Gypsy Heart
Gold Member
Thanks...Kind of liking your flag there ,pal!
Stereotyped is correct. Its funny how people in this day and age still tend to do that, even after decades of so called developement. I do believe that Gypsy's are one of the few people who have clung tightly to their unique heritage and cultures, which is why in modern society they are veiwed with mistrust and caution. Because Gypsy's, remain mysterious ,century old stigmatisms remain labeled to them. Of course in every society, no matter what nationality ,you have your bad apples and I am sure there are plenty who gave the Gypsy's a bad name.
One thing to remember is that Gypsy's are very family orientated. They tend to take care of their own and keep the family united at all costs . Rarely would you ever hear of a Gypsy putting an aged loved one in a nursing home ,unless they needed extreme medical attention daily.
Many Gyspsys were/are attracted to the circus and carnival life, as it gave them income stability ,as well as being able to travel freely with out harrassment. Plus the simple fact that many are well known horsemen and revered for their horse training ability .
As far as owning real estate, well that is debatable. I know families who have over the years aquired vast estates and acreage. Probally bought with all that fortune telling silver ...hahah But one thing seems to run rampant in their veins ,and that is the quest for travel and adventure. So no matter how "settled "we become, that thirst is always unquenchable.....
I for example am a business owner...hahah..suprise....but whats in my blood cant be denied. Which causes me to have to go out seeking the wild wild experiences in life and write about those adventures. I cant be contained in the business or so called normal world....and my sisters are all the same...all highly respected business women, but there we go....scattered like the winds ..... My business allows me the opportunity to be able to take off on a whim , or I dont think I would be able to stay in a 9 to 5 job....It also gives me the income needed for my escapades and is a great resource for the many research cases I work on......
I have always been proud of my Hungarian Gypsy heritage and tend to get a little defensive over it...well ok, alot defensive! HAHA
Stereotyped is correct. Its funny how people in this day and age still tend to do that, even after decades of so called developement. I do believe that Gypsy's are one of the few people who have clung tightly to their unique heritage and cultures, which is why in modern society they are veiwed with mistrust and caution. Because Gypsy's, remain mysterious ,century old stigmatisms remain labeled to them. Of course in every society, no matter what nationality ,you have your bad apples and I am sure there are plenty who gave the Gypsy's a bad name.
One thing to remember is that Gypsy's are very family orientated. They tend to take care of their own and keep the family united at all costs . Rarely would you ever hear of a Gypsy putting an aged loved one in a nursing home ,unless they needed extreme medical attention daily.
Many Gyspsys were/are attracted to the circus and carnival life, as it gave them income stability ,as well as being able to travel freely with out harrassment. Plus the simple fact that many are well known horsemen and revered for their horse training ability .
As far as owning real estate, well that is debatable. I know families who have over the years aquired vast estates and acreage. Probally bought with all that fortune telling silver ...hahah But one thing seems to run rampant in their veins ,and that is the quest for travel and adventure. So no matter how "settled "we become, that thirst is always unquenchable.....
I for example am a business owner...hahah..suprise....but whats in my blood cant be denied. Which causes me to have to go out seeking the wild wild experiences in life and write about those adventures. I cant be contained in the business or so called normal world....and my sisters are all the same...all highly respected business women, but there we go....scattered like the winds ..... My business allows me the opportunity to be able to take off on a whim , or I dont think I would be able to stay in a 9 to 5 job....It also gives me the income needed for my escapades and is a great resource for the many research cases I work on......
I have always been proud of my Hungarian Gypsy heritage and tend to get a little defensive over it...well ok, alot defensive! HAHA