is it true about the gas

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SWR said:
skiiimann said:
gold and silver do not react with anything how could they give off a gas??

They don't

While I agree that gold and silver don't give off a toxic gas, I do disagree with the part of the statement about silver not reacting with anything. Elemental silver in the ground might not react, but silver that has been smelted tarnishes, which means it is obviusly reacting with something. And a quick Google search using the phrase "silver reacts with" returns the following:
"In a basic solution solid silver reacts with aqueous cyanide and oxygen gas to produce silver (I) cyanide."

I'm assuming that their use of the term "solid silver" means elemental, or pure silver.

When it comes to the behaviors of metallic elements in a chemical reaction, Au is the most stable. This means that Au almost has no reaction with other substances.

The gas associated with treasures is man-enplaced or due to build-up of other chemicals/substances in the site or a form of trap.

I also talked with people who seen 'light' in a treasure site. No explaination.

Gold reacts with other substances ONLY under special conditions like very high temp.,etc..

Chemical reactions with gold under normal condition is very very hard to achieve.

As far as lights are concerned, there was an old thread about methane gas and static electricity being seen at cache locations. The guy's screen name was/is Daniel Montes, Jr. According to him, locals in Mexico have seen blue or green light eminating from areas in which caches were found. Decaying material could create methane gas and static electricity could ignite it I suppose. So it's not the gold and silver per se that cause the lights, but the decaying waste material that does. Methane gas in a confined area will kill.

there are many stories of the original settlers here in PA
seeing Lights dancing on the swamps. & Swamp Gas.

You don't hear of it any more.

I wonder if it all Depleted.

I can't believe so many were prone to "Flights of Fantasy"

Here in the Ozarks we have what they call "SPOOK LIGHTS". They have been spotted since the days of the early settlers. They cannot be explained, even Unexplained Mysteries did a show on it. Many speculate that it is from escaping gas. I for one spent a few nights waiting for this phenomena to appear in the Hornet Mo. area but to no avail. They have been seen by literally 100's of people over the years. When they are approached they seem to move, dance and then disappear.
Realde, although I have been fooled before by people on this forum.,you seem to have integrity to me and I choose to believe you. When you found the cache by the "fire" did the "fire" ever reappear after the removal of the treasure?
Me being an old debater, I find that there is always someone willing to play the part of the Devils Advocate, it makes for interesting conversation. But it can be taken to far! I try to be open minded about all I read and I know that there is plenty that I don't know. Those of you who are quick to point a finger need to chill, relax and enjoy the knowledge that those on this forum are willing to share. Happy Holidays.....Steve

It is true about the gas EXISTING. The origin/s may be unknown, but lights have been seen, and will continue to do so. Both my partner and I have seen lights while prospecting, me in the southwest, and he in South America. I have twice seen lights over a fault in gold bearing country in Arizona.
As far as Jesuit treasure being found in the U.S. I think SWR had better do some research before he tries to offer a skeptics opinion of the things Tropical Tramp has mentioned. What about the gold bars found by the four old geezers in Arizona with metal detectors? All of the bars were found at different points of crosses laid out in patterns. I think there were about 140 of them.

I read a book about cold light, nocturnal lights, and phosphorescence and there have been many many instances observed by groups of people. Of course earthquake lights (piezoelectric) are very common but mineral veins have also been known to produce lights, almost certainly from teluric currents in the ground. The book didn't talk much about actual flames, mostly cold light which produces no heat. I once witnessed some power lines that were glowing blue during a thunder storm. They glowed for at least a half hour. That's a corona discharge or St. Elmo's fire. Marine lights are quite common, too. Many times the light has the shape of a spiral wheel with curved spokes. This is exactly what the lines of force in a static electric field look like.

SWR said:
Siegfried Schlagrule said:
Ah yes. On one side we have the man who says that fire exists, has used it to find treasure and has offered to show the fires to other people. He has photographic evidence and his own reputation for honesty to testify to his veracity. On the other side we have a man who has not investigated, has never seen and has not admitted to publicly finding anything. He refuses to be shown the proof that he "debunks". Gee, that's a tough one but I'll go out on a limb and side with Real de Tayopa. I won't go any further on this topic. We should speak kindly of the dead. Anyone who refuses to learn will soon be dead - most likely killed by something that doesn't exist. exanimo, siegfried schlagrule

Everyone knows gold is inert and silver is dang near inert. If anyone believes that these two inert metals can release flame, gas or produce lights underground have some serious problems or are followers of pseudoscience beliefs.
You need to be specific when debating. I have quoted your statement that I am responding to. My comments above are in reference to your denials that any credible proof exists that spook lights have led to treasure. RdeT found 8 cart loads of silver near spook lights. He shows photos of his share. You rebut with "Everybody knows". Very impressive.
Everyone knows ..... man will never be able to fly ..... the earth is flat .....if you have to develope film in the dark it is a fraud ..... man will never reach the moon ..... if a black is ever elected president she will be jewish ..... don't worry about taxes. they will never take more than 5% of your money ..... As Ronald Reagan said "It's not that the Democrats are wrong. It's that so much of what they believe is just not so". In other words it ain't what you don't know that hurts you it's what you know that ain't so. Specifically the only possible way to espouse your belief that does not make you look like an arrogant fool is the words "Show me". Since you have been offered the chance to see proof then one must assume that you are arguing from a position of deliberate obstinacy. exanimo, siegfried schlagrule

SWR said:
I don't think silver coins tarnishing or showing signs of oxidation would qualify for releasing toxic gas, flames and/or colored lights hoovering above the buried treasure. ;)

I agree, and stated as such in my post. My response was to the specific statement and idea that silver doesn't react with anything. It obviously does, and most reactions with metal produce gasses as a byproduct. If I remember my chemistry correctly, any metal that comes in contact with an acid will produce hydrogen in varying amounts. We used to do a pop test by mixing bits of aluminum foil with hydrochloric acid (HCL) in a test tube and collect the hydrogen with an inverted test tube held over the top. Then we would ignite the hydrogen gas, which would make a popping sound. Silver should produce the same reaction and gas. That said, you can't breathe hydrogen gas, but in an open environment where it can escape into the atmosphere you wouldn't suffer any harm doing so.

SWR link=
I don't think silver coins tarnishing or showing signs of oxidation would qualify for releasing toxic gas, flames and/or colored lights hoovering above the buried treasure. ;)
Based upon what actual physical research? As both Judy and I have pointed out, in the presence of Cl it forms Au Cl or Ag Cl. As a matter of fact the old Spanish used common salt to extract both from their ores..

I am sure that you will agree that salts of various kinds are readily found in nature, particularly in arid adobe type soils which by co-incidence, are where the majority of these "fires" are seen.

Organic Cyanide is found in nature also . It still is a popular method of extraction in ores,. say a 3% solution.

Have you performed or read of any tests or actual investigations regarding this? If not by whose authority are you quoting your remarks?

Personally, I speak from actual physical experience and have shown photographic proof which may not be acceptable since a panel of scientists were not present doing a double blind study nor was it subjected to a statistical analyusis so it cannot be certified, however I happily spent them anyway.

Two strikes so far SWR

Tropical Tramp

SWR said:
Siegfried Schlagrule said:
SWR said:
Siegfried Schlagrule said:
Ah yes. On one side we have the man who says that fire exists, has used it to find treasure and has offered to show the fires to other people. He has photographic evidence and his own reputation for honesty to testify to his veracity. On the other side we have a man who has not investigated, has never seen and has not admitted to publicly finding anything. He refuses to be shown the proof that he "debunks". Gee, that's a tough one but I'll go out on a limb and side with Real de Tayopa. I won't go any further on this topic. We should speak kindly of the dead. Anyone who refuses to learn will soon be dead - most likely killed by something that doesn't exist. exanimo, siegfried schlagrule

Everyone knows gold is inert and silver is dang near inert. If anyone believes that these two inert metals can release flame, gas or produce lights underground have some serious problems or are followers of pseudoscience beliefs.
You need to be specific when debating. I have quoted your statement that I am responding to. My comments above are in reference to your denials that any credible proof exists that spook lights have led to treasure. RdeT found 8 cart loads of silver near spook lights. He shows photos of the cart remains and his share. You rebut with "Everybody knows". Very impressive.
Everyone knows ..... man will never be able to fly ..... the earth is flat .....if you have to develope film in the dark it is a fraud ..... man will never reach the moon ..... if a black is ever elected president she will be jewish ..... don't worry about taxes. they will never take more than 5% of your money ..... As Ronald Reagan said "It's not that the Democrats are wrong. It's that so much of what they believe is just not so". In other words it ain't what you don't know that hurts you it's what you know that ain't so. Specifically the only possible way to espouse your belief that does not make you look like an arrogant fool is the words "Show me". Since you have been offered the chance to see proof then one must assume that you are arguing from a position of deliberate and obstinancy. exanimo, siegfried schlagrule

My apologies, but I fail to see any reference in your irrational babble pertaining to my statement you have quoted. If, perhaps, you actually do have some relevant (solid) proof that buried treasures (gold/silver/diamonds) do omit visible gasses, colored flames or hovering lights…please present it.

Otherwise, I will just have you assume that your rants are of personal nature and have nothing to do with the actual thread in itself.

Yes, your motor is on but your headlights are off so you fail to see. Specifically Real de Tayopa found treasure near spook lights. He posted photographs of his share of the treasure. He offered to take people to see other spook lights. Once again you infer that things have never happenned when presented proof that they have happenned. If you stated that they seldom happen you wouldn't have so much trouble getting people to accept your illogical statements. exanimo, siegfried schlagrule

...another thing I find interesting is that when gold is combined with silica (as when found inground) exhibits both Ionic and Electrical conduction.....while in its pure form...only Electrical.

Judy Love , I owe you one, I have always suspected this, but hadn't found any data to support it. Natures solid state conductive/rectifiers./piezo effect thingies. . Silica/quartz is almost always associated with economical deposits of Au, Ag etc.

As a matter of fact this was the base of an invention on finding Au by the shifting of the surface materiel due to daily movement caused by both normal earth and temp changes. It was used on the theory that the pressure and movement caused certain crystals to act as rectified Piezo electric generators which acted to broadcast as an uncontrolled spark gap transmitter of an extremely broad range of frequencies, the harmonics of which extended up into the low radio range and so could be picked up by a broadly tuned recever. in the form of random clicks, chatter and squeals.

Is it possible that the random generated voltage over a long period could accelerate or actually causes conversions of Au Ag etc. into a form of luminous gas? hmm interesting, will have to check this out.

However this would not explain a buried treasure as such.

Tropical Tramp

=kaloy ]Gold reacts with other substances ONLY under special conditions like very high temp.,etc..

Sorry Killoy my friend, but I have processed multi tons of Gold ore in room temp 3 % Cyanide. The Spanish used ordinary salt for their patio processing also under the open sky.

Incidentally, if we are speaking of Gold as found in nature, it is NEVER found in the pure state. Nor is much Jewelry in the form of 100% or 24 K state either, it would be too soft to wear well. It would be extremely expensive to refine to 100%

Tropical Tramp


[=stevesno .
Realde, although I have been fooled before by people on this forum.,you seem to have integrity to me and I choose to believe you. When you found the cache by the "fire" did the "fire" ever reappear after the removal of the treasure?

H gacias ,I try to tell the the truth since I expect to be called on anything I say, Besides it is against my personal code to do otherwise. They say always tell the truth then you don't have to remember anything.

As for the fire, no, once the originating object is removed it is permanently gone.

Tropical Tramp

=SWR .I choose not to believe Jose's story about an Indian who had been seeing some lights over the years, that some mule-train buried (reason not given) bunches of silver coins in the 1800s. I do not see one old torn-up photograph as being proof. You may, I don't.

I agree , that is your privilege and right, but to yourself, inferring that I am lying etc is neither professional nor acceptable.

Since you have refused to accept my challenge, I can only assume that your are reacting as Pavlov's dogs did and not from applied intelligent thought, but then, what is new?

I have yet to see you make a positive statement to anyone in the TN rooms., You deny, ridicule,quote others, but never have any personal "original" thought. I often wonder just how successfull your self proclaimed shallow water recoveries are., but then that would be the usual anecdotal data which you are denying here. Flatly, have you EVER found a treasure? If not you cannot speak as an authority as far as I am concerned. .

Your mind set and thinking has me doubting that you ever graduated from college as you claim. Franky I have never seen, read or imagined such a closed unimaginative mind as yours on anything since the inquisition days against the founders of our modern science. ,
As for the picture, I have already addressed that in post #44 but you actually have to understand what you read.

In post # 7 that was clearly mentioned, again you apparently are incapable of absorbing what you read since it is mentioned in the text and on the picture. twice no less??

Frankly you are very close to the third strike.

Tropical Tramp

I believe this thread is about Gasses

Not Members who Post here ;)

I've worked around HF acid (hydrogen fluoride). It's way bad stuff. When it gets exposed to moisture, even the moisture in the air it reacts violently. If you can imagine a witch's cauldron only moving through the air, steaming, sizzling and burning anything in it's path, it's terrible. Lightning produces nitric acid that rains down from the air being burned. Add to this hydrogen peroxide, and the sun's nuclear and ir rays and you get ionic geochemical action (halo). Ozone attacks this and forms ionic bromide cyanide gas. It's the ionic cyanide gases that can sometimes be seen. Best times are after an afternoon thunderstorm. This is according to Manual Ortiz and Louis Matacia.

In case anyone can't figure it out, this is in reference to the lead post of this thread, like someone doesn't know. BTW, I'm heterosexual.

I think this thread has not defined what the thread was about. ?

If the question was, " Is there some nature or existence of poison gas related to treasure deposits? " That again is not defined what the question is.

People are looking at this ass-backwards. Is the poison gas related to the treasure, is it found associated with it or is it found at times co-existing with it.

Gold in native form or or man alterate to be in common bar form, it in itself has no known mechanism of producing a toxic gas. Silver, while it will corrode and form silver oxides, sulphides, all of those forms are actually weak cleansing agents. Silver oxides and sulphides can, in quantities produce toxic vapors only in that the vapors exceed levels tolerated by the human body. Like breathing pure oxygen is harmful.

Conventional gem stones will not produce any toxicity.

The human body can TASTE silver and gold. Yes they have a taste.

Now, what is often found associated with treasure, that is a different matter. Is it the site in itself that is toxic, e.g. inside a tunnel that is a natural site with weeping oil, sulphur bearing mineral deposits, radioactive mineral deposits, a volcanic gas vent pipe?

Treasure deposits are often buried in a fashion to take advantage of man made and natural detracting properties.

Glowing lights and smells that come and go associated with treasure? Are we talking about things related to another dimension, the dead, spiritual as in Demonic? Those exist as well. I have been in such a tunnel in Bukidnon where there was walking pillars of light, the smell of food and or death would come and go inside the still air of a tunnel. Spirit harassment is common. The common forms of recognition is to include, temperature change in the air surrounding your body or the immediate vicinity. An odor or smell. I have smelled anything from cigarette smoke to perfume, gasoline and food. The smell is curious. We experimented to see if a single persons affliction by this was in a wide radius of the human body or just your immediate vicinity. If you stand still the odor is recognizeable. Walk very slow and it will stay in the immediate surface of your body, walk quickly or travel in open air and it is not detectable but stop immediately and it is there again. I suspect the odor is in fact not a electrical signal say in your brain but is in fact in the air. By moving, the air passes by your face and nose so the immediate air is changed so fast the spirit/demon is not able to implant the odor into it. We even sat still in a room, smelled the smell, turned on an electric fan that blew in our/my face and the odor or smell would be blown away. Turn off the fan and it would return or be smelled again. So it is not something inside your brain but a physical property of the air that you are "smelling". So what is the entity creating an odor in lets say thin air ??

REAL treasure hunters have seen these things. People who read books can learn from others who have done it. Or, they can rattle like an empty barrel (ever heard an empty 50 gal steel drum rolled down the street and you know what I am referring to. A lot of noise but nothing inside.)


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