James Beverly Risque...

Gotcha. Think I've seen that before with daddy's service.
Are you seeing the connection of the April 1865 events in Danville,Virginia to the writting and publication of the 1885 BEALE PAPERS?

I've been seeing some new info that are leading me down a path that some of you have talked about. Connecting the CSA but also the French. I'm at the starting point though with your time period. Now I'm bored in Staunton Va cause the Jones library was closed today.

I've been seeing some new info that are leading me down a path that some of you have talked about. Connecting the CSA but also the French. I'm at the starting point though with your time period. Now I'm bored in Staunton Va cause the Jones library was closed today.

Jones Mem. Library is ALWAYS closed on Mondays; bored in Staunton...? LOL!

Are we "live"...? Like in a "chat room"...? LOL!

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I think you will find some VMI invovement.

What happened at VMI, was that Yankee General Black Dave Hunter BURNED VMI as he came over to Lynchburg, Va.; he was defeated by CSA General Jubal Early, who sent the Yanks (MAIN force) over to West Va. via GREAT WESTERN ROAD past Big Lick (now known as Roanoke, Va.), SOME Yanks retreated up today's Rt. 43, passing Peaks of Otter, on to Shenandoah Valley, and MAY have dropped items of "interest" in their haste to escape.

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Are you seeing the connection of the April 1865 events in Danville,Virginia to the writting and publication of the 1885 BEALE PAPERS?

LOL! SEVERAL "connections" here... in that DADDY Hutter was PAYMASTER for US Army in St. Loo. Baby Hutter grew up to be PAYMASTER for REBEL (CSA) Army; his brother told him about the events in Danville (April, 1865), saving Vattel's book. CSA PAYMASTER Hutter was the MAIN author of the BEALE PAPERS, and HE died in 1885... SAME year BEALE PAPERS was released to the general public in Lynchburg, Va. It turned out that Black Dave Hunter AND Daddy Hutter were
"West-Pointers" (military School of WEST POINT), and were USA Army at different times; Daddy Hutter's home was HQ for Black Dave Hunter's Yanks during the battle of Lynchburg, Va. 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Lynchburg, Va. is NOW
"Google" 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Lynchburg, Va.

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WELL! Lynchburg, Va. did a REAL "Bang-up" job for the 150th... GREAT info out!

Are you seeing the connection of the April 1865 events in Danville,Virginia to the writting and publication of the 1885 BEALE PAPERS?

20 years later, it was...

...but SGT PEPPER taught them how to play- or was that CSA Major E S Hutter along with VMI cadets and alumni?
There was a lot of hurried activity in Virginia during April 1865.

...but SGT PEPPER taught them how to play- or was that CSA Major E S Hutter along with VMI cadets and alumni?
There was a lot of hurried activity in Virginia during April 1865.
Yes, MANY VMI Grads/High & Low ranking CSA Officers (some SR Masons) were involved. CSA Major E.S. Hutter (who saved LAW OF NATION) was, too. HIS brother, CSA Major F.C. Hutter (CSA Paymaster) was STILL responsible for the state of Virginia portion of the CSA Treasury, and PROBABLY "in charge". Post-CONFEDERATE WAR, F. C. Hutter "worked for the Internal Revenue Office in Lynchburg as CHIEF CLERK to (CSA) Capt. J. Henry Rives" (THE BEALE TREASURE: NEW History of a Mystery by PV, p. 161). Doing R & I on "Re-building VMI", after Yank "Black Dave" Hunter burned it down, during his "march on Lynchburg, Va.

FUN to read these "old" postings... STILL doing R & I on re-building VMI, which was an ORIGINAL "dream" of Thomas Jefferson (as US Prez) to have a Military Institute on the WESTERN Frontier in his "days"... (against the "Indians, French, English, etc.)...
BTW, "hurried activities" in Lynchburg, Va. in April, 1865, was b/c Lynchburg, Va. was STATE CAPITAL of Virginia April 7-10, 1865... "Richmond Stores" were moved to Lynchburg, Va. and "points", WEST. This would include the Bank of Virginia "Cash", which is buried in Old city Cemetery, and known as the Beale Treasure. I know where the "site" is... (diggings done by City Employees); they just did not dig deep enough (in a VAULT, 6' down, covered by River Stones, from the James River). Other "sites" of "interest" are Thaxton Switch, in Bedford County, Va... Johnson FARM at Peaks of Otter, near the Lion's Head (aka Balance Rock). Down to Buchanon, Va. to Lexington, Va. & VMI... WHEW!

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Going back to JAMES BEVERLY RISQUE, I think we have found the GENERAL location of his plantation/farm, that could be seen from Sandusky, where the Hutters lived. JBR is buried in the Presbyterian grave-yard on Grace Street in Lynbchburg, Va. with OTHER War of 1812 Vets. We keep seeing DREAMING CREEK (Rd./Lane/etc.) ALL near Sandusky (Hutters). www.historicsandusky.org

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Going back to JAMES BEVERLY RISQUE, I think we have found the GENERAL location of his plantation/farm, that could be seen from Sandusky, where the Hutters lived. JBR is buried in the Presbyterian grave-yard on Grace Street in Lynbchburg, Va. with OTHER War of 1812 Vets. We keep seeing DREAMING CREEK (Rd./Lane/etc.) ALL near Sandusky (Hutters). Historic Sandusky

One of George Hutter's daughter kept a diary during the Civil War. The diary is located at Poplar Forest. If you are over that way you may want to see if they will let you read it. Could have some very good information about the Risque Plantation and what went on during the Civil War. Sorry I just had to tell you since you live up that way. Check it out.

Her name was Adeline Lawerence Hutter. She did not die until 1926. There could be something about the Beale Treasure in her Journal. They called it a Journal instead of a diary. But it is in the Poplar Forest Library for safe keeping. Although they say very little of the journal remains. But there was a description of the Hutter House and the Risque Plantation during the Civil War and how they suffered. There could even be a map. Good luck.

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TY, and WILL check it out; PROBABLY, only University "Pros" can touch the ancient stuff... dunno. We were on the "southern" side of JBR's Plantation/Farm (where James Beverly Ward & the Hutter boys used to play "adventure plays"/games); the WESTERN side is as far as Judith Creek, going up Rt. 501 to Eagle Erie (we like that place). It was a HUGE "spread"... as you know, the Hutter family were once owners of TJ's Poplar Forest.

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