Insurance Tyrants!


Sep 4, 2013
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Somewhere directly above the center of the Earth.
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Speaking of insurance companies in general, in this case auto insurance ripping people off, atleast here in michigan, the premium you pay is based off of your driving history, well its supposed to anyway, but it does not always work out that michigan auto insurance companies can price your policy on your CREDIT figure that criminal crap out, my credit ? I have none, zilch zero zen, I will not bother to say why my score is as low as it can be.
As I was told by several different insurance agents, that your credit score is a fool proof method of your risk factor, they claim that people with lower credit scores are much more likely than those with high credit scores to make a claim on their policy...yeah well kiss my a$$ buddy on that one, I have been driving for almost 30 years, my wife almost as long, neither of us has ever been in an accident, neither of us has ever had a ticket of any kind...period.
However as I found out while they ran a credit check, at first they could not find any info on me ( which I try and keep it that way ) so their system defaulted me to a 600 score, that would have made my policy 1400 dollars per year for the coverage we wanted, after they dug further into my history their trusty ( to them ) computer decided to give me a 300 credit score, and with that, they informed me that even though we both have perfect driving histories, that since my score is that low, that I would most likely make a claim so my risk factor increased by 50 fold, and then told me my policy would be 3900 dollars per year...criminal ? you decide...I know it is.
How in the world these companies are allowed to pre-judge people is beyond me, and I happen to consider myself a very well versed human who loves to read michigan MCL's just for the fun of it, because knowledge is power.

I would really like somebody to explain this to me, or just agree that it is criminal.


Bummer - here is an interesting article: 8 things to know about how Michigan auto insurance companies can use your credit score!

Credit scores are used so they can charge the people with the lowest scores and least ability to pay more money than people with good score and the best ability to pay.


After being debt free for 15 years,they swear I don't exist!I always go for a high deductible and no collision.Make sure your uninsured motorist matches your liability in case an illegal alien decides to run over you.Most companies set it pretty low hoping you won't notice.

After being debt free for 15 years,they swear I don't exist!I always go for a high deductible and no collision.Make sure your uninsured motorist matches your liability in case an illegal alien decides to run over you.Most companies set it pretty low hoping you won't notice.
As long as your car is paid for.

I don't know jack about Michigan, Except Detroit is there, It needs to be bankrupt but may not be able too? Kwame Kilpatrick ran a mob style pay to play out of there for awhile.

The fact that he was elected there makes me no expert on how anything is acceptable or not in that state.:tongue3:

They are not prejudging you. The goal of insurance companies is to make money. Remember to ask Dave44 about capitalism and how only the strong survive. Also, we don't believe in giving hand outs around here.

You are plugged into a mathematical formula so the insurance company always comes out making money with an N of significant value. Seems fair to me, my credit score is over 800.

Why should I pay more for car insurance to cover you? You are starting to sound a lot like a communist. However, there are many experts on this site at finding and pointing out commies so I will let them examine you thoroughly and then come to a conclusion.

Don't forget to take your medicine, it helps,

They are not prejudging you. The goal of insurance companies is to make money. Remember to ask Dave44 about capitalism and how only the strong survive. Also, we don't believe in giving hand outs around here.

You are plugged into a mathematical formula so the insurance company always comes out making money with an N of significant value. Seems fair to me, my credit score is over 800.

Why should I pay more for car insurance to cover you? You are starting to sound a lot like a communist. However, there are many experts on this site at finding and pointing out commies so I will let them examine you thoroughly and then come to a conclusion.

Don't forget to take your medicine, it helps,

Your attitude is getting worse Crispy. "Physician, heal thyself".
That was an uncalled for attack probably brought on by feelings of low self esteem or self worth. Take a vacation and recharge.

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Criminal? Nope. It's business.

You elected to "live below the radar." That was your decision and it brings with it advantages and disadvantages.

Insurance companies rate applicants on a variety of factors - accident history (or lack thereof) is one of many. One could argue that since you haven't had a ticket or an accident in 30 years you are due. That is not to wish you ill (some folks here will probably true to spin that into a voodoo curse).

Where you live, what kind of car you drive, your age, your credit score, do you have other insurance with that company, have you taken a driver safety course, etc., etc. There are a large number of factors.

You can view it as criminal if you find that helpful. I just can't see how it would be.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

PS: Statistics show most accidents happen in the home. Don't drive in your house!

So help me the next time somebody suggests I am a communist, they better go hide somewhere, I am a commie for saying I am being ripped off, and how the f@ck are you paying for me, I have never made a claim in my life you a$$hole, go ahead and spank me mods, but calling me a commie, I ain't gonna take that sh!t from anybody.


Your attitude is getting worse Crispy. "Physician, heal thyself".
That was an uncalled for attack probably brought on by feelings of low self esteem or self worth. Take a vacation and recharge.


Thank you for pointing out that I have low feelings of self esteem or self worth. I had planned on seeing a counselor to help me with this; however, my insurance policy has been cancelled because of Obamacare. I have decided to buy a self help book instead. Please continue to monitor my psyche and make me aware if I am veering from a path towards healing. Your post was very helpful.


So help me the next time somebody suggests I am a communist, they better go hide somewhere, I am a commie for saying I am being ripped off, and how the f@ck are you paying for me, I have never made a claim in my life you a$$hole, go ahead and spank me mods, but calling me a commie, I ain't gonna take that sh!t from anybody.


Easy buddy, That was simply a psychiatrist rant that shows how much he cares about his job. He didn't mean anything by it, he is a government employee and not that experienced yet.

Unless you are financing your payments, your credit score should not factor in to your insurance rates. All I know is that I pay 2k a year for basic minimum state required Fl. insurance on 2- 10 year old vehicles. That doesn't even include the commercial policy on my truck. I have not had a ticket, nor an accident in 20+ years. Yet every year my policy goes up. Insurance is a scam no matter the type.

BTW- My premiums are paid in full at the beginning of each renewal and not being financed so it has nothing to do with finance rates.


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A p-doc ehh that explains it, one of the evil ones that like to push peoples buttons, well he had better think twice, I know more about psychology then 10 8 year master degree morons do, want to play mind games with me ? By the time I am done he will be sobbing in the corner crying for mercy...I'll show you communist.

PS thanks for reaffirming my beliefs that head docs are all idiots that do not know their a$$ from a hole in the ground.
Have a nice day, I know I will.


Credit scores are used so they can charge the people with the lowest scores and least ability to pay more money than people with good score and the best ability to pay.

Which in reality, if you are paying for something in full to begin with, should have no bearing on anything whatsoever.


Credit scores are being used more and more because they are readily available. As my Dad used to say, many people measure things by money because it is easy to count.

Should a credit score be factored into an employment application? Like it or not it's done every day.

Is there a correlation between low credit scores and high accident rates? Does it extend to causation? Those are fair questions - but asking them won't change the reality of the situation.

In 2013 anyone trying to "live below the radar" is going to experience good and bad consequences of that decision.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo


Don't listen to Dave44. He is most likely a psychiatrist. He is only saying that to get you angry at psychiatry so you will not get the help you need. We have talked about this before. If you take medicine and comply with treatment then you will get your competency restored and be able to take control of your life. Ask anybody you want who has been around here for a while...I am always willing to guide a fellow Tnet member to the right source to get medical health. Not sure Dave44 has too many positive things to say about medicine in general. Don't take my opinion, ask others...


I am not too sure you know enough about what I like to be sure about anything you are thinking Crispy.:laughing7:

However,, You are the one pushing BCs buttons.. You SHOULD know better. But your obvious hatred clouds your judgement on such things. It is a shame.. remember what World talker says.

By the way BC. Really, it is just that. He does not always think when he posts, don't let his rants drive you away from your well being.


Thank you!

It's not my opinion regarding whether or not it's a "good" decision. It's an observation - intended to be an objective view of the facts.

I certainly appreciate that you took it in the spirit in which it was offered.

Have a safe Halloween - Hope you get more treats than tricks!

~The Old Bookaroo

I am not too sure you know enough about what I like to be sure about anything you are thinking Crispy.:laughing7:

However,, You are the one pushing BCs buttons.. You SHOULD know better. But your obvious hatred clouds your judgement on such things. It is a shame.. remember what World talker says.

By the way BC. Really, it is just that. He does not always think when he posts, don't let his rants drive you away from your well being.


That sounds like something a psychiatrist would say.

Happy trick or treating,

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