Well I definitely made it to this post quite late but it has been entertaining reading ;) When the symbols with the "V" was mentioned it reminded me of the old hobo symbols you find near train tracks...they had many similar symbols and signs but you're not too likely to find a cache of silver where they camped ;)

newbieprospector said:
Well I definitely made it to this post quite late but it has been entertaining reading ;) When the symbols with the "V" was mentioned it reminded me of the old hobo symbols you find near train tracks...they had many similar symbols and signs but you're not too likely to find a cache of silver where they camped ;)
According to Karl Von Mueller, Railroads were favorite hiding spots for old horse traders. He said, permanent railroad installations such as whistleposts,switchblocks and yard limit signs.


Hey Jeff,
Those are cool pics.
Thanks for sharing :D


gypsyheart said:
Photo three is my fravorite ...what a beautiful picture
and of course scientifically speaking we can all see that the beauty of the gypsy women has been handed down to this day..... ;D :D

Jeff... I dunno if I missed something like this in your post... but these folks may be able to give you some needed information... Here is a little from the site:

"The Gypsy Lore Society, an international association of persons interested in Gypsy and Traveler Studies, was founded in Great Britain in 1888. Since 1989 it has been headquartered in the United States. Its goals include promotion of the study of Gypsy, Traveler, and analogous peripatetic cultures worldwide; dissemination of accurate information aimed at increasing understanding of these cultures in their diverse forms; and establishment of closer contacts among scholars studying any aspects of these cultures.

These Gypsy and Traveler cultures include those traditionally known, or referring to themselves as Rom, Romanichels, Cale, Sinti, Ludar, Romungre, Irish Travelers, Scottish Travelers and many others. The Society sponsors programs and conferences and publishes the twice-yearly Romani Studies (continuing Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society), a quarterly Newsletter and other occasional publications. The Society has also established the Victor Weybright Archives of Gypsy Studies, specializing in recent scholarly work on Gypsy, Traveler and related studies, for the benefit of researchers and students."

Great info. I recall years ago, in the 60's perhaps I saw a band of Gypsies near the Austin area, They were just passing through but were an interesting sight.


There seems to be some contraversy in my family over the Mitchel name. They say it does have Gypsy conotations.
I know that all of the Mitchel boys in my family who were old enough at the time Volunteered and did not come back from WWI. There was only one who came back from WWII and he settled in Glenwood Springs Colorado, started a Creamery and was world famous for the ice cream he made. He was also known to trade horses and make his own fuel for his tractor.

Other than that I have not been able to get much from anyone, except that for the most part the mitchel side of the family went to extreme measures to put a lot of bad feelings behind them and become Americans.


Hey Gypsy,

Your Inbox is full ;)


Gypsy Camp at Foosland Illinois
Foosland Newspaper June 7. 1933
Gypsy camps moved on from north of Foosland Thursday after a stay of about a week in on the roadside of the Foos Farm. There were 52 in the eight camps. Ages were from 1 week old to eighty-eight years old.

The town of Foosland on the line of the Chicago and Paducah railroad, was laid out in the spring of 1874, on land belonging to William Foos. Mr. Foos is a resident of Columbus, Ohio, and is the owner of about four thousand acres of land in that vicinity. The first building to be erected in the town, was a dwelling-house, built by J. J. Taylor. The second building, a hotel and dwelling-house, was erected by George Dawson. James Malloy and a Van Deventer, put up dwelling-houses about the same time, in the summer of 1874. The first store building was put up by N. B. Tyler, who opened the first store in the summer of 1874. From Tyler, this store passed successively into the hands of Warner & Snyder, Wilson Bros., and William Phillips, and was discontinued in January, 1878. The grain elevator, water tank and railroad station, were all built in the summer of 1874. C. Dyer built the store which he now occupies, the same summer, opened the store November 17, 1874, and has continued in the mercantile business from that time to the present. G. W. Dawson and William Ridge built a store in the summer of 1874, and continued business till the spring of 1875, when they disposed of their stock to Theodore F. Phillips. The following spring the store was discontinued. The first blacksmith shop was started by Benjamin Sprague.

................Some authorities have claimed that from 1845 to 1870 there were approximately three thousand of the She-kener following the roads in Pennsylvania." By the 1930’s, " three hundred would be a liberal estimate of their numbers. The World War drew many of them to Hog Island and other industrial plants, with the result that they settled down in cities, and will probably never take the roads again." The three thousand would not have included the second wave of German Gypsy migration in 1850-70. Those "Gypsies in large in handsome automobiles...on the Pennsylvania highways in the summer months. But beyond acknowledging a racial and lingual kinship the She-kener maintain no intercourse with them.".42

Black Dutch - Indian relations

Many people researching their Melungeon and Black Dutch heritage also claim Indian ancestry. In the same way that Melungeons marry within their community Gypsies traditionally marry only other Gypsies and usually within their clan or vitsa...................

If you want to see these good folks, come to Las Vegas during the Christmas/New Year Holiday season.

They drive SUV's now and they come to Las Vegas during the holiday in droves.

After checking into hotels all over town the fun really starts.

In one instance (of several I could name) a group checked into a hotel with empty suitcase's the kids in this particular group would go up and down the hotels hallways raiding the maid carts of linens, towels, soap and shampoo.

Unattended room service carts were striped of table cloths, utensils, salt and pepper shakers, crackers and the little packs of jams and jellies.

When they attempted to leave/checkout of the hotel the suitcase, which were empty were now full.

In this case the items were recovered

I'm sure this was all just a big misunderstanding....... ::)

Jeff when I was stationed in Italy their was a lot of Gypsies the Army actualy gave us a briefing on the markings they used for our houses. We were always targeted because of our deployments. Any way they use to have the markings on their web site or

I'm new to this board & am very happy that I've stumbled onto this thread. Wow! So much good information & photos. I've enjoyed reading each & every reply. Over the past couple of years I've been trying to learn as much as I can about the Gypsy people. My grandparents were from the Carpathian mountains on the Czech / Russia border. Unfortunatly I was not able to learn much about our history through the family. When I was old enough to start asking questions about our ancestors my mother made it clear that Grandma didn't want anyone to know we were Gypsies because of the persecution that she had encountered all of her life. Mom & Grandma were rounded up by Hitler's troops when they went back to visit family but they escaped. Anyway, we were never allowed to talk about family history & I really feel sad about that. After my parents passed away I found family photos & a lot of info tucked away in trunks. I even found Grandma's Tarot cards & Grandpa's violin. Talk about treasure hunting! Didn't find any gold coins but the family treasures are worth far more to me. I've also found lots of letters but they are in a foreign language - actually, several languages.

Here's a pic of my gggrandmother:


Oh no -- that photo came out huge! Sorry. I promise I'll resize my photos in the future.

Can we edit posts on this board? That might be good to know.........

Cruisin said:
Oh no -- that photo came out huge! Sorry. I promise I'll resize my photos in the future.

Can we edit posts on this board? That might be good to know.........

Cruisin, I edited it for you.

the pic is now 90.4KB in size yours was over 200KB
& the reason for it being so big.

There is a MODIFY Option top right of all your posts I
believe. if you need it in the future.

As far as your Post, it sounds like you have a Very intresting
Family history, & found some nice Treasures already.

Congrats & Thanks for sharing.

Welcome to TreasureNet

Great thread with some great info! I found the "Gypsy Lore Society" site suggested by Montana Jim was very informative.
So here is my two cents worth to add:
I was deployed to Kosovo from 1999 to 2000. While there I read everything I could about Kosovo/Balkans. The best description I ever read on the region was from Winston Churchill that described the Balkans as too small a place with too much history, (what the exact quote is I can't remember right now).
I knew there were Rom/Gypsy people in Kosovo, but I never saw them on the few convoys I was on.
One of the guys from my unit did a patrol that went into an extremely remote village in the mountains to drop off supplies for the residents.
He told me that the people turned out to be gypsies of Rom background. I guess that they had it real rough. The village was primitive and the people were a far cry from any of the romantic ideas that we have of gypsies. 'Poverty' would be the best single word to describe it.
The reason they lived in such a remote area was that they were pretty much on the bottom rung of the social pecking order over there. It was bad enough for them where they had stories of their people being used for target practice by both Serbians and Albanians. The only thing they could do is try to hide and hope no one would come looking for them.
I can't say if the stories were true or not, but I can say that it wouldn't surprise me. It would also help validate why some people with a gypsy background chose to hide that heritage, abandon it, or be very clannish and closed to outsiders.

Yo! Rebel here: ;D NO personal experience with 'em; only heard Cher's GYPSIES, TRAMPS, & THIEVES in my younger days; found some interesting info... just "google" WIKIPEDIA - GYPSIES. :)

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