It Never Ends - Rights Trampled - More Spying Under This Adminstration Is Revealed...

Please put thread back on track, it is about more abuse of our rights by current adminstration...

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How about we get more facts before we start throwing around the assumptions? let's find out why a judge ordered this. that might be a good place to start.

BTW, I'm not a dem. But that's off topic!

In my opinion this started with the patriot act !!

Yup! We give up our freedom for protection and down that slippery slope we go.

But, gotta tell ya, today i'm glad to be a Sprint customer!!!!

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just maybe, and I stress the word, "MAYBE" the people that are so truffled about this invasion of privacy should actually go to Washington D.C. and see their elected representatives.

They could even tell them how upset they are and that unless it's changed they won't be voted back into office.

Or, they could sit at home tapatalking on their phones an a metal detecting forum that doesn't allow political discussions unless concerning the present administration. In short, they could sit at home and do nothing.

Me, I hope they tap every phone line in and out of the country and make tapes of every conversation that might lead to terrorism. After all, over 3000 Americans were killed by terrorists on 9/11/2001 and no one had the guts to check out the people that did it beforehand, well except for the guy that wrote the PDB about BinLaden determined to attack in the United States, dated 6Aug2001. But we won't discuss that.

just maybe, and I stress the word, "MAYBE" the people that are so truffled about this invasion of privacy should actually go to Washington D.C. and see their elected representatives.

They could even tell them how upset they are and that unless it's changed they won't be voted back into office.

Or, they could sit at home tapatalking on their phones an a metal detecting forum that doesn't allow political discussions unless concerning the present administration. In short, they could sit at home and do nothing.

Me, I hope they tap every phone line in and out of the country and make tapes of every conversation that might lead to terrorism. After all, over 3000 Americans were killed by terrorists on 9/11/2001 and no one had the guts to check out the people that did it beforehand, well except for the guy that wrote the PDB about BinLaden determined to attack in the United States, dated 6Aug2001. But we won't discuss that.

Well said!!!!

That guy, btw, Richard Clarke, the Bush admin's formost expert on terrorism. First ignored and then scapegoated by the Bush admin.

BTW, regarding all the controversies surrounding the current admin, according to latest CNN and NBC polls Obama's approval rating still hovering in the 48 to 49% range. Not great, but not horrible. Polls show that while most do not blame the president personally for these scandals, they do blame his administration. Almost 60% blame the admin for the these blunders.

Yes, i know, about not blaming Obama personally, apparently the polsters didn't call anyone on this forum!!!!!

Please put thread back on track, it is about more abuse of our rights by current adminstration...

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Rut ro!!! This thread is about the NSA and obama abusing our rights? Bad news! It's not just about the current admin abusing our rights. it's about the Bush admin doing the same.

The current program involving verizon was authorized by the Foreign Surveillance Court under Bush. It's been going on for seven years! It's a math thing but by just counting back the years using my fingers I have determined that Obama wasn't president seven years ago. Hmm!

Turns out that the top senators of both parties signed off on this. Hmm! So, not obama abusing our rights? Nope! Turns out that every senator already knows about this. How come they knew but we didn't? Hmm! Who knew they could keep a secret? And they are Ok with it!

The senators are defending this! it is vital to national security!

And, it turns out that the NSA is collecting data not looking into content. So no invasion of privacy! And without the invasion of privacy no rights are being trampled. Darn this thing gets less juicy by the minute!

But there is still the IRS thing!

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Rut ro!!! This thread is about the NSA and obama abusing our rights? Bad news! It's not just about the current admin abusing our rights. it's about the Bush admin doing the same.

The current program involving verizon was authorized by the Foreign Surveillance Court under Bush. It's been going on for seven years! It's a math thing but by just counting back the years using my fingers I have determined that Obama wasn't president seven years ago. Hmm!

Turns out that the top senators of both parties signed off on this. Hmm! So, not obama abusing our rights? Nope! Turns out that every senator already knows about this. How come they knew but we didn't? Hmm! Who knew they could keep a secret? And they are Ok with it!

The senators are defending this! it is vital to national security!

And, it turns out that the NSA is collecting data not looking into content. So no invasion of privacy! And without the invasion of privacy no rights are being trampled. Darn this thing gets less juicy by the minute!

But there is still the IRS thing!

In case you missed the news obama has been our president for 4.5 years. You sound just like O, "its Bush's fault" . well part of O lies was that under his adminstration there would be no spying on citizens not under suspicion of terrorism.

"In August 2007 Senator Obama gave a foreign policy speech at the Woodrow Wilson Center in which he mapped out a five point plan for a new approach to foreign policy. Part of that approach was a promise to reign in government surveillance of "citizens who are not suspected of a crime."

This Administration also puts forward a false choice between the liberties we cherish and the security we demand. I will provide our intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the tools they need to track and take out the terrorists without undermining our Constitution and our freedom.

That means no more illegal wire-tapping of American citizens. No more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime. No more tracking citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war. No more ignoring the law when it is inconvenient. That is not who we are. And it is not what is necessary to defeat the terrorists. The FISA court works. The separation of powers works. Our Constitution works. We will again set an example for the world that the law is not subject to the whims of stubborn rulers, and that justice is not arbitrary.

This Administration acts like violating civil liberties is the way to enhance our security. It is not.
Obama promised there would be "No more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime." He went on to say "The FISA court works."

Well not only did it not stop it is worse than ever.

The way you constantly defend this administration's attacks on our rights, freedoms, and their scandals you would have been a good propagandist in 1939 Germany.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

"Take care, sir," cried Sancho. "Those over there are not giants but windmills..."

Last I checked, OBAMA is President, and has been for 4 1/2 years. His administration has seized reporters' records, citizens' phone records, and hacked into the servers of all major internet providers. This is the issue, not what happened 10-12 years ago. You can be assured, that any records of internet purchases of ammunition that anyone has made since Obama has been President are duly logged in and stored by his minions for easy retrieval as they deem necessary.

Last I checked, OBAMA is President, and has been for 4 1/2 years. His administration has seized reporters' records, citizens' phone records, and hacked into the servers of all major internet providers. This is the issue, not what happened 10-12 years ago. You can be assured, that any records of internet purchases of ammunition that anyone has made since Obama has been President are duly logged in and stored by his minions for easy retrieval as they deem necessary.

Point 1: Wholesale spying has gone on since 2005.

Point 2: So quit buying ammo. :laughing7:

it takes the general public a long time to wake up.

Here's a link I found written by a guy with a demonstrated conscience, John Dean:

FindLaw's Writ - Dean: George W. Bush as the New Richard M. Nixon

George W. Bush as the New Richard M. Nixon: Both Wiretapped Illegally, and Impeachably;
Both Claimed That a President May Violate Congress' Laws to Protect National Security

Well, not much in that, certainly, old news.

BUT, it goes on:

Friday, Dec. 30, 2005 On Friday, December 16, the New York Times published a major scoop by James Risen and Eric Lichtblau: They reported that Bush authorized the National Security Agency (NSA) to spy on Americans without warrants, ignoring the procedures of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
It was a long story loaded with astonishing information of lawbreaking at the White House. It reported that sometime in 2002, Bush issued an executive order authorizing NSA to track and intercept international telephone and/or email exchanges coming into, or out of, the U.S. - when one party was believed to have direct or indirect ties with al Qaeda.
Initially, Bush and the White House stonewalled, neither confirming nor denying the president had ignored the law. Bush refused to discuss it in his interview with Jim Lehrer.
Then, on Saturday, December 17, in his radio broadcast, Bush admitted that the New York Times was correct - and thus conceded he had committed an impeachable offense.

There can be no serious question that warrantless wiretapping, in violation of the law, is impeachable. After all, Nixon was charged in Article II of his bill of impeachment with illegal wiretapping for what he, too, claimed were national security reasons.

These parallel violations underscore the continuing, disturbing parallels between this Administration and the Nixon Administration - parallels I also discussed in a prior column.
Indeed, here, Bush may have outdone Nixon: Nixon's illegal surveillance was limited; Bush's, it is developing, may be extraordinarily broad in scope. First reports indicated that NSA was only monitoring foreign calls, originating either in the USA or abroad, and that no more than 500 calls were being covered at any given time. But later reports have suggested that NSA is "data mining" literally millions of calls - and has been given access by the telecommunications companies to "switching" stations through which foreign communications traffic flows.
In sum, this is big-time, Big Brother electronic surveillance.
Given the national security implications of the story, the Times said they had been sitting on it for a year. And now that it has broken, Bush has ordered a criminal investigation into the source of the leak. He suggests that those who might have felt confidence they would not be spied on, now can have no such confidence, so they may find other methods of communicating. Other than encryption and code, it is difficult to envision how.
Such a criminal investigation is rather ironic - for the leak's effect was to reveal Bush's own offense. Having been ferreted out as a criminal, Bush now will try to ferret out the leakers who revealed him.

Makes Nixon look like a small fish peddler.The "switching" stations are at the Tier 1 pipes, like Verizon's.

Here's an interesting article about how it was done:
PRISM: Here's how the NSA wiretapped the Internet | ZDNet

We believe the FISA court order authorized the NSA to place a wiretap device on Verizon Business' Tier 1 network, which effectively vacuumed up every bit and byte of data that flowed through its networks. If this is the case, Verizon would have been forced to comply, with no grounds to appeal.

The easiest way to acquire this data — with as few people know about it — would be to simply wiretap the data as it's traveling along the Tier 1 optical carrier lines.
Also, the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), passed in 1994, requires U.S. telecoms firms and manufacturers to ensure their equipment is able to implement government wiretaps. This not only includes traditional telephone lines and broadband connections, but also voice-over-IP (VoIP) traffic.
This should be enough for the NSA to wiretap Tier 1 companies.

Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, etc. wouldn't even know since it happens outside their purview.

Point, Click ... Eavesdrop: How the FBI Wiretap Net Operates

Inside DCSNet, the FBI's Nationwide Eavesdropping Network

Test on Tuesday; if you pass, you can vote.

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Last I checked, OBAMA is President, and has been for 4 1/2 years. His administration has seized reporters' records, citizens' phone records, and hacked into the servers of all major internet providers. This is the issue, not what happened 10-12 years ago.

THis started under Bush. Bush put all this in place. Were you Ok with then?

In case you missed the news obama has been our president for 4.5 years. You sound just like O, "its Bush's fault" . well part of O lies was that under his adminstration there would be no spying on citizens not under suspicion of terrorism.

"In August 2007 Senator Obama gave a foreign policy speech at the Woodrow Wilson Center in which he mapped out a five point plan for a new approach to foreign policy. Part of that approach was a promise to reign in government surveillance of "citizens who are not suspected of a crime."

This Administration also puts forward a false choice between the liberties we cherish and the security we demand. I will provide our intelligence and law enforcement agencies with the tools they need to track and take out the terrorists without undermining our Constitution and our freedom.

That means no more illegal wire-tapping of American citizens. No more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime. No more tracking citizens who do nothing more than protest a misguided war. No more ignoring the law when it is inconvenient. That is not who we are. And it is not what is necessary to defeat the terrorists. The FISA court works. The separation of powers works. Our Constitution works. We will again set an example for the world that the law is not subject to the whims of stubborn rulers, and that justice is not arbitrary.

This Administration acts like violating civil liberties is the way to enhance our security. It is not.
Obama promised there would be "No more national security letters to spy on citizens who are not suspected of a crime." He went on to say "The FISA court works."

Obama in 2007: No More Spying on Citizens Not Suspected of a Crime

Well not only did it not stop it is worse than ever.

The way you constantly defend this administration's attacks on our rights, freedoms, and their scandals you would have been a good propagandist in 1939 Germany.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Bush intiated the programs you are complaining about. Stop using the term "Illegal." There is nothing illegal going on. Everything that is happening, like or not, has been signed off on by federal judges. Obviously, the President has some Dr. Evil hold on them to. Why else would they do his illegal bidding? Are they in on the whole take over the government seize power thing that's coming?

Sorry, a federal judge does not trump the constitution.

It is illegal.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Federal judges rule on the Constitution; that's part of the Constitution.

And they get over ruled by supreme court for violating constitution..

That is my point, constitution is supreme law of the land, if federal judge violates the constitution, or a law passed violates constitution that law is invalid from moment it is enacted...

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

aside from sitting at your computer and discussing this, what exactly are you doing to prevent it happening again TH? Writing your "representative" isn't going to work because they don't care. They have been aware of everything and if it wasn't for a person named Snowden, nothing would have ever been said about it..

You guys crack me up

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