I have found that no one piece of equipment is perfect for every application. I use several, for the more instruments that give me a positive reading, the more likely I am to go and chase it.
I was reading about the cell phone and the number 512 What is that about?
Art. Reliable references and sources have been posted in regards to scientific testing of these contraptions. The conclusions and results are always the same. Does not work better than random guessing.
Furthermore, reliable references and sources have been posted in regards to tens of thousands of dollars that have been scammed from the US Government, as well as foreign Governments still being scammed by these contraptions.
Well kind Sir...had you actually read the scientific documentation you requested, and was provided...you would have read the portion about how these gimmicks were used by treasure hunters BEFORE they crossed over to other applications, such as dowsing for explosives
However, laboratory held scientific tests have concluded that these gimmicks do not locate ANY metals. Period.
Your failure to accept scientific tests/results are understandable. Nobody likes to be on the losing team.
Dell Winders said:Marc, We have a reputable Geophysicist consultant, that will tell you flat out that MFD can't possibly work.
Marc said:I can point you to countless scientists that will tell you that Ouija Boards don't work, yet, I have seen them work.