War of 1812 "connections"

It's all been gone through time and time again. Same old dust and dirt with zero to show for it. There's a reason why no supporting evidences in regards to the Beale Paper tale is ever discovered.....

It's hard,

how about deeds or purchases, can we pull that out too?
I would like to know more about Johnson-Dooley farm, why is it named like that? Who is Johnson?, Who is Dooley?, or who is the owner of in 1800s?

Maybe land ownership/purchases is recorded somewhere right?

It was just a coincidence that there is a purchase of the Harkening Hill in 1819, and a Boulder/Stone was toppled from Sharptop on 1820.

I would like to see if a coincidence will work on JD Farm too.
It was mentioned in page 3 that Mary Purchase it from the people found west, and gave it to him.
To be honest, I don't even know if Mary Polly Dooley owns it, it's just written as "Mary".

But why name it Johnson-Dooley?

I do remember seeing "on-line" a plaque in a Bedford County, Va. grave-yard with Thomas Beale, Sr. and others on it. Scroll back and you MAY find it. Thomas Beale, Jr. was too young to fight.

P. Buford was on it, too; HIS was a good story... captured & all; LOL!

It's hard,

how about deeds or purchases, can we pull that out too?
I would like to know more about Johnson-Dooley farm, why is it named like that? Who is Johnson?, Who is Dooley?, or who is the owner of in 1800s?

Maybe land ownership/purchases is recorded somewhere right?

It was just a coincidence that there is a purchase of the Harkening Hill in 1819, and a Boulder/Stone was toppled from Sharptop on 1820.

I would like to see if a coincidence will work on JD Farm too.
It was mentioned in page 3 that Mary Purchase it from the people found west, and gave it to him.
To be honest, I don't even know if Mary Polly Dooley owns it, it's just written as "Mary".

But why name it Johnson-Dooley?

I do remember seeing "on-line" a plaque in a Bedford County, Va. grave-yard with Thomas Beale, Sr. and others on it. Scroll back and you MAY find it. Thomas Beale, Jr. was too young to fight.

Thank you..Ill try to scroll back.

ANOTHER "source" would be BEALE'S RIFLES Unit in the War of 1812; Capt. Thomas Beale (NOT TJB) led this group; you can also review Battle of new Orleans - WIKI. HH! Good Luck! Have FUN!

ANOTHER "source" would be BEALE'S RIFLES Unit in the War of 1812; Capt. Thomas Beale (NOT TJB) led this group; you can also review Battle of new Orleans - WIKI. HH! Good Luck! Have FUN!

Sir Rebel, Uhm..did Beale have many rifles? Anybody in the party has access to many weapons?

It was written in page 1 and 3 using First Voyage that,

"Our Lord has given weapons" - this is written when he went west, to small group of people which I think was Indians.

the coast of that isle toward the west(147) peaks incomparably higher than(436) the people(195) other Indians(320)
the fleet that the(37) third Fernandina(122) named(113) be rejoiced(6) when I came(140) at the glorious(8)
concepcion(120) people without number(305) King and Queen(42) numberless people and(58) High(461) Queen(44)
Indians(106) countless small communities(301) our Lord has given(13) extensive(408) weapons(680) in commemoration(93) I gave the name of (86) of Santa Maria(116) month of(530) first.

Then In page 3 he said the people there has "no iron, nor, steel, nor weapons or a sharpened sticks"
It was a sentence explaining they don't have Weapons/rifles or even Spears.

Why would they give weapons/rifles? Isn't it illegal? Isn't it expensive?
Doesn't make sense..Why give weapons?:dontknow:

My translation of the paragraph above.

The path of that area toward the west are peaks incomparably higher than the people. Other group of Indians that the "Third Fernandina(Confusing word/maybe Jonathan Smith) named was rejoiced when I came at the glorious concepcion(birth?).
There are people without number, men and women, numberless people, High Queen(women) Indians, countless small community.
Our Lord has given extensive weapons, in commemoration I gave the name of "Santa Maria month of first".

-I'm sure I have a mistake here somewhere because I don't have much data or History. But, take a look at numbers

How come seven consecutive numbers are used to describe the "People" they found west, people who was rejoiced when they came and gave weapons?

the coincidence is too much.:BangHead:

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Thomas Beall of the Beale Treasure Pamphlet was in with Aaron Burr and others selling guns and powder to anyone resisting or trying to expel the Spanish from the Southwest. They were selling thousands of guns and tons of gun powder for which they were well compensated. That is why they were both with their men at the Battle of New Orleans. There was more than one Thomas Beale at the Battle of New Orleans.

Thomas Beall of the Beale Treasure Pamphlet was in with Aaron Burr and others selling guns and powder to anyone resisting or trying to expel the Spanish from the Southwest. They were selling thousands of guns and tons of gun powder for which they were well compensated. That is why they were both with their men at the Battle of New Orleans. There was more than one Thomas Beale at the Battle of New Orleans.

After his famous duel with Risque Thomas Beale left the region and later shows up in New Orleans, but it is here that we lose track of him and his activities beyond speculation.

After his famous duel with Risque Thomas Beale left the region and later shows up in New Orleans, but it is here that we lose track of him and his activities beyond speculation.

I see, like he simply went "offline"..

I was wondering, did Beale have connection with James Jopling?

There is an old forum where we talked about the Beale Treasure for years. I can't post the link. But you can look up Rockhound's or Beale Treasure Forums and you may find it. We talked about James Jopling. I believe he was one of two men that sold the rich farm called "Fancy Farm" to Paschal Buford in 1822?

After his famous duel with Risque Thomas Beale left the region and later shows up in New Orleans, but it is here that we lose track of him and his activities beyond speculation.

There are some bits and pieces, a little regarding a few family disputes, his name showing up in NO as the register of wills, and some other scraps.

I have enough to time schedule TB Sr. and TB Jr. in NO and they did not make those trips to Virginia in 1819 nor 1821.

I have enough to time schedule TB Sr. and TB Jr. in NO and they did not make those trips to Virginia in 1819 nor 1821.

Thanks for the Information sir Franklin.

Sir, did Jeremiah Wood appear somewhere on your research? He is the husband of Polly Wood. I wonder if there is connection between him and Beale or Jopling.
I can't get any information about him, same with John Wood, the surveyor.

Also, is there a purchase of Johnson-Dooley farm between 1816-1823? In the message, It seems in the that Mary bought it and gave it to him.
Who owned it?

I couldn't just verify, Internet data is very limited.

I am very interested to have a copy of the papers of Thomas Jefferson retirement series.
It looks interesting.

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