Thanks...Kind of liking your flag there ,pal!
Stereotyped is correct. Its funny how people in this day and age still tend to do that, even after decades of so called developement. I do believe that Gypsy's are one of the few people who have clung tightly to their unique heritage and cultures, which is why in modern society they are veiwed with mistrust and caution. Because Gypsy's, remain mysterious ,century old stigmatisms remain labeled to them. Of course in every society, no matter what nationality ,you have your bad apples and I am sure there are plenty who gave the Gypsy's a bad name.
One thing to remember is that Gypsy's are very family orientated. They tend to take care of their own and keep the family united at all costs . Rarely would you ever hear of a Gypsy putting an aged loved one in a nursing home ,unless they needed extreme medical attention daily.
Many Gyspsys were/are attracted to the circus and carnival life, as it gave them income stability ,as well as being able to travel freely with out harrassment. Plus the simple fact that many are well known horsemen and revered for their horse training ability .
As far as owning real estate, well that is debatable. I know families who have over the years aquired vast estates and acreage. Probally bought with all that fortune telling silver ...hahah But one thing seems to run rampant in their veins ,and that is the quest for travel and adventure. So no matter how "settled "we become, that thirst is always unquenchable.....
I for example am a business owner...hahah..suprise....but whats in my blood cant be denied. Which causes me to have to go out seeking the wild wild experiences in life and write about those adventures. I cant be contained in the business or so called normal world....and my sisters are all the same...all highly respected business women, but there we go....scattered like the winds ..... My business allows me the opportunity to be able to take off on a whim , or I dont think I would be able to stay in a 9 to 5 job....It also gives me the income needed for my escapades and is a great resource for the many research cases I work on......
I have always been proud of my Hungarian Gypsy heritage and tend to get a little defensive over it...well ok, alot defensive! HAHA

The way I should have stated it is that when caches are found in or near campgrounds and contain larger silver coins of all nations they are usually attributed to the gypsies. Whether that is correct I have no way of knowing. When you hear the oldtimers speaking about troving a gypsie cache that is the contents they are talking about and the general location they found it. exanimo, ss

This is a very interesting subject to to read this morning. The timing on it is great. I am from north central Pa. I remember when I was a child, there was a group of Gypsies who would travel through every summer. Now just a short time ago, an eldery gentelman told me of a location where the Gypsies would camp just outside of the village everytime when they traveled through. It is on a high knowl within site of the village and he said they would always build a fire in the evening and sing, dance and drink well into the night. He wanted to know if I would like to do some metal detecting at the site sometime. I told him that I would, and just never got around to it yet. Everytime I go by that location I glance over at and think, I should give the old fellow a call and go check it out. I have been wondering what type of articles I might find, maybe jewelry fell off while dancing as well as dropped coins. If we don't get more snow maybe I'll get this done. So anyway thanks for reminding me and thank you all for the great information.

Go for it....gypsys were great artisians of jewerly making...high skilled ...and also made many horse items for saddles,bridles,etc ....They were world reknown for being silversmiths as well as their thirst for gold....If you have a camp that they returned to year after year , then this is a great place to search...snow or not !!

Here are are few clues as to signs you were looking for Jeff....

As far as a gate or house marking Look for the "V" or a "V followed by two small triangles.
The V meant Generous place....or generosity ....or could also mark a hidden spot that would be "generous " to the finder.

The V followed by two small triangles ...means that a woman lived here alone and was generous to travelers

A mark that looked like a V with a O on top icecream cone....usually meant gold

And because treasure is in the eye of the might enjoy these next two:

A circle with two wavey horizontal lines through it meant....shameless woman

A vertical line with two wavy horizontal lines through it meant ....shameless man of no scruples ....


I'll Definately be looking for

A circle? with two wavey horizontal lines through it.

? ? ? ? ? ;D

? ? ? ? ? ?Thanks
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Jeff

hello all i find your posts about gypsies very interesting. the site i have been researching now for four years was in 1910 used by gypsies as a camp . it is located near a large spring. i had know idea that they might bury their valuables. but after reading some posts i got thinking about several carvings here two differant carvings depict two triangles. one is EN1043 followed by two triangles then a turkey track. the second is only two triangles cut in a downward position on top of a large boulder i know for sure it is quite difficult to chisel a pyramid shape into a rock. they are cut very well and very small the base of the triangle is less than an inch. another thing of interest is the fact that the sinclair family was very fond of the gypsies always allowing them to camp at their home while the gypsies would usually put on plays that would amuse the sinclairs usually it was a play about robin hood. thanks for the info. kiddrock33

The Gypsies here in Tulsa don't roam or own chickens. They don't have camps or steel the seelver. But they do tell fortunes and they are Rumanian. One family in particular has several fortune telling sites in town. They advertise as "Readers and Advisors" since fortune telling for money is illegal in OKlahoma! Most of the family is legit, just a couple of unscroupulous ones that rip off old people or simple minded fools! The self appointed "King" use to tip me off to various scams his own kin were pulling to try to get them to stop! Their last name is telling what their original name is. They are all related somehow. Ther is a roving band of home repair scam artists that hits town about once a year and they claim to be Gypsies, but I have my doubts. As I said, 99% of them are legit and you wouldn't know them from anyone else in the neighborhood. Monty

I ran with the carnival when I was younger . The shows seemed to always have at least one family . The old man ran it through the eldest son . They were clannish and secretive . They also seemed to always have money and even the show owner was said to have borrowed at times . Their marriages were ALWAYS to other Gypsies . If you were not one of them you were fair game , carnie or not . As long as they never ripped each other off they could screw anyone . They still maintain the Rhomini language that seems to have a strange similarity to Sanskrit . It is rumored that they began in India as soldiers . They were sent to chase the Persians out and they followed them for many years . Since their families followed the armies they evolved into a nomadic band after several generations of chasing enemies . Hitler targeted them since they could not be trusted to show allegiance . They were free spirits and he was afraid their loyalties could be bought . There are still many in Roumania . The streets of Bucharest are home to many "blanket artisans". They will make jewelry while sitting on the sidewalk . With rudimentary tools they create things in just minutes . The quality of the items used are rather suspect . When they tell you it's gold you might not be getting the real thing . I have helped Rumanian's defectors in the past who told me stories about these folks . The carnies for the most part worked legit games and survived by sticking together . They always had food stands and made sure that there was no competition with them . They could join a show and provide about half of what it took to "play a spot". Why they don't have their own shows was always a mystery to me . Propably they prefer anonymity . Every so often you hear of one of those fortune tellers being busted for fraud . Usually they take some old persons money by claiming it's cursed and only they can dispose of it . They sure do dispose of it .

paratrooper said:
Usually they take some old persons money by claiming it's cursed and only they can dispose of it . They sure do dispose of it .

? LOL ;
? ? ? You just reminded me of an Expierence back when I was in my Mid Twenties.
? ? ? ? ( Late 1970's)
? ? The Carny was in a Neighboring Town, And I Had it Bad for the Daughter of
? ? ?The Gypsy Family.? ?Very Tall & thin, Long Black Hair & legs that Went to the Sky
? ? ?If you Know what I mean ;) and she wasn't shy, and definately not Picky. Just my Type,? :P She
? ? Never did Tell me where she as from. I forget her Name (First only) I do remember
? ? it was sort of Exotic, but when I think back, it was Probably Fake. We never Talked about her
? ?Family. So I don't Know IF they would have Had A problem with me or Not. however, I never
? ?Took the Chance to ask or Find out.

? ? ? ? ?I went to the Carnival an Hour Early to Find her, and Not wanting to let her family know,
? ? I just Kept circling the Grounds, Getting Closer & closer to their Tent as I circled.
? ? The woman Standing outside, called me over, and Said "Let me tell you about yourself,
? ? And Started Rambling "General" things, That pretty much Describes Everyones Opinion
? ? Of themselves, And then told me she'd Give me Good Luck or Something, And told
? ? Me to Place money in my open hand, and hold it out to her. I asked How Much ? She said
? ? ?The Larger the amount the More Luck I'll Receive. I asked "How about a Quarter" ? She said
? ?It must be paper & it's better if it's a large one. Needless to say, I walked away? :D

? ?My guess, Me Holding A $20.00 Bill in the Palm of my hand, Outstretched Towards her,
In Anyone Passing Bys Mind would be me giving her a gift.

I'd say their Pretty Smart People? ;D
? ?

FreeTwoDtect said:
Maybe if you gave her the money, you would of got lucky!? ;)

? Her Mom was Good Looking Too .

? ? ? ? ? Even Her Grandmother? ;D


? Her Mom was Good Looking Too .

? ? ? ? ? Even Her Grandmother? ;D

Alas..Jeff ..the curse of us gypsy's....its a burden we all must carry...haha
but I think that kiddrock33 might be close to something. He needs to follow the clues and see what he can find ......

Heres a word of wisdom...If you ask ten gypsy's the same question...You will get ten different answers...
As far as fortune telling ....we are very adept at it for one simple reason...from the time a Gypsy child is born, they are taught to read people and observe people. They are taught to be acutely aware of their surroundings, without being obvious. This probally began as a defense mechanism for survival,
Gypsys are taught to trust no one out of their clans and that the world in general is against them. Past history of their continued persecution has been instilled in their genes.

There are many descendants of Gypsy tribes...the most prominant being the Romanians or Rom as they are called . But Hungary ,France,Europe and Austria had many tribes develop in their countries as well.
Gypsy life tends to be nomadic and very clannish, but as modernization takes over ,so have the the ways of the gypsys They now do marry out of the Gypsy clans...but their spouse is not accepted readily. Gypsys do frown on anyone taking advantage of the old or the mentally disadvantaged. But anyone else is fair game and actually looked upon as a game. If you are willing to pay someone large amounts of money for telling your future...hey...your loss. We aren't living in medieval times here. If there are scam artist gypsys out there,(and there most certainly are) then they are more than likely disbanned from the clan, or are in bad standing with the true elders of the group.
Hey I got approached from a scam roof repair team this summer...and they were polish and a scandinavian...

Hey I got approached from a scam roof repair team this summer...and they were polish and a scandinavian... They have gyyspies too? ;)

I think we need a New Name for Scam Artists.


Every Country, Religon, Government, etc. Has Them.

How Come we don't say, "A Human Tried to Scam Me"
"A Person Tried To Scam Me"
"A Con Artist Tried To Scam Me"

Just Curious

Ok here is a new twist Jeff. One of those folks offered to detrash my yard. They had a whole crew with bounty hunter detectors. Said they could do the job and airarate the lawn for only $ 39.95. ;D

FreeTwoDtect said:
Ok here is a new twist Jeff. One of those folks offered to detrash my yard. They had a whole crew with bounty hunter detectors. Said they could do the job and airarate the lawn for only $ 39.95.? ?;D

Great Idea ;D

I should Get cards Made up.


I work Free ;)

gypsyheart said:
Heres a word of wisdom...If you ask ten gypsy's the same question...You will get ten different answers...

LOL I forgot the rest of the quote....if you ask the same gypsy ,the same question ten will get ten different answers ;) :D

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