******************Intervention in Syria********************


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Well It looks like the war pushers, whoever they are, are getting ready to jump into another unwinable religious based war where neither side likes us an only are interested in winning THEIR religious cause. We have 4 war ships off the coast with the new Billion Dollar, Marine floating base attack ship ready to jump in with the guided missle cruisers. Looks like 4th of July in Syria is close at hand. Of course we won't win the war, one of them will and we will be left with the cost and disabled vets. Some things never change, do they? Frank...

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We seem to have a problem remembering and understanding:
"The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy"!
It just keeps biting us in the butt, don't it?! :BangHead:

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Lets see,russia is backing assad,china is backing assad,iran is backing assad,iran already has troops in syria(4000 of them).False flag attacks are being staged in syria,assad is being blamed for war atrocities that obama backed rebels are carrying out.Lets see,where does everybody think this is going to lead.

Video Footage of ‘Chemical Weapons Attack’ Uploaded Before it Happened?

Russia: Provocation was “pre-planned”

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
August 23, 2013


Hundreds of videos showing apparent victims of a chemical weapons attack in Syria were uploaded to YouTube on August 20, a day before media reports say the attack actually happened, prompting Russia’s Foreign Ministry spokesman to assert the incident was a “pre-planned” provocation staged by rebels.


As PBS reports, “At around 3 a.m. (on August 21st) , patients started streaming in from neighborhoods in suburban Damascus like Zamalka and Ain Terma,” following the alleged chemical weapons attack.

Syrian Doctors: Desperate Patients Flooded In At 3 A.M. : Parallels : NPR

However, a playlist of videos entitled ‘Alleged Chemical Attack in Eastern Ghouta August 21st 2013‘ contains 159 videos – every one of which was uploaded to YouTube on August 20th.

While no one is denying that some kind of attack did indeed take place, the fact that hundreds of videos showing victims of the attack were uploaded to YouTube a day before the incident is supposed to have actually happened remains unexplained.

The time stamp attributed to uploaded videos applies to the country in which they were uploaded, meaning that the videos were uploaded in Syria on August 20th, which is seemingly impossible given that the attack took place in the early hours of the 21st. The only way the videos could display as being uploaded on the 20th was if they were uploaded in America, which is on an earlier time zone.

According to Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Aleksandr Lukashevich, this represents evidence of a “pre-planned” provocation. Lukashevich labeled the accusations “another anti-Syrian propaganda wave.”

“We’re getting more new evidence that this criminal act was of a provocative nature,” he told RT. “In particular, there are reports circulating on the Internet, in particular that the materials of the incident and accusations against government troops had been posted for several hours before the so-called attack. Thus, it was a pre-planned action.”

Materials implicating Syrian govt in chemical attack prepared before incident ? Russia ? RT News

The unanswered question as to how footage showing victims of an attack that occurred on August 21 was uploaded to YouTube on August 20 is in addition to doubts cast about the veracity of the videos by several chemical weapons experts.

Paula Vanninen of the Finnish Institute for Verification of the Chemical Weapons Convention questions the behavior of those seen handling the victims in the video footage. “At the moment, I am not totally convinced because the people that are helping them are without any protective clothing and without any respirators….In a real case, they would also be contaminated and would also be having symptoms,” he stated.

Stephen Johnson, an expert in weapons and chemical explosives at Cranfield Forensic Institute, told Euro News that the video footage also looked suspect.

Expert casts doubt on Syria chemical weapons footage | euronews, world news

“There are, within some of the videos, examples which seem a little hyper-real, and almost as if they’ve been set up. Which is not to say that they are fake but it does cause some concern. Some of the people with foaming, the foam seems to be too white, too pure, and not consistent with the sort of internal injury you might expect to see, which you’d expect to be bloodier or yellower,” Johnson said.

His comments were echoed by chemical and biological weapons researcher Jean Pascal Zanders, who said that the footage appears to show victims of asphyxiation, which is not consistent with the use of mustard gas or the nerve agents VX or sarin. “I’m deliberately not using the term chemical weapons here,” he said, adding that the use of “industrial toxicants” was a more likely explanation.

Syrian 'Poison Gas' Attack By Government Forces Claimed By Opposition

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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com. He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a host for Infowars Nightly News.

Related posts:

Expert: Chemical Weapons Victim Footage Appears “Set-Up”
Experts: Syria Chemical Weapons Attack “Suspicious”
Syrian Rebels Caught on Tape Discussing Chemical Weapons Attack
Russia suggests Syria ‘chemical attack’ carried out by rebels, provocation not ruled out
US-Trained Rebels Moved Towards Damascus Days Before ‘Chemical Attack’

This article was posted: Friday, August 23, 2013 at 1:13 pm

From the posts, it looks like one side is just as bad as the other. I really hope we don't get drawn into this mess. It's as bad as Egypt, Afghanistan , and Iraqi .
They are like eternal smoldering fires that flair up from time to time all through history. The big problem is that religion and government don't mix. They are like oil and water. Frank...

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I think he got the correct countries, except I think they will all suffer repeated" religious civil wars". Frank...

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Stay out, not our problem. If it was coming here would have already been here a long time ago. It serves no purpose for bettering us as a country nor are they attacking us. These people fight for hundreds of reasons, they will slaughter each other for looking at their camel wrong. And it's not that wild of a exaggeration as it sounds. I've read alot of books from soldiers in Iraq and affy and they said the fighting goes up just because its hot out. They have fought since the beginning of their tribes, they fight a couple months then take a time out, then back at it. So just stay outta it, only 11 percent of this country wants it, that should say it all.

I heard today that they are considering firing rockets from the missle cruisers already on site, but only if joined by other nations.
Now they have me guessing, how are the going to select targets in a street fight type war? Frank...

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this is a no win --both sides hate us deal -- the only ones getting anything from this deal will be us "big business" arms sellers --the "military industrial complex" that IKE warned us about long ago as he left office.

Well they added a sub or two to the four destroyers. Probably a hunter killer sub to protect the destroyers from other subs and a guided missile sub. I think if BO jumps us into this, it will be by remote control to save the boots. He is extremely worried about his image, or what is left of it. Frank...

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Crazy times eh Frank? I wasn't aware that Halliburton was in need of another big contract?

imho I don't think we can risk hitting the stockpiles of chemical weapons just due to the fact that it could release the toxins and cause more deaths. We can't go directly after Assad as "technically" we are not in the business of assassinations. It's considered illegal. That would leave only Syrian military targets such as their airfields and command and control facilities. If some of these were taken out it would help the "rebels" who threaten to become attached to al Qaeda if we don't send them help. Why assist a group that makes those kinds of threats in the first place? The rebels have taken part in some war crimes themselves with beheadings etc. I say let them wipe each other out. Both sides are just prehistoric, religious fanatics that will never change. Either that or get Feinstein to take their guns away.

imho I don't think we can risk hitting the stockpiles of chemical weapons just due to the fact that it could release the toxins and cause more deaths. We can't go directly after Assad as "technically" we are not in the business of assassinations. It's considered illegal. That would leave only Syrian military targets such as their airfields and command and control facilities. If some of these were taken out it would help the "rebels" who threaten to become attached to al Qaeda if we don't send them help. Why assist a group that makes those kinds of threats in the first place? The rebels have taken part in some war crimes themselves with beheadings etc. I say let them wipe each other out. Both sides are just prehistoric, religious fanatics that will never change. Either that or get Feinstein to take their guns away.

Well Packer, I like your assumptions, But here's what I see happening and I don't like it a bit.
We attack there air bases with missles from the destroyers and possibly a sub. Iran, who already has troops in the battle double downs. Russia sends in gunships to aid the gov. We then put boots on ground. It could escalate to WWIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks BO! Frank...

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Your correct Frankn.....It could.

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Well Packer, I like your assumptions, But here's what I see happening and I don't like it a bit.
We attack there air bases with missles from the destroyers and possibly a sub. Iran, who already has troops in the battle double downs. Russia sends in gunships to aid the gov. We then put boots on ground. It could escalate to WWIII !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks BO! Frank..

Dont forget china frankn,obozo and the puppet masters are going to get a hell of a lot more than theyre bargining for.

Couple of pointers one yes we can assassinate bad guys and we do.....this changed when BO took over. Number 2 explosions from tomahawk missiles engulf said chemicals and destroy them. That's why anthrax isn't such a threat, unless sprayed by a crop duster. You see if anthrax is loaded into a warhead and exploded over a city, the explosion will devour the anthrax.......yes I know something about nuclear, biological and chemical warfare.

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I don't like this stuff either.........

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There is no possible up side to this at all, period. It's just going to manifest into more attacks on our homeland by religious fanatics after the dust settles.

There is no possible up side to this at all, period. It's just going to manifest into more attacks on our homeland by religious fanatics after the dust settles.

Ahhh BackB,obozo is backing and selling weapons to the religous fanatics:icon_scratch:

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