Insurance Tyrants!

... just wait. Eventually Zerocare will ALSO rely on your credit rating. You can count on it.

Nope, nothing to quote, no readable source ... but you can quote me on it when it happens.

Remember, the name is Chadeaux, and NOT Chad.

I don't like that credit scores are used as one of many factors incalculating car insurance rates. That said, most, if not all states regulate insurance rates. To use credit scores as one of the factors had to meet approval in your state's state house.

The reason insurance companies can use your credit score as a factor in determining rates is that analyses has shown a direct correlation between FICO scores and claims experience.

As i said i disagree with the use of credit scores but on this issue insurance companies can justify what they are doing. Unfortunately.

It's a scam, not everybody cares about credit scores, I am a cash kinda guy, I do not finance anything by choice, if I need to make a payment to afford something then I'll wait until I can pay for it in full with cash.
I have never had a credit card in my life, nor have I ever wanted one, call me a miser but I am not inclined to give my money away in interest payments.

Hey Shadow, please do not bring 0-care into this thread, thread jacking is not appreciated, thanks.

Is this reply makes no sense to anybody, its because my mind is running a NASCAR race at the moment and I cannot concentrate...I refuse to take the adderall I'm prescribed.


Well NF the system is broken then, like I said my driving history should be the only factor in my rates, 30+ years and no wrecks or tickets and I always pay my policy upfront, but my brother who is a year younger than me, has more tickets and wrecks than you can count on your fingers and toes, but has a perfect credit score, pays almost a 1000 bucks less than I do for the exact same policy...that is criminal to me.
So they are stealing my money, but I found a way to steal some of it back...changed my primary address to the cottage way up north were the rates are dirt cheap.


Actually it is driven more by the fact that those who struggle to make payments are many times more apt to fake a claim to get rid of the payment. More common in Home Owners insurance. It doesn't mean that every person with low credit poses a risk, but that the majority who attempt fraudulent claims are struggling financially thus have low credit scores. It burns me up as well that it is allowed. My credit took a huge hit because we have had so many medical issues. Out of work due to an accident, and huge out of pocket on each of us. Car wrecks, cancer scare, aneurysm etc about killed us. You wouldn't believe the run of bad luck if I told you all of it. It has been pretty devastating on us financially. Slowly but surely we are getting them all paid. Everyone is back up and working, but a tough few years. There is no doubt that if the credit scoring is stopped that the rates will increase for those listed as the most preferred risks. No good answer really. I have a lower credit score than I have ever had and never defaulted on a loan or written a bad check etc in my life but did have some late pays. Then the good ole debt to income factors in to really smack ya in the face. Lower credit scores do lead to higher claims and that is just a fact. Guess we have to face the fact that we are a statistic. And to top it all off, I have been an Insurance Agent for over 20 years and have never had a major claim. Two deer strikes in 10 years and nothing else for over 20. I personally do not think it should be allowed and said that before I was hit with the issues, but many do not agree and I do understand the logic.:dontknow:


A cogent explanation! I'm certainly sorry to read about your string of bad luck - and I hope things are on the upswing for you!

If only you'd had life insurance on those two deer...

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

It's a scam, not everybody cares about credit scores, I am a cash kinda guy, I do not finance anything by choice, if I need to make a payment to afford something then I'll wait until I can pay for it in full with cash.
I have never had a credit card in my life, nor have I ever wanted one, call me a miser but I am not inclined to give my money away in interest payments.

Hey Shadow, please do not bring 0-care into this thread, thread jacking is not appreciated, thanks.

Is this reply makes no sense to anybody, its because my mind is running a NASCAR race at the moment and I cannot concentrate...I refuse to take the adderall I'm prescribed.


What is Zerocare? It is insurance. Not jacking the thread, just following the next logical progression as now ALL are required to purchase insurance ... purchase plans approved by the Government, but still insurance.

ok whatever its about car insurance, and that's private not government, that and I am tired of hearing about ocare, its law, its implemented, so that means there is no point arguing about it any longer till 16' anyway, and then hopefully the repubs can find somebody that does not stick their foot in their mouth every time he speaks, otherwise its all down hill from there.


ok whatever its about car insurance, and that's private not government, that and I am tired of hearing about ocare, its law, its implemented, so that means there is no point arguing about it any longer till 16' anyway, and then hopefully the repubs can find somebody that does not stick their foot in their mouth every time he speaks, otherwise its all down hill from there.


That was a lot to say about it since you don't want to talk about it?

Whats that dave ? kinda lost me on that.
I am kinda dense, and not very good at reading between the lines.

Well. What I said was. If you did not want to talk about it you should not express an opinion about it! Don't worry about me, you won't hurt my feelings.

ok whatever its about car insurance, and that's private not government, that and I am tired of hearing about ocare, its law, its implemented, so that means there is no point arguing about it any longer till 16' anyway, and then hopefully the repubs can find somebody that does not stick their foot in their mouth every time he speaks, otherwise its all down hill from there.


Sorry Mike. I outlined your statement for you.


You are no more schizophrenic then I am. I pronounce you to be of sound mind and able body. The sound you hear behind you, the drums, the drums from the East...that is MONDAY NIGHT Football!


You got played, lol. So did I, lol.



You are no more schizophrenic then I am. I pronounce you to be of sound mind and able body. The sound you hear behind you, the drums, the drums from the East...that is MONDAY NIGHT Football!


You got played, lol. So did I, lol.


Yeah,, I was wondering the other night. Didn't that first rant seem contrived?

I dont know what you guys are up to, but I am really confused now, you think I am sane ? lol tell my p-doc that.
I wish though, and if you think you are messing with my head think again.

This one Crispin. Seemed to have a motive other than what was stated.

[h=2]I have no second amendment rights[/h]
Can somebody tell me why is it they say I cannot legally own a gun ? I have never been convicted of any crime, I did live in a mental hospital for almost 2 years as a child, but I do not see how that' s fair, people go to them places for all sorts of reasons back in them days, biggest reason for kids back then was what would later be called ADHD, hyper so what, that makes somebody dangerous ?
sure my problems go way past hyper, such as my paranoia, but I certainly know the difference between right and wrong.
So why is it I cannot own a gun legally ?
I know a lot of people who are very twisted and demented and psychotic who have never been in a hospital who own guns, so how is it fair ?

oh and I do own 2 guns, and could not care less what the modern law says about it, one I cannot use anyway, friggin ammo is 180 bucks a box...

I welcome all comments, don't worry about harsh, I have a thick skin, if you think none that have a mental illness should have guns please tell me why, I would appreciate it.



Since it's Halloween, go on YouTube and find a version of "The Candy Rapper."

Most entertaining.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

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