Jesse Capin search, new video


Conclusions and suspicions are two very different things; it would be normal operating procedure for law enforcement to suspect the possibility of foul play when a person goes missing, of course. However without solid evidence that foul play occurred, law enforcement does not conclude it must have happened based on such things as have been discussed. No need to shout amigo.

If Jesse were to walk out of the Superstitions tomorrow, won't those folks whom have been assuming foul play was involved look foolish? We just don't have enough information to make any conclusions - other than no one has yet found Jesse. I am not saying that something very bad is impossible, just that I don't think we (or law enforcement) have enough info to make ANY conclusions. Comprende' mi compadre?

Remember that the family and friends of Jesse are likely following our discussions here and we don't need to make their worries any worse than they already are. I have been out long enough that friends and family started contacting authorities (the RCMP) about where to look for me, and it is a tough thing for family to go through. People have been missing for surprising lengths of time and survived to tell about it. Brooklyn girl Helen Klaben and Mexican pilot Ralph Flores survived 49 days in winter Yukon wilderness living on melted snow, after their small plane crashed. Jesse Capen could very well be alive.

We All Hope For The Best! And I Have Said Many Prayers And Will Continue Saying Prayers for Jesse Capen And His Family! Sincerely John V. Kemm

cactusjumper said:
Since the official search is over, these pictures and the information that will follow may be of use to those who are still searching for Jessie:




This was the initial search area.

Joe Ribaudo

Welcome to Treasurenet Ghostman! :icon_thumleft:


Did you take them your self?
Is the map a copy of Jessie map?

My questions have to do with what I did not see in the pictures.

Thanks Joe,

The pictures of the camp area are a little odd. I did not see a firering or firewood, maybe its just wasn't in the picture. The tent fly was was off the tent. The backpack was open and on the ground. One water jug was full and the halfway empty. Maybe there is a good explanation for my observations, thought maybe you could shed some light on it.

Thanks again

Bump <just trying to keep this from sliding off the page>

Here are a few pictures sent by a friend who was involved in the search for Jesse:




I was told by a friend that he had ridden in and searched for Jesse, without finding a trace.

Joe Ribaudo

HI AZ. Since it has been sooo long, Jesse will prob never be found. His remains are probably hidden by either man or nature. That is a big country, all too easy to lose a single body in. It is soo easy to trip, fall, or whatever and to end up dead.

I personally have had rocks turn under my feet or break off while using them for one reason or another, ending up with sore spots, and at times a bloody head. A matter of a few more oz of impact pressure on my head and I might not be here to post this, or even 'know' what happened. It can be that quick.

A few years ago someone hiking up the mt near my town, here in Mexico, looking for stray cattle, saw some clothes at the base of a huge rock. Upon investigating he found a skeleton still inside of them. A further investigation found a Winchester 30 30 up on top of the rock with several fired shells, and some unfired ones still standing on their bases where he had placed them for fast reloading. the stock was in very poor condition. I still have one of the fired cartridges.

This is within perhaps 25 meters of the main trail, in plain sight, traveled by cattle people almost daily, yet ?? Eventually it was possibly / logically established that he had been guarding the trail up the mt. during the revolution of 1911, and had engaged in a fight and was killed and tumbled off of the rock. There was a Rev. cuartel up on top.

Soo, if everyone missed seeing this gentleman just off of the main trail in plain sight, it is reasonable to assume the same could apply for our Jesse.

In many ways 'I envy Jesse', if he has gone. He ended up doing exactly what he wanted to do, persuing a dream. That is infinitely better than going out with a slow cancer or another malignant disease etc. in a friendless hospital.

I have gone the Cancer route for a bit, I lay in the hospital for days too weak to get out of bed, only dreaming of getting back to my Sierras and Tayopa for a final trip. I even visualized my grave out on the point with a fantastic view to the South, West and East.

But that is not to be for many years yet, I fully recovered, but every time that I go back, I remember my thoughts. I too, had become part of the Tayopa legend.

Jesse is 'now' a full part of the LDM legend, I think that he would have liked that, short of actually finding the LDM , then again, maybe he DID?

Don Jose de La Mancha

Thanks, Peerless67,

You are correct - on both counts. It is Jesse's mom, she does not post often, is not used to posting on forums - and, let's just say --
give her a break, please.



The Superstition Mountain family is very large, and Jesse is on all of our minds and in our prayers. The search continues for many. Each time someone is missing in those mountains, we all feel the emotional tug to find them.

We are all touched by the pain we know you are feeling. You are also part of that family now. I believe you're more than welcome to contact any of us, at any time.

This Native American prayer has given many people comfort. It is especially meaningful for one of the men who searched for your Jesse:

I give you this one thought to keep--I am with you still-- I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.

I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the gentle Autumn rain.

When you awaken in the morning's hush, I am the swift, uplifting rush.

Of quiet birds in circled flight, I am the soft stars that shine at night.

Do not think of me as gone--I am with you still--in each new dawn.

There are a number of variations to this poem/prayer, but the message remains clear.

Jesse is with you still.

Take care,

Joe Ribaudo

Joe, Cynthia, you are quite correct. As the poem says they are still with us for a while. In my experimenting with the para normal I finally came to the conclusion that the physical body is something that we use here, but it is 'not us'. Many times we lose parts of that body, even whole limbs etc., yet we continue as if they were still whole, we do not act as if the lost parts were the actual person, even if they were major parts, so we do not venerate them.

To some, I may appear to be callous regarding bodies, but that is not so. It is just that I tend to put them into their proper prospective. I remember the 'person', not the body. To Mothers, their child will always be their baby, no matter how many years go by. while they may see a mature body, they manage to retain the child image intermixed with it. You know exactly what I mean Cynthia

This is why I no longer worry about the physical body as many do. To me it is the person that I associate and visualize with, yes, but not the true person. it is just a conveyance for us just as a Chevy, Ford or what ever is.

If you have ever lost a true close companion in an animal, you will be aware of this. For some days after, you will find them rattling their food dish or something similar, some even manage to pull on your sheets. They will manefest themselves to you in many ways. Unfortunately we are at fault, we cannot understand the many hints from them. We still insist in our normal form of communication.

Cynthia, I am sure that IF Jessie is actually gone, if you look back, you may find that You have had some of these similar experiences. Ways for Jessie to let you know that things are still ok.

When I was critical with the cancer, I distinctly remember once finding myself outside of my body in a luminous opaque setting. it was a peculiar feeling, not of fear, but a sort of relaxing, comfortable feeling. Somehow I knew that if I kept going into this misty surrounding, that I would never come back. Then I remembered my wife that was soo dependent on me.

She had a psychological condition known as Agoraphobia. She could only keep it under semi control by using me as her stability factor. I knew that I could not leave her that way or without even saying goodbye, so I seemed to have made a voluntary will to return. I woke up on the floor, at the time I was too weak to get out of bed ????

I believe that was the turning point in my complete recovery.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Great points made on the last few posts, 1 theory I have not seen posted,is a possibly he was kidnapped,and is being held hostage.I say this because the dogs were not able to find a scent{water would not eliminate the scent peroid}. If the feds began to agree to this scenaro the FBI could be called in to help with the investagation. I think Jesse"s Mom should push for this angle,{happened on Federal land} and my prayers are with her. {federal land=federal jurisdiction=FBI}

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