Nothing done on this end.
Thanks. All is now good but, for information, I did a little more digging.
Apparently similar request notifications have begun popping up
very recently on some other US websites when visited by European users.
They’re being triggered by IP detection. In many cases they specifically say that the user’s IP has been detected as from an EU country, or the UK, and they all specifically make reference to EU Data Protection regulations.
In some cases they refer to those regulations as ‘recent’, which they are not. What is recent is the publication of the EU’s retrospective assessment of the degree of protection that has been afforded to its citizens by the regulations, together with a reinforced message that such protection applies to its citizens, even when their data is harvested and shared outside the EU. (Although the UK has now left the EU, the previous regulations remain enshrined in our law).
It would seem that this has provoked a knee-jerk reaction from US sites (in particular) who are sharing user data with advertising partners, to implement a system to ensure that they are in compliance with our European regulations. The exact format for the notifications varies according to the advertising partners concerned and differs from site to site but the data sharing questions are the same. The format fed from Treasurenet has been observed on at least one other US site, with the same fingerprint icon… presumably because that site is also partnered with one of the same advertisers, or an international agency handling multiple clients.
In all cases, the notifications seem to be as we would expect them in Europe. Enter your preferences for data sharing the first time you connect (for which the defaults must legally be ‘no’), save those preferences, and you’re done. No icon reminder. Except on Treasurenet and at least one other site apparently.
My take would be that this particular format was recently and hastily put together in a panic. Text not properly formatted and didn’t fit within the dialogue box that contained it. Icon badly positioned, and an unnecessary intrusion. Maybe not for all EU users, depending on browser version and settings. Cookie-related software subsequently revised to correct those issues.
As I said, all is now good.