Is there a Long Range Locator capable of this?

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Hey Marc….All these experts have not experienced the things that we have..I don’t need to know exactly how something works..If it finds treasure I am going to use it…As long as I don’t hurt some one with my tools I am the only one I have to prove any thing to…Art

Marc said:
I don't care what anyone says about the board. Really. It doesn't work - IT DOESN'T!!!!! it's a game.... IT IS!!!!! OK! :icon_thumleft: I recommend people NOT use it.

If I hadn't seen what I HAVE seen, I would be FIRMLY in the non-believers (skeptics) camp!!!!!! FIRMLY!

Of course, here is my story.....,28494.0.html

... and I have spent 30+ years TRYING to rationalize it away.
Soon, I will complete the discovery - um, I mean recovery process. 8)

12 feet to the floor.... 12 feet... of course, we had NO way of knowing that. :laughing7:

Maybe the ideomotor effect can tap into the subconscious and possibly psychic - and possibly genetic memory of the brain. How can orphaned elephants find their way to the same water their ancestors survived on? 8)

Marc, first of all I want you to know that what you have experienced it's absolutely true.
This subject is highly complex, long and I deal with it for decades.

Am I an authority to speak about it? Honestly, I am. I know what I am talking about.
I will not go deep into it, simply because this is not the right place to discuss it. This is a treasure hunting forum.
If you wish I can give you all information you need about this phenomena trough PM.

As a start, I will only tell you that an ouija board is one of the many ways used for entity comunications. Ouija board, moving glasses, pendulums, and others. It's not a game. Luck on you that the right entity gave you the right information. There are many false info from entities who only wants to have fun at people's expenses.
I am not kidding. This is serious.

As an initial research material for you to look on from the tons available, I cite the documented case of the Fox sisters in Hydesville in 1800's. You will probably only find disclaimer sources that it did not happen as they tell, that they cheated, etc. Discard that as these were written by the matherialistic involved who did not want the case to prosper. Focus on the similarity with your case.
Then try to get a scientific book called The Spirits' Book by Allan Kardek. This book is originally french written in 1857. Don't know how easy it will be to find it in US, but I know there's a version in english. I already saw it.

I will not make any coment about it here.
As you experienced this yourself, you will probably not be understood by the ones who did not experience it.
If you wish PM me. I will gladly discuss this with you.

Best regards.
PS. Found it easy in the net. Here:

Howdy Folks!
I have been reading all the posts in this thread and am a bit startled at some of
the debate. We certainly can examine a topic without bombasity and discord, I
hope anyhow.

Since I haven't got a dog in this fight, but am interested in any technology that
might benefit me in my quest to improve my personal fortunes, I stumbled into
this thread wondering what the story on LRLs might actually be. I've heard those
who are enthusiastic about these devices, and I've heard from folks on the other
side of the issue. What I haven't seen is any documentation from either side.
Granted, I just got interested in this particular line of discussion, and while such
documentation may have appeared on this forum or another before, I haven't
seen any of it.

My particular perspective is that of a person curious and without a specific point
of view. I am open to hearing legitimate opinions from both the skeptics and the
believers. While I am not precisely "in the market" for one of these devices, I am
open to the concept that there may be validity to claims they are efficacious. I am
equally open to the concept that such devices are not effective. I don't have any
bais one way or another.

I'd be curious to experiment with such devices and see what my own experience
might be. However, I run on a pretty slim budget and don't have any cash to
dispose of without something more inspiring than contention between different
factions in a discussion such as this.

As for Ouija boards, I've read Marc's account. It isn't surprising to me in the least.
They do open portals to entities from realms beyond our own physical plane. That
being said, I tend to regard them as perilous devices in much the same way as I
regard leaving my front door unlocked at night as unwise. Anything (or anybody)
can come through that portal and behave badly.

But since the whole point of this thread seems to be whether LRL devices actually
perform in a satisfactory manner to assist in treasure hunting, well, I'm open to
documentation from both sides, without prejudice to either. I have no bias one
way or the other. When I was young, the discriminating detector did not yet exist.
It would have seemed logical for folks to suggest that it ain't possible to discriminate
between various metals as we now take for granted. Pulse detectors are even more
recent, and achieve greater depth that only about 20 years ago would have been
unbelievable. I can imagine discussion of those technologies running along similar
lines as we see for the LRL machines. As noted by Hamlet; "There are more things
on heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy Horatio!"

So, rather than making this post much longer than it already is, I'd love to see what
documentation either side has to share. Whether it be websites, print articles or any
other medium, I'm open to seeing what evidence exists on either end of the debate.
Please feel free, on either side of the issue, to contact me via email or PM through
this forum.

Until I know more, I simply remain curious. And I hope this thread continues without
venom on either side so we can evaluate information based on merit rather than
sentiment or opinion.

Thank you for reading all this,

SWR said:
M-Taliesin said:
So, rather than making this post much longer than it already is, I'd love to see what
documentation either side has to share. Whether it be websites, print articles or any
other medium, I'm open to seeing what evidence exists on either end of the debate.
Please feel free, on either side of the issue, to contact me via email or PM through
this forum.

Huh?? Documentation by opponents have been shared in practically every thread in this sub-forum. Several threads have even been about documentation how these gimmicks are manufactured. :icon_scratch:

I didn't read practially every thread in this forum. I read this one in particular.
Documentation about how gimmicks, as you call them, are made isn't relevant.
I am interested in documentation on how they perform. Can anybody document
a find made with such device. Or, by contrast, why they aren't able to find anything.

I am not so interested as to read every thread on the forum dealing with this particular
modality. Just a curious onlooker who is open to considering both points of view.
If that point of view can't be made in a consice, yet compelling way right here, then
it really isn't an investment in time to go looking for source material on my own.

Noted that your reply didn't offer a single reference to another thread where such
questions are addressed. That leaves me wondering why not? It is routine to provide
links to specific threads or documentation when replying to a simple question and
would require much less typing simply to provide them in response to a question.

Again, I ain't got no dog in this fight either way and don't have any emotional
involvement in this discussion. Just a curiosity that isn't so consuming that I'm going
to read every thread on the forum in order to satisfy.

If these things work, show me.
If they don't, show me.
Until that happens, I guess I'll just chalk down what I've seen in this thread as
opinion and hearsay without evidence. Until then, I ain't launching an investigation,
and I ain't buying the argument from either side. All I'm asking is for folks to show
their hand.


M-Taliesin said:
If that point of view can't be made in a consice, yet compelling way right here, then
it really isn't an investment in time to go looking for source material on my own.

Please see my PM. ;D

M-Taliesin said:
If these things work, show me.
If they don't, show me.
Until that happens, I guess I'll just chalk down what I've seen in this thread as
opinion and hearsay without evidence. Until then, I ain't launching an investigation,
and I ain't buying the argument from either side. All I'm asking is for folks to show
their hand.

Hi M-T,

There's heaping gobs of show-me on my personal web site, Try these links:

LRL Main page
LRL General Info (esp. read the Dowsing/LRL Q&A)
LRL Technical Reports - Look inside lots of LRLs

- Carl

Carl-NC said:
M-Taliesin said:
If these things work, show me.
If they don't, show me.
Until that happens, I guess I'll just chalk down what I've seen in this thread as
opinion and hearsay without evidence. Until then, I ain't launching an investigation,
and I ain't buying the argument from either side. All I'm asking is for folks to show
their hand.

Hi M-T,

There's heaping gobs of show-me on my personal web site, Try these links:

LRL Main page
LRL General Info (esp. read the Dowsing/LRL Q&A)
LRL Technical Reports - Look inside lots of LRLs

- Carl

Howdy Carl!
Thank you very much. I surely appreciate your providing specific information for me
to consider and view. I'll check it out when I have a bit of time. Morning struck early
today around here, but with a three day weekend coming along (with snow in the
forecast) guess I'll have ample opportunity to catch up on reading.

Much obliged, Carl, and thanks for the information.


Ted Groves said:
M-Taliesin said:
If that point of view can't be made in a consice, yet compelling way right here, then
it really isn't an investment in time to go looking for source material on my own.

Please see my PM. ;D

Howdy Ted!
Much appreciate your information. I didn't get a chance to view it last night, but
have three days coming along with snow in the forecast, so should have a chance
to check it out and consider the information with an open mind.

Nice of you to take the time to PM me with that, and I really do appreciate it.
Thanks again!


SWR said:
M-Taliesin said:
All I'm asking is for folks to show their hand.

Okey've already got your mind up, I reckon. If you don't want to read the posts in this forum, then I'll just move along. Nothing to see here.

Howdy SWR!
Wow, but you folded quick enough. Works for me. Ya gotta know when to hold 'em,
know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, etc, etc.

I haven't "already got your mind up", whatever on earth that's supposed to mean,
(and assume it was intended to be a slight) but am merely curious. I don't feel any
compulsion to reinvent the entire wheel, but just get to the crux of the thing without
putting in a bunch of time I ain't got.

But that's an okey dokey with me, if you ain't holding anything. Others have stepped
up and offered more than mere opinion, so I don't much mind you came up dry.
It's okay with me.


If these things work, show me.
If they don't, show me.

Nobody needs to show you anything.
As Carl gave you the link to his site, do what I did.
I built some of the devices featured in his site, he claims not working. The ones I chose to build worked. Some better than others. But they worked. So my conclusion is that there's a high possibility that all of them work.
You'll see that there's nothing scientific in the reports, only biased opinions to support own beliefs.

So experiment yourself and do not 'import' claims from others, something that occurs very often among skeptics here.

hung said:
Nobody needs to show you anything.
As Carl gave you the link to his site, do what I did.
I built some of the devices featured in his site, he claims not working. The ones I chose to build worked. Some better than others. But they worked. So my conclusion is that there's a high possibility that all of them work.
You'll see that there's nothing scientific in the reports, only biased opinions to support own beliefs.

So experiment yourself and do not 'import' claims from others, something that occurs very often among skeptics here.

Well, M-Taliesin, isn't that almost exactly what I told you to do.

Of course it goes without saying there are some LRL salesmen (look ^^^^ up to see one) here too. They have other interests and agendas, other than just sharing info with you, so it is in your best interests to evaluate what they are pushing rather closely, especially before you part with any of your ready cash.

If all you are looking for is a fair evaluation of dowsing and LRL/MFD, done from your own personal angle, than I already gave you everything you'll need to conduct your investigation.

Good luck...
Ted :)

Hey M-Taliesin….I own three of the devices that he has on his web site…I have also used 4 others that he has tested. That is seven good devise’s that the experts say that will do nothing… I have told these guys over and over if you try to Dowse with a LRL you WILL fail…Art

If you are curious, then find a dealer or builder that has a money back guarantee for a certain time period, that way you can eperiment without it costing you an arm and a leg. This is what I did many years ago. What I found out is that not everyone can use one effectively. I had a 30 day money back guarantee, so I tested it everywhere I could, under all kinds of circumstances, until I felt confortably sure I could use it to find what I was searching for. If it had not worked, all I would have had to pay was a 10% restocking fee. A small price to pay for using one for 30 days, and gaining the satisfaction of knowing for sure whether it would work or not. You can ask 100 people and get 100 different answers from everything from metal detectors to digging tools. Everyone has an opinion, as do I, but that doesn't mean what I use will satisfy what you want. Sometimes you just have to take the plunge to find out for yourself. The one i bought was built by a science professor in his spare time, as a hobby. He never intended to get rich off these units, just to help fill a niche in demand for these units. He didn't even build most of the units, but had them made for him and he just assembled them and added his own handmade parts to them to enhance their sensitivity to certain metals. They only pickup gold and silver. Good Luck with you endeavor to find the truth. rockhound

rockhound said:
If you are curious, then find a dealer or builder that has a money back guarantee for a certain time period, that way you can eperiment without it costing you an arm and a leg. This is what I did many years ago. What I found out is that not everyone can use one effectively. I had a 30 day money back guarantee, so I tested it everywhere I could, under all kinds of circumstances, until I felt confortably sure I could use it to find what I was searching for. If it had not worked, all I would have had to pay was a 10% restocking fee. A small price to pay for using one for 30 days, and gaining the satisfaction of knowing for sure whether it would work or not. You can ask 100 people and get 100 different answers from everything from metal detectors to digging tools. Everyone has an opinion, as do I, but that doesn't mean what I use will satisfy what you want. Sometimes you just have to take the plunge to find out for yourself. The one i bought was built by a science professor in his spare time, as a hobby. He never intended to get rich off these units, just to help fill a niche in demand for these units. He didn't even build most of the units, but had them made for him and he just assembled them and added his own handmade parts to them to enhance their sensitivity to certain metals. They only pickup gold and silver. Good Luck with you endeavor to find the truth. rockhound
Some LRL makers may offer this, but I've seen many with a 5 to 7 day refund period, or no refund period at all.

SWR said:
Even at the 10% "restocking fee" you would be getting gouged for an empty plastic box :duckie:

Absolutely you are. The "restocking fee" is ALWAYS geared so the LRL dealer breaks even on what he has in the gimmick. Then, he can turn around and sell it to the next "gullible" and clear 100% profit.

The "restocking fee" AND the "shipping and handling fee" is as much a gimmick as the do-nothing device itself.

SWR said:
Ted Groves said:
SWR said:
Even at the 10% "restocking fee" you would be getting gouged for an empty plastic box :duckie:

Absolutely you are. The "restocking fee" is ALWAYS geared so the LRL dealer breaks even on what he has in the gimmick. Then, he can turn around and sell it to the next "gullible" and clear 100% profit.

The "restocking fee" AND the "shipping and handling fee" is as much a gimmick as the do-nothing device itself.

Could you imagine the shock of ordering an amazing target discriminator, only to find out it is a short piece of PVC pipe with a few fittings on it? Once you settle down from kicking yourself in the seat of the britches, you return it for a refund...minus shipping. After paying shipping both just spent $14 for 3 inches of PVC pipe that you no longer own :o

Yes, that would be a REAL wake-up call. :D And, let's hope your wife doesn't find out how you spent that 14 bucks. ;D

Ted Groves said:
SWR said:
Even at the 10% "restocking fee" you would be getting gouged for an empty plastic box :duckie:

Absolutely you are. The "restocking fee" is ALWAYS geared so the LRL dealer breaks even on what he has in the gimmick. Then, he can turn around and sell it to the next "gullible" and clear 100% profit.

The "restocking fee" AND the "shipping and handling fee" is as much a gimmick as the do-nothing device itself.

Is your experience in charging this fee, or paying it?

Ted Groves said:
Yes, that would be a REAL wake-up call. :D And, let's hope your wife doesn't find out how you spent that 14 bucks. ;D

When you get better at leading your own household, come back and talk to the menfolk.

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