It finally happened, Investigated for Detecting!

When in doubt, complain to the police chief. Good hunting and good luck.

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Good Job ..OP
Over the Summer at a couple of parks I like to hunt : new signs went up roughly stating "No Digging Holes" & With Out Permit on the same line. ..Right under the No Gun's & Above the "Pot Leaf" picture..

Guess Somebody asked too much???

What's too bad is most cops carry this huge superiority complex and chip on their shoulder from being bullied as a kid that they are impossible to deal with so if you dare disagree with them you take the chance of being handcuffed and having your ass beat bloody and maybe shot because they know they won't be charged with anything anyway...This is why detecting in public places isn't such a good idea....if I remember right there is a post on this forum of a guy who was in a park legally detecting and told the cop what the law was and the cop said he didn't give a crap about the law and wrote him a felony citation...So how many quarters and dimes will he have to dig to pay the lawyer fees to maybe get out of that predicament caused by some overzealous cop on a power trip who by the way walked up to him and his first words were "hey ******* what do u think your doing"...Just my opinion

A felony citation? Never heard of one of those. I thought if you were charged with a felony, you'd be arrested and booked into jail. I take virtually all of these doom and gloom stories with a grain of salt..........and in many cases, the whole salt shaker!

A felony citation? Never heard of one of those. I thought if you were charged with a felony, you'd be arrested and booked into jail. I take virtually all of these doom and gloom stories with a grain of salt..........and in many cases, the whole salt shaker!

Yeah if I remember right it was for vandalism which was a felony where ever he was from...He had to hire a lawyer to defend him....I never heard the outcome

Hi Follks; Yup,I just read this one. DEFT TONES "YOU" are an AMBASSADOR for this great hobby / Sport. WAY TO GO.!!! BRAVO, BRAVO.!!! I love it when I get the Blue boys at their own game and love it even more when I see others like yourself doing the same. TOM your no slouch either ok. AARC, I was thinking the same thing about Tom and kcm, Where were they ?? I say We Tar & Feather.!!! OOOPPPSSS We can't do that nowadays. It's Illegal. :tongue3:
Deft, Way to go. It is guys like Us that need to get the Word out that what you did is EXACTLY what everyone of Us here on TNET and elsewhere should be doing. Standing up for our Rights PERIOD.!!! Man, you made my day, Thanks.
I think that Us older guys here need to teach the Newbies to stand up for their Rights like Deft did. That way Our defiance will serve as a great Role Model for them to pass on to future Generations yet to come. That We here really need to make this a National Movement. "A House divided can not stand by itself." A. Lincoln. His words 156 years ago are still true today. Today We here, I believe, have an OBLIGATION to Our Future Generations in order for Us to Protect and Provide a more Perfect Union.!!! So Sayeth We ??? What do you guys think ??? I think that it is now becoming much more prevalent that We here are being harassed but better yet that the word of these Events are starting to be told at a much greater rate than ever before. That this turn of Events on Our part has or is starting to give rise to a coordinated Civil Act of Defiance to cast asunder the trampling of Our God Given Rights and as are afforded Us under Our very own Constitution & Our Bill of Rights wrought about by the Great Act of Defiance called the American Revolution which Our ForeFathers so greatly and proudly Sacrificed themselves so that We here may have these very same Constitutional Rights. Hence We here have an Obligation to fight for what is Rightfully Ours today. it would be of the Greatest Tragedy if We here allow these Rights to be cast aside & tramped upon and thus rendered negated by those in so called Power. what say ye Folks ?? To Teach Our own OR not. I await. PEACE:RONB :usflag: :leprechaun-hat:

Hi Samuel & Folks; OT/ I'm doing ok. I had a VERY scary health situation pop up on me but I'm much better now. It will take 3 - 5 Months to heal but that is FAR better than I was looking at. They almost Amputated my right foot last week but they were able to save it surgically. I'll Post about it later ok. Thanks for the Like. May God Bless You & Yours ALL. PEACE:RONB

You give customers a bad name. Just the type that a worker in a store would not want to help. The other possible outcome was they could of just thrown you out or called the police. Instead they pacified a cry baby

You give customers a bad name. Just the type that a worker in a store would not want to help. The other possible outcome was they could of just thrown you out or called the police. Instead they pacified a cry baby.

Feel proud of that?

You give customers a bad name. Just the type that a worker in a store would not want to help. The other possible outcome was they could of just thrown you out or called the police. Instead they pacified a cry baby.

Feel proud of that?

Tnet now has a new leader....
In the “Random Thread Bump Of The Month” club.

You give customers a bad name. Just the type that a worker in a store would not want to help. The other possible outcome was they could of just thrown you out or called the police. Instead they pacified a cry baby.

Feel proud of that?

So good you had to say it twice ?

The answer is obvious.

If you were the officers and had to choose between responding to a domestic disturbance call, where you might have to shoot somebody, then get criminally charged for defending yourself.........Or responding to a call about some guy metal detecting in the park, which would you choose?

If it were me, I would have wasted half of my shift "investigating" you too.

Not so sure officers often get to pick and chose what runs they make - Typically the dispatcher will call them by car/squad name and tell them where to go, though sometimes a unit that may happen to be closer and doing nothing at the moment will chime in and take the run.

You give customers a bad name. Just the type that a worker in a store would not want to help. The other possible outcome was they could of just thrown you out or called the police. Instead they pacified a cry baby must have really needed to vent about something, so, you hunt
down a 3 1/2 year old thread, and then insult the crap out of a member.


I see you've only got 14 posts, so before you get yourself in dutch with
the mod staff, you might want to read the SITE RULES...rules.gif

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The same thing happens with us gun owners too. Especially when a cop goes to a different state from say NY and they try to apply their personal beliefs into a situation were those previous experiences don't apply. It's important for us to fully be aware of the local laws so we don't get intimidated by the ignorant.

Last time my dear hubs was in a park he was next to a river and dredging. The police officers saw him and went down to investigate him. Then the Sargeant and officer became very interested in gold panning. So every week they would meet and learn about gold panninng. Yep my hubs gave them some of the gold they dredged or panned. After all they did the work. Then we found out that the area he was in ; was shall we say a drug/prostitution area and they asked him to stay away for a while. So after that he would call up and ask the officers if it was ok to go down and dredge. Always an officer would ask him if he had seen anything while dredging -well no, when one's head is down; one sees nothing. It was even funnier when I would go with him and the cops would all stop as I am in the river with waders on dredging. I guess these city cops have never seen a woman dredge before. I guess these city officers had never seen a woman dredge before.

I'm sorry you had a round with these officers. Do you carry a copy of the laws for the parks and recreation areas? Maybe that would help next time to ask them to show you the law you have violated. WE carry both from the parks and the mining laws, but we also live in a smaller town. Everyone at BLM knows who we are ! LOL not sure if that is good or bad!

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