Re: @ Tom's post (...
instead of having the whole thing copy again)
Yeah, I'm a bit of a stickler when I KNOW I'm in the right, but someone is trying to get me to leave, shut up, or other. Back before I got married, the wife-to-be and I had not known each other an extraordinarily long time when we went to the grocery store together. And keep in mind, a new I'm happy and cheerful and everything good! ....Exactly the opposite of the grump I am now!
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Well, it was early Summer and we were getting to the frozen food section. There was a sign reading whole turkeys $.xx cents per pound (can't remember what the price was). In the freezer were all full, white turkeys....EXCEPT?? There were a few, maybe a dozen "smoked" turkeys. No price. Nothing to differentiate that these turkeys were not also that low, low price. Nothing in the sales ad specifying. NOTHING!! I told my lady that I was pretty sure they weren't included, but what the heck - let's give it a try.

Besides, she had never tried smoked turkey before.
We got up to the register and the cashier said that turkey wasn't on sale. I mentioned that there was a sign up that stated that whole turkeys were such-and-such price. She tried to tell me again, but I stood firm. I then invited her to go back and look at the sign. She wouldn't. So I asked to speak to a manager. Someone else comes up, and they, too, say that the smoked turkeys are not on sale. Again I quote their very LARGE sign back there, and the sign is in the center of the turkey bin, which would suggest it covers the entire bin. A manager decides to go back and look -- I quickly follow. I got there JUST IN TIME to see the manager rip the sign down and drop it behind the freezer, out of sight and out of reach.....except I know that the freezer is on wheels!! The manager is now trying to say there is no sign. So, do I give up? Nope, I GET LOUDER! By the time we get back to the register, I'm talking in a very loud voice, cause I want ALL of the shoppers to know what's going on. They finally offered to give me the bird for 1/2 off. Nope, thank you, but I want it for the advertised price. And jjjuuuuuussstt before I think they're about to offer to call the cops,
"I" call out that maybe we should get the police here to settle things! We'll let THEM roll the freezer away and grab the sign that the manager knocked down behind it!
It went on and on for a few more minutes. My wife-to-be (you know, the one looking for ANYTHING to crawl under), is wanting to leave. And FINALLY, they give up, just to shut me up!! They offer to give me the bird for the sale price if I will just leave, but then I say how I don't want it anymore - "
I wouldn't take that dang bird if you GAVE it to me!!" Then we walked out the doors, leaving all of our groceries there in the store. As we're going out the door, I have no choice but to walk know, like walking a large dog that keeps pulling you along? Meanwhile, as soon as we get outside, I'm busting up laughing! Tears are running down my face, my ribs are bursting, and I'm in Hog Heaven from having such a good time! And the entire time, I was polite and respectful; NO vulgar language. After all, all I wanted was for them to reach back and pick up the sign they dropped behind the freezer. ....Right?
As it turned out, that was the store we usually did our shopping at for the next few years. At first, they HATED seeing me walk in there - just knowing I was gonna start trouble. But no, they didn't make any more major goofs like they did that time. Before long, everyone was greeting us and stopping to talk, including the manager. And if we wanted to make a suggestion about something, THEY DID IT!
I would often bag other customers groceries for them, even carry out groceries for elderly folks.
This was one Texan who turned a small-town Minnesota grocery store from a ho-hum little hole-in-the-wall, into a store that ended up treating its customers better and with more personalized service. Yes, those were the good ol' days.
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