Good morning everyone: Page 107 of book of Miscellaneous, Maricopa County, has been missing from the record book for many years. Someone tore out the page years ago however before it was removed, Milton Rose was able to get a copy of that page. Back in those days, before copy machines, the county clerk would make a hand written copy for a customer. This is what Rose obtained. I will now quote from that copy but before I do I want to make it clear that THIS IS NOT a copy of the document that Matthew is talking about! I repeat, this is NOT the copy of the land record that Matthew is discussing. "Book 1 of Misc., Page 107, Recorded and dated March 21, 1872. Affidavit. Recite: That Jacob Waltz who having sworn deposes and says that in the Month of March 1870 laid claim to and settled on Section 16, T1N, Range 3 East at the land office in Florence, Pima county, Territory of Arizona in December of 1870, that J.G. Chenoworth was trying to jump the lower half of the quarter section (Misc. 1/107) in March 1872. That said Jacob Waltz in front of witnesses had warned the aforementioned J. A. Chenoworth to get off his property and stay off. Signed, Jacob Waltz." I cannot account for some of the discrepancies in this document however I personally doubt that Waltz claimed the entire Section 16 and that for some reason a notation that he was talking about the 1/4 section was left off the document. Cordially, Gregory E. Davis