Ive got to get my head in to this hobby!


Jr. Member
Mar 3, 2008
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Minelab Sovereign Elite
I've got to get my head in to this hobby!

So I decide to go out again today. I walk outside and 4 deer look at me in my driveway as if to say.. we aren't moving. I walk around them and decide to check out a road above my house that leads up in to the mountains. We are talking the heart of the Rockies here. This is not Denver in the plains but 20 miles from Aspen, real mountains with lots of rocks. Remember always rocks. We had a foot of snow here in the beginning of the week. Did you see the 70 car pileup on I-70 that was on CNN this week yup, right near me.

So I go up to this road and I am already in the mud. I meet an old guy from the Division of Wildlife who is getting GPS coordinates for the state. We talk for awhile and then I start detecting. As usual I get a hit so I am on the ground in the mud digging something I never find.... again. Every time my spade goes in to the ground I hit rocks. Duh, It's the Rockies, I know! After a bit longer I run in to the same thing. So I am out for an hour and all I have for it is muddy shoes, muddy knees, and a bent spade. I know that this is suppose to get better. Someday I might even find a coin. But, at this point I am a bit bummed out. Also 90% of the stuff posted as finds here I can't get excited about. I'd throw it away.

Sure I can get in to coins. I can get in to the jewelry and some medals. I can even get in to some of the artifacts, but come on a gun shell from a 22 or a 45, that's trash. A squashed piece of lead that was a bullet that obviously hit something or, Oh look a button or a belt buckle. Ok if its from the civil war I can see the excitement but most of it is just stuff that was thrown out or lost and has no particular value. Sorry about the negativity but so far no excitement for me. Maybe I'll get it when I find something of interest....to me!

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Re: I've got to get my head in to this hobby!

Excellent you have found more than me in the past 2 weeks, 'cause I do not consider zinc pennies clad or money (when even the banks won't take them back).

;D May you find more than clad soon. ;D :blob9: :blob9:

This is what I think of zink pennies - :violent1:

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