Is there a Long Range Locator capable of this?

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fenixdigger said:
No, I don't have to show the folks. I hope any actual answers will be pm offline. You see, the real conversations don't happen on these forums. Once we find someone we can communicate with, we take it to personal and private talks. I have lrl's that work, do I care if you are convinced? Take a guess. I'm just looking for a less wind affected unit. This will likely cause some tired, goofy response, and I will snicker about it on the next recovery. At present the Examiner is the best in my lot. There has been several things in life I wanted explained. Turned out to be NATURAL phenomena according to the scientist. A term for I don't know. Kind of like lightning. LT

:icon_thumleft: Yep.

EddieR said:
fenixdigger said:
No, I don't have to show the folks. I hope any actual answers will be pm offline. You see, the real conversations don't happen on these forums. Once we find someone we can communicate with, we take it to personal and private talks. I have lrl's that work, do I care if you are convinced? Take a guess. I'm just looking for a less wind affected unit. This will likely cause some tired, goofy response, and I will snicker about it on the next recovery. At present the Examiner is the best in my lot. There has been several things in life I wanted explained. Turned out to be NATURAL phenomena according to the scientist. A term for I don't know. Kind of like lightning. LT

:icon_thumleft: Yep.

.................well, you did get a goofy, albeit a predictable response from half of the Dynamic Duo.

:hello: .....if you can't make it as a lawyer, try making pizza for a living.... :-*

Ted Groves said:
EddieR said:
fenixdigger said:
No, I don't have to show the folks. I hope any actual answers will be pm offline. You see, the real conversations don't happen on these forums. Once we find someone we can communicate with, we take it to personal and private talks. I have lrl's that work, do I care if you are convinced? Take a guess. I'm just looking for a less wind affected unit. This will likely cause some tired, goofy response, and I will snicker about it on the next recovery. At present the Examiner is the best in my lot. There has been several things in life I wanted explained. Turned out to be NATURAL phenomena according to the scientist. A term for I don't know. Kind of like lightning. LT

:icon_thumleft: Yep.

.................well, you did get a goofy, albeit a predictable response from half of the Dynamic Duo.

:hello: .....if you can't make it as a lawyer, try making pizza for a living.... :-*

As was me ::)

So tell me, what makes you think I couldn't make it as a lawyer? And what is wrong with having a pizza shop as a hobby? (yes, it's just a hobby)

Perhaps as one half of the Dimwitted Duo you might like to explain your constant mini-rants on peoples workplaces?

HI: It was posted --> .....if you can't make it as a lawyer, try making pizza for a living....or as an out of date radio tinkerer, repairman.

Don Jose de La Mancha

:laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

My hobby is irritating old washed up lawyers, and I'm rather good at it.... as everyone can see.

:laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

HI, if true, may I congratulate you on being good at 'something'. snicker

Apol to both of you, my lawyer friend and you, my ornery, picky, picky friend..

Don Jose de La Mancha

Ted Groves said:
:laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

My hobby is irritating old washed up lawyers, and I'm rather good at it.... as everyone can see.

:laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Irritating? Nah...not in the least. I rather enjoy our "conversations". :icon_thumleft:

:headbang: Remember what I said about snickering on the next recovery? Yesterday I snickered in a 10 acre field. I finally figured out that there were 2 words that are all the proof anyone could ever ask for (or get from me) ------STACK'S AUCTION. LT
P.S. Yes it really exists and it also works---Snicker --Snicker---but I can't prove it--Really Snicker

Well,,,, I could post a picture or a copy of one of the consignment letters from Stacks, But guess what????
Notice I didn't say CAN'T more like Won't. I'm also a very good fisherman. Impossible to "bait" me into something I DON'T want to do. I'm on here to look for answers to issues and to make things better if I can. You are right to question statements,,,To a point.
But to ignore valid answers just for the sake of argument, that's something I'm not sure about.
Here's what I will do. On my next trip, I will put the Examiner in the hands of the property owner, put a target under something, let him walk past it, and film the reaction. That's as far as I'll go. What I find is between the property owner and me. I'm sure you can understand that. Trying to convince someone of something they don't want to hear is not my cup of tea. Thanks, LT

Also, good luck with the video of somebody finding something you hid, and having them walk right past if you told them in which direction to walk
Excuses, Excuses and more Excuses…You beg and beg for someone to make a movie. Before it is ever made you state making excuses…

Eddy, AA, someone quote me so that he can't claim that he can't see this post. Add your comments,

HI: swr's post is an excellent example of a closed mind. Nothing further needs to be said. I do wish that he would answer some of the questions that I have posted to him over the past 3 years.

I Hereby 'openly challenge' him to stop hiding behind the "ignore' feature and start to show the level of his competence by answering logical and normal questions.

Carl certainly isn't afraid, why should he be -- unless ? hmmmmm.

Don Jose de La Mnacha

Real de Tayopa said:
Eddy, AA, someone quote me so that he can't claim that he can't see this post. Add your comments,

HI: swr's post is an excellent example of a closed mind. Nothing further needs to be said. I do wish that he would answer some of the questions that I have posted to him over the past 3 years.

I Hereby 'openly challenge' him to stop hiding behind the "ignore' feature and start to show the level of his competence by answering logical and normal questions.

Carl certainly isn't afraid, why should he be -- unless ? hmmmmm.

Don Jose de La Mnacha
What’s wrong SWR….Can you not answer the hard Questions>>…

HI AA, 5:1 he finds some excuse. such as Real posts nonsense, stupid references, never posts a confirming site or a review by peers, runs around in circles, and on.

Ted, Carl, etc. are men enough to face any questions.

Don Jose de La Mancha

Ted, Still being to an extent, involved in the med field, I am quite aware of what a double blind study consists of and, most importantly, it's faults, do you ??

I have never been really interested in proving anything that I have found to science as such, all tests were conducted for my satisfaction and advancement.

I stayed outside of the room while the ring was hidden, she then continued working in the kitchen, another room, while I successfully looked for it. Problems??

Jose de La Mancha

Since SWR and others do not believe that dowsing and LRL's work, they will NEVER get them to work. Then they hide behind words such as nuro-somethingorother-motors. Then, they keep whining for proof that the techniques actually work and produce. My question has been, and still is, "WHO THE HELL ARE THEY that ANYONE should have to prove ANYTHING to? I shall and will continue on with my own techniques and beliefs, so they can piss off into the sunset. ;D (he said with a smile)

Saturna said:
Yikes, just so long as you don't take it personally. :help:

Wow.... kind of reminds you of religious wars.

For those keeping score @ is the opponents that continuously post reliable references and sources in regards to the operating principles of these devices, legal actions taken against said devices, files and reports from National Laboratories in regards to these devices (random chance, guessing). There is abundant documentation supporting opponents views, that Long Range Locators are bogus and fraudulent.
You would not know the truth if it jumped up and bit you..That statement is an out and out false hood. The only thing you have put on here is repots and test of Bomb and Explosives devices. I almost forgot about the : drugs, weapons, golf balls, even lost coon dogs. devices from 14 years ago ….You people have continually called T-Net members Murders for the deaths of children, women and fathers because of these explosive devices.
Grow up SWR…this is a TREASURE HUNTING Web Site. ..ART

It should be evident that 14-years ago these devices were deemed fraudulent and useless. Unlike those feverishly trying to prove Pink Unicorns is more than like done with it. The devices and theory proven bogus and fraudulent 14-years ago, are the exact same thing proponents are still beating the dead horse about today, in 2010.

Nothing new...nothing different. Just another day.
drugs, weapons, golf balls, even lost coon dogs….This is the device that you ranting over and over about. Yes it was banned from sales in the USA. We have stated many times that we do not condone these types of sales. I have promised you that I will not ever hunt these things as they are not Treasure to me….

When I bought my devises I travel many miles to personally use these devices to made sure that they suited my hunting habits. My devices all do what I bought them for and so do 3 other devices that I have used….You have stated over and over that none of them will find treasure. You have called all the manufactures Fraudulent and basically crooks that is an out and out falsehood. .

You state that these Bomb Explosive Devices are all Fake…When I see Photo’s of the war zone it seems there is almost always a person holding one of these devices.

By the way…On the Coon Dog detector ….Many trails on many charges and no Convictions…
Please stop posting proof about bomb explosive devises ..You and your group have been ask 100’s of times “Which LRL’s and MFD’s made for Treasure Hunting do not work”?...We all would like that information…
Nothing new...nothing different. Just another day
Your right...More posts about non treasure hunting devices....Art

SWR said:
aarthrj3811 said:
For those keeping score @ is the opponents that continuously post reliable references and sources in regards to the operating principles of these devices, legal actions taken against said devices, files and reports from National Laboratories in regards to these devices (random chance, guessing). There is abundant documentation supporting opponents views, that Long Range Locators are bogus and fraudulent.
You would not know the truth if it jumped up and bit you..That statement is an out and out false hood. The only thing you have put on here is repots and test of Bomb and Explosives devices. I almost forgot about the : drugs, weapons, golf balls, even lost coon dogs. devices from 14 years ago ….You people have continually called T-Net members Murders for the deaths of children, women and fathers because of these explosive devices.
Grow up SWR…this is a TREASURE HUNTING Web Site. ..ART

It should be evident that 14-years ago these devices were deemed fraudulent and useless. Unlike those feverishly trying to prove Pink Unicorns is more than like done with it. The devices and theory proven bogus and fraudulent 14-years ago, are the exact same thing proponents are still beating the dead horse about today, in 2010.

Nothing new...nothing different. Just another day.

Actually...what is evident is that you are posting total BS. ONE company was charged. Nowhere does any source say that ALL LRL designers/manufacturers were charged. When you stated above that "THESE DEVICES"...that is an all-encompassing term that can be construed as meaning ALL LRL's. Is that what you meant? If it is, then show your proof that ALL of them were deemed fraudulent.

If that is not what you meant, then admit to wording a post to attempt to make people believe something other than the truth. :read2: :coffee2:

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