Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer


Hero Member
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Detector(s) used
Whites Dual Field Pi/Whites Dfx/ Garrett At Pro/Garrett Ace 250/ Whites M6/ Detector Pro Pirate /Tesoro Sand Shark/
Bounty Hunter Tracker IV/ Bounty Hunter Tracker II
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

I already owned the ace for a while and can say it was an ok detector.The things that were good about the ace was the acuracy of the id on coins.Also the depth and quality was good for the price.The things i didnt like about it were the hard pinpointing and the difficult targetting.So i sold it.Then i bought the Fisher F2 wich turned out to be a real peace of crap.Its 100 percent bounty hunter.No depth shaddy pinpointer and eratic ids with little accuracy.Wouldnt see a Coin past 4 inches.So i got a Tesoro Compadre and like it better than the Ace 250 and Fisher F2.So the question is the Ace better than the F2 is sure is no mistake.But the Tesoro Compadre is better than both for less money. :coffee2:

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

You must have got a bad one. I just got through testing one. It hit a quarter I buried at 6" and I was able to hold the coil over the ground another 2-3 inches and still get a signal with accurate target ID. The pinpointing is right on the money on this one too. If you detune it you can even narrow the pinpoint down to be more accurate. I will agree the build quality is not that good though.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

I highly doubt it im sure the machine was fine.Its just a rebajed bounty hunter.And ive have heard on the reviews that the machine is jittery when on the field without sens down.Plus i also have heard its depth is pathetic and it sure was.Just a poorly desgined machine with weak performance im bieng 100% truthfull. I tell it like it is.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Yes and A tesoro compadre for 150.00 will toast any bounty hunter in that price range and it gets much better depth plus more sensitive to gold and jewelry ask any one who knows.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

What I find so funny about folks who have such brand loyalty is when you step back and consider that it is the same folks who design the detectors for Whites, Tesoro, Fisher, etc.

Look what Dave Johnson designed:

--Dave Johnson

Chief Design Engineer, Fisher Research Labs and First Texas Products (Teknetics and Bounty Hunter)

Designer of the following machines:

Fisher Gold Bug

Fisher Gold Bug 2

Tesoro Diablo Micromax

Tesoro Lobo Supertraq

White’s GMT

White’s MXT

Troy X-5 (no longer in production)

Teknetics T2

Fisher F75

Fisher F70

Fisher F5

Don't know about the F2, I've never seen one. Personally, I'd go with the Tesoro myself before the F2 or the Ace 250 as a beginner's detector because you can't mess it up and it doesn't give you the false impression that a detector (ANY detector) can tell more about an object than conductivity relative to the surrounding soil and an approximation of depth and composition based on pre-programmed parameters assuming a coin shaped and sized buried object. More complicated detectors give you more information, very handy in areas with lots of trash, but it is still up to the operator to work it properly.

The Tesoro Compadre is a one-trick pony, but any bozo can get it to do that one trick and that makes it a good tool.

PS - the original post should have been in "Head to Head Comparisons" area. You're just being a pugnacious troll to toss your poorly punctuated opinion in our faces on the Fisher forum . . . as I'm sure was your intent. Ford owns Volvo and Jaguar, and it makes as much sense to say the Volvo 240 was a better Jaguar than a Taurus as it is to say a Fisher is a Bounty Hunter. ;-)

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

I can't agree more with Charlie about the brand bashing and the limitations of detectors. The TID detectors can't really give you more information than what you can hear. In fact, they give you less if you all you do is just read the screen. I had a typical TID detector a, Bounty Hunter 3300 (yes, how horrible a BH), that I could pick out nickels from tabs (I'm not the only one) by listening to the pinpoint response to the target. There are others on here that can hear silver from trash just by listening, its more info than a detector can tell you by looking at the screen. If you just listen to the F2/Ace discriminate tone, you miss out. On the other hand, I will say I like the digital target info as well, it can be helpful too.

Now, I find myself simply getting detectors I _like_ to use now and learn them well. I currently hunt with an F5, I picked it more because it has enough knobs for me to be happy with my gadget, but I don't find it complicated/frustrating at all. I like that I can put it more in a "tone info" mode (variable tone) where I decide what to dig, or I can choose a simple beep mode where basically it tells me what to dig. But the main thing, is I enjoy using it, so I like learning it, and hence I should do better out in the field. Basically, find the detector you like using and learn what its telling you.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

No Trolls here just someone who has the manners to call people names.Im just simply stating the Ace 250 is better than the Fisher f2.Talking about a fisher on a fisher forum and the Compadre is better than both.Im not partial to any brand.If one brand or model is lowsy i tell it like it is and trust me its not because of not nowing the machine.Its just some machines are better than others.So next time you think about calling people names learn to be less loyal to a brand who makes lowsy detectors. Otherwise you try a fisher F2 and see how long yull be using it.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Fisher makes great detectors, I'm sorry you don't like them.


don't feed the troll

just ignore him and he'll quickly lose interest and go try to find someone else to rile up......

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Gentlemen, gentlemen. Relax.
When you have the years of experience, have 2000+ posts, and use $700 or $1000 or $1500 machines, try, try, and try again to resist to the urge to respond to these topics. Now I'm going to take a good long look in the mirror and I'm gonna try to take my own advice...oops too late.....

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

My respects to everyone including those who likes to insult .Just happen to of had a bad expierience with one model the f2.Just a bit upset at the fact that it performed so poorly dispite its features. Perhaps there are good Fishers just not this one. Also think the merge of First Texas and Fisher may have not been a good one.But to each his own. Peace

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

One thing I have always noticed about newbies is they blame their detector when ever they don't find anything.
I have had friends that swear my detector is better then theirs because I am finding things and they are not. So
I switch detectors with them on a hunt, And guess what? I start finding stuff with their detector, then they want it back.
A good part of detecting is the user not the machine. I have read my manual 15 times or more to make sure I am familiar with all the bells and whistles. How many of you open the box turn it on and go?
I have compaired many different detectors as I sell them, they all have something the other doesn't. If you do well with an Ace then bu all means use it. If the F2 works for you then use it. These are both entree level detectors and a good starting point for anyone.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Dont know what your talken about aperantly. Found plenty. Just some machines are lowsy. You just dont want to admit something so others on this forum can accept you and look up to you.There are good detectors and there are bad detectors just like cars ore anything else.The only newbie here is the one who calls others out.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

I don't think there are ANY bad detectors out now. As a businessman, I know that competition is rough today. If nobody is happy with a certain brand or model, it's not gonna last long. So, since the machines are still for sale, somebody must think they are good, right? What one person considers "good" might not be the same for others.

Besides, features that make one person like a machine may make another hate the machine. As long as the person is having fun, isn't that all that matters? Whatever happened to just getting out and enjoying nature and getting a few goodies at the same time?

I currently use several brands and models of machines and I am happy with all of them. But I'll tell you something. As much as i enjoy my machines, seeing the smile on my 5 year old sons face when he finds a penny in the sandbox using his cheap little National Geographic detector makes me love that little machine more. It all goes back to the "fun factor".

Happy Hunting

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Nick Pappagiorgio said:
Yep those Bounty Hunters are Crap ... :-X

I will put a Bounty Hunter Quick Draw II against a Ace 250 any day ...

The 250 is the MOST OVERRATED MACHINE on the market ...

~ Nick ~

First Texas Rocks ... :thumbsup:
Now now Nicky...You know the Ace Rocks. :tard:

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

ReidMan said:
My newbie branding was due to the fact you are using an Ace 250 or an F2, these are both beginner machines. If you are experienced at metal detecting I apologize. It's also time you up-graded to a much better machine.

RM..I will have to disagree with you in your branding "newbies" because they use "entry" level machines. I for one like the Ace 250 and I would put it up against many middle level detectors on the market. As for as upgrading because these are not up to "your" standards they fit my needs just fine. So, again, it is left up to the individual to learn the machine they are using and having fun in the process. I'm sure all of us would love to own the $1700 machines but until I hit the lottery I will keep what I have now.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

gleaner1 said:
Gentlemen, gentlemen. Relax.
When you have the years of experience, have 2000+ posts, and use $700 or $1000 or $1500 machines, try, try, and try again to resist to the urge to respond to these topics. Now I'm going to take a good long look in the mirror and I'm gonna try to take my own advice...oops too late.....

Sorry. You'll note (if you were EXTREMELY bored and had time to kill) that in all of my rambling posts I never criticize a make of detector. I know soil conditions are widly different in the U.S. and everyone has a feel and expectation for a detector that others don't share. I use a Fisher and for years relied on a Minelab. Both are excellent. It just gets under my skin when someone harps on a brand I do like. I have beefed about centain detector salesmen and practices (air tests for instance - right up there with crystal healing and séances IMHO). I screwed down one F-75 harpy on another forum only to find out his gripe was based on air tests and he never actually took the unit outdoors for a hunt! I'm sure if I check the phone logs at Fisher that Felix or another tech rep was unable to address the problems with the F2 . . . not. Probably no call was made. Build quality? What some consider light and maneuverable others consider cheap. Some of us treat detectors like instruments and others treat them like crowbars.

Now if someone could just tell me why this dumb hammer I bought keeps bending over nails before I can pound them in. Stupid hammer.

Reidman - I have said before that Tiger Woods could buy a garage sale five-iron on the way to the golf course and beat me using only that club all ways to Sunday even if I had the best set of clubs money could buy. Same with detectors. 80% of a great hunt can be research, observation and intuition before the power is even switched on. It took me two years to learn how to use my Musketeer, and that's a relatively simple audio-only machine. I'd be so focused people would be talking to me and I wouldn't even realize they were there. Incredible what you can hear when you learn how to listen. ;-)

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Trackerman, I really didn't see you post as too overly intentionally brand bashing, but maybe a bit insulting due to frustration and a bad experience with your F2 which may be brought on by any number or things (including weak batteries??). You had an opinion and you stated it in a hostile manner, but there are so many factors involved. Who knows what the deal is with your F2? Not too many people can honestly rate machine vs machine with any such force as you did. What was your point? Same old Ford vs Chevy argument. Nobody is right.

Equally, I don't think that any response to your post by anyone was really meant to insult you, they just sounded that way trying to keep the same tone as you. What goes around comes around.

It takes a long time to learn a machine, if you think there is something wrong with a machine, don't try to compare it and bad mouth it, ask questions about it. You will get good advice if you are nice.

I've had bad experiences with the "new" Fisher, not in performance but service. Sure, it would be easy to complain as many, many others did, they had grounds for a good gripe. I never complained though. I still like Fisher and I am sure the F2 is very good for its price range. I still have not ruled out Fisher, they are getting better with service and are getting over the buy-out pretty well from what I read. Not to mention they make the killer F75 and F70's.

Now, what about the Ace?? If we could get Mr. Pappagiorgio to at least say that the Ace is kinda good, at least maybe fair, or, probably not too bad for a $200 unit or something similar we can hopefully move on to the next subject. (and have a hell of a laugh too).

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

In response Batteries were new machine was new.With sens all the way up with out chirpen the F2 wouldnt see a quarter past 4" inches in the ground on grass. Now a Tesoro Compadre with a 5.75 inch coil. Vs an 8" inch coil on The F2 and the Compadre easilly hits 6" inches. Now a machine thats 50.00 dollars less is more sensitive to coins and jewlry and has much better depth. Thats why the F2 in reviews is down in the 3s and the Compadre gets a 5 from people. Regardless of wethere one has an id or not.The point is the F2 is a weak performing machine.There Maybee Fishers that are good. Just not this one. Everyone Knows most Coins etc are in at least the 6" inch area if not more. That means with the F2 yull bee missing alot of stuff in the ground. Now is the F2 a true Fisher or a bounty Hunter? Have had several bounty hunters in the past and they both had no depth. So most likely the F2 is a rebajed Bounty Hunter. A true Fisher should see a coin especially a quarter down 6"inches. So no story tellen here true facts. See what some others have said about the F2 s depth. At first bought the machine and didnt take others word for it. Sure found out soon enough the machine was what some people said. No depth eratic ids at times pinpointing hard to use and inacurate ids. Just to name a few. Now there are Fisher fans here clearly and thats good. But truth is thruth.

Re: Is the Ace 250 better than the Fisher F2 heres the Answer

Trackerman said:
In response Batteries were new machine was new.With sens all the way up with out chirpen the F2 wouldnt see a quarter past 4" inches in the ground on grass. Now a Tesoro Compadre with a 5.75 inch coil. Vs an 8" inch coil on The F2 and the Compadre easilly hits 6" inches. Now a machine thats 50.00 dollars less is more sensitive to coins and jewlry and has much better depth. Thats why the F2 in reviews is down in the 3s and the Compadre gets a 5 from people. Regardless of wethere one has an id or not.The point is the F2 is a weak performing machine.There Maybee Fishers that are good. Just not this one. Everyone Knows most Coins etc are in at least the 6" inch area if not more. That means with the F2 yull bee missing alot of stuff in the ground. Now is the F2 a true Fisher or a bounty Hunter? Have had several bounty hunters in the past and they both had no depth. So most likely the F2 is a rebajed Bounty Hunter. A true Fisher should see a coin especially a quarter down 6"inches. So no story tellen here true facts. See what some others have said about the F2 s depth. At first bought the machine and didnt take others word for it. Sure found out soon enough the machine was what some people said. No depth eratic ids at times pinpointing hard to use and inacurate ids. Just to name a few. Now there are Fisher fans here clearly and thats good. But truth is thruth.

Last week I dug a 1952 quarter 5" deep with my and depth were right on the money. Maybe your ground is just to hot for the preset GB....

I've also dug minie balls 9" deep with my Bounty Hunter....

One in the world is pinpoint hard to use on the F2 when all you gotta do is push one button? :icon_scratch:

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