🥇 BANNER Incredible once in a lifetime find form England


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Mar 20, 2003
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So. Cal.
🥇 Banner finds
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All Treasure Hunting
Just got back from a trip to England to go detecting. We hunted alot of fields and did alot of walking in those 5 days or so. Lots of wind and rain, but my luck held out. I was walking the edge of a field and looked down while detecting. Not sure if I hit this with my detector and then looked down, or just looked down. Sticking out of the dirt was this weird shiney object. Thought it was a piece of trash till I picked it up. I looked at it and it looked like a gold swizzle stick for a cocktail. BUT, I knew it was gold, so I called over to the rest of the group. "I found BIG gold", to which the reply came back, "what, a coin?", "No", "a ring?", "No, It is about 6 inches long and twisted". "I'll be right over!!". Turns out this piece is a GOLD piece of a possible BRONZE AGE 1200-1300 B.C. Torc belt.
Somewhere in that field we suspect there may be another 18 inches of that Torc. I left it in England to be evaluated for Treasure Trove. As this is a piece of UK history, it would be nice to see it in a museum over there. Nothing can ever match up to finding a piece like this!


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Upvote 138
Amazing find. I never even heard of something like this. Killer man. Way to go on a stunning find!

Congrats on the well deserved banner! All I can say is Gasp! Choke! Gasp! (passes out in awe).

Super Find...! :icon_thumright:
Sure is worthy of Banner status...!
Coinshooter, was there ever a video made of your hunt...??

It's not often that you make an historic find. Congrats!

Finally, I was worried it wouldn't make it... Congratulations on the banner! This amazing find deserves a dozen of them.

Wow... that is quite unique.
Great find, congrats on it and the banner and the way you treated such a spectacular find, not only as valuable metal but according to it's cultural and historic significance! Kudos!

Super Find...! :icon_thumright:
Sure is worthy of Banner status...!
Coinshooter, was there ever a video made of your hunt...??

Yes, some video of our hunt exists, and there is footage of Dave's find after it was recovered when everyone was oohing and aahing over it. I still haven't had time to download my GoPro and edit what I have. I believe our host has some of his own footage too that will probably be posted soon, if it hasn't been already.

I've never been to a bar with gold swizzle sticks .
That must have been a classy pub.

Congratulations on achieving your first BANNER on Tnet coinshooter... 16 years is a long time to wait! :occasion14:

Hopefully in 18 months you'll be receiving a big check in the mail for your find.


That is buckwild! Amazing.

Simply amazing find.

Easily banner worthy. I hope to find something one day 1/100th as cool as that.

Great score and congratulations.


Bronze Age Gold! Very few people reach the absolute pinnacle of detecting...:laughing7: thats about. the rarest and hardest thing to find in historical detecting. Big congrats :headbang:

3,000+ years ago there was a king that wore that, simply amazing.


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