Jeff-Gordon really is a nice guy

it's not the car it's the driver!

I drive good with dale jrs left left left left left turn left turn lol

never believe Coily, if I pm you RUN

Any Indiana Hoosier and/or Jeff Gordon is OK in my book. Great sense of humors. :thumbsup:
(A Hoosier)

Any Indiana Hoosier and/or Jeff Gordon is OK in my book. Great sense of humors.

You dont know him well enough yet Modernminer,wait a while and see if you can still say that:laughing7:

Yea hes a real mean dude read his posts backwards its Latin.

It to bad the the pop industries use gmo in there products
if the stars new that
i doubt if the would take on the roll in the commercial
it's time to take back our food....sure jeff is a nice guy for what he did
but it doesn't give Pepsi or coke the right to use aspertain in there products
every one here should look up aspertain and you tell me what you think

wow, did not expect that turn! It's a free country, eat drink what you want. Nobody is forcing you to drink anything.

tell your grand kids that
when there hoped up on Carmel coloring
and yellow ,blue and red food die and as-pertain
only in America can you poison the population and get away with it
but as long as it's indorsed every thing is just fine

People need to be own research, make good choices...if not that's their choice as well!

Sent from my VS980 4G using Tapatalk

tell your grand kids that
when there hoped up on Carmel coloring
and yellow ,blue and red food die and as-pertain
only in America can you poison the population and get away with it
but as long as it's indorsed every thing is just fine

google union carbide and bhopal

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