It finally happened, Investigated for Detecting!

Exactly. I'm not strictly a park hunter, although I do spend much time in them, I'd like the option to be open for the future.

Well, if they roll out the welcome mat, I certainly am entitled to do whatever I want within the law. Someone can always complain about anything...real or imagined. So what, hide?

I'll never feel shy about conducting legal activities anywhere.

Should I curtail my activities and times out of deference to another detectorist (whom I likely will never meet because they are too reclusive and shy) because they think out of sight out of mind is the key?

If everyone hides at odd hours, then it appears nobody will care about prohibitions except the two yahoos always out in the open. After all, only two peopke actually seem to be doing it, even if it's a shy guy leaving pock marks in the park at odd hours.

Am I wrong?:dontknow:
Legally, no. But maybe wrong headed for our hobby. Being discrete isn't necessarily hiding. It's just picking a time where most people would be happier. The same reason I don't park my motorhome out on the street in front of my house. It's perfectly legal to do so here, but, out of respect for my neighbors, and others with nothing better to do but complain, I keep it in the driveway, unless I need to park out front for a temporary load/unload. Sure, I could be obstinate and insist on my right to park there, but, what will that get me? Pissed off neighbors and, in the case of a neighboring town, a complete ban on having your motorhome anywhere on the street or even on your own property! Now they have to pay to store their motorhome at anywhere from $150 to $200 a month. Plus the hassle of having to shuttle back and forth to get it. Unfortunately, motorhome owners and detectorists, are in the minority, and though vocal, we can be overwhelmed by shear numbers against us if we're not careful.

Samuel, what kind of machine were you swinging in those days ? What inspired you to start ? (did you see someone else md'ing already ?). What kind of stuff/tallies were you guys finding in those days?

Tom, I was only of two or three other people with metal detectors on beaches. Most of the time, I was alone. The first detector that I had purchased was from Karl V Mueller, a white with a wooden coil, that never work right. I had many BFO detectors, and when detecting, if I raise the coil, it would made noise. Then T-Dec from Texas came out with a detector that was suppose to tell the difference between coins and jewels and junk. It always rule quarters as junk. I had other brands, including Garrett. I now have a Minelab which is hard to learn how to use. I could only afford on detector at a time. It interesting how most members including yourself can afford many detectors. I hope really search many locations where I live. Thanks for asking, Tom. Good hunting and good luck. I had a friend who had a metal detector and taking me places. I am interesting in searching for single coins and jewel, and for buried treasures.

It's said only the good die young, so here's to long life! :occasion14:


Edit:Yeah, I'd been celebrating a special occasion last night. Ugh. Took me 8 minutes to post that one toast post...geesh.

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Re: post #58

You'd make an excellent expert witness to testify in court it seems.

Hell, somebody should go around the U.S. and record these memories for posterity. Write a book, or produce a doccumentary on our hobbie's pioneers and oldest, time is running out!

Legally, no. But maybe wrong headed for our hobby. Being discrete isn't necessarily hiding. It's just picking a time where most people would be happier. The same reason I don't park my motorhome out on the street in front of my house. It's perfectly legal to do so here, but, out of respect for my neighbors, and others with nothing better to do but complain, I keep it in the driveway, unless I need to park out front for a temporary load/unload. Sure, I could be obstinate and insist on my right to park there, but, what will that get me? Pissed off neighbors and, in the case of a neighboring town, a complete ban on having your motorhome anywhere on the street or even on your own property! Now they have to pay to store their motorhome at anywhere from $150 to $200 a month. Plus the hassle of having to shuttle back and forth to get it. Unfortunately, motorhome owners and detectorists, are in the minority, and though vocal, we can be overwhelmed by shear numbers against us if we're not careful.

I can accept that I may be wrong headed. If people like you don't tell me so, then I may not be persuaded to change my head at all. Point taken.

We also have the same ban on motorhomes in many suburbs around here. I'm not sure what correlation you're making with the hobby though. That we are both in the minorities?

Then we adopt one of many successful strategies for advancing and preserving minority rights.

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Tom, I was only of two or three other people with metal detectors on beaches. Most of the time, I was alone. The first detector that I had purchased was from Karl V Mueller, a white with a wooden coil, that never work right. I had many BFO detectors, and when detecting, if I raise the coil, it would made noise. Then T-Dec from Texas came out with a detector that was suppose to tell the difference between coins and jewels and junk. It always rule quarters as junk. I had other brands, including Garrett. I now have a Minelab which is hard to learn how to use. I could only afford on detector at a time. It interesting how most members including yourself can afford many detectors. I hope really search many locations where I live. Thanks for asking, Tom. Good hunting and good luck. I had a friend who had a metal detector and taking me places. I am interesting in searching for single coins and jewel, and for buried treasures.

Sir, if I lived near you, I'd take you searching for treasures anywhere you wanted to go. Then, if you were willing, go to a go-go club to make mor toasts! My treat!

I can accept that I may be wrong headed. If people like you don't tell me so, then I may not be persuaded to change my head at all. Point taken.

We also have the same ban on motorhomes in many suburbs around here. I'm not sure what correlation you're making with the hobby though. That we are both in the minorities?

Then we adopt one of many successful strategies for advancing and preserving minority rights.
My point being, just because you're legally allowed to do something, doesn't mean you should do it indiscriminately. Some things are frowned upon by some people, legal or not......such as smoking or playing music. If you're in someone's face about it, you're going to find enemies that will want to further curtail your use or ban it altogether.

My point being, just because you're legally allowed to do something, doesn't mean you should do it indiscriminately.....

well put cudamark.

Whenever someone suggests "avoiding gripers" by choosing lower traffic times (ie.: early morning, nights, etc... ) Someone else is sure to come along and point out that that's "sneaking". And smacks of "law-breaking" . Lest why else be discreet and avoid certain people, "if it wasn't illegal" ?

But this fails to realize that WE ALL do things out of view of those-who-might-be-offended. And it doesn't, of necessity, mean: Therefore it must be an illegal act. Like to pick your nose. Or to go naked to church, etc... There's LOTS of things we do out of respect, because we know that others don't see it our way. And we're not going to convert them. Oh sure, it would be NICE if we got their blessing. But you can't convert every last person in the world.

So sometimes you just learn not to spit in people's holy water. Rather than trying to convince them "the water really isn't holy".

And as for being sneaky "leading to more rules", blah blah, I actually think it's just the opposite: It's the MORE visibility that we cast upon ourselves, that brings about the more proposed rules. And it's often the asking permission (ie.: trying to get one lone dissenter to agree with you) that simply brings about more distinct and specific rules. Ie.: the less people think about us, the better.

well put cudamark.

Whenever someone suggests "avoiding gripers" by choosing lower traffic times (ie.: early morning, nights, etc... ) Someone else is sure to come along and point out that that's "sneaking". And smacks of "law-breaking" . Lest why else be discreet and avoid certain people, "if it wasn't illegal" ?

But this fails to realize that WE ALL do things out of view of those-who-might-be-offended. And it doesn't, of necessity, mean: Therefore it must be an illegal act. Like to pick your nose. Or to go naked to church, etc... There's LOTS of things we do out of respect, because we know that others don't see it our way. And we're not going to convert them. Oh sure, it would be NICE if we got their blessing. But you can't convert every last person in the world.

So sometimes you just learn not to spit in people's holy water. Rather than trying to convince them "the water really isn't holy".

And as for being sneaky "leading to more rules", blah blah, I actually think it's just the opposite: It's the MORE visibility that we cast upon ourselves, that brings about the more proposed rules. And it's often the asking permission (ie.: trying to get one lone dissenter to agree with you) that simply brings about more distinct and specific rules. Ie.: the less people think about us, the better.

Should I arouse concerns that get pressed beyond compromise I would consider alternate times to work a site.
The areas around here lack concerns by any authorities still , and great!
The general public "concerns" have been from some "interesting" people and there is no recall of actual objection to the detecting......

Anyway , in an earlier time ,one of my mentors had a way to detect where he chose.
Being no one was harmed I'll call it ethical ,though not willing to try it myself!
Competition existed, and was avoided on certain sites when more than coins shooting was at stake. To avoid attracting attention to specifics by others after the same thing ..let alone any one else seeing any activity.
One cat and mouse site resulted in each of two competing individuals scoring , eventually.
Alas I did not learn how they both got onto the same lead...and can not ask now.
Discretion counted highly though in that case.

Hi TOM_IN_CA; I am also one of the Old Timers. I started in 1968 with a BFO my mother bought me. I went out every day literally. We used fill the 5 gallon Mayo jars full of silver each week. Those were the days. BUUUUTTT back then the BFO's buzzed like crazy and when the tone lowered or dropped you knew there was something there. Problem was that the buzzing drove people NUTS. I couldn't blame them though so I waited until only a few were around. We tended to mainly stay on the beaches because the parks and grass areas were loaded with trash as well. Beaches were easier digging. We would find rings CONSTANTLY. Those were the days. I miss them badly. I've used just about every type of detector made since then. There were no Laws against it. It was even considered COOL to do it. Today we are Outlaws or scum looking or pennies us Grubs. Lord I miss those old days. Now We have to fight for every inch we can search. As Roy Clark sang, "Yesterday, When I was young."

Deft, thank you for standing up for our hobby. You are a credit to our cause!

Great story! I can see it all playing out like a movie. Love the fact you got that far and then walked out. Bet their jaws were on the floor, LOL!

Re: @ Tom's post (...instead of having the whole thing copy again)

Yeah, I'm a bit of a stickler when I KNOW I'm in the right, but someone is trying to get me to leave, shut up, or other. Back before I got married, the wife-to-be and I had not known each other an extraordinarily long time when we went to the grocery store together. And keep in mind, a new I'm happy and cheerful and everything good! ....Exactly the opposite of the grump I am now!
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Well, it was early Summer and we were getting to the frozen food section. There was a sign reading whole turkeys $.xx cents per pound (can't remember what the price was). In the freezer were all full, white turkeys....EXCEPT?? There were a few, maybe a dozen "smoked" turkeys. No price. Nothing to differentiate that these turkeys were not also that low, low price. Nothing in the sales ad specifying. NOTHING!! I told my lady that I was pretty sure they weren't included, but what the heck - let's give it a try. :wink: Besides, she had never tried smoked turkey before.

We got up to the register and the cashier said that turkey wasn't on sale. I mentioned that there was a sign up that stated that whole turkeys were such-and-such price. She tried to tell me again, but I stood firm. I then invited her to go back and look at the sign. She wouldn't. So I asked to speak to a manager. Someone else comes up, and they, too, say that the smoked turkeys are not on sale. Again I quote their very LARGE sign back there, and the sign is in the center of the turkey bin, which would suggest it covers the entire bin. A manager decides to go back and look -- I quickly follow. I got there JUST IN TIME to see the manager rip the sign down and drop it behind the freezer, out of sight and out of reach.....except I know that the freezer is on wheels!! The manager is now trying to say there is no sign. So, do I give up? Nope, I GET LOUDER! By the time we get back to the register, I'm talking in a very loud voice, cause I want ALL of the shoppers to know what's going on. They finally offered to give me the bird for 1/2 off. Nope, thank you, but I want it for the advertised price. And jjjuuuuuussstt before I think they're about to offer to call the cops, "I" call out that maybe we should get the police here to settle things! We'll let THEM roll the freezer away and grab the sign that the manager knocked down behind it!

It went on and on for a few more minutes. My wife-to-be (you know, the one looking for ANYTHING to crawl under), is wanting to leave. And FINALLY, they give up, just to shut me up!! They offer to give me the bird for the sale price if I will just leave, but then I say how I don't want it anymore - "I wouldn't take that dang bird if you GAVE it to me!!" Then we walked out the doors, leaving all of our groceries there in the store. As we're going out the door, I have no choice but to walk know, like walking a large dog that keeps pulling you along? Meanwhile, as soon as we get outside, I'm busting up laughing! Tears are running down my face, my ribs are bursting, and I'm in Hog Heaven from having such a good time! And the entire time, I was polite and respectful; NO vulgar language. After all, all I wanted was for them to reach back and pick up the sign they dropped behind the freezer. ....Right?

As it turned out, that was the store we usually did our shopping at for the next few years. At first, they HATED seeing me walk in there - just knowing I was gonna start trouble. But no, they didn't make any more major goofs like they did that time. Before long, everyone was greeting us and stopping to talk, including the manager. And if we wanted to make a suggestion about something, THEY DID IT! :laughing9:

I would often bag other customers groceries for them, even carry out groceries for elderly folks.

This was one Texan who turned a small-town Minnesota grocery store from a ho-hum little hole-in-the-wall, into a store that ended up treating its customers better and with more personalized service. Yes, those were the good ol' days.

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# 69, Deft Tone, Thanks for your offer, I live in Connecticut, and the bad news is that you do not. I was beach searching since 1964. Mostly I go after most people had left for the day. Local, I can have my homemaker take me out to the beaches and parks and old homes. Just be friendly and kind, and answer questions the best you can and keep on moving on. Good hunting and good luck.

well put cudamark.

Whenever someone suggests "avoiding gripers" by choosing lower traffic times (ie.: early morning, nights, etc... ) Someone else is sure to come along and point out that that's "sneaking". And smacks of "law-breaking" . Lest why else be discreet and avoid certain people, "if it wasn't illegal" ?

But this fails to realize that WE ALL do things out of view of those-who-might-be-offended. And it doesn't, of necessity, mean: Therefore it must be an illegal act. Like to pick your nose. Or to go naked to church, etc... There's LOTS of things we do out of respect, because we know that others don't see it our way. And we're not going to convert them. Oh sure, it would be NICE if we got their blessing. But you can't convert every last person in the world.

So sometimes you just learn not to spit in people's holy water. Rather than trying to convince them "the water really isn't holy".

And as for being sneaky "leading to more rules", blah blah, I actually think it's just the opposite: It's the MORE visibility that we cast upon ourselves, that brings about the more proposed rules. And it's often the asking permission (ie.: trying to get one lone dissenter to agree with you) that simply brings about more distinct and specific rules. Ie.: the less people think about us, the better.

I keep thinking about this - about what you wrote. It's true, but also there is a flip side. When NOBODY is visible out digging in the parks, then others don't know and everything is good. But EVENTUALLY someone is going to see someone else, or there will be the IDIOTS out there that dig chasms and leave, making it bad on the rest of us. Without those visual statements, without that running track record proving that there are good detectorists that CARE about digging correctly, onlookers will have little to stop them from wanting to ban the first or second person they see in the parks or wherever - ESPECIALLY if it's one of the IDIOT detectorists!

..... or there will be the IDIOTS out there that dig chasms and leave, making it bad on the rest of us. ....

KCM: Think about it: Those "idiot detectorists" you refer to, could equally be out there in the day-time too. Taking no discretions on avoiding persons-who-might-gripe. What you have written seems to imply that idiots "only come out at night" ? There's equal odds of careful detectorists versus idiot detectorists, at any hour of the day or night.

Also what your stance fails to take into account, is that it OFTEN DOESN'T MATTER whether the md'r is careful or not. THE MERE PRESENCE of an md'r (even a "careful" one) can rile someone. Who just ASSUMES you might leave a hole. That's the admitted connotation of a man with a detector afterall. EVEN if the lookie-lou never actually saw any hole.

So with that premise in place, then it still seems to me that the less visibility, the better. The less hornet's nests swatted, the better.

Hey Tom, sorry you got the wrong impression from that post. Don't think I mentioned "when" any idiot detectorists might be out. As everyone knows, they're out and about at all hours as the rest of us. Hell, in one way or another, each one of us is probably considered an idiot by someone about something.

"Also what your stance fails to take into account, is that it OFTEN DOESN'T MATTER whether the md'r is careful or not. THE MERE PRESENCE of an md'r (even a "careful" one) can rile someone. Who just ASSUMES you might leave a hole. That's the admitted connotation of a man with a detector afterall. EVEN if the lookie-lou never actually saw any hole."
Absolutely correct. But I have to disagree with you on MDer's staying as invisible as possible. Sometimes, yes - it just simply isn't going to matter. However, for those people who still have a "Live and let live" attitude and see folks out detecting AND digging, yet never see signs of damage, these people are going to come to understand that there definitely are folks out there who care about the job they do.

You're not going to please everyone all the time. But it is also true that if a person NEVER sees a detectorist, then suddenly there is one, wouldn't it be better if it's one of the "good guys"??!??!??

I just wanted to chime in about being messed with while detecting. I was detecting a old house site, that I researched and found out it was city property which the city purchased and tore down the house. There are no ordinances for detecting on city owned property that I have seen in my city. Too make a long story short, I was detecting and a guy across the street out on his porch smoking was watching me for about an hr. I started detecting the curb strip and found a few clad cents. I moved to the side of the yard, and the guy yells across the street at me that"I'm tearing up the yard and I better quit before the lady in the house next door comes out and yells at me" I told him ok, since she don't own the property she can go right ahead and yell all she wants. Cause it's city owned property. He then go's on and says I need to quit tearing up the yard, cause the lady takes care of the yard. i then explain to this guy that she may take care of the property, but the city owns it, so I'm allowed on the property, and if he has a problem then call the police. He shut's up and stares at me for a few mins and goes back inside. No lady came out and the police rode by a couple of times and never stopped or paid me the time of day. So like you guy's have said there is always someone with a attitude that wants to mess with you concerning detecting. I dig very neat plugs and you can't even tell I was there. Just wanted to add my two cents worth. Happy hunting...

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