Is there a Long Range Locator capable of this?

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Thanks Dell you are one of the few fine people out there and i enjoy your articles very much please keep on writing about these articles and i will watch for the email Thanks Bildon

Hey Dell, I have to say that you make a very good point that really refers to any and all pieces of equipment regardless of their nature or functionality.

An equipment operator only becomes more proficient with practice and experience. Though a person knows how to drive a car, doesn't mean they can drive a race car at full speed through a corner without the necessary practice and experience.

There are so many out there with ultra biased opinions that without the operational knowledge of any equipment, how can any statements be regarded as true or false, they are just mere opinions. I have seen some LRL's work and others not. Without the proper testing, learning and practicing, how can anyone make truly factual statements.



Honestly I haven't been around enough of them to say Yeah or Nay. I just received one from the factory to test and I can say that personally at this point I am impressed. As soon as I find something of value then at that point I will be really impressed.

In a post from another user, finding treasure is not looking for a needle in a haystack, it is looking for a particular needle in a needle stack.

I have found that no one piece of equipment is perfect for every application. I use several, for the more instruments that give me a positive reading, the more likely I am to go and chase it.


I have found that no one piece of equipment is perfect for every application. I use several, for the more instruments that give me a positive reading, the more likely I am to go and chase it.

Right on Frank….When I go out I always have a backup with me….It may be a walkie-talkie, cell phone, a calculator and a set of baited Dowsing rods…They all can be used in case you need them…Art

I was reading about the cell phone and the number ??? 512 ??? What is that about?

I was reading about the cell phone and the number 512 What is that about?

Hey cassbiz……Numbers 511to 514 came from Ranger Tell a lot of years ago. That’s just what they are..numbers.
One morning I was charging my wife’s cell phone and also doing some testing on calculators..When the phone was charged I put the numbers into it and the rods closed between it and the gold….A few days later I was at a Thanksgiving dinner and checked 5 more cell phones..

I then went out to the hills and set the cell phone on the ground, Took a !/4 oz nugget and walked up the road. I would set the nugget down and check the signal line….When the signal became weak I marked the spot and went back to the car…It was close to a ¼ mile to the place I had marked….

I have also tested it buried at 1 foot and 3 feet…Works darn good….Some one can see if they can use a LRL with this thing…The 512 number is not very good as it picks up the rings…Art

Ranger Tell : Shouldn't be dating yourself. :laughing7:

Like I said, don't know too much the LRL's but am open to all technologies.

I have even listened to map dowsers, some can, some can't. With that being said, anyplace is a good place to start.

Just an old man trying to pass my knowledge on to someone else…I have made my living since the early 80’s finding gold so I know a little about finding it…Art

This is a great topic and I have enjoyed the posts!
I want to mention the post with the picture of the detector set up is very interesting for regular (conventional ) signal transmission. The device I have works differently and is new technology (patented) so you won't be seeing it in the name brand adds. I agree that the LRL market is a niche one. If you had invented this new thing would you let anyone else have it ...not me until I had already found enough that would give me everything I want. Call it greed; I am just saying I'm being practical. That is the reason I don't reveal the name of the device I use.
Not wanting to be disagreeable but the device I own will pinpoint the ELEMENT you have it set for, I do mean pinpoint as in right on. The distance (thru the air) I checked was ½ mile. I did find a match head sized gold nugget near Redding CA from 1/8 mile away. The depth is suppose to be good for at least 200 feet, I have confirmed it will work 10 feet thru solid concrete, plan to test it above a cave by putting a silver dollar in the cave and then standing above the thing which would be close to 100 feet. Will do it sometime soon.

How about size-mic echo charting? (spelling) I bet you could get the same people that look for oil in the ground to do a sizemic survey, where they come out with 10 gauge shells and pulse the ground and listen with there big tire... looking for ground echos... they go pretty deep.

There. Its' been done.

Seismic would work as long as you are right on top of the object or in its real close vicinity. They primarily use for it is real deep imaging 30+ meters to find larger anomalies. Smaller targets get lost in the chatter.

I want to again thank Marc for allowing this forum…I know his other try’s at allowing this subject to be discussed (if you can describe it as a discussion ) have always ended in disaster. This one seems to be headed the same way…There is a myth that all these manufactures have become rich selling these devices. I personal know 3 of these manufactures. None of them are what I consider as being rich.
I seriously think that less than 5,000 of these units have been sold while the skeptics report thousands of the buyers feel they have been scammed. I can not confirm or deny this allegation…

The only thing that I can say for sure is they work for me..I have suffered many personal attacks on a daily basis…This is just the way things are done when you can Dowse or use a LRL. Until some known Scientist wants to spend millions of dollars to run a big test of this subject will always be the same..Art

Art. Reliable references and sources have been posted in regards to scientific testing of these contraptions. The conclusions and results are always the same. Does not work better than random guessing.

Furthermore, reliable references and sources have been posted in regards to tens of thousands of dollars that have been scammed from the US Government, as well as foreign Governments still being scammed by these contraptions.

Gee SWR….A bomb detector that happens to look like a L….Two body detectors…Can these products by even remotely connected to using a LRL to find treasure? Art

Well kind Sir...had you actually read the scientific documentation you requested, and was would have read the portion about how these gimmicks were used by treasure hunters BEFORE they crossed over to other applications, such as dowsing for explosives

Well…Your view of Scientific documentation is a lot different than my views…The explosives device is what failed the so called Scientific test. No test has ever been undertaken to prove if LRL’s as used for treasure hunting work or not….Just pure fact with ….Art

However, laboratory held scientific tests have concluded that these gimmicks do not locate ANY metals. Period.
Your failure to accept scientific tests/results are understandable. Nobody likes to be on the losing team.

I would not expect a device that is designed to find bombs and human beings to find Metal…If you have a web site I can go to find where a Scientific Test of a LRL designed to find Metal has been studied please post it…If you can not post it I will assume you have no proof…Art

Dell Winders said:
Marc, We have a reputable Geophysicist consultant, that will tell you flat out that MFD can't possibly work.

I can point you to countless scientists that will tell you that Ouija Boards don't work, yet, I have seen them work.

I have one I'll sell you for $15000! ;D

I don't care what anyone says about the board. Really. It doesn't work - IT DOESN'T!!!!! it's a game.... IT IS!!!!! OK! :icon_thumleft: I recommend people NOT use it.

If I hadn't seen what I HAVE seen, I would be FIRMLY in the non-believers (skeptics) camp!!!!!! FIRMLY!

Of course, here is my story.....,28494.0.html

... and I have spent 30+ years TRYING to rationalize it away.

Soon, I will complete the discovery - um, I mean recovery process. 8)

12 feet to the floor.... 12 feet... of course, we had NO way of knowing that. :laughing7:

Maybe the ideomotor effect can tap into the subconscious and possibly psychic - and possibly genetic memory of the brain. How can orphaned elephants find their way to the same water their ancestors survived on? 8)

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