Is my mine the LDM?

there are many reasons but a few come to mind...anyone that found a fortune would not get on a public forum and give the coords for it
...also the ore from the ldm would be so rich there would be more gold than rock..not just a speck or two...if you want anyone to believe you found the ldm you will have to show the ore

Someone that doesn't care about money would. When I find the LDM I'll give the cords for it. Because more than likely it's on public no mans land. Let them keep Thunter's away from it once it's public. Oh, I'd like to get my name on it that I found it, but, you all know Government, they do what they please in the name of whatever.

Someone did the same with the Pit Mine. Showed us all where it was, they were so nice! They showed the Ore, at least, what one might think was the Ore, and gave us all a sigh of relief! We no longer need to search!

I seriously doubt the real LDM mine is that far in. You could probably walk to it from your truck. I think old Jacob had his hands full trying to hide it from everyday travelers.

I think it's under the first water restroom someone please go get it. Or was that second toilet water? I forget...
The Aztecs called it "Excrement of the Gods". Waltz found one of the rest stops of an Aztec God. Deity Ka-Ka! A sort of "Pius Privy Pit!"

Like I always said: "Find the Privy and find the mine".

Publish that on Pokeman and see the people covered in Aztec Ka-Ka!

The Last Pokeman Treasure Hunt.

Hola Billy
take it easy, tequilla is on tha way on me,:occasion14::occasion14::occasion14:

I don't know why this was on my phone when I woke up this morning.
I do not have any memory of being on Tnet last night...

So I read all of it to be sure that I hadn't posted anything while I was asleep!!!

It is interesting and a little confusing, but just about anything about the LDM
usually is.

I'm going to follow along till the weather cools down enough to go out into the woods and look for my own second million $.

I gave up on finding my first million.


the biggest hint for me that im right is that nobody answer or have a good answer for it.

If you are right, you are giving all of your work and research away.

Anyone that google searches, even a few aspects what you are posting can find this thread.

Folks that are visible here can be trusted. There are lots of folks outside that will take it from you.

Be careful.


the biggest hint for me that im right is that nobody answer or have a good answer for it.

NO offense here amigo but really you should read some of the older threads. At last count over 200 different people have all claimed to have found the LDM, in 200 different places, a very very few have shown any gold and no one has had any ore compared to the examples available. We can't just believe everyone that comes along and says "I FOUND IT" based on some matching clues etc and without having any gold to show. Remember it is supposed to be the richest gold mine in the world, is it unreasonable to expect to see some of that gold ore?

Posting coordinates and other info to get others to go out and check is known as "bird dogging" and has sent many a good person on a proverbial wild goose chase. If I were to send you coordinates to some huge buried treasure near where you live, would you run out to see if it was right? If you would be willing to do that, how would you feel if you got to that spot only to find someone had been pulling a prank on you? Do you see what I am saying?

Have to agree with Bill Riley and AZDave - show some gold ore, then regardless of whether it is the mine of Jacob Waltz or not, you will have a nice gold mine. Does it really matter what name it is called, if you make millions from it?

Also have to agree with ProspectorMikel - by posting all of your info online, you are literally giving it away to people that are not all honest and scrupulous. If your site IS the LDM, there is a very strong chance that someone else will indeed run right to it and claim it, or mine out as much gold as they can without bothering to get your permission. As you are clearly an intelligent person, you must know this, so this is rather a red flag that you may be trying to send someone out on a wild goose chase for your own laughs since if you really believed it was the lost Dutchman's gold mine, why are you not there digging out the gold yourself? If you are not willing to go check it out yourself, why should any of us? See what I am saying amigo?

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

NO offense here amigo but really you should read some of the older threads. At last count over 200 different people have all claimed to have found the LDM, in 200 different places, a very very few have shown any gold and no one has had any ore compared to the examples available. We can't just believe everyone that comes along and says "I FOUND IT" based on some matching clues etc and without having any gold to show. Remember it is supposed to be the richest gold mine in the world, is it unreasonable to expect to see some of that gold ore?

Posting coordinates and other info to get others to go out and check is known as "bird dogging" and has sent many a good person on a proverbial wild goose chase. If I were to send you coordinates to some huge buried treasure near where you live, would you run out to see if it was right? If you would be willing to do that, how would you feel if you got to that spot only to find someone had been pulling a prank on you? Do you see what I am saying?

Have to agree with Bill Riley and AZDave - show some gold ore, then regardless of whether it is the mine of Jacob Waltz or not, you will have a nice gold mine. Does it really matter what name it is called, if you make millions from it?

Also have to agree with ProspectorMikel - by posting all of your info online, you are literally giving it away to people that are not all honest and scrupulous. If your site IS the LDM, there is a very strong chance that someone else will indeed run right to it and claim it, or mine out as much gold as they can without bothering to get your permission. As you are clearly an intelligent person, you must know this, so this is rather a red flag that you may be trying to send someone out on a wild goose chase for your own laughs since if you really believed it was the lost Dutchman's gold mine, why are you not there digging out the gold yourself? If you are not willing to go check it out yourself, why should any of us? See what I am saying amigo?

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

i agree with you, but i (with some friends) would go out for you. if you flight to germany and come back home and tell anybody that you found something and everybody lought about you then you only want that someone check it and confirm your statement. when i was at the mine i thought that it was in the wilderness, thats why i didnt dig and the weather was not good. i only collect the ore from the ground. it annoys me that i cant check it myself.

Wanna borrow some Tayopa ore BlACKLINE ? :laughing7: This shows just how wortheless samples posted in here would be. I can always go to a rock show, pick, or borrow aparticularly rich speciman, or just take a picture, then claim it is from t LDM

incidentally, while I can't positively claim this as Tayopa ore, I can claim it for the Tayopa complex. it came from directly below in the arroyo. attn Roy.
Yes I have often considered using a metal detector on the arroyos. but Roy is always too busy.

Solid silver nuggett form the arroyo.webp


I am almost sure how you have not found the LDM . Why ? I will try to explain it .
Waltz stated ( in a clue that was written here by Oroblanco ) how he could make the round trip to his mine and out of the Superstitions in a single day ( IMO a daylight ). A daylight in the winter which is about nine hours , on a known trail and on a mule's back .
Julia in her map put the mine about six miles inside Superstitions on trail . And would be the mine at the canyon bottom altitude ? I don't think so if you have to see the Military trail from his mine . So , you have to consider about 1000 to 1200 feet hiking up process IMO.
How many miles would you hike if you don't know the trail , you don't know where the mine is and you are looking forth and back for trail markings and mining traces ? I believe , if someone who know the trail and know where to go would hike about 1,5 - 2 miles per hour ; you , who were for the first time there , how many miles would you hike in a hour ?
I say only how IMO , to go walking to the LDM for the first time , is impossible to make a round trip in a single daylight . So ,have you found the real LDM ?


I am almost sure how you have not found the LDM . Why ? I will try to explain it .
Waltz stated ( in a clue that was written here by Oroblanco ) how he could make the round trip to his mine and out of the Superstitions in a single day ( IMO a daylight ). A daylight in the winter which is about nine hours , on a known trail and on a mule's back .
Julia in her map put the mine about six miles inside Superstitions on trail . And would be the mine at the canyon bottom altitude ? I don't think so if you have to see the Military trail from his mine . So , you have to consider about 1000 to 1200 feet hiking up process IMO.
How many miles would you hike if you don't know the trail , you don't know where the mine is and you are looking forth and back for trail markings and mining traces ? I believe , if someone who know the trail and know where to go would hike about 1,5 - 2 miles per hour ; you , who were for the first time there , how many miles would you hike in a hour ?
I say only how IMO , to go walking to the LDM for the first time , is impossible to make a round trip in a single daylight . So ,have you found the real LDM ?

it is a clue that did not make it on the board.

"Along with several of my contemporaries, I have searched for the Lost Dutchman Mine for many years and have kept copious notes of my searches, as well as numerous maps and photographs. Review of available reliable books and documents from the 1980s, as well as the Bicknell articles and other Dutch hunters’ unpublished manuscripts, led me to believe that the mine could be in the upper northeast, instead of the western end of the Superstitions."
Military trail of Jacob Waltz - Apache Junction/Gold Canyon Independent | Apache Junction/Gold Canyon Independent
by jack san felice

i will belive him ;)

Foto 1(1).webpFoto 2(1).webpFoto 3.webp

(oroblanco) Show some ore = i had done it. sgtfda said looks like the silver ore from the pit mine. I also shown a speck of gold that I had pan out of the ore. Sorry that I cant show you more but remember. I was a tourist. Had no equipment. It was a rainy day (10th of april). On first day it was sunny. I found the cactus marker and much quartz and the “burger” with the small quartz vein. Id shown it a friend. He said. Quartz vein – little iron oxid – good sample, so I decided to go back next day. Second day was no good weather conditions. I found the sealed mine entrance and the grave/geode on the high side of canyon. Downside I saw a face and heart and I go down. There I found the big vein. I took 4-5 photographs. Then it start raining… a bobcat jumped out of the grass. I had never seen something like this before. Think he was more scared like me but I had nothing to defend. That’s why I decided to left the spot.

(oroblanco) Why im not there to digging it out myself = cause I live in Germany. I have to work. I paid 2000 $ for my adventure. Sorry but my girl want also with me on holiday. she think im crazy ;) I had promised her when I fly to Arizona and come back home that I quit this story. That’s the only reason why I gave all my research away. I only hope that one day anyone claim this spot and find the LDM. Then I could show her – here look at this… I have ever tell you that im right. It will be a wonderful feeling. I know the chance is very low, but I belive in it. surely it could be the richest mine in the world, but I cant claim it. you all have the knowledge. If I ask anyone to help me, then every man with a good human understanding will not invest in my project. Thousands have search for it, nobody will belive in a german tourist. Im willing to check it, but I haven’t the time, the money than the support. And I will always decide me for my girl than for the gold. Nothing can make me happier.

(markmar) And would be the mine at the canyon bottom altitude? the sealed mine is 650ft above the trail. if you check this spot and you go up on the ridge you will also see why you can see the trail but you cant see the mine from the trail. I personal hiked 2 miles in one hour. The Dutchman hiked with his mules on a trail from picked post 15 miles in one day. I don’t belive he got in and out within one day. Why he should sleep in a cave while he was digging at the mine. I think he got in and out from his cave within a day.
Sorry for my English mistakes ;)

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  • ImageUploadedByTreasureNet.com1471245003.800026.webp
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That is funny........

#/80{>~. Hahahahahahaha!!!haha.

i went down to the wash... there i saw the vein. i checked this photograph again cause i read once again bicknells article. i read "the tunnel on the side of the mountains" then i thought about this photograph. is it the tunnel in the background? i look closer to the photograph and now i want to ask you is that a tool marking left upper side?



So, you matched the maps , the clues and your research , with Jack San Felice's opinion . That's fine . I respect everyyone's research and opinion .
But... always I make my own research based in my own opinion . I believe how to vindicate others research ( which is only an opinion , not fact ) , only leads you late and afar from your real beliefs .


So, you matched the maps , the clues and your research , with Jack San Felice's opinion . That's fine . I respect everyyone's research and opinion .
But... always I make my own research based in my own opinion . I believe how to vindicate others research ( which is only an opinion , not fact ) , only leads you late and afar from your real beliefs .

i read the article, after i was in arizona (think last month when i searched for the two room house). its only one more hint for me that it could be the ldm. when i tell anybody it would be in the eastern range then you would laugh. when he it says nobody will laugh. thats why i post it.


the photos id shown before. i want to post it without the black skyline again. under the "mule" is something that could be the two room house. on the second pic you can see how the brushy canyon looks like from the ridge and you can see (hope so) the four peaks in the north. on the third photo you see the trap but why i post it again is the bloom agave :)

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cactusjumper = found your map in an older thread. this map could show the slope i previous post. why? next to the sealed mine entrance is this cactus and in the distance down is the vein. first pic the rightist cactus.

AlsMap.jpg Photo by cactus_jumper | Photobucket



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I am not laughing but only wondering . The reason that nobody found the LDM is because they didn't interpret right the clues given by Waltz . And the new LDM hunters continue in this manner .
An example of a clue explanation :
" The setting sun glitters upon my mine through a crack in the mountain "
What we understand from this clue ? How the mine is hidden from the east and south by large rocks , a column ( the chimney formation clue ) or a rock wall , and to the west has close by a part from the same mountain range which is little higher .
The clues " You have to climb a steep ravine from my mine to see the Weavers Needle to the south " and " To reach my mine you have to go around and down from the top " , show how the mine is on a northerly slope of a mountain and you can't approach the mine from the north maybe because is on a mountain's wall edge .
Seems the mine is a ledge in a mountain wall edge .

M y grick friend, and Blackline, my newest friend, are concerned, they cannot work it even if they find it, so forget that line of "why aren/t you working it" ?

Since noo one else has found it with the present clues, why couldn't they find with new reasoning ??

thats my opinion why you cant get there form the north. i was there and i can tell you that it was impossible to get higher. if he sleeps in the cliff dewellings it was the best way to get to the spot with his mules.




From this picture , looks that your spot is not so hard to be approached from the north .
IMO , your spot don't has a ( one ) LDM clue . Not even the Pit mine clue " From the mine you can see my car , but from my car you can't see the mine " ( metaphorically ) .

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