Is my mine the LDM?

what a f...! no mining allowed!? how far from the trail? :BangHead:
isnt it a treasure from national importance? nice endpoint for all arizona trail hikers.

I don't know if it's off limits that close to the Arizona Trail in that area, but, usually it's protected down around here. Scoop some dirt up after you hike! Nice Concept!

I also notice the Dam is right there so housing for the Dammer's could have been on that ground not to mention the massive heavy equipment they had back then.
Only Treasure there is the view.

You can boat part way in and dingy the rest. It's a hard haul up that canyon. If it looks like rain stay out of it.

I don't know if it's off limits that close to the Arizona Trail in that area, but, usually it's protected down around here. Scoop some dirt up after you hike! Nice Concept!

I also notice the Dam is right there so housing for the Dammer's could have been on that ground not to mention the massive heavy equipment they had back then.
Only Treasure there is the view.

the arizona trail runs on the west side of picketpost mountain..they closed off the entire section to mining..probably the same up there too..also its fairly close to the dam and the feds frown on any kind of activity that close to the dam

You can boat part way in and dingy the rest. It's a hard haul up that canyon. If it looks like rain stay out of it.

Damn the Dam! I like playing with my Dingy! I never play with my dingy in the rain. It won't stay inflated and hard. It just shrinks and lays there. I know you've posted it before but can you give the coordinates for the Bat Cave exactly as per GE?




How's the show going with Ryan Gordon? Will it be on the screen this fall or spring?

Never mind, I looked on DUSA and saw Ryan updated on the 16th the show will be airing in the spring.

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Hi Bill, getting a lil wobbly my self these days, so no more hi sierras for me, that includes Tayopa --- sniff.

Quitcha belly aching, how are you going to be at my 150 th birthday party ' NOT ENOUGH TIME" humph.

I'm lucky I have no arthritis in my knees. Doc said once your joints are bone to bone you're done. Next stop, artificial knee's.
I can see myself hiking at 95 if I last that long. At your 150th Birthday party I'll bring the smoothies. Don't worry, I'll throw a steak in the blender for your smoothie. Since you'll probably have no teeth. And some Coffee in there for breakfast. See there, I'm the only one looking out for ya!

Just in case you feel like a party that day I'll sneak a Corona in that smoothie too!

That's a smoothie you could live on!

We'll call it: "The Tayopa Tango"! It might not make you a He-Man again but it'll definitely fill up your depends later that day!

Damn the Dam! I like playing with my Dingy! I never play with my dingy in the rain. It won't stay inflated and hard. It just shrinks and lays there. I know you've posted it before but can you give the coordinates for the Bat Cave exactly as per GE?




How's the show going with Ryan Gordon? Will it be on the screen this fall or spring?

Never mind, I looked on DUSA and saw Ryan updated on the 16th the show will be airing in the spring.

I've parted ways with Ryan for some time now.

I've parted ways with Ryan for some time now.

You two are still friends I'm sure.

The project he's doing had no room for any partners. That seems to be the way the Tumlinson's wanted it. But, hey, you helped raised that boy from a fact checker into the realm of Treasure Hunter wanna be, sooo, what ever he does, good or bad, you're responsible he's your step child!:dontknow:

I'm sure you, and Wayne, Old, all you DUSA guys, will be there to start promoting him right before the show airs just like the video's you guys did together. Personally, I can't wait until that show airs!

That is, so I can turn the channel and watch Beverly Hillbilly's reruns! :laughing7:(Kidding)

If there is real Skin or Paper map in there somewhere it will surely end up in the wrong hands. Even though I know what the other Tumlinson maps were close to by the symbols they represented, and that they had to come from a viable source, the messenger will stimy anyone knowledgeable about the meaning of the symbols for his own personal gain or family "copyright". In other words, we'll be back to where we were before. Full circle. Looking around with fake stone maps.

I don't think those paper maps will lead you to the LDM up there, but, they sure do lead to the Gold Mine I've found in the mountain's south of Tucson. At least in part.

Some believe the LDM was in Tucson or around here. If that's true then I think I've found the LDM down here.

My mine is the LDM!!

I just have to dig it out!

gee, thanks Bill. sniff. What about the Broads ? You bringing em or ???

The Hookers will be from Nogales. I'll have to throw a couple of 150mg Viagra's in that smoothie for ya. Being your 150th they might just give a discount for every year past 100. They may even have a 125 year old hooker in the back room for ya. It would be like robbing the cradle for you at that age! That Hooker may have even slept with old Jacob Waltz back in the 1800's. If that's the case you may just get some inside info from her. A Beer, Steak, Coffee, and Viagra smoothie! A potion for motion!

I think we may just have invented the fountain of youth!

Take that to your LDM Mine as a pick-me-up! Or lay me down whatever...

has anyone readable texts of the peralta letters?

do you know that there are more ruins like the circlestone ruin? will not share the coords public for beware the wilderness. if you are intrested send me a pm. the yellow line is 90 feet wide.


Many such rock walls were built by folks running cattle in the range. Believe Tom Kollenborn could add a lot to that conversation.

Take care,



i see i cant fool you :notworthy:

Those are rather hefty rocks they used for an open shelter joe

Heap Big Rock as one Indian said to another. Those were carried by the Squaws.

It's like a Dyslexic Atheist Indian said to a Priest: "You believe in one Dog and only one Dog"

It was an old church of latter day Apaches.


I haven't gone off my Meds for years now, that sling blade incident was just an accident, I swear, but, hey, they let me out of the nervous hospital early anyways. Uuuhhh Huuhhh!

I still love them mustard biscuits!!

I reckon so!

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