
propaganda? delusion to even believe it is propaganda.

facts, photographs of actual mining locations.
fact, magma copper company was required to shut down it's smelter in superior...when the sulfur dioxide plume reached phoenix...{after the population of phoenix reached 225,000.}
this sulfur dioxide plume arrived daily in phoenix...for years...that is 65 miles away from superior, and one could see, smell, and taste the deadly pollution.
since you seem so unaware of the issue...perhaps you could read and study up.

Oh Crap!!! That's a real bird?


Please show me where this lives! I want one so I can love him and hug him and squeeze him!
Or are they big enough to eat?

bla bla blah...evidence is of no concern to the self appointed
that bird was to give the poor deluded people who believe nothing they do impacts others...something to piss about.

I don't need no stinkin motivation to pee!...

clearly not...
isn't it time for you to go stomp about the city waving your confederate flag
I can not say I am impressed with your knowledge base on mining activities.

Honestly Pip? I am worried about your Psyche. Sincerely! Get a grip on yourself man!
Please entertain the thought of seeking help, I am concerned you may hurt yourself or someone else. Please go talk to crispin!

thank you...once again, when all else fails, fall back on the insult position...
deny...then insults...
thanks for showing everyone the depth of your knowledge base on mining activity on ecology.

thank you...once again, when all else fails, fall back on the insult position...
deny...then insults...
thanks for showing everyone the depth of your knowledge base on mining activity on ecology.

again, thanks for your expert knowledge of everything left wing!!! we like to know what you think. gives us an edge!!!!!

bla bla blah...evidence is of no concern to the self appointed
that bird was to give the poor deluded people who believe nothing they do impacts others...something to piss about.

Again with the amateur photoshopping.

Folks, that pic has been around for over a decade. Was part of a competition (which I lost, as well as that photo's creator did) 8 or 9 years ago.

Watch you don't get in trouble for posting copyrighted photos and ascribing an incorrect "credit".

... and before my math gets called into question, pics are not always new creations when entered into a photoshop competition.

and again...the haters drop in with insults, and the person who asked the question is rather silent...

anyone who believes that mining has no effect upon the environment needs to come drink some water out of queen creek...
inhale sulfur dioxide for a few weeks...

clearly not...
isn't it time for you to go stomp about the city waving your confederate flag
I can not say I am impressed with your knowledge base on mining activities.

Your comment on the confederate flag is a futile attempt to bring racism in to this thread and I am tired of it..... I highly recommend you get off the racism kick NOW......

mad machinest...where are being this thread for your own words...ignore the facts I post about the decimation caused by mining in the southwest...and leave it to

some others to insult me, when they don't even read the material, or understand the topic.

I presented some decent information on mining activities causing harm to humans and the environment...

where is the knowledgeable response to facts you promised?
not insults or threats...

Sorry for my absence, had to fill lots of paperwork to return to work on the 21st.

So I guess I'll address each on of these separately.

Anything from the EPA is suspect and has been for a long time. They did this to themselves over the whole Sackett vs. EPA thing and many other things. So instead of working with the industry they dropped a bunch of regulations that pushed smelting out of country where there are no pollution controls.

Wonder how the smelter right across the border in Mexico is doing on pollution control?

Approximately 650 properties in the two towns have been sampled. Of these properties, just over 40% or 250 have required cleanup for arsenic, copper and/or lead. The remainder of the homes do not require cleanup. In addition to residential yard cleanups, other areas such as vacant lots, businesses and dirt alleys where citizens could be exposed to contamination have also been sampled and, if needed, cleaned up.

So let me get this straight. Your crying about a company cleaning up the mess they made in the past when the current levels of research were not available?

And by the way, what were the background levels of "contamination"? Obviously, if the "contaminants were in the soil to begin with, then there would be background levels with natural erosion.


Sorry for my absence, had to fill lots of paperwork to return to work on the 21st.

So I guess I'll address each on of these separately.

Anything from the EPA is suspect and has been for a long time. They did this to themselves over the whole Sackett vs. EPA thing and many other things. So instead of working with the industry they dropped a bunch of regulations that pushed smelting out of country where there are no pollution controls.

Wonder how the smelter right across the border in Mexico is doing on pollution control?

well..sorry for being snippy..i entered this thread since you waved the cape...then had to endure some nonsense.
I have no control over the republic of mexico...or i'd begin with their immigration laws.

tbere is a cement plant here in Clarkdale...the community welcomed it, since a few hundred jobs would be created...big mistake.
besides the fairly regular tipping the full dual trailered trucks over on their sides in traffic...there has been another unrecognized event, not the emmissions from the plant, not the strip mining of material off the black hills...
the blasting is dislocating limestone over hangs containing native American ruins....these adobe/stone stuccoed structures have endured a thousand years of unmolested abandon.
now, I have a photograph or two on my profile...feel free...notice the triangle shaped chunks of stone that have falled, and destroyed the ruin contained underneath.
sad...nothing to be done...progress.
in high school, I had to endure the daily smelter event...the change of direction in the wind...the community sits in the narrow pass between 1,800ft above sea level, and 4,000ft abs within two the smelter smoke went down hill following the cold air flows...into phoenix, where the entire state whined about being poisoned with sulfur dioxide...fair call...
and then the warm valley air flow would send the smoke up hill...threw the narrow pass, and in passing the entire high school...the solution? open windows on both sides of the school, so that beautiful yellow smoke would just pass on threw...
this is not EPA is my own...I do fantastic research...
I will even admit, that the most serious event in the ecological stability of the southwest was the moment cortez unloaded his sheep, cattle and horse into a stable ecological environment...
but, to make grand statements how mining has NO effect upon the environment....well just take a ride out to ray mines division in Kearny...
most people don't realize ariona has two grand man made.

You really might want to read things before you try to use them to support your position.

From the article:

The results of the TMDL analysis indicated that under current conditions, the largest nutrient load to Peck’sLake is from internal cycling. The second largest nutrient load comes from native vegetation in the immediatewatershed. Based upon evaluation of upstream USGS gage data, the nutrient load from the Verde River hasnot changed significantly within the past several decades and will be considered natural background. Currentlake water quality conditions may have been influenced by the presence of a 9-hole golf course adjacent to​
the lake from the 1920s to 1992 and a dairy just below the lake outlet.

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