in the War | Gallery
I don't know if there was an Oklahoma (Indian Terr.) connection to the Jame's
The taking of scalps goes back to the French and Indian wars, pre Revolution. The Brits paid for scalps to prove the death of their enemy. Mutilation of an enemy was another matter. That was to keep them from getting to the Happy Hunting Grounds.
I'm not sure you shouldn't be looking for a KGC vault in N.E.,OK./N.W. Ark.. This is where Pike REALLY got into trouble w/the Confederate Gvt.. Not the fight at Pea Ridge. He got into trouble for "Building a Fort where there was nothing to guard and building a mill where there was no water."
There were Union Indians and Confederate Indians, depending on who paid them mostly. Good luck.
There were Union Indians and Confederate Indians, depending on who paid them mostly. Good luck.
Hello All,
For all you mapacholics out there. Here is one to chew your cud on. The wolf in the wolf map is a cross dresser in disguise its a buffalo in wolf's clothing. There is a real close and uncanny resemblance between the MEMO and the Buffalo aka wolf map.
View attachment 1687489
Come to find out, Logan Enyart was actually the son of a man named Compton as stated in this litigation for his estate. This discovery has opened a new avenue of research for me concerning possible family connections. It must have been a mountain of money for people to kill each other over and to keep ligation going on between them for so many years after his death. He did pretty good for a one-eyed man showing up in Nebraska City with his pockets wrong side out after being released. A C.S.A. P.O.W. of the Civil War who had everything he owned taken from him or burned down.
Thanks for the map LUE! Do you have the Memo map you are talking about?
That's Not What That Newspaper Article Says......It Was An Allegation Made About Biological Paternity Over Money...A Very Substantial Amount of Money. Hezikiah Always Claimed Logan as His Son.
Logan Died 11-1912 and That Fight Over Inheritance Made It To Court and Public In 06-1915. All it was is the typical BS Slander some people resort to over assets after a death in the family. Kace