Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

why slash the tires?

Read the manual for every detector you own, again and again.

If you are happy with your 250, keep it. I know of a woman who found gold nuggets with one.

You are entitled to like what you own, for your own reasons.

Buy the best you can with what you can for your hobby and have fun and satisfaction.

Use what you have now to build your bank for your dream machine. It only takes a few rings at $900.00/ ounce to pave your way to your dream.

Good luck and happy hunting.


Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

JG, hats off to you on some good points.

Now, Mr. P, my surgeon says I gotta stay off my feet for about 4 to 5 weeks to recover from the 400+ stitches I got from having a gut blowout in response to your remark about the (at least fairly respectable?) Ace's color. You ruined my spring hunting this year. Thanks a lot.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Nick, you artfully find a way to bring food into everything. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Bouna Pasque also to you Nick, and Charlie and all of you guys. When the kids are out lookin for Easter eggs (hard boiled with a nice yellow center) try to get some time to dig something to post this weekend (with your favorite metal finding device).

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

One was lagit the other was so the next guy wouldnt have to :thumbsup:

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

i don't have a f2 so i can not comment on them
but i do have a bh 505
my son had the opportunity to us an ace 150 and was able to use the machine right off the get go no problem targeting not bad for the finding hits an 10 inches
UN the other hand i had trouble using it the bh worked for me were the ace fell short and missed some hits
after thinking about why there was such a difference i realized it was me
the bh works much better with a sweep rate that is a little faster then the ace
being i have used the bh i knew the machine
hope this helps with this thread տլ

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

FWIW, I sold my Tesoro Silver uMax and got the F2. Nothing wrong with the Silver - it was a fine machine - but I wanted to try a TID machine. And, to be honest, I haven't looked back since. I like the F2 a lot. I am much more productive with my F2. Build quality is fine, depth is respectable, but maybe a very slight bit less than my Silver. Still, I can pull a nickel at 7" and got my 1st IH at 6" - not bad for a $199 'beginner's' detector. I've used the Ace, and it's a nice machine - I just didn't care for the way it pinpointed. Heard good things about the Compadre - but after using a TID machine, I doubt i'd ever go back.

I find nothing to complain about with the F2 - especially for the price point/performance level.

Just my 2 cents.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Trackerman said:
Thats why the F2 in reviews is down in the 3s and the Compadre gets a 5 from people.

Tracker, is that why you submitted two nearly identical 1-star reviews for the F2 on ?


Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Didnt you ore some other guy already ask that. Was a simple double post error.But thats ok so next guy wont have to post how good the F2 is :thumbsup:

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Ok pal whatever you say :thumbsup:

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

As gleaner1 posted, it IS the old Ford vs. Chevy thing repackaged, HOWEVER, if one notices such things, you may buy a new car, and your brother an exact model, down to one number difference in the serial identical, and, occasionally, (as a matter of fact, quite often!), one will outperform the other! There are commonly bad runs on any manufactured product, due, of course, to human error, tolerances, etc... As for poor grammar and punctuation, some folks are not as blessed with writing ability as others may be. I agree with what most of you wrote, to some extent, but at times, one has a need to vent, and when they do, it may not appear properly said, or may appear to be a trap, rather than a legitimate poll, but what the heck? We are ALL human, so WE are bound to offend others at times, intentional or not. Great hunting and good luck, all! Respectfully, Richard

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Nick, the little quote in your Author box is not helping with the stitches, okay?.... But they are getting better. That's why I managed to pull a nice half-dollar-sized silver watch fob from an old ski hill on Easter Sunday using my only machine....the "ol' reliable" (hall of fame candidate??) Garrett Freedom II.
You know, the green ugly lookin thing. Maybe I'll post a pic (because its pretty nice).

Sorry, I'm talkin about a pic of the fob, not the detector. Fighting the brush and branches thinking there must be coins here, I found the fob on top of the soil under some leaves. I thought the ski hill was beat to death but who knows? I didn't find any coins in 3 hours. I did find some 22 short brass and some 22 lead about 2" to 4". Not to mention my visual finds, 3 old telephone insulators and (go figure) an old scuba-diver's underwater light (bright yellow) aluminum made in California, looks like 1970's vintage. (Excellent condition, takes 10 D batteries, none were in it so no corrosion). When I broke the seal, it let out a puff of air, dry as a bone inside (spare bulb wrapped in tissue inside the battery housing). Found the fob and other stuff working the adjacent woods (only hope left?). The original ski strip has grown in to a narrow lane of grass, maybe 10-20 feet across.

No new detector yet. Ordering my F75 or F70 (depending on coin toss) soon. Just procrastinating, not sure if there is really anything left to find. Oh well, I'll find out soon enough.

(Note to self...Must buy digital camera).

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

My F2 works fine. i regularly dig coins at 6"-8". But just as with any other hobby experiance is key. i hunt with a guy that's been Md'ing for 28 years. and swings a EX II. and i bet he could kill silvers with my F2. i'll stick with the F2 and learn it well before purchasing a new machine. plus the light weight i can swing it all day.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

mercy sake so much arguing ,a detector is just as good as it comes off the assembly are going to find good ones and bad ones---just like new cars just off the assembly line.
have tried many detectors,have at this time a T2,cz-5,mxt and an "oldie but a goodie"fisher 1266 x.sad to say the 1266x is a hot tamale :thumbsup:and kicks all their butts in relics and coins and goes 10" easy.all the detectors are new except for the 1266x,i had to learn the hard way.there are alot of oldies that are better than this new of them that stands out is the whites xlpro---what a machine,also e.series xlt. good hunting guys ;D



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Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Hmm ive got an f2 and can get a coiin easy at 8"

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

joelt said:
I can't agree more with Charlie about the brand bashing and the limitations of detectors. The TID detectors can't really give you more information than what you can hear. In fact, they give you less if you all you do is just read the screen. I had a typical TID detector a, Bounty Hunter 3300 (yes, how horrible a BH), that I could pick out nickels from tabs (I'm not the only one) by listening to the pinpoint response to the target. There are others on here that can hear silver from trash just by listening, its more info than a detector can tell you by looking at the screen. If you just listen to the F2/Ace discriminate tone, you miss out. On the other hand, I will say I like the digital target info as well, it can be helpful too.

Now, I find myself simply getting detectors I _like_ to use now and learn them well. I currently hunt with an F5, I picked it more because it has enough knobs for me to be happy with my gadget, but I don't find it complicated/frustrating at all. I like that I can put it more in a "tone info" mode (variable tone) where I decide what to dig, or I can choose a simple beep mode where basically it tells me what to dig. But the main thing, is I enjoy using it, so I like learning it, and hence I should do better out in the field. Basically, find the detector you like using and learn what its telling you.

Couldnt have said it better myself. I have two of the original fisher 1225's. I love this machine. I can tell what a signal is just by the tone.(pretty much). I will find just as much with my machine as some one else with a $1000.00 or more machine. I have proved that before. I still have plenty of depth too. It will go 7 or 8 inches on a dime easy. There is something to be said about knowing your machine. You also cant beat silent search and just turn on and go. Dont know much about the new fishers, but the old one's, especially the 1225 and 1236 are awesome machines and priced right too. 1225-$280.00 1236- $340.00.

For Trackerman...

I'm truly sorry you had problems with your F2.
Fisher/bounty hunter/Tek have all gone though a few evolutionary changes in the last few years, and its all been for the better. The Bountyhunters you see at Walmart and Cabellas are NOT the same ones that were there just a few short years ago.
The F2 you had simply wasnt working right, or it would have gotten much better performance than it did you you. I hope if you still have it, you'll send it in for repair before you peddle it to some unsuspecting buyer.
ALL the new F series Fishers for instance are STELLAR performers, each filling a niche for their performance levels and price points. The F5 is an incerdible little machine, that happens to use a Bounty hunter case. This kept costs down on that particular machine, but aside from the case.....its a VERY VERY good performer.....with whats probably one of the best interfaces on the market. Please dont go down that path of trashing machines for ill concieved reasons. I know quite a few folks "in the loop", and your WAY off base here. As I said....I'm very sorry you had problems with your machine, and I hope you take steps to get it repaired. look for a new F2 and F4 demo from fisher in the near future. I'll try to include some in the ground targets responses and air tests in the vids, as I can see they may prove valuable. Respectfully, Streak!

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Well turns out the brand new F2 i had bought was defective. I did wind up returning it back to the online store for a refund. Ironically a guy on a forum offered to trade his f2 for my tesoro Compadre wich i had put up for trade and i did wind up trading with him. This one works fairly well found alot of Coins with it and pinpointed ok. Depth was around 6inches. My opologies to all on the fisher section of the forum. Go figure I probably wouldnt have ever known the truth about the f2 if it wasnt for the guy who offered to trade me his f2 for my tesoro compadre. Its a pretty fast machine when it comes to swing rate. Wish Fisher would be more carefull with there asembly so to avoid confusion. :icon_scratch: :cussing: :BangHead: :protest: :walk:

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