first of all....let me say...i know nothing about anything....
the pics look like he got camp setup...and that was it....
searchers may have pulled the fly tarp off to have a good look...the water jug was moved...the fly tarp sets now behind the tent...
the cook cans are too close to use...move them a foot or two apart and then cook your stuff...
thats was enough water 7.5 gallons...maybe enough for drinks and easy wash 3 or 4 days...5 stretched...
also there is no trash...
did he walk away to take a leak or dumpster...was he walking back to the jeep for more stuff...
6 ft 4 inch...and over 200 lbs....and he's ready....your not fighting this with your hands...
i live in central florida...i carry, gas station, 7-11, if you see me with a tshirt over my belt...
goin out there...the LDM...and i have been reading up on it...missing people, bodies being found....carry, one on the belt, one in the bag, and one in the Jeep...
*********Hikers in the hills east of Phoenix found Jesse's tent, wallet and binoculars Dec. 20th.*************
i dont think he stayed at the camp....just my HO....i dont think he spent the night..
they need body dogs....let them trace the wind...and start recovering the remains for burial...
ghostman said:
Thanks Joe,
The pictures of the camp area are a little odd. I did not see a firering or firewood, maybe its just wasn't in the picture. The tent fly was was off the tent. The backpack was open and on the ground. One water jug was full and the halfway empty. Maybe there is a good explanation for my observations, thought maybe you could shed some light on it.
Thanks again