Is The Economy Crash Getting Closer?

The only way to stop this is if everyone wakes up to what is really going on behind the scenes, and even then still most would be in denial. They are extremely effective at keeping everyone ignorant. I'm starting to notice more people becoming aware of these things though. Get your water, food, AR15s, and METALS. This will all boil down to one quote "Give me liberty, or give me death!"

I don't usually do this and post my videos here, only once in a while but I'm really feeling something inside that we are really getting close to a crash in the economy, I could be dead wrong but I have to let you know my feelings just in case.
I'm usually a happy Go Lucky guy but the last three days I've been feeling something inside. Someone on another forum explained to me what I may be feeling. It's Not Even Panic, It's Acceptance and Awareness.
Thanks Adam. Keep Stacking

I don't believe an earth shattering crash is coming, the people in power want you to believe that though! They cause a false flag crisis every 4 months or so, get the followers of the two parties at each others throats, and in the confusion they take another little bite out of your rights that you probably don't even notice.

Your establishment politicians make a big show and pretend to be at odds, but at the end of the day they sit together and laugh like professional wrestlers who just made out like they were in a death match. There are very few in Washington who are truly concerned about your rights! What the hey, they get their lifetime pensions whether they do what they were elected for or not!

It's a subtle takeover and us "old guys" probably won't be around to see it completed. However, all of your silver (I stack too) won't buy many of my bullets or beans if TSHTF before I croak. Prepare, but prepare totally, you can't eat PM's, and neither can the guy whose food you want to trade them for!

I can see a possible one world currency being attempted some day when one or more major currencies collapse, such as the federal reserve note or Euro. I am amazed at how many seemingly intelligent folks think we can keep increasing debt and spending but that everything is going to be OK and 5 or 10 years from now we will still be clicking along like everything is normal. When things do fall apart in the financial world, it is usually slow moving (so slow you don't notice it, or you notice it but become accustomed to it and think it is normal and OK) until one day it collapses at once and everything wonders what just happened (like in 2008).

In case some have missed this, our national debt has almost doubled in the past 5 to 6 years, that is almost doubled since our country started having a "national debt". If this debt was displayed on a simple chart, you would see an almost parabolic rise in said past few years. Something will have to give, someday down the road.

By the way, there are no fiat currencies in existence today older than the "federal reserve note". Anyone who disagrees, please name one that is older and still a functioning "currency".

I know that having a truly PM backed currency is never going to happen again because that would prevent those in control from inflating like they do when they want. But if a country (like I think China will do) ever comes out with a currency that has some type of backing or convertibility feature to it, I think it would become the new world reserve currency.

Just my opinion.


Of all the theories in this thread, I think this theory has the most merit. However, I don't think we will ever have one true world currency. I think it would be more like you said where we could see more "Euro style" experiments taking place throughout the world. Perhaps we will see a "Pacific" currency where China exerts a bit of control over its neighbors. But I don't see a One World Currency (OWC) ever coming to fruition.

1. A OWC implies that everyone is on board. I just don't see this happening. Places like Hong Kong that have a strong currency and economy are not going to want to switch. And the US is never going to want to give up on its own currency. Too many governments see the benefit of being able to run their own printing presses. They are addicted to it.

2. As we've seen with the Euro, having a shared currency really needs centralized oversight of your economy and spending. This is probably the biggest flaw in the Euro system. Greece has fought tooth and nail to keep this from happening. And no country wants someone else telling them what to do. Can you imagine the Muslim countries in the Middle East bowing down to some committee made up mostly of Westerners? It ain't ever gonna happen folks. Heck, the Muslim countries can't even get along with themselves.

3. Which brings us to the point where we realize that a OWC implies quasi World Peace. You can't have a true OWC unless everyone is on relatively peaceful terms.

4. The failure and faults of the Euro system are fresh on everyone's minds. I don't think anyone is looking at the Euro and thinking that it was a great idea. Perhaps it is workable and they could tweak it a bit to make something better. But most people would be wary of it.

I can definitely see the US losing their reserve currency status. And I can definitely see more experiments with regionalized currencies (Pacific Dollar, Mid-East Dollar, African Dollar, etc.). But a true OWC seems a bit of a stretch to me.

All of this is just my opinion and I am probably wrong just like I always am. :thumbsup:

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Of all the theories in this thread, I think this theory has the most merit. However, I don't think we will ever have one true world currency. I think it would be more like you said where we could see more "Euro style" experiments taking place throughout the world. Perhaps we will see a "Pacific" currency where China exerts a bit of control over its neighbors. But I don't see a One World Currency (OWC) ever coming to fruition.

1. A OWC implies that everyone is on board. I just don't see this happening. Places like Hong Kong that have a strong currency and economy are not going to want to switch. And the US is never going to want to give up on its own currency. Too many governments see the benefit of being able to run their own printing presses. They are addicted to it.

2. As we've seen with the Euro, having a shared currency really needs centralized oversight of your economy and spending. This is probably the biggest flaw in the Euro system. Greece has fought tooth and nail to keep this from happening. And no country wants someone else telling them what to do. Can you imagine the Muslim countries in the Middle East bowing down to some committee made up mostly of Westerners? It ain't ever gonna happen folks. Heck, the Muslim countries can't even get along with themselves.

3. Which brings us to the point where we realize that a OWC implies quasi World Peace. You can't have a true OWC unless everyone is on relatively peaceful terms.

4. The failure and faults of the Euro system are fresh on everyone's minds. I don't think anyone is looking at the Euro and thinking that it was a great idea. Perhaps it is workable and they could tweak it a bit to make something better. But most people would be wary of it.

I can definitely see the US losing their reserve currency status. And I can definitely see more experiments with regionalized currencies (Pacific Dollar, Mid-East Dollar, African Dollar, etc.). But a true OWC seems a bit of a stretch to me.

All of this is just my opinion and I am probably wrong just like I always am. :thumbsup:

If such were to come to pass it may not be so "voluntary" on the part of smaller nations. Just like they have been basically forced to use the dollar for international transactions for all these years, they could in the future have to use some new international dollar or IMF type thing.

If such a thing were created it would not be for the "good" of the world, but instead as an easier way to control the flow of "money" and such by whomever it is that would be in control of such a thing.

All my opinion.


The solution to all of this: we need someone who will bring industry back to the U.S.. exporting is key to lowering debt and getting a stronger currency that we need.

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The solution to all of this: we need someone who will bring industry back to the U.S.. exporting is key to lowering debt and getting a stronger currency that we need.

That won't happen until our standard of living falls enough below the third world countries, where all the manufacturing jobs fled to because our unions and such were demanding more $$$ and benefits than the companies wanted to pay so they (the businesses) picked up their toys (jobs) and took them elsewhere (probably gov regulation here contributed as well).

Once our workers are willing to work for less than the third world countries, perhaps the jobs will come back here. Businesses are in business to make money and will do what it takes to maximize profits. Once you start mixing socialistic concepts into capitalism you get results that many find unpleasant and illogical, such as the idea that workers (ie unions) should be able to hold a company "hostage" by demanding their own salary and benefit conditions as if they are somehow "entitled" to a certain standard of living just because they want or desire it. I say if you don't like it, get another job or better yet start a company of your own, then let's see how you like your employees dictating to you what they should receive as salary, etc.

Just as an aside, I read an article a while back where someone (I believe in Texas) was complaining because the local farmers and/or ranchers actually preferred hiring Mexican workers (illegals I presume) over locals (citizens), and the issue was NOT about how much each got paid in that the pay was the same. The lady they interviewed had the audacity to state that it was not fair (for citizens) to have to compete with the Mexican workers because they (the Mexicans) worked harder and didn't talk back to their employers nor did they demand the same amount of "breaks" during the work day (I am paraphrasing but she actually said something like that). After I read that (after laughing a bit) it further convinced me how f'd we really are here as a country. From what I am seeing this sense of "entitlement" has grown much worse over the past few years, but that is just what I see.

All just my opinion.


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Car manufacturing would be good for america

I don't usually do this and post my videos here, only once in a while but I'm really feeling something inside that we are really getting close to a crash in the economy, I could be dead wrong but I have to let you know my feelings just in case.
I'm usually a happy Go Lucky guy but the last three days I've been feeling something inside. Someone on another forum explained to me what I may be feeling. It's Not Even Panic, It's Acceptance and Awareness.
Thanks Adam. Keep Stacking

I don't believe an earth shattering crash is coming, the people in power want you to believe that though! They cause a false flag crisis every 4 months or so, get the followers of the two parties at each others throats, and in the confusion they take another little bite out of your rights that you probably don't even notice.

Your establishment politicians make a big show and pretend to be at odds, but at the end of the day they sit together and laugh like professional wrestlers who just made out like they were in a death match. There are very few in Washington who are truly concerned about your rights! What the hey, they get their lifetime pensions whether they do what they were elected for or not!

It's a subtle takeover and us "old guys" probably won't be around to see it completed. However, all of your silver (I stack too) won't buy many of my bullets or beans if TSHTF before I croak. Prepare, but prepare totally, you can't eat PM's, and neither can the guy whose food you want to trade them for!

City folk are screwed, country folk, the ones with the water wells, livestock, cropland, guns and ammo, the ones that will band together will survive, get there quick, we will have your stack in a month, LOL! Post from another thread and above you still seem to have it in your thoughts.

Well I guess you don't know me pronghorn or where I come from or what I stack. I left California a while ago as I saw what was coming, I have plenty of land, guns, ammo, water, two wells to be exact, river, pond, food (1 years worth), privacy, medical supplies and quite a few other goodies and yes I believe TSWHTF by the beginning of the year or before when the **** will start happening, be prepared. O! by the way my PM's are for later on and yes they are for my survival.

By the way here's my new video pronghorn perfect for this thread. Lol By the way I'm only having fun nothing against you. Keep Stacking


Haha i like your reports im just saying electricity would make things so much easier though wouldnt it. If you were getting wood ready to burn for the winter wouldnt it be so much easier to cut a tree down with an electric chainsaw than with an axe? I like your stack by the way. Im just just in high school so i dont have a job to make enough money for one that big.

Haha i like your reports im just saying electricity would make things so much easier though wouldnt it. If you were getting wood ready to burn for the winter wouldnt it be so much easier to cut a tree down with an electric chainsaw than with an axe? I like your stack by the way. Im just just in high school so i dont have a job to make enough money for one that big.

Well hell if your young then then you can use an axe especially up here in the North Woods and you don't need a chain saw. Lol Also the chain saws I have are gas run not electric Lol

Well hell if your young then then you can use an axe especially up here in the North Woods and you don't need a chain saw. Lol Also the chain saws I have are gas run not electric Lol

Chain saws are also very loud. Loud enough to bring the whole neighborhood (and bad guys) running to see what kind of goodies you have (to take).

As for electricity, I'd love to believe that it will be valuable. And as an engineer with an EE degree I'd like to think I could be useful creating electricity. But I find it hard to believe there would be the kind of demand billionaire thinks we'd experience. I'd be more likely to believe that good old fashioned blacksmith's would be more valuable.

Yes, when that day comes, I'll "circle the wagons" and hope to have four neighbors close by, Treasure Pirate 69 (electrician), a carpenter, a butcher and a cook.

Yes, when that day comes, I'll "circle the wagons" and hope to have four neighbors close by, Treasure Pirate 69 (electrician), a carpenter, a butcher

Your hope is realized by folks like me,stick together as a survial.


By the way here's my new video pronghorn perfect for this thread. Lol By the way I'm only having fun nothing against you. Keep Stacking

No problem Marchas, and I am sure you are probably more prepared than me and most people.
I am having fun also. Don't take me too serious, it is chokecherry wine season and I've been
very diligent in my testing. lol. By the way that is a very important part of a complete preparation
plan, excellent barter item and stores indefinitely!

I don't have a huge stack or the resources to build one, I do have other preparations made but
how can you ever know what is coming? I do live out in the great American outback, 500 miles from
any real city, and I believe the people out here will work together. Being isolated like we are also
should give the roaming hungry a lot to dodge before they bother me. The brutal winters will challenge even the most well prepared and should drive the riff raff south, hopefully.

I am getting up there in age, but I still hunt religiously, started hunting at 8 years old, bow and firearm, have done many trades in my life, welding, plumbing, carpentry, mechanics, machine work, oilfield, heavy equipment, and oh yeah, I flint knap and I grew up in a blacksmith shop. I do have a lot to contribute if we end up living like grampa did when he homesteaded here over 100 years ago.

My point was, in a worst case scenario, If I have one bag of beans left and you have no food, your PM's probably won't buy my beans. Doubt things will get that bad but who knows?

Anyway, good luck to all and keep stackin. T

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Well i surrender. Electricity may not be a big industry in the situation that the economy crashes. But you can bet that i'll still have a source just to make somethings easier for me. I agree that pm wont buy food unless china sells all of their surpluss to us in exchange for gold and silver.

This is why some people fail to see how bad things are, or are becoming. As long as the gov keeps giving away free $$$$ and such to those who either can't or won't support themselves, and as long as the rest of the world buys our debt (or the fed buys it), we can still limp along giving the appearance that "everything is OK".

One thing to remember is that money (real money that is, not debt created digits) is like energy in a sense, you cannot just "create it" out of thin air. There is always some "cost" to create it, that is why it is real and has some value to it (stored energy) so to speak. Debt created digits can buy you stuff, but over time its actual "value" will decrease, as we have witnessed since 1913 with the dollar's roughly 97% loss in purchasing power.

You know someday there will be an ebt card shutdown that lasts and lasts. I wonder how things will look then in everyone's "neighborhood" then re: everything being OK or not?

Report: U.S. Spent $3.7 Trillion on Welfare Over Last 5 Years | The Weekly Standard

Just my opinion.


This is why some people fail to see how bad things are, or are becoming. As long as the gov keeps giving away free $$$$ and such to those who either can't or won't support themselves, and as long as the rest of the world buys our debt (or the fed buys it), we can still limp along giving the appearance that "everything is OK".

One thing to remember is that money (real money that is, not debt created digits) is like energy in a sense, you cannot just "create it" out of thin air. There is always some "cost" to create it, that is why it is real and has some value to it (stored energy) so to speak. Debt created digits can buy you stuff, but over time its actual "value" will decrease, as we have witnessed since 1913 with the dollar's roughly 97% loss in purchasing power.

You know someday there will be an ebt card shutdown that lasts and lasts. I wonder how things will look then in everyone's "neighborhood" then re: everything being OK or not?

Report: U.S. Spent $3.7 Trillion on Welfare Over Last 5 Years | The Weekly Standard

Just my opinion.


Here is one indication of what's to come.

PressTV - Massive riots, huge crime waves expected in many US cities

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