Interesting pic of wild pig

olepossum said:
by the way it wasnt a sentence it was a ramble. i am years and miles from a wanna be hunter i am 42 and have been hunting since i was big enough to handle a rifle, which my first was a 30/30 at 6 .i have hunted all over the us, the hunting i dont like is fenced in hunts where they can get in or out of . you must be a hunt guide telling people to wear bells, it will scare the meat eating predator away bs it tells them here comes supper .so unless you want to go hunting with me and do it stalk and walk dont call me a wanna be i barely use a stand or feed plots or game cameras i do it all by eyes ears and nose and experience .i never go after game with out research of the animal and the place i will be hunting, so i dont become or try my best not to become a statistic.
I only posted because you called bs on some of the things i said....never been a guide....could care less about your hunting skills.....when you call bs on my thoughts, expect a rebuttal.


That's cool - I learned to hunt 50 years ago with the stalk, stand, look, stalk (same as your stalk, walk method - and I don't ever use a game camera, but I do "hunt" with a camera at times-no rifle).

I would disagree that, an animal EVER has to be wiped out. (now, I am speaking of native species, here, not something the game commission decided would be great in your area).

When we were back east, my backyard was THE dropping off point for "rogue" bears from the hotsy totsy area of the Pocono Mountains. We just got overrun with them, they let so many loose back there.

Unfortunately, wild pigs - of all genus, are not limited to Florida, or those southern states - there are versions of them all across the United States, and, even though I would kill every single one I laid my eyes on - its not how I really feel about wild game. When Pennsylvania finally got enough coyotes back where they would open a hunting season - a group of folks set out to kill every one of them. You just shouldn't wipe out a species. You gotta save some for seed. All wild animals serve a purpose - just as hunters do - we keep the ones on the higher evolutionary scale down to manageable sizes. But, I have a problem with folks who move out to the boonies, and then complain because they are out in the boonies, with the wild animals. I eat what I shoot, I only shoot what I should, when I should and how I should. I don't even kill rattlesnakes - unless its him or me. (and they do NOT taste like chicken - they taste like overcooked scallops) :laughing7:


mrs.oroblanco said:

That's cool - I learned to hunt 50 years ago with the stalk, stand, look, stalk (same as your stalk, walk method - and I don't ever use a game camera, but I do "hunt" with a camera at times-no rifle).

I would disagree that, an animal EVER has to be wiped out. (now, I am speaking of native species, here, not something the game commission decided would be great in your area).

When we were back east, my backyard was THE dropping off point for "rogue" bears from the hotsy totsy area of the Pocono Mountains. We just got overrun with them, they let so many loose back there.

Unfortunately, wild pigs - of all genus, are not limited to Florida, or those southern states - there are versions of them all across the United States, and, even though I would kill every single one I laid my eyes on - its not how I really feel about wild game. When Pennsylvania finally got enough coyotes back where they would open a hunting season - a group of folks set out to kill every one of them. You just shouldn't wipe out a species. You gotta save some for seed. All wild animals serve a purpose - just as hunters do - we keep the ones on the higher evolutionary scale down to manageable sizes. But, I have a problem with folks who move out to the boonies, and then complain because they are out in the boonies, with the wild animals. I eat what I shoot, I only shoot what I should, when I should and how I should. I don't even kill rattlesnakes - unless its him or me. (and they do NOT taste like chicken - they taste like overcooked scallops) :laughing7:

Well said. :icon_thumleft:

mrs.oroblanco said:
Unfortunately, wild pigs - of all genus, are not limited to Florida, or those southern states - there are versions of them all across the United States...
I wonder how many states have them? :dontknow: You mention versions. Yes there are many different kinds. I dont care much for some of the versions. Its Ponce De Leons long legged, jet black, long snouted swamp version that I respect. Not the latter versions released by the Game Commission or the free ranging domestic pigs. Since they were here first... shortly after Colombus, (at least by 1521) I kinda feel they have a right to be here in the swamp. They dont have a right to run the entire countryside.

I don't think they do as much damage as people claim. I know they can root up a place. I think the big move to eradicate them was started by big money ranchers that spill their coffee when they are riding across their pasture looking at their prize bull. Also deer hunters don't like them eating all of their feeder corn. The big ranchers spend thousands of dollars to raise trophy bucks so they can "HUNT" them. The big man always gets his way. Some people don't raise cows and deer, they hunt hogs.

lookindown said:
I don't think they do as much damage as people claim. I know they can root up a place. I think the big move to eradicate them was started by big money ranchers that spill their coffee when they are riding across their pasture looking at their prize bull. Also deer hunters don't like them eating all of their feeder corn. The big ranchers spend thousands of dollars to raise trophy bucks so they can "HUNT" them. The big man always gets his way. Some people don't raise cows and deer, they hunt hogs.
i see what your saying i could care less about them type people also but the hogs eat just about everything turkey eggs ect, snakes.

lookindown said:
I don't think they do as much damage as people claim. I know they can root up a place. I think the big move to eradicate them was started by big money ranchers that spill their coffee when they are riding across their pasture looking at their prize bull. Also deer hunters don't like them eating all of their feeder corn. The big ranchers spend thousands of dollars to raise trophy bucks so they can "HUNT" them. The big man always gets his way. Some people don't raise cows and deer, they hunt hogs.
The orange groves try to eradicate them but the ranchers here dont seem too concerned about the hogs but the panthers are becoming a real problem.

steve71 said:
lookindown said:
I don't think they do as much damage as people claim. I know they can root up a place. I think the big move to eradicate them was started by big money ranchers that spill their coffee when they are riding across their pasture looking at their prize bull. Also deer hunters don't like them eating all of their feeder corn. The big ranchers spend thousands of dollars to raise trophy bucks so they can "HUNT" them. The big man always gets his way. Some people don't raise cows and deer, they hunt hogs.
i see what your saying i could care less about them type people also but the hogs eat just about everything turkey eggs ect, snakes.
I'm sure they will eat anything they find, but so do coons, and no one is trying to eradicate them. They even carry rabies. The only difference is they don't root up the land barons pasture. Those big land owners have a lot of political pull. By the way Im really enjoying this discussion, bring on your opinions , this is fun.

lookindown said:
Those big land owners have a lot of political pull.
They sure do. There was a time in the 50's, I think, in Florida when they tried to eradicate the whitetail deer because they carried ticks that might spread to the cattle!! :o Its true, look it up. Of course every other mammal including mice can carry ticks so it was a fruitless attempt. ::) The state of Florida actually paid a bounty on deer and they could be slaughtered day or night by any means. Old timers say we no longer have the little grey cypress deer but at least some of the bloodline survived to repopulate the area...

lookindown said:
steve71 said:
lookindown said:
I don't think they do as much damage as people claim. I know they can root up a place. I think the big move to eradicate them was started by big money ranchers that spill their coffee when they are riding across their pasture looking at their prize bull. Also deer hunters don't like them eating all of their feeder corn. The big ranchers spend thousands of dollars to raise trophy bucks so they can "HUNT" them. The big man always gets his way. Some people don't raise cows and deer, they hunt hogs.
i see what your saying i could care less about them type people also but the hogs eat just about everything turkey eggs ect, snakes.
I'm sure they will eat anything they find, but so do coons, and no one is trying to eradicate them. They even carry rabies. The only difference is they don't root up the land barons pasture. Those big land owners have a lot of political pull. By the way Im really enjoying this discussion, bring on your opinions , this is fun.
hogs were bought here coons were always here

We have big hogs around here but the better meat comes from sows that weigh about 200lbs. I came between a momma and her 8 piglets one time but she didn't attack. She just stood on a ridge looking at me. I didn't shoot because she was still nursing. Piglets were cute as buttons. They looked like a bunch of little, black footballs running around.
Never saw one colored like yours reddirt. Ours are usually black but we get a few black and white once in a while.


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We are seeing a major increase in these animals in Northern Okla. 25 years ago they were rarely, if ever seen in this part of the state. My husband and daughter have killed probably 20 or 30 in the last 6 months alone. Funny thing about when they kill the hog: after leaving it over night and going back the next day to check the carcass, there would not be anything left! Absolutley no bones, skins, guts, anything! And usually if a coyote(or any other scavenger) eats something, there are bones and meat scattered about. I wonder if other hogs didn't come back and feed on the carcass(Cannibalism)? We are going to set up a trail cam the next time they kill a hog and see what comes to eat on the carcass.
One of the many hogs killed here:


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sandcreek4 said:
We are seeing a major increase in these animals in Northern Okla. 25 years ago they were rarely, if ever seen in this part of the state. My husband and daughter have killed probably 20 or 30 in the last 6 months alone. Funny thing about when they kill the hog: after leaving it over night and going back the next day to check the carcass, there would not be anything left! Absolutley no bones, skins, guts, anything! And usually if a coyote(or any other scavenger) eats something, there are bones and meat scattered about. I wonder if other hogs didn't come back and feed on the carcass(Cannibalism)? We are going to set up a trail cam the next time they kill a hog and see what comes to eat on the carcass.
One of the many hogs killed here:
If you eat pork, your missing out. They are just as good as store bought. You can always grind the big ones for sausage.

steve71 said:
lookindown said:
steve71 said:
lookindown said:
I don't think they do as much damage as people claim. I know they can root up a place. I think the big move to eradicate them was started by big money ranchers that spill their coffee when they are riding across their pasture looking at their prize bull. Also deer hunters don't like them eating all of their feeder corn. The big ranchers spend thousands of dollars to raise trophy bucks so they can "HUNT" them. The big man always gets his way. Some people don't raise cows and deer, they hunt hogs.
i see what your saying i could care less about them type people also but the hogs eat just about everything turkey eggs ect, snakes.
I'm sure they will eat anything they find, but so do coons, and no one is trying to eradicate them. They even carry rabies. The only difference is they don't root up the land barons pasture. Those big land owners have a lot of political pull. By the way Im really enjoying this discussion, bring on your opinions , this is fun.
hogs were bought here coons were always here
They have been here hundreds of years, long before you came here. So the coons get a free pass at destruction because there native. I think something that was here before Europeans is native. Enviromentalist favorite catch phrase "non native".

bigcypresshunter said:
lookindown said:
Those big land owners have a lot of political pull.
They sure do. There was a time in the 50's, I think, in Florida when they tried to eradicate the whitetail deer because they carried ticks that might spread to the cattle!! :o Its true, look it up. Of course every other mammal including mice can carry ticks so it was a fruitless attempt. ::) The state of Florida actually paid a bounty on deer and they could be slaughtered day or night by any means. Old timers say we no longer have the little grey cypress deer but at least some of the bloodline survived to repopulate the area...
I read about that a couple of years ago, I was shocked. That is the kind of thing I was talking about.

sandcreek4 said:
We are seeing a major increase in these animals in Northern Okla. 25 years ago they were rarely, if ever seen in this part of the state. My husband and daughter have killed probably 20 or 30 in the last 6 months alone. Funny thing about when they kill the hog: after leaving it over night and going back the next day to check the carcass, there would not be anything left! Absolutley no bones, skins, guts, anything! And usually if a coyote(or any other scavenger) eats something, there are bones and meat scattered about. I wonder if other hogs didn't come back and feed on the carcass(Cannibalism)? We are going to set up a trail cam the next time they kill a hog and see what comes to eat on the carcass.
One of the many hogs killed here:
Hello sandcreek. I started selling on eBay again. ;D Do you recommend selling outside the US?

Yes they will feed on a carcass or pile of guts, lungs, stomach etc but Im surprised whatever it is eats the bones. :dontknow: I am very surprised there is not scattered bones and hide. Do you have Gators or Pythons? :wink:

Thats a healthy looking young pig that looks to be eating well.

Large boars may eat piglets. I believe they will eat anything including human excrement. I read a story about the old Spanish boars used to clean up excrement on the streets of Haiti. The goverment eradicated them due to a swine flu and replaced them with a more domestic version which led to serious health and disease problems because the domestics didnt clean up the streets.

lookindown said:
bigcypresshunter said:
lookindown said:
Those big land owners have a lot of political pull.
They sure do. There was a time in the 50's, I think, in Florida when they tried to eradicate the whitetail deer because they carried ticks that might spread to the cattle!! :o Its true, look it up. Of course every other mammal including mice can carry ticks so it was a fruitless attempt. ::) The state of Florida actually paid a bounty on deer and they could be slaughtered day or night by any means. Old timers say we no longer have the little grey cypress deer but at least some of the bloodline survived to repopulate the area...
I read about that a couple of years ago, I was shocked. That is the kind of thing I was talking about.
Its a wonder the Key Deer survived the onslaught.

bigcypresshunter said:
sandcreek4 said:
We are seeing a major increase in these animals in Northern Okla. 25 years ago they were rarely, if ever seen in this part of the state. My husband and daughter have killed probably 20 or 30 in the last 6 months alone. Funny thing about when they kill the hog: after leaving it over night and going back the next day to check the carcass, there would not be anything left! Absolutley no bones, skins, guts, anything! And usually if a coyote(or any other scavenger) eats something, there are bones and meat scattered about. I wonder if other hogs didn't come back and feed on the carcass(Cannibalism)? We are going to set up a trail cam the next time they kill a hog and see what comes to eat on the carcass.
One of the many hogs killed here:
Hello sandcreek. I started selling on eBay again. ;D Do you recommend selling outside the US?

Yes they will feed on a carcass or pile of guts, lungs, stomach etc but Im surprised whatever it is eats the bones. :dontknow: I am very surprised there is not scattered bones and hide. Do you have Gators or Pythons? :wink:

Thats a healthy looking young pig that looks to be eating well.

Large boars may eat piglets. I believe they will eat anything including human excrement. I read a story about the old Spanish boars used to clean up excrement on the streets of Haiti. The goverment eradicated them due to a swine flu and replaced them with a more domestic version which led to serious health and disease problems because the domestics didnt clean up the streets.
hey BigCy--I'm glad you're selling on eBay again :icon_thumright: ---I don't sell outside the US because I've always had trouble getting paid.

Funny about how there is never anything left of the pig carcass--it has us stumped. But its happened more than once and we are curious as to what is eating the dead animals. But I kid you not, there is never anything left! We're gonna put a trail cam on the next one that's shot and see what is happening to them. I know we have cougars, but they are almost never seen.

Now that I think about it, I have seen broken bones along with hair in panther/cougar scat but I really dont know if they would eat it all in one day seems too much... :dontknow: Plus they bury the carcass in leaves and twigs to come back later. Now they are known to drag the carcass away. Maybe thats it. Could they have dragged it away and hid it? Yes you rarely see them but maybe you could catch one on cam.

bigcypresshunter said:
Now that I think about it, I have seen broken bones along with hair in panther/cougar scat but I really dont know if they would eat it all in one day seems too much... :dontknow: Plus they bury the carcass in leaves and twigs to come back later. Now they are known to drag the carcass away. Maybe thats it. Could they have dragged it away and hid it? Yes you rarely see them but maybe you could catch one on cam.
We have found deer carcasses in the forks of trees, so I know that a cougar did that. But are cougars scavengers? Will they take a dead animal and drag it off, or do they prefer only fresh kill--in other words something they've killed themselves?

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