Just got back from a trip to England to go detecting. We hunted alot of fields and did alot of walking in those 5 days or so. Lots of wind and rain, but my luck held out. I was walking the edge of a field and looked down while detecting. Not sure if I hit this with my detector and then looked down, or just looked down. Sticking out of the dirt was this weird shiney object. Thought it was a piece of trash till I picked it up. I looked at it and it looked like a gold swizzle stick for a cocktail. BUT, I knew it was gold, so I called over to the rest of the group. "I found BIG gold", to which the reply came back, "what, a coin?", "No", "a ring?", "No, It is about 6 inches long and twisted". "I'll be right over!!". Turns out this piece is a GOLD piece of a possible BRONZE AGE 1200-1300 B.C. Torc belt.
Somewhere in that field we suspect there may be another 18 inches of that Torc. I left it in England to be evaluated for Treasure Trove. As this is a piece of UK history, it would be nice to see it in a museum over there. Nothing can ever match up to finding a piece like this!
Somewhere in that field we suspect there may be another 18 inches of that Torc. I left it in England to be evaluated for Treasure Trove. As this is a piece of UK history, it would be nice to see it in a museum over there. Nothing can ever match up to finding a piece like this!
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