******************Intervention in Syria********************

Tell you what scares me, I have friends that work down south and who better knows ways to smuggle people and drugs into the US than the cartels.......don't think for a second Islamic terrorists aren't talking to them! It's bad when the cartels are calling THEM crazy well so far

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Ahhh BackB,obozo is backing and selling weapons to the religous fanatics:icon_scratch:

john McCain is the one visiting these countries and pushing weapons sales to insurgents in Syria and Egypt.

" a person who doesn't read at all is better educated than a person who only reads the newspapers". mark twain.

McCain is obama puppet, he is doing just as obama had ordered.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I misspoke my friends work for the US not the cartels, my friends give me intel about what is happening down south so read my previous post slow and you won't be confused

Sent from my iPhone using TreasureNet

Well Packer, I like your assumptions, But here's what I see happening and I don't like it a bit.
We attack there air bases with missles from the destroyers and possibly a sub. Iran, who already has troops in the battle double downs. Russia sends in gunships to aid the gov. We then put boots on ground. It could escalate to WWIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks BO! Frank...

Valley of Megiddo ... it isn't very far away. Less than 100 miles I think from Damascus, Syria.

Crazy times eh Frank? I wasn't aware that Halliburton was in need of another big contract?
Sorry Bacon,, this may sting a bit.
Obama's mounting hypocrisy - Washington Times

Barack Obama promised to bring change to Washington if elected president. Greater transparency was a major pledge he repeated across the country from the campaign trail. Mr. Obama vowed to end backroom deals and to open up important negotiations to C-SPAN, allowing voters to see live on TV how government operates with special-interest groups. Most of these commitments were abandoned after Mr. Obama took the oath of office.
Two of the most glaring examples are ethics rules that apply to political appointees who have been lobbyists and the practice of awarding federal contracts without competitive bidding. In both cases, the actual behavior of President Obama stands in stark contrast to the idealistic pronouncements of candidate Obama.
On Friday, the Obama administration announced that White House Counsel Bob Bauer wouldn’t be bound by ethics rules established by Mr. Obama to prohibit his appointees from working on issues affecting their former clients. This ban was supposed to be in effect for two years after someone entered public service. Apparently, ethics rules are important until they get in the way.
The same goes for regulations on government contracts. In the past, Democratic and Republican administrations issued some contracts without competitive bidding for speed and to save money. When seeking the highest office in the land, Mr. Obama explicitly stated that he would not tolerate such practices. “I will finally end the abuse of no-bid contracts once and for all,” he thundered to a Grand Rapids, Mich., audience on Oct. 2, 2008. “The days of sweetheart deals for Halliburton will be over when I’m in the White House.” After becoming president, Mr. Obama continued the attack and promised on March 4 to “end unnecessary no-bid and cost-plus contracts. … In some cases, contracts are awarded without competition. … And that’s completely unacceptable.”
That was then; this is now. Last week, the Army revealed that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through next year. This deal was announced only hours after the Obama Justice Department informed the public that it was joining a suit filed by whistleblowers who allege KBR used kickbacks to get foreign contracts."

Read more: Obama's mounting hypocrisy - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

By the way,, this is by no means the end, this was the first to turn up. Why do you think Haliburton is a dirty word, is it conditioning?

Dont forget china frankn,obozo and the puppet masters are going to get a hell of a lot more than theyre bargining for.

Maybe this is exactly what he wants or should say they. Something much larger then 911 will bring the unprepared to his feet. This may be the joke about the flag, constitution, and everything else we believe in.

He has his ducks in a row.

Keep your eye's open for the two witness's.

Hay they just announced, we have two carriers in the area. And the heat builds up. Frank...

Frankn-3 Eagle_edited-2.jpg

Sorry Bacon,, this may sting a bit.
Obama's mounting hypocrisy - Washington Times

Barack Obama promised to bring change to Washington if elected president. Greater transparency was a major pledge he repeated across the country from the campaign trail. Mr. Obama vowed to end backroom deals and to open up important negotiations to C-SPAN, allowing voters to see live on TV how government operates with special-interest groups. Most of these commitments were abandoned after Mr. Obama took the oath of office.
Two of the most glaring examples are ethics rules that apply to political appointees who have been lobbyists and the practice of awarding federal contracts without competitive bidding. In both cases, the actual behavior of President Obama stands in stark contrast to the idealistic pronouncements of candidate Obama.
On Friday, the Obama administration announced that White House Counsel Bob Bauer wouldn’t be bound by ethics rules established by Mr. Obama to prohibit his appointees from working on issues affecting their former clients. This ban was supposed to be in effect for two years after someone entered public service. Apparently, ethics rules are important until they get in the way.
The same goes for regulations on government contracts. In the past, Democratic and Republican administrations issued some contracts without competitive bidding for speed and to save money. When seeking the highest office in the land, Mr. Obama explicitly stated that he would not tolerate such practices. “I will finally end the abuse of no-bid contracts once and for all,” he thundered to a Grand Rapids, Mich., audience on Oct. 2, 2008. “The days of sweetheart deals for Halliburton will be over when I’m in the White House.” After becoming president, Mr. Obama continued the attack and promised on March 4 to “end unnecessary no-bid and cost-plus contracts. … In some cases, contracts are awarded without competition. … And that’s completely unacceptable.”
That was then; this is now. Last week, the Army revealed that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through next year. This deal was announced only hours after the Obama Justice Department informed the public that it was joining a suit filed by whistleblowers who allege KBR used kickbacks to get foreign contracts."

Read more: Obama's mounting hypocrisy - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

By the way,, this is by no means the end, this was the first to turn up. Why do you think Haliburton is a dirty word, is it conditioning?

Not conditioning for myself at all my friend, just poking at the real reason for the illegal invasion of Irac.... I know the Busher had good reasons (his pops showed him the receipt for the Stingers and what not) for his glorious landing on that Carrier. No sting hitting home either, even though I crossed the Border (better spelling eh?) to vote for that looser the first time.... I agree with everyone that he is the most corrupt and deviant Pres the US has ever seen.... Don't fret though, the next one will probably be worse. If the situation is so dire back South, why is there no action from everyone? So patriotic that the populace in general is blind to the goings on in the Country?

Not conditioning for myself at all my friend, just poking at the real reason for the illegal invasion of Irac.... I know the Busher had good reasons (his pops showed him the receipt for the Stingers and what not) for his glorious landing on that Carrier. No sting hitting home either, even though I crossed the Border (better spelling eh?) to vote for that looser the first time.... I agree with everyone that he is the most corrupt and deviant Pres the US has ever seen.... Don't fret though, the next one will probably be worse. If the situation is so dire back South, why is there no action from everyone? So patriotic that the populace in general is blind to the goings on in the Country?

You are probably right, the next one could be much worse! And it is great that any dissension is met with IRS audits and threats from the EPA , and the alphabet soup of goober goons. And the fact that dead people and cartoons vote make it harder and harder to overcome. Soon we may well become a simple democracy, The best election rigger will win and will win like Chavez. 99.6 % of the vote, 125 % of eligible voters turning out.

Sorry Bacon,, this may sting a bit.
Obama's mounting hypocrisy - Washington Times

Barack Obama promised to bring change to Washington if elected president. Greater transparency was a major pledge he repeated across the country from the campaign trail. Mr. Obama vowed to end backroom deals and to open up important negotiations to C-SPAN, allowing voters to see live on TV how government operates with special-interest groups. Most of these commitments were abandoned after Mr. Obama took the oath of office.
Two of the most glaring examples are ethics rules that apply to political appointees who have been lobbyists and the practice of awarding federal contracts without competitive bidding. In both cases, the actual behavior of President Obama stands in stark contrast to the idealistic pronouncements of candidate Obama.
On Friday, the Obama administration announced that White House Counsel Bob Bauer wouldn’t be bound by ethics rules established by Mr. Obama to prohibit his appointees from working on issues affecting their former clients. This ban was supposed to be in effect for two years after someone entered public service. Apparently, ethics rules are important until they get in the way.
The same goes for regulations on government contracts. In the past, Democratic and Republican administrations issued some contracts without competitive bidding for speed and to save money. When seeking the highest office in the land, Mr. Obama explicitly stated that he would not tolerate such practices. “I will finally end the abuse of no-bid contracts once and for all,” he thundered to a Grand Rapids, Mich., audience on Oct. 2, 2008. “The days of sweetheart deals for Halliburton will be over when I’m in the White House.” After becoming president, Mr. Obama continued the attack and promised on March 4 to “end unnecessary no-bid and cost-plus contracts. … In some cases, contracts are awarded without competition. … And that’s completely unacceptable.”
That was then; this is now. Last week, the Army revealed that KBR, a former subsidiary of Halliburton, was awarded a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through next year. This deal was announced only hours after the Obama Justice Department informed the public that it was joining a suit filed by whistleblowers who allege KBR used kickbacks to get foreign contracts."

Read more: Obama's mounting hypocrisy - Washington Times
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

By the way,, this is by no means the end, this was the first to turn up. Why do you think Haliburton is a dirty word, is it conditioning?

Don't forget obama said when elected he would have his attorney general look into every executive action under Bush and repeal every one that affected our freedoms and liberties... Under him our freedoms and liberties were going to be protected...


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

In order to understand what obozo is saying,all you have to do is use the opposite of any key words.

There's no direct threat to the us so stay outta it. There only wanting to go there because we sold the people those chemical weapons so now they have to cover that up. 86 percent of the population even his supporters are against any form of military intervention. If you look at it from another angle why is Syria such a threat? N Korea has nuclear capabilities, Iran has nuclear capabilities, Pakistan harbors "terrorist" Mexico police and citizens kills our border patrol agents and our civilians every day. All pose a bigger threat then Syria ever will, so why is he in such a hurry to get in there? To cover something up that's why.
I don't give it a couple weeks there will be a "attack" on American soil that they will use to start a attack into Syria. Just like how many American citizens are captured and held against their will in other countries but yet they won't send troops into it when they are kidnapping American citizens? What it's only important if some person that doesn't even live here and pinky hates America to begin with dies, they'll invade for that? Come on what a joke this government gas become, they'll let nations kidnap torture and kill citizens, bomb embassy's and tons of other things, but gas someone and bam into both feet.

How would they feel if say Canada invaded us because we tear gases some protesters? Or because a drug runner was running drugs into Canada? They would have a crap fit over it and ww3 world start. Like I said its just one big cover up just like when the sent troops after the contras. And the Taliban, and the viet Cong, all these people were trained and supplied by the CIA or military to fight. It's like a dog, you train it to kill but when it attacks you it must be put down. All it was doing was what it was trained for.

The problem is by punishing the current government by attacking their military bases your helping the rebels who are now made up mostly of Al-Qaeda. We are then by all practical purposes aiding Al-Qaeda....

We should not get involved, unfortunately obama worshipers will give him a free pass even if it leads to WW III....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Where were you on 9/11 Pippen?

BTW, who have we been fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan? The sisters of charity?

Sorry for your confusion.

The problem is, you probably watch some show that was only anti-bush, not pro-truth ... and I have no control over that.

Just look at all these sad people ...

So tortured! So sad! So upset about their brutish leader being deposed! How can we face another day?

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