Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Trackerman - I'm happy to hear that you were able to get a good F2! It's a total shame that we have to worry about getting "good" or "bad" detectors - when we pay hundreds of dollars for these things, isn't it? Sadly, that's the reality in this mass produced detector market now. I also purchased a machine (not Fisher) not too long ago and was not getting as good of performance as people said I should - well I sent it back in and they had to "fix" a couple of things - and now it works much better. Can you imagine how many folks out there just open their new detector and ASSUME it's working to its full capacity - and get frustrated or give up? I think that's why it's important to have posts like this one - b/c people can see that this is a common occurrence and when someone who is frustrated with their F2 reads it - they will realize that perhaps there is a problem with it and will not give up, rather send it in for a refund or repair. Good luck and happy hunting, Ian

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

I've always believed in the advice given by Charles Garrett:

"...(sic) Whatever detector you've decided to buy, save $100 more and step up."

I find the Ace 250 to be a little bit rough, myself. It is okay, but never really reaches the heights it is hyped to. To really get where the little Ace is reputed to be, you have to go the 1350 in the Garrett line. Ive had em 'both, along with other Garretts.

The F2? I wouldn't bother, myself. While it may detect, as expected, my experience is it is a shoddy piece of work, and is best suited as a backup, to your backup. And lest you worry, I own an F70 and 1236X2.

Tesoro Compadre? Better, if you like one-knob, monotone beepers. It is at least tougher than either of the other two mentioned here, and likely has the performance to match. My guess is it is the same circuit as the Silver, with that models options kept in hiding. And for the record, I own several Tesoro's, too.

When it comes to bottem-end detectors, there is only one place to be in my book - somewhere above bottom.

just curious Dahut............

dahut said:
I've always believed in the advice given by Charles Garrett:

"...(sic) Whatever detector you've decided to buy, save $100 more and step up."

I find the Ace 250 to be a little bit rough, myself. It is okay, but never really reaches the heights it is hyped to. To really get where the little Ace is reputed to be, you have to go the 1350 in the Garrett line. Ive had em 'both, along with other Garretts.

The F2? I wouldn't bother, myself. While it may detect, as expected, my experience is it is a shoddy piece of work, and is best suited as a backup, to your backup. And lest you worry, I own an F70 and 1236X2.

Tesoro Compadre? Better, if you like one-knob, monotone beepers. It is at least tougher than either of the other two mentioned here, and likely has the performance to match. My guess is it is the same circuit as the Silver, with that models options kept in hiding. And for the record, I own several Tesoro's, too.

When it comes to bottem-end detectors, there is only one place to be in my book - somewhere above bottom.

how many F2/F4's do you own? Just curious what you based your "While it may detect, as expected, my experience is it is a shoddy piece of work" comment. I currently own at least 17 different detectors, have owned probably 30 others over the last 35 years, top AND bottom end, so have a good base to compare apples to oranges, or apples to apples. The F2 I own will easily hunt as well as a number of those "high-end" machine of just a couple of years ago, but easier and simpler. (and a lot faster)
I also have an F75, F70, F5, F4 and F2 and CZ21. I have all the low to high priced Whites machines (thats right..all of them, including the TDI and water machines)
I have a few Garretts too, (including the Infinium)all the Shadows, and a couple of minelabs. I do a LOT of comparative testing too, and the F2 is anything BUT a "shoddy piece of work". You do a disservice to all the guys and gals that own one. (and there are a BUNCH of them!) While you are entitled to your opinion......its MY opinion that far too many are ridiculed by others for their personal choice of machines. I love ALL my machines, and they all do a job I want them to do, and all have a place in my stable.
My point is, you can state your preferences without demeaning others preferences. I'm GLAD your happy with what YOU use....................just let others be happy with theirs. Respectfully.............. Streak!

Re: just curious Dahut............

Streak! said:
dahut said:
I've always believed in the advice given by Charles Garrett:

"...(sic) Whatever detector you've decided to buy, save $100 more and step up."

I find the Ace 250 to be a little bit rough, myself. It is okay, but never really reaches the heights it is hyped to. To really get where the little Ace is reputed to be, you have to go the 1350 in the Garrett line. Ive had em 'both, along with other Garretts.

The F2? I wouldn't bother, myself. While it may detect, as expected, my experience is it is a shoddy piece of work, and is best suited as a backup, to your backup. And lest you worry, I own an F70 and 1236X2.

Tesoro Compadre? Better, if you like one-knob, monotone beepers. It is at least tougher than either of the other two mentioned here, and likely has the performance to match. My guess is it is the same circuit as the Silver, with that models options kept in hiding. And for the record, I own several Tesoro's, too.

When it comes to bottem-end detectors, there is only one place to be in my book - somewhere above bottom.

how many F2/F4's do you own? Just curious what you based your "While it may detect, as expected, my experience is it is a shoddy piece of work" comment. I currently own at least 17 different detectors, have owned probably 30 others over the last 35 years, top AND bottom end, so have a good base to compare apples to oranges, or apples to apples. The F2 I own will easily hunt as well as a number of those "high-end" machine of just a couple of years ago, but easier and simpler. (and a lot faster)
I also have an F75, F70, F5, F4 and F2 and CZ21. I have all the low to high priced Whites machines (thats right..all of them, including the TDI and water machines)
I have a few Garretts too, (including the Infinium)all the Shadows, and a couple of minelabs. I do a LOT of comparative testing too, and the F2 is anything BUT a "shoddy piece of work". You do a disservice to all the guys and gals that own one. (and there are a BUNCH of them!) While you are entitled to your opinion......its MY opinion that far too many are ridiculed by others for their personal choice of machines. I love ALL my machines, and they all do a job I want them to do, and all have a place in my stable.
My point is, you can state your preferences without demeaning others preferences. I'm GLAD your happy with what YOU use....................just let others be happy with theirs. Respectfully.............. Streak!
Okay, okay, crank down the sensitivity, my friend. There is a wide gulf of difference between my personal opinion and the choices others make. And if I don't think those choices are completely sound, would you rather I gently say so, or keep smoothing on the sycophantic lather?

What I am saying, in case there is doubt, is that one is better served at something other than the bottom end of the market. Sorry, but there it is. I know we love to tout these low-cost instruments as giving a certain "bang for the buck," or "surprising performance for the money," etc. We wax poetic at how much is packed into them, and so on.

But I find nearly all of them, with a few exceptions, to be just so-so. They work, yes, although I rarely find them to my liking, long term. As a place to start they are suitable and truth be told, most beginners won't know the difference.

But it isn't long before they are found wanting, especially if the purchaser takes to the hobby and really gets into it as we hope they do. It isn't just one model, either - it's true for nearly all of them.
It's like getting your first new car - you suddenly realize what you've been missing, once you get behind the wheel.

So I fall back to Mr. Garretts advice - decide which beginning detector you want and then save another $100 for the next step up.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

I have found the 250 to be deadly accurate, and very easy, to pinpoint with.

One common misconception that throws people off is using the outer tip of the outer coil as the sweet spot, when it fact it is the outer tip of the inner coil - Bout a 2 inch difference, more than enough to make people think it can't pinpoint worth a crap.
Did it myself for a few weeks, until a test with a visible coin made me realize my error.

I think the 250 is a GREAT little machine1

Xraywolf said:
I have found the 250 to be deadly accurate, and very easy, to pinpoint with.

One common misconception that throws people off is using the outer tip of the outer coil as the sweet spot, when it fact it is the outer tip of the inner coil - Bout a 2 inch difference, more than enough to make people think it can't pinpoint worth a crap.
Did it myself for a few weeks, until a test with a visible coin made me realize my error.

I know a lot of folks that are very happy with it. The only negative that I personally know of is its sensitivity to interference when used in a setting where there are a lot of other machines present. I attend quite a few comp hunts, and the poor guys and gals using 250's get AWFUL interference from other machines, often to the point where they are totally unuseable. I'm aware the most all of us will experience problems to a degree in settings like that, but it seems magnified with respect to the 250. Of course, most of the folks that use the 250 DONT attend comp hunts, so it may be a moot point, but quite a few do. (and this is the single biggest complaint I hear from them) The only reason I point this out, is that if this is a problem, then it may be suffering from other inaudible interference affecting performance. Streak!

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Oh for Christ sakes, lighten up. This is just one man's opinion. Everyone has the right to post an opinion or relate an experience. He never said he used the scientific method and wrote a research paper. I didn't see any ranting or raving, just how he saw it. You guys kill me sometimes. ::) Besides, everyone knows the ACE 250 is much better. :laughing7: M :wink: nty

Re: I think the 250 is a GREAT little machine1

Streak! said:
Xraywolf said:
I have found the 250 to be deadly accurate, and very easy, to pinpoint with.

One common misconception that throws people off is using the outer tip of the outer coil as the sweet spot, when it fact it is the outer tip of the inner coil - Bout a 2 inch difference, more than enough to make people think it can't pinpoint worth a crap.
Did it myself for a few weeks, until a test with a visible coin made me realize my error.

I know a lot of folks that are very happy with it. The only negative that I personally know of is its sensitivity to interference when used in a setting where there are a lot of other machines present. I attend quite a few comp hunts, and the poor guys and gals using 250's get AWFUL interference from other machines, often to the point where they are totally unuseable. I'm aware the most all of us will experience problems to a degree in settings like that, but it seems magnified with respect to the 250. Of course, most of the folks that use the 250 DONT attend comp hunts, so it may be a moot point, but quite a few do. (and this is the single biggest complaint I hear from them) The only reason I point this out, is that if this is a problem, then it may be suffering from other inaudible interference affecting performance. Streak!

True that, I own 2 of them, seems to me they can't get within 10 ft of eachother without flaking out.
I've hunted next to bounty hunters though without any problems.

your right Mr IS only one mans is mine!!

Monty said:
Oh for Christ sakes, lighten up. This is just one man's opinion. Everyone has the right to post an opinion or relate an experience. He never said he used the scientific method and wrote a research paper. I didn't see any ranting or raving, just how he saw it. You guys kill me sometimes. ::) Besides, everyone knows the ACE 250 is much better. :laughing7: M :wink: nty

I really had only one problem with it, (the post in question) and it was the statement "it a shoddy piece of work". Now, I know you personally arent an F-series fan, and that if you had seen that same statement about say.... a classic III, I'm sure you would have responded to it as well. The Classic III is a bottom of the line detector as well, but is a GREAT performer and machine, and you'll not hear me say a negative thing about it, despite is lowly status.
My biggest problem with the whole thing is simply this................
While the F2 isnt a top of the line IS a great little machine............low price or not, and incorrect and uninformed opinions (however rightfully spoken) do its reputation undeserved damage. Truth is Mr. Monty, there are a crap load of them sold every year, to many many satisfied users. A LOT of those guys wont even post on these forums...............for fear of being ridiculed for their choice of machines. Think of me what you will Monty, but I will never slam anyone for what they use, or refer to their machine as " a shoddy piece of work". I may have my personal preferences, but have found over the years that most all machines have their individual strengths, and few....if any are shoddy. Respectfully, Streak!

Re: your right Mr IS only one mans is mine!!

Streak! said:
While the F2 isnt a top of the line IS a great little machine............low price or not, and incorrect and uninformed opinions (however rightfully spoken) do its reputation undeserved damage.

So any opinion that disagrees with your's is incorrect and uninformed? I agree with Monty. Lighten up.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Again, may I reiterate? I am nonplussed with the choices a man makes. As Monty suggests, you confuse my opinion with beating someone down for their personal choices.

Today, I hunted side by side with an XLT, my trusty Golden and a well-worn Sidewinder. Had I been ridiculing the choice of that latter instrument, it would have sounded something like this:

"What a piece of crap! Brother, that thing is so beat down, you couldn't find a silver dollar in a sand box with it. Where on earth did you get it?... I hope you didn't pay any serious money for it. What were you thinking, buying that POS?! Man, are you daft?"

Now that would have been ridicule.

Had it been an F2, I would have shrugged, and said, "Never really cared for them myself, and I'd consider stepping up as soon as you can. But maybe you'll let me try it out later? You never know - it might grow on me. Now, lets get to it. Today's the day!"

AS it turns out, today WAS the day. But more about that, later.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

In reality the F2 turned out to be a pretty fun machine when its working properly. I think Fishers Quality now adays is a bit shaddy. The First F2 i got had some pinpointing and depth issues. wich this post was partially about. Then i got a refund send it back to the Company i bought it from. Then buy chance i had my Tesoro up for trade and a guy traded me his F2 for my tersoro. So i said to myself what the heck ill try another see if it works better and it did. But only Problem know is that the speaker blew on it and i had to send it in to Fisher Wich they were nice enough to fix. But they sent me a different machine not the one i had and i think it doesnt hit quarters as well as the one i had got on the trade.Just when you get a machine that works pretty good and they pull the old switcharew on ya. But strangley enough the best finds ive made have been with My Ace 250. :icon_scratch:

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Monty said:
Oh for Christ sakes, lighten up. This is just one man's opinion. Everyone has the right to post an opinion or relate an experience. He never said he used the scientific method and wrote a research paper. I didn't see any ranting or raving, just how he saw it. You guys kill me sometimes. ::) Besides, everyone knows the ACE 250 is much better. :laughing7: M :wink: nty

Monty hit the nail on the head with that one. :hello2: Many here will fight over the most innate things. I came here to try and learn more about every brand and what they have to offer, then make a choice as to the options I want. I think most here a bright enough just to list the reasons why they like a machine, or dislike one. The bottom line was that he had a defective machine in the first place without knowing it.

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