Is there a Long Range Locator capable of this?

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Good evening my friends & especially PBSRC#1: I finally had to take swr off of ignore to see just how silly he still is. Oh well.

It was posted by Ted --> I also think those who protect, speak up for and support these LRL scam artists, are no better than the scam artists themselves.
I thank you ted, and also would like to say that those that refuse to discuss the possible theory behind them, not necessarily the one being posed, are guilty of the same thinking as the Salem witch hunters. If it isn't in the bible, it is witchcraft and the possessors should be burned at the stake.

I also found this interesting -->

But, this description was only a trap for the unsuspecting, for Planck then made an about-face, and asserted that, "ladies and gentlemen, this view has never contributed to any advance in physics."

Relating the sense perceptions to one another with mathematics, and pulling logical derivations out of those relations, can be quite interesting, but this could never, in itself, derive a new discovery of principle.

The generation of new knowledge about the universe comes from a world different from that of sense perception, but one which the human mind has access to.
Planck's target in these speeches was the so-called Positivist movement. Since the time he hypothesized the existence of the quantum of action, these anti-reason "brownshirts" asserted that

'all knowledge must come only from that which is measurable.

Therefore, that world Planck referenced, as the domain of human creativity, could not exist.


I assume that you 'do' recognize the name Planck?

Don Jose de La Mancha (Tropical Tramp)

fenixdigger said:
A LRL uses molecular energies of one sort or another (I know --) to "locate" a target...

That statement is nothing more than you repeating a myth you've heard. The idea that LRLs use molecular energies is totally incorrect and was originally fabricated by one, possibly two, LRL scam artists to help market their fraudulent devices in an attempt to HIDE the fact that they were simple dowsing wands. Thus, the "mark" ended up paying a huge amount of money for a glorified dowsing wand that would essentially do the same thing as a piece of bent coat hanger wire.

Posting stuff that is already here is not something I wish to waste my time on. The dynamic duo should do your own research, and try to keep up with the threads as they evolve. That way you won't be asking silly questions of folks that have already done the research. :),326359.msg2361601.html#msg2361601,331120.msg2388561.html#msg2388561

Maybe overwhelming a public forum with a volume of pointless questions gives you some feeling of washing the blood from your hands; but I can assure you, IT DOES NOT! :angry7:

The LRL devices used as explosive detectors we are discussing are empty plastic boxes, with a transistor-radio type of antenna precariously balanced on a swivel.

The keywords here are "empty plastic box"
You are so dense that you do not believe your own post..The Irag government found a few that were just empty boxes…The key work is “few”…They did not think that they came from the manufacturer that way….
I know that you think that we are all dumb murders but you are always wrong.

JudyH said:
Ted Groves said:
Posting stuff that is already here is not something I wish to waste my time on.

A simple review of your posts on this forum is proof of the error in that statement.

Ted Groves said:
Maybe overwhelming a public forum with a volume of pointless questions gives you some feeling of washing the blood from your hands; but I can assure you, IT DOES NOT! :angry7:

"In other words " ..... you can't or won't answer the questions? :dontknow:

Thank you for participating in my double blind experiment.
( Albeit, unknowingly....since to be true DB you could not know :wink: ).

Will post results soon as they are analyzed by a third party.



EddieR said:
Ted Groves said:
fenixdigger said:
Any % above 40 or 50% is very good.

You have struck on a very important point. You see if those who believe in their LRLs, are not capable of, or don't wish to accurately (mathematically) determine exactly what the measure of merit is - then, they can forever kid themselves that the devices are providing some measure of "results" better than pure chance. In actuality, they are essentially getting the same results as what random selection would provide; but without proper analysis will remain their entire life, fooled by the results of the simple ideomotor effect.

My problem is not with those people. If they want to remain in their make believe world; they have every right to.

What I do have a problem with, are those who know and understand exactly how an LRL "does not work" and will build, sell and market these fraudulent items to the G&TC. I also think those who protect, speak up for and support these LRL scam artists, are no better than the scam artists themselves.

It would be nice if the people that seem mad at lrl users would go with someone on a hunt or two and really see whats up.

I have done just that. That's why I know what I'm talking about. Further, I think it is incredibly sad that some of the LRL scammers have chosen to build, sell and promote their devices as explosives and bomb locators - when they know full well there is NO trace of validity to their claims; and they profit from the sales while hundreds of people are killed depending on the false claims and fraudulent devices. Of course those self-appointed saviors of such LRL scammers have the same BLOOD on their hands as those who are actually selling the devices. They may duck and dodge, divert and post pictures of straw men, but in the end they cannot wash the BLOOD off their hands.


Let me ask you a question, Ted. How many LRL's have you personally tested, and did you purchase them new?

Still waiting on an answer. :clock:

JudyH said:
SWR said:
JudyH said:
Ted Groves said:
I think it is incredibly sad that some of the LRL scammers have chosen to build, sell and promote their devices as explosives and bomb locators - when they know full well there is NO trace of validity to their claims; and they profit from the sales while hundreds of people are killed depending on the false claims and fraudulent devices. Of course those self-appointed saviors of such LRL scammers have the same BLOOD on their hands as those who are actually selling the devices. They may duck and dodge, divert and post pictures of straw men, but in the end they cannot wash the BLOOD off their hands.

A couple of simple questions, Ted.

In view of your position on LRL's "as bomb detectors".....what have you, personally, done in the Real World (not simply posting on a public treasure hunting forum) to put a stop to the "Blood"-shed you speak of ?

What have you done for the loved ones left behind....the collateral damage allegedly caused by the use of these LRL bomb detectors?

According to SWR, all you have to do is file a "Complaint" that the product (or products) are fraudulent....with the proper authorities. Why have you not done so? It would appear to be a very simple proposition, if these products are truly fraudulent.

What have you personally done to stop the "Carnage".... besides incessant ranting on a public treasure hunting forum.... (of all places :icon_scratch:)?


Maybe you haven't keep up with the news. The fraudulent devices are banned from being shipping. The UK manufacture was arrested and so forth. Maybe you know...and maybe you don't know......the fraudulent explosive detectors are EXACTLY the same as "Treasure Hunting" detectors.

Thank goodness they have been banned in the USA

I'm sorry...I didn't realize your name was Ted, SWR. :icon_scratch:

Maybe you didn't understand the questions I directed to Ted....but that's ok, I left you one of your own on a different thread so you wouldn't feel left out. ::) :crybaby2:


A couple of simple questions, Ted.

In view of your position on LRL's "as bomb detectors".....what have you, personally, done in the Real World (not simply posting on a public treasure hunting forum) to put a stop to the "Blood"-shed you speak of ?

What have you done for the loved ones left behind....the collateral damage allegedly caused by the use of these LRL bomb detectors?

According to SWR, all you have to do is file a "Complaint" that the product (or products) are fraudulent....with the proper authorities. Why have you not done so? It would appear to be a very simple proposition, if these products are truly fraudulent.

What have you personally done to stop the "Carnage".... besides incessant ranting on a public treasure hunting forum.... (of all places ::) )?

??? :dontknow:
I thought they were Siamese twins myself. Taking turns wearing the cheerleader outfit while the other one types..... :laughing9: As a well known rock band once said.... "Don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to"....... Being a family website and in keeping with the rules of this fine establishment, I'll keep that to myself.

Am I so dense, that I do not believe my own post?

I don't think its that I am dense, Art. The root of the problem comes from your not being able to comprehend what is posted.
Yes, It is always our fault that we do not understand your phony posts
Can you validate your claim that the Iraq government found a few that were just empty boxes?
It is in one of your phony posts..You go find it
And this is the same Government that purchased the product without proper testing in the first place...right?
How do you know that proper testing was not done? Just because your Skeptic web sites tell you that
I've never said LRL proponents were all dumb murders.
I am not going to look for that. Why should I after being called names for 8 months?
You're blowing that way out of proportion. You should possibly take a second look at what you are defending.
I am defending the 7 LRL’s and MFD’s used for treasure hunting that I know work.
In view of your position on LRL's "as bomb detectors".....what have you, personally, done in the Real World (not simply posting on a public treasure hunting forum) to put a stop to the "Blood"-shed you speak of ?
You have got that wrong..The ones that are calling us murders are all Skeptics. Don’t try to use that tactic on me.
What have you done for the loved ones left behind....the collateral damage allegedly caused by the use of these LRL bomb detector
Nothing but pay my taxes
Maybe you haven't keep up with the news. The fraudulent devices are banned from being shipping.
The UK manufacture was arrested and so forth. Maybe you know...and maybe you don't know......the fraudulent explosive detectors are EXACTLY the same as "Treasure Hunting" detectors.
No they are not..That is your delusion not ours are actually quoting one of Judy's posts, Art.

New tactic? Gonna start bickering with her, too?
Good…That is just another mistake you will make..

Apparently, Ted and SWR choose to ignore those empty devices that saved so many lives in Vietnam by locating boobytraps and ammo caches. You know..............those skinny little pieces of welding rods or coat hangers that were bent into "L" rods.

You are either honestly mistaken or a liar. There were many Marines and Army folks who used that technique.

You are either honestly mistaken or a liar. There were many Marines and Army folks who used that technique.
How dare you tell the truth Shortstack…Ditto…They just post junk from their only source of information..Skeptic web sites..

I was not talking about "official capacities"; I was talking about things that actually WORKED. You see, there are many field proven techniques and equipment items that were / are used by the troops in their AO's. One excellent example were the hedgerow busters used on Sherman tanks in the hedgerows of Normandy. Those were thought up, tested, and manufactured in the field without government approval. Then, there were the guntrucks in Vietnam, .44 magnum handguns, 12 gauge pump shotguns, field modified helicopters carrying unapproved machineguns. Helicopter mechanics who would "tweak" the engines in their Hueys so the pilots could "over drive" them in emergencies. Or how about the Slick pilots who would land their 'copters in a river on a submerged sandbar and hire locals to wash out the blood from the cargo decks. Was that approved techniques?? Hell, no, but they got the needed results. SAME AS DOWSING. It worked and was used in the field to get the needed results.
Since you wouldn't call yourself a liar, you MUST be "mistaken"; correct???

Since that dowsing worked so well, why don't they do the same thing with IED's today ?

Saturna said:
Since that dowsing worked so well, why don't they do the same thing with IED's today ?

What makes you think they HAVEN'T?? Then, again, how many officers in the military are non believers such as YOU and SWR, et al, and do not allow the use of "L" rods and end up losing some of their men to the explosives because of their personal doubts? I wonder how many lives have been lost because of people such as you putting out your skeptical propaganda that convinces the wrong folks that the techniques don't work. How much blood is on the hands of skeptics??? Besides, most of the IED's that I've heard about are planted within just a few hours of their use. MY question has been why doesn't the U.S. military use high power frequency generators that put out the same frequencies as cell phones, and pre-detenate those IED's? This technique was supposedly suggested several years ago, but was nixed by someone in the higher archy.

Shortstack said:
Saturna said:
Since that dowsing worked so well, why don't they do the same thing with IED's today ?

What makes you think they HAVEN'T?? Then, again, how many officers in the military are non believers such as YOU and SWR, et al, and do not allow the use of "L" rods and end up losing some of their men to the explosives because of their personal doubts? I wonder how many lives have been lost because of people such as you putting out your skeptical propaganda that convinces the wrong folks that the techniques don't work. How much blood is on the hands of skeptics??? Besides, most of the IED's that I've heard about are planted within just a few hours of their use. MY question has been why doesn't the U.S. military use high power frequency generators that put out the same frequencies as cell phones, and pre-detenate those IED's? This technique was supposedly suggested several years ago, but was nixed by someone in the higher archy.

Riiight. So the lives lost so far would've been saved if the 'skeptical higher ups' hadn't stopped dowsers.

Considering the guys could easily carry along dowsing rods and just use them if they wanted, the same way they carry along personal camcorders, this doesn't make sense. If even one IED was discovered this way, the immediate commander would gladly let his men use them.
You said they used them and they worked in Vietnam. Where were the 'skeptic higher ups' then ?

Your statement (in red) does make sense. Glad to you suggesting something based in possible technology, and not just belief.
Whether this idea (or cel-phone jammers) would work, I have no idea.

You skeptics have blood on your hands. The dowsers did their thing in Vietnam because the "higher ups" were camped out in the rear..........REMF's don't you know. The boonie rats in the field used what worked and didn't mess with getting the okie doakie from some puke in the rear.

As far as "why aren't "L" rods used in the middle I pointed out; how do you know they aren't? Also, most IED's are placed just before dawn when the traffic will pick up. Long range SNIPERS have been more effective because they are "immediate" assets. If the ragheads planted mines and booby traps for long timed use; dowsing could very well be used in given circumstances. That is, if the guys haven't been convinced by skeptics that dowsing is totally useless. As I said; skeptics have blood on their hands.

Hey Shortstack….Thank you for serving our country. I have talked to 100’s of vets that tell me the same story…In case you have not notice we have a few experts on this forum that disregard any information that goes against their “belief systems”. It is very sad but ths is the way it seems to work. This subject has been discuss in the Dowsing forum many times with the same people objecting…Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Shortstack….Thank you for serving our country. I have talked to 100’s of vets that tell me the same story…In case you have not notice we have a few experts on this forum that disregard any information that goes against their “belief systems”. It is very sad but ths is the way it seems to work. This subject has been discuss in the Dowsing forum many times with the same people objecting…Art

Thank you and I have been monitoring SWR's bullsh1t for a long time. That's why I have him on "ignore". He and one or two others. I don't mind debates, but constant naysaying and argueing gets old fast.

***** Short stack. swr is well acquainted with tropical tramp since he has had to repeatedly run away from Tropical Tramp, snicker, I have forgotten how many forums.

Don Jose de La Mancha (Tropical Tramp)

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