Well, just for the sake of debate, then how do you explain his ability to go so completely unnoticed given his very recognizable, notable, and celebrated presence in and around New Orleans and elsewhere? are you really suggesting that, moving around as much as you declare that he did, that he managed to elude so many and even as his estate is in very public dispute? How do you account for that?
People of the time were traveling all over . I know Captain Beale had a lot of money about 1819, with the 120,000 dollar mortgage and transferring most of his assets to his son Jr . His job as the Register of Wills was done in 1819 as his term was only 8 years . Everything we see is going on in 1819 for some reason it would seem . Although I know that the Beale letters to Mr Morriss he sent in 1822 were not all true, is it possible that the dates he uses were not true also ? If you gave your property away and cashed out all your accounts and you used the hotel credit to buy tons of dry supplies would it not seem like you were going on the run ? The property he gave Jr was reverted back to his name - dept, but who was the one to take over all that property ? Celeste Beale . She had to go about 5 years to be able to legally take over the assets . 7 Years if Beale had put someone over his estate ( Jr ) ??
Jr has the assets 1819
Celeste has them 1824 - 5,000 dollars to the mother of Jr who just happen to find a note with Beale Sr name on it owing Jr 5 large !
5 years to that date 1829 she is in control of it all .
My only question is was Jr killed and when did Captain Thomas Beale Sr die out west after 1822 ?