Jerry the Prospectors Adventures of Color County

Nice chunky gold!

Better check that bazooka again at the end of your journey, at higher speed you may just have found a way to drywash with it!

Well, it took me a while, but here it is.. My 2017 Gold prospecting season all wrapped up in one short film! Please check it out, like and subscribe for further videos to come :occasion14:


Really nice video! Well done. Enjoyed the way you approached the storyline and presented the whole year of prospecting. A production we can all aspire to making in 2018.

Thanks Grizz! Im glad you enjoyed it, we have high hopes for future videos to come!

Finally had enough time to sit and watch the whole video all at once, with some adult beverages too! Very well done on the editing and camera work, and an amazing summer of adventures to boot.

Thanks MidMoTreasure!

Tomorrow is a new year and starts the new season so I wanted to get in one last trip out for 2018 and it was a good one. I had wanted to get up to the claim to check on things for the winter and also get a look at a road down I had hoped to use in the near future. The road down was not passable half way down so it looks like now our only shoot is using the ohv trail in place. We walked back up this trail and really payed attention to the terrain and trail width etc. I think we will be able to get down this way by utv in the near future.

Given the short daylight and very cold air and water temp we opted to mostly detect and hit the trails down and up on our way back up. Found mostly lead bullets but my dad was able to find a very old spoon, not made of modern metal. Possibly some type of pot metal or silver.. It is very old and thin that is for sure. I poked around and was able to find some bedrock to break and managed a few very nice pieces of chunkier gold that the claim hates giving up. It very much made the trip worth it to me.

We made a fire and had lunch, poked around and refreshed batteries on the trail cams and eventually made the steep trek out, what an azz kicker!

This was a special trip for me, my younger brother Brandon who was in a near fatal car accident back in August came along for the adventure, He has been making so much progress every day and even lead the way out up hill ahead of the pack. A true miracle and sight to see him our there. He is still not 100%, has vision issues that probably will remain and still working on his right and foot leg movement. Hes a true inspiration to me and it made the trip that much better with him there joining us.

It was a great way to put an end to a very bumpy and eventful 2017.

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I made it up to the claim on a spur of the moment trip with my brother Brandon this past weekend. He actually is quite eager to get out since hes come home from the hospital a couple months ago from the accident. It worked out that the two of us could get away, I wanted to take the trailer since its cold out and winter ruffing it did not sound fun especially on such short notice. We tried to go up to an ohv staging area that you can camp at above Georgetown but it was closed unfortunately. This put us in a little bind, we made our way to a nearby rv campground that was full and has really gone down hill since Ive last stayed there. Now in an even bigger pickle since it was about 4pm and the sun is going down and I have a 28ft trailer I gotta put somewhere, I remembered a turn deep in the woods on a one lane paved road I will not name. Its literally just a small dead end along a creek on FS land and on a GPAA claim as well. I remember when I first see this spot that I thought it would be a great spot to camp and that I could get the trailer in there no problem.. We made our way down the road and my brother grew very anxious as it is not the kind of road you want to be towing such a large rig down. There are turnouts here and there but nothing really for what were pulling. I kept telling him were gonna be ok just wait and see and sure enough we arrived at the spot and were able to make it work.

This spot is actually really neat, I have found gold in the creek and found a mens 14k wedding band detecting a year or so back there. We only used it as our camp, we spent the rest of the time at my claim nearby and in town for food and drink. We had a great time, hiked in and out again and really did some exploring and detecting. Found nothing of interest with the detector but we did manage to pan some gold form the creek, moving a huge slab of bedrock we thought would pay of huge but were wrong. We did get some gold, a good workout and a few good meals and some brotherly bonding time that was good for the both of us.





What a Special trip! Two brothers out together one returning to life again and one loving to share life with his brother, so what's better than that! Excitement, camping out Ummm trailering out in Style, some gold and just a great time! Thank you for sharing..................63bkpkr

I had the luck of being able to get away just the wife and I, the kids had a nice sleepover at the grandparents house and Steph agreed to join me for a little exploring, gold/history and snow adventure lol. When I say lucky believe me this was a great time for me as I got to have my gold adventure fix and spend it with my lovely lady and she actually enjoyed it a lot as well which was a huge bonus. This was suppose to be our romantic getaway and it was, only leaning towards something I like to do, therefore I really lucked out lol.

I've made mention here before that I recently purchased a side by side utv, Ive taken it out a bunch so far but nothing gold related as of yet. Prospecting was a big reason I decided to get a utv, also with my current truck/trailer setup it would fit in just right and this was my first trip out with the complete "Adventure Mobile" :headbang: I decided on Dutch Flat as Ive stayed there before and they have full hookups, and you can ride from the campground. I had done some prior research and wanted to explore the Bear river and hydrolic workings scattered everywhere. Also there is a road/trail/clear cut that shows on my mapping software as the trail the Donner party took and we checked that out as well. I had a blast exploring, she drove for a while as well, we found a neat bedrock feature on the North fork Bear river near some old mining equipment. We then headed north east until we hit snow and went as far as we could, decided it was getting late and headed back to camp. The areas is heavily claimed so I did not get to prospect there but many areas looked promising.

When we got back to camp Steph needed to feed the birds we had with us, We have an aviary at home with some different pigeons of all different types. One of them is missing its upper beak and must be hand feed, hence why this lucky couple of pigeons gets to join our little getaway.. It actually wasn't a big deal at all, they were quiet and fine all day only concerned with their eggs. While Steph feed them I was able to get down to a little creek on the campground property that I have panned gold from before. I only had about an hour of daylight and I brought the bazooka so I setup fast and poorly and got to work.. I managed to pull a nice picked and some small stuff in about an hours time, the perfect cherry on top to finish out the a great day.

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Here is a little video I made of my Dutch Flat trip with the wife I posted previously, Its a really neat area, so much history and gold!

Here is a little video I made of my Dutch Flat trip with the wife I posted previously, Its a really neat area, so much history and gold!
Sweet! Looks like a lot of fun. I need to get me one of those rigs!!.
last weekend when i was out. A couple drove past me on those. One day! Working on getting a house first.

Here is my latest Gold Adventures, Please like, subscribe and share!

Thanks Mike!

Hello Jerry,
Some interesting country, some interesting gear and some interesting Issues. I liked your clay dissolving device! Wet feet in cold weather is uncomfortable to unhelathy. Back when I was rafting the NFAR I would purchase a pint can of Industrial Grade Rubber cement "from a really good hardware store". I would make patches by wetting cloth (picture denim pants cut into 4" circles, or Any shape required) with the cement. Once the cement penetrates the cloth and sets up and with another coat on the dry raft tubes (or waders) the coated side of the patch is re-whetted and stuck to, rolled and worked into the holed surface to obtain maximum bonding. During summer rafting the air temp on the NFAR would cause the solvent to be driven off quickly allowing us to re-air the raft in 45 to 60 minutes and keep going. Those patches Never came loose while going from Euchre Bar trail to the second Colfax bridge! Also, Shoe Goo holds up pretty good but I'd still prefer the Industrial Grade Rubber Cement (you might find it on McMaster-Carr, I recall the color of the glue was a dirty clear but color is only a color as its the formulation that works). Of course the holes in the rafts were easy to find, your waders might take some upside down investigating in a tub of water to locate the issue('s). It is quite amazing to have ones raft significantly slow down and then begin to list on one side while going through fast water. A two man crosscut saw left in the river really causes a big hole in the wall of a raft. We left the saw up on the hillside in Green Valley.

At Bed Bath & Beyond in their "Classifier Area" (note: they call it Drawer Dividers, kitchen section) they have all sorts of wire cloth items that make nice Classifiers. The BB&B units are finer so the clay would be broken down more before it was released to go through the settling area of the BGT. Just an FYI as you were happy with the results your getting with your unit.

Your side by side is it four wheel drive or two and what engine size?

Thank you for taking us along on your adventures, your various camera units serve you quite well allowing you views not available to everyone...............63bkpkr

PICT0015.webp PICT0082.webp 'Stuff Happens'

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Thanks Herb, its been quite the adventure so far this year and its just starting! I ended up purchasing some new waders but they are cheap and not as good as my previous pair. I have a feeling I will be patching them quite a bit in the near future so I will give your method a try when it is time. I still may try to patch the old pair as well again, but I found one good hole on the bottom of the sole in the heel area that I don't think will not seal easily (dang sharp bedrock)..

Yes 1/4" or even smaller mesh classifier screen would be ideal and help the washing action even more so, if I end up remaking the bucket device that's the route I'm going. I have a bunch of the 1/2" stuff laying around from a bird aviary project I finished for my wife a few months back so I used what I had handy for time being.

The side by side is 4x4 and goes almost everywhere you could want to go on land, Ive really pushed it prior to my filming. The engine is unique as only the Kawasaki teryx has a 750 v twin engine with a very unique harley/ hot rod sound. I really fell in love with the sound lol. The Yamaha rhino is a single cylinder, the Polaris is a straight dual etc and do not nearly sound as cool lol. I am very happy with it for sure and have done a lot of little mods to suit my use already. I cant wait to load it up with gear and buddies and do on a overnight adventure in gold country.

Take care buddy hope you feel better soon!

Nice looking area back in there. GPAA has a claim near there. I've been up and down that section of the bear. Really nice area, but I've found very little color there.

The Shoe Goo, ~ $5.00 at Walmart near or in the shoe polish rack, Will take care of the hole in the heal. Squirt it all the way through the hole and then flatten it on both sides of the hole (inside and outside of the wader) and let it dry for several days.

a 750 cc engine with 4 x 4 and a good low end gearbox should do just about anything except go straight up a vertical wall, takes a Rokon for that. Should serve you well for quite some time. My Brother, in Alaska, has a 6 x 6 and has water proofed every drive line area and has extended vent lines way up high to eliminate water egress into the machine though I think he stills drains everything at the end of each trip. He fords deeP rivers with it so the water can be way above the engine, he also has a snorkel on the exhaust pipe. I thought I noted a little HD sound at one point in one of the videos!

I keep watching the NFAR river water flow and it is Way Down, like below 300 cfs. My real concern is, when will the next Heavy Dump of some form of water arrive? Glad to see someone is out having fun!..............63bkpkr

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