Immy's Casino Royale


Silver Member
Mar 12, 2005
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Golden Thread
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All Treasure Hunting
Sleepy's dime thread was the inspiration for this (with apologies to the James Bond franchise). Now that I'm visiting the El Cortez more often than usual (aka one of the last coin-op casinos in Vegas) it's time to create a thread to post ongoing results. I can't say it'll be as frequently updated as Sleepy's, but count on at least one or two excursions a month with hopefully interesting finds. Only wish I had the stamina and eyesight of my younger years. :dontknow:

In addition, with about 35 years of casino searching in the books, I'll augment my posts with stats and trivia from past casino visits.

Yesterday was a pretty great day amongst the nickels. These two beauties were in my bucket from around $100 searched. And after some Nik-A-Date treatment the year 1916 emerged. 2nd buffalo this year!

I always try to situate myself near the self-serve coin counters since the reject chutes are good sources of stuff. Yesterday was no exception. A guy came in with a large bag of non-casino coins. We got chatting and he said he got them from a storage unit he bought. Told him I'd take any rejects he didn't want and he gave me the 1981 Taiwan 10 dollars pictured above. Checking another machine also got me the 1950 Hong Kong 10 cent-er, my oldest foreign coin this year. Great stuff!

Fun Stats: Last 1916 buffalo I found was on 4/27/04. And, amazingly, the last 45-S war nickel I found on...9/3/11, exactly eight years ago to the day! :o

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 1999, I completed a roll of 1954-D nickels.

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Upvote 3
There be W's!

Nada on nickels today so I was hopeful for some quarter action with the $100 I brought home from El Cortez. No silver (yet!) but hot damn we finally got some W's, and they were two I didn't have - 2019 American Memorial Park & 2020 Weir Farm - yep, it's privy mark city, my first. My only other W was a pocket change find (2019 San Antonio Missions) so now I've got three of the ten. Wonder if I can put together a whole roll?

Fifteen dates/MMs were ticked off the quarter list too, leaving 69 more to go.

1965-1998 (2)
73-D, 76

1999-2009 US States (23)
01-P, (RI), 02PD (TN), 02-P (OH), 03-P (IL, AL, ME, MO, AR), 04-P, (FL, IA), 05-P (CA, KS), 07-P (MT, ID), 08-P (OK, AZ, HI), 09-P (PR, USVI), 09-D (DC, GU, NMI)

2010-2020 National Parks (43) [Not counting S's or W's]
10-P (Yellowstone, Mt Hood), 10-D (Yosemite), 11PD (Glacier, Olympic, Vicksburg), 11-P (Gettysburg), 12PD (El Yunque, Acadia), 12-P (Chaco, Hawaii), 13-P (White Mountains, Perry, Great Basin, McHenry), 14-P (Smokey Mtns, Shenendoah, Sand Dunes, Everglades), 15-P (Homestead), 16-P (Shawnee, Harper's, Moultrie), 17-P (Douglass, Ozark, Ellis, GR Clark), 18-P (Apostle, Block Is, Cumberland Is), 19-P (Amer Mem Park, Lowell, San Antonio, River/No Return), 20-P (Weir Farm, Salt River Bay, Marsh, Tallgrass)

2021 and Beyond
21-P (Tuskegee)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's FOUND ($350 searched)
2009-S Guam
2013-S Great Basin (circ strike)
2019-W (Amer Mem Park)
2020-W (Weir Farm)

Fun Stats: $350 searched and not a single 2002 Tennessee quarter despite a combined mintage of 648 mil, yet four coins of 2 mil or less have appeared.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2003, I completed a roll of 1949-D nickels.

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Drawing a blank at the Cortez

I used to play roulette now and then back in the 80s at my favorite CRH casino. There was an older gent who also played and had a descriptive word for every type of roulette win: hitting a number direct got you a "stack" (of chips), catching a corner or edge was a "piece" and winning nothing at all was a "blank". In his honor, today's quarter results from $100 were a blank. I'll have to settle for the thirteen dates removed from the want list.


1999-2009 US States (16)
02PD (TN), 02-P (OH), 03-P (IL, AL, AR), 04-P, (FL, IA), 05-P (CA, KS), 08-P (AZ, HI), 09-P (PR, USVI), 09-D (DC, NMI)

2010-2020 National Parks (38) [Not counting S's or W's]
10-P (Yellowstone, Mt Hood), 10-D (Yosemite), 11PD (Glacier, Olympic), 11-P (Gettysburg, Vicksburg), 12PD (El Yunque), 12-P (Chaco, Acadia, Hawaii), 13-P (White Mountains, Perry, Great Basin, McHenry), 14-P (Shenendoah, Sand Dunes), 15-P (Homestead), 16-P (Shawnee, Moultrie), 17-P (Douglass, Ozark, Ellis, GR Clark), 18-P (Apostle, Block Is, Cumberland Is), 19-P (Amer Mem Park, Lowell, San Antonio, River/No Return), 20-P (Weir Farm, Salt River Bay, Marsh, Tallgrass)

2021 and Beyond
21-P (Tuskegee)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's FOUND ($450 searched)
2009-S Guam
2013-S Great Basin (circ strike)
2019-W (Amer Mem Park)
2020-W (Weir Farm)

Fun Stats: Apparently all it takes to find the entire 1965-1998 series is around $500.

More Fun Stats: The most common Parks quarters from 2010-16 in my part of the country - by far - are Arches and Mount Rushmore. I still have yet to see any Glacier, Olympic or El Yunque.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 1996, 25 years ago today, I was a third of the way thru my first penny survey from a casino. By this time I had found 113 wheaties (1917-S being the oldest) and a lone Indian - 1898.

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I'm back! After taking a few weeks off to deal with some health issues, the Cortez visits resume. But as a local sportscaster used to say, it was an inauspicious return. $100 in quarters didn't produce any keepers but eleven dates were marked off the list, yet we added two more now that the 2021 Washington Crossing the Delaware definitive has been released. Look forward to more frequent trips in the future, including a possible stay-cation next month.


1999-2009 US States (9)
02-D (TN), 03-P (AL, AR), 04-P (FL), 05-P (KS), 08-P (HI), 09-P (PR, USVI), 09-D (NMI)

2010-2020 ATB/National Parks (34) [Not counting S's or W's]
10-P (Yellowstone, Mt Hood), 10-D (Yosemite), 11PD (Glacier, Olympic), 11-P (Gettysburg, Vicksburg), 12PD (El Yunque), 12-P (Chaco, Acadia, Hawaii), 13-P (White Mountains, Great Basin, McHenry), 14-P (Shenendoah, Sand Dunes), 16-P (Shawnee, Moultrie), 17-P (Douglass, Ozark, Ellis), 18-P (Apostle, Cumberland Is), 19-P (Amer Mem Park, Lowell, San Antonio, River/No Return), 20-P (Weir Farm, Salt River Bay, Marsh, Tallgrass)

2021 and Beyond (3)
21-P (Tuskegee)
21 PD (Washington Crossing the Delaware)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's FOUND ($550 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2019-W (Amer Mem Park) (2 mil)
2020-W (Weir Farm) (2 mil)

Fun Stats: We now know there are a total of 289 different P & D mint quarters to collect from 1965-2021. Only 46 more to go means I'm at 84%.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2000, I completed a roll of 1955-D nickels.

Cocktails! Scotch 'n' soda for me!

Surprise discovery from yesterday's Cortez trip!

While checking out the self-serve coin machine reject chutes I snagged this half. Nice! Didn't look at it until today and noticed it made an odd sound when I threw it into my bucket of quarters.

That got me thinking! Checked the die rotation and sure enough it was off 90° and you know what that means...Magician's coin!

Slammed that baby on the floor a couple of times and it popped right open revealing this British penny. The young head variety puts the potential date somewhere between 1961-67.

It's my third magician's coin found in a casino. The first two each had a Mexican 20 centavos as the "hidden" coin. Cool stuff! :icon_thumright:

Wartime Nickels [504][TABLE="class: grid, width: 225, align: left"]
[TD]1942-P (11/4/19) [31][/TD]
[TD]1942-S (12/10/19) [22][/TD]
[TD]1943-P (5/12/21) [103][/TD]
[TD]1943-D (9/15/09) [9][/TD]
[TD]1943-S (3/1/21) [102][/TD]
[TD]1944-P (12/17/19) [53][/TD]
[TD]1944-D (9/24/19) [21][/TD]
[TD]1944-S (10/30/20) [22][/TD]
[TD]1945-P (2/23/21) [57][/TD]
[TD]1945-D (8/12/11) [21][/TD]
[TD]1945-S (3/23/21) [63][/TD]
Silver in the springtime, nothing like it, though silver is never out of season to CRHers. The Cortez gives up wartime #5 for the year, this sweet 1943-P. But past and present were both represented in the keeper department with my first 2021-D.


The discoveries are becoming pretty sparse lately, but when a W shows up, I won't complain. 2nd Weir Farm today, along with a 2021-D Washington Crossing the Delaware! In total, only four eliminated from the list. Little by little it nears completion.


1999-2009 US States (9)
02-D (TN), 03-P (AL, AR), 04-P (FL), 05-P (KS), 08-P (HI), 09-P (PR, USVI), 09-D (NMI)

2010-2020 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (31)
10-P (Yellowstone, Mt Hood), 10-D (Yosemite), 11PD (Glacier), 11-P (Gettysburg, Olympic, Vicksburg), 12PD (El Yunque), 12-P (Chaco, Acadia, Hawaii), 13-P (White Mountains, Great Basin, McHenry), 14-P (Shenendoah, Sand Dunes), 16-P (Shawnee, Moultrie), 17-P (Douglass, Ozark, Ellis), 18-P (Cumberland Is), 19-P (Amer Mem Park, Lowell, San Antonio, River/No Return), 20-P (Weir Farm, Marsh, Tallgrass)

2021 and Beyond (2)
21-P (Tuskegee)
21-P (Washington Crossing the Delaware)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's FOUND ($650 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2019-W (Amer Mem Park) (2 mil)
2020-W (Weir Farm) (2 mil) (x2)

Fun Stats: Only five more D-mint quarters left - 2002 (TN), 2009 (NMI), 2010 (Yosemite), 2011 (Glacier), 2012 (El Yunque)

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2002, I completed a roll of 1952-S nickels.

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Wartime Nickels [505][TABLE="class: grid, width: 225, align: left"]
[TD]1942-P (11/4/19) [31][/TD]
[TD]1942-S (12/10/19) [22][/TD]
[TD]1943-P (5/12/21) [103][/TD]
[TD]1943-D (9/15/09) [9][/TD]
[TD]1943-S (3/1/21) [102][/TD]
[TD]1944-P (12/17/19) [53][/TD]
[TD]1944-D (9/24/19) [21][/TD]
[TD]1944-S (10/30/20) [22][/TD]
[TD]1945-P (5/13/21) [58][/TD]
[TD]1945-D (8/12/11) [21][/TD]
[TD]1945-S (3/23/21) [63][/TD]
It's a pretty simple equation: more searching = more discoveries. And it's proven to be true lately at the Cortez with my 2nd wartime this week - 1945-P. A 1987 Canadian nickel snuck into my casino cup as well. Let's hope this streak continues.


Another $100 yesterday alas yielded no key finds but five more dates got eliminated from the list. Will I find silver in my first $1000?


1999-2009 US States (7)
03-P (AL, AR), 04-P (FL), 05-P (KS), 08-P (HI), 09-P (PR, USVI)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (29)
10-P (Yellowstone, Mt Hood), 10-D (Yosemite), 11PD (Glacier), 11-P (Gettysburg, Olympic, Vicksburg), 12PD (El Yunque), 12-P (Chaco, Acadia, Hawaii), 13-P (White Mountains, Great Basin, McHenry), 14-P (Shenendoah), 16-P (Shawnee, Moultrie), 17-P (Douglass, Ellis), 18-P (Cumberland Is), 19-P (Amer Mem Park, San Antonio, River/No Return), 20-P (Weir Farm, Marsh, Tallgrass), 21-P (Tuskegee)

2021 and Beyond - Crossing the Delaware (New Definitive Design) (1)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's FOUND ($750 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2019-W (Amer Mem Park) (2 mil)
2020-W (Weir Farm) (2 mil) (x2)

Fun Stats: The highest mintage (non-silver) quarter no-show to this point (that we know mintage figures for) is the 2020-P Marsh-Billings at 304 mil, though it's probable not many have circulated this far west yet. The next most common is the 2005-P Kansas at 268 mil.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2004, I found another 1945-P war nickel.

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Wartime Nickels [506][TABLE="class: grid, width: 225, align: left"]
[TD]1942-P (11/4/19) [31][/TD]
[TD]1942-S (12/10/19) [22][/TD]
[TD]1943-P (5/15/21) [104][/TD]
[TD]1943-D (9/15/09) [9][/TD]
[TD]1943-S (3/1/21) [102][/TD]
[TD]1944-P (12/17/19) [53][/TD]
[TD]1944-D (9/24/19) [21][/TD]
[TD]1944-S (10/30/20) [22][/TD]
[TD]1945-P (5/13/21) [58][/TD]
[TD]1945-D (8/12/11) [21][/TD]
[TD]1945-S (3/23/21) [63][/TD]
I love coin machine reject chutes! That was where I found the 1926 Merc beauty pictured above at the Cortez today. It's the only thing that could upstage my third wartime nickel (1943-P) of the week. Also abandoned with the Merc were two elongated pennies from the Jurassic Park ride at Universal Studios Hollywood. A great day for finding stuff!


How great would it have been to snag a silver quarter too? It wasn't meant to be however. $100 also yielded no key mintmarks though six more dates got taken off the list.


1999-2009 US States (7)
03-P (AL, AR), 04-P (FL), 05-P (KS), 08-P (HI), 09-P (PR, USVI)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (23)
10-P (Yellowstone, Mt Hood), 11-P (Gettysburg, Olympic, Vicksburg), 11-D (Glacier), 12PD (El Yunque), 12-P (Chaco, Acadia), 13-P (White Mountains, Great Basin, McHenry), 14-P (Shenendoah), 16-P (Moultrie), 18-P (Cumberland Is), 19-P (Amer Mem Park, San Antonio, River/No Return), 20-P (Weir Farm, Marsh, Tallgrass), 21-P (Tuskegee)

2021 and Beyond - Crossing the Delaware (New Definitive Design) (1)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's FOUND ($850 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2019-W (Amer Mem Park) (2 mil)
2020-W (Weir Farm) (2 mil) (x2)

Fun Stats: The 1926 Merc becomes my oldest casino find for dimes, beating the previous record (1936 on 11/11/88) that stood for 33 years.

1¢ - 1898 (2/11/96)
5¢ - 1899 (12/8/05)
10¢ - 1926 (5/15/21)
25¢ - 1908-D (11/28/06)
50¢ - 1906-O (10/2/06)

1920 (1 cent - 2/21/08)

Non-Canada Foreign
1929 (Panama - 5 centesimos - 2/26/04)

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2008 I was doing a penny survey at the now-defunct Western (the last Vegas casino to have penny slots) to see if I could find half the wheatie series from their machines. This week that year I achieved that goal by finding a 1933.

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Wartime Nickels [507][TABLE="class: grid, width: 225, align: left"]
[TD]1942-P (11/4/19) [31][/TD]
[TD]1942-S (12/10/19) [22][/TD]
[TD]1943-P (5/17/21) [105][/TD]
[TD]1943-D (9/15/09) [9][/TD]
[TD]1943-S (3/1/21) [102][/TD]
[TD]1944-P (12/17/19) [53][/TD]
[TD]1944-D (9/24/19) [21][/TD]
[TD]1944-S (10/30/20) [22][/TD]
[TD]1945-P (5/13/21) [58][/TD]
[TD]1945-D (8/12/11) [21][/TD]
[TD]1945-S (3/23/21) [63][/TD]
What a week at the Cortez! War nickel #8 for 2021 was this 1943-P that has some damage to the 4, but it's still a beauty. At this rate I'll easily surpass last year's feeble 12 silver nickels and possibly give 2019's total of 16 a run for its money.


I upped the at-home total to $150 this time to make it an even $1,000 searched. While six more dates got marked off the list, no other odd mintmarks were to be found. My initial belief was that W's may be more common than I thought, based on the early results. Now I see that's not the case with only 3 found out of 4,000 quarters. What will the next thousand bring? Might have to wait until June for my next visit since life will keep me busy until after Memorial Day weekend.


1999-2009 US States (5)
03-P (AR), 04-P (FL), 05-P (KS), 09-P (PR, USVI)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (19)
10-P (Yellowstone, Mt Hood), 11-P (Gettysburg, Olympic, Vicksburg), 11-D (Glacier), 12PD (El Yunque), 12-P (Chaco), 13-P (White Mountains, Great Basin, McHenry), 14-P (Shenendoah), 18-P (Cumberland Is), 19-P (Amer Mem Park), 20-P (Weir Farm, Marsh, Tallgrass), 21-P (Tuskegee)

2021 and Beyond - Crossing the Delaware (New Definitive Design) (1)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's FOUND ($1,000 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2019-W (Amer Mem Park) (2 mil)
2020-W (Weir Farm) (2 mil) (x2)

Fun Stats: While four war nickels in a week is a great total, it's not even close to my record of ten in July of 2008.

This Week in Casino Searching History: On this very date in 2009 I found a 1925 Buffalo nickel.

Hey Immy,
Thanks for keeping this thread going. It makes an interesting read to those of us who have never been in a casino. To me, it is insight into another world, so thanks again and good luck out there.

Hey Immy,
Thanks for keeping this thread going. It makes an interesting read to those of us who have never been in a casino. To me, it is insight into another world, so thanks again and good luck out there.

You're welcome, happy to do it, and thanks. :occasion14:

Considering how frequently I see slot techs working on them, I can't help wonder how long coin-op machines will remain in existence.

So I'm searching against the clock and the inevitable is inevitable. As long as the Cortez keep embracing this part of Vegas history I'll be okay and this thread will keep going. Cross your fingers.


Snuck in a Cortez visit before the end of the month. The first $100 of the next $1,000 started off uneventful, though three more dates bit the dust. At least I'm not drawing a blank, unless you count nickel searching, which produced nada today. The coin counter reject chute gave up a nice 2002 Austrian 2 euros, only the fifth €2 coin I've found in the wild.


1999-2009 US States (4)
03-P (AR), 04-P (FL), 09-P (PR, USVI)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (17)
10-P (Mt Hood), 11-P (Gettysburg, Olympic, Vicksburg), 11-D (Glacier), 12PD (El Yunque), 12-P (Chaco), 13-P (White Mountains, Great Basin, McHenry), 14-P (Shenendoah), 18-P (Cumberland Is), 19-P (Amer Mem Park), 20-P (Weir Farm, Marsh), 21-P (Tuskegee)

2021 and Beyond - Crossing the Delaware (New Definitive Design) (1)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's FOUND ($1,100 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2019-W (Amer Mem Park) (2 mil)
2020-W (Weir Farm) (2 mil) (x2)

Fun Stats: Austria, France, Germany and Spain are the nations I've found €2 coins for, France being the most recent on 6/18/19.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 1998, I found a 1990-S impaired proof nickel.


There are two W's in WOW and that perfectly sums up today's Cortez hunt. Since nickels were a dry run, producing only a 1998 Canadian, I held out hope my $100 in quarters would bring home the bacon. I checked off a mere two dates off the want list, but both these 2019-W River of No Return beauties were the clear standouts.


1999-2009 US States (3)
04-P (FL), 09-P (PR, USVI)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (16)
10-P (Mt Hood), 11-P (Gettysburg, Olympic, Vicksburg), 11-D (Glacier), 12PD (El Yunque), 12-P (Chaco), 13-P (White Mountains, Great Basin, McHenry), 14-P (Shenendoah), 18-P (Cumberland Is), 20-P (Weir Farm, Marsh), 21-P (Tuskegee)

2021 and Beyond - Crossing the Delaware (1)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's FOUND ($1,200 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2019-W (Amer Mem Park) (2 mil)
2019-W (River of No Return) (2 mil) (x2)
2020-W (Weir Farm) (2 mil) (x2)

Fun Stats: Both 2012 El Yunque quarters have made it to the unfound final 20. With a combined mintage of just over 50 million, it'll be interesting to see when they appear.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2005, I was nearing the end of a $5000 half dollar hunt and had found my 18th 40%er, a 1968-D.

Quarter News! Starting next year and continuing thru 2030, quarters will be getting more commemorative redesigns. Washington's portrait on the obverse looks to be getting a makeover too. Here's what to expect for the reverses:

2022-2025 - Prominent American Women

2026 - US Semiquincentennial (250th anniversary)

2027-2030 - Youth Sports

It's gonna be a busy decade at the Cortez!

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I was encouraged enough by Monday's finds to bring home $200 today from the Cortez. The skunk streak with nickels continues so what would quarters bring? Sadly no W's or other notables but three more dates fell by the wayside. At some point in the coming weeks I know I'll have days where the quarter results will be next to nothing, so I'm plenty happy with today's finds.
Oh yeah, this stray 1968-D Kennedy half was in the coin counter reject chute. Nice to come home with free silver! :hello2:


1999-2009 US States (2)
04-P (Florida), 09-P (Puerto Rico)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (14)
10-P (Mt Hood), 11-P (Gettysburg, Olympic, Vicksburg), 11-D (Glacier), 12PD (El Yunque), 12-P (Chaco), 13-P (White Mountains, Great Basin), 14-P (Shenendoah), 18-P (Cumberland Is), 20-P (Weir Farm), 21-P (Tuskegee)

2021 and Beyond - Crossing the Delaware (1)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's FOUND ($1,400 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2019-W (Amer Mem Park) (2 mil)
2019-W (River of No Return) (2 mil) (x2)
2020-W (Weir Farm) (2 mil) (x2)

Fun Stats: How wild is it that there are only two P-mint quarters left to be found between 2015 and 2020 yet three are still missing from 2011 alone.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2002, I found my first ever V nickel - 1912-P - at the venerable Gold Spike casino.


It was bound to happen. With only 17 unfound dates left, and most of them P-mints, coming up with no new finds was statistically likely sooner than later. Thankfully, today's $100 Cortez run produced a heckuva consolation prize - two more W's! Both were 2019: River of No Return and San Antonio Missions. I'm at 4 of 10 for the West Pointers. Hopefully the entire set will show itself by year's end.


1999-2009 US States (2)
04-P (Florida), 09-P (Puerto Rico)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (14)
10-P (Mt Hood), 11-P (Gettysburg, Olympic, Vicksburg), 11-D (Glacier), 12PD (El Yunque), 12-P (Chaco), 13-P (White Mountains, Great Basin), 14-P (Shenendoah), 18-P (Cumberland Is), 20-P (Weir Farm), 21-P (Tuskegee)

2021 - Crossing the Delaware (1)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's ($1,500 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (Circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2019-W (American Memorial Park) (2 mil)
2019-W (San Antonio Missions) (2 mil)
2019-W (River of No Return) (2 mil) (x3)
2020-W (Weir Farm) (2 mil) (x2)

Fun Stats: W's are making an appearance about every $200 or so.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2004, I completed a roll of 1958-P nickels.

Immy! Congrats on #500! Nice merc you snagged as well. Excited to see you mixing in some quarters these days. May your next hunt include a pre-65. :icon_thumright:

Immy! Congrats on #500! Nice merc you snagged as well. Excited to see you mixing in some quarters these days. May your next hunt include a pre-65. :icon_thumright:

Thanks Sleepy! If someone had told me I'd find a silver dime before a silver quarter I'd have said they were nuts, but it happened.

The first silver quarter will mean each denom - nickel thru half - has been represented. Stay tuned!


El El Yunque. That's right, the Puerto Rican National Park drought has come to an abrupt end today with a D-mint showing itself amongst the $100 I brought home. I'm as happy with finding this as I would a W-mint. None of the latter unfortunately, but a 2018 Cumberland Island P-mint also got marked off the list, leaving us with only 15 to go. I think it's realistic to expect that from this point on it'll be pretty tough to find more than one date from the want list, per $100 that is.


1999-2009 US States (2)
04-P (Florida), 09-P (Puerto Rico)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (12)
10-P (Mt Hood), 11-P (Gettysburg, Olympic, Vicksburg), 11-D (Glacier), 12-P (El Yunque, Chaco), 13-P (White Mountains, Great Basin), 14-P (Shenendoah), 20-P (Weir Farm), 21-P (Tuskegee)

2021 - Crossing the Delaware (1)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's ($1,600 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (Circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2019-W (American Memorial Park) (2 mil)
2019-W (San Antonio Missions) (2 mil)
2019-W (River of No Return) (2 mil) (x3)
2020-W (Weir Farm) (2 mil) (x2)

Fun Stats: 2011 Glacier (31 mil) outlasts all others to be the final unfound D-mint. Will it make it into the top ten?

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2004, the day after I completed the roll of 1958-P nickels, I completed a roll of 1951-D nickels. It was the second time rolls were completed on consecutive days. It first happened on May 22nd/23rd, 2002 with 1942-P (non-silver) and 1954-P nickels.


A bit of everything from the Cortez today. Starting off with an oddity - a 1978 Dominican Republic 5 centavos appearing in an otherwise uneventful nickel search. Quarters however had some great results. First off the 2004 Florida P-mint has at last been found, leaving the Puerto Rico as the only one left for that series. And from there it only gets better! Check out that 2017-S George Rogers Clark. It's the 2nd circulation strike S-mint I've found and has a super low mintage of 815,540. Tagging along with GRC was another 2019-W River of No Return making it the most common W-mint to this point.


1999-2009 US States (1)
09-P (Puerto Rico)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (12)
10-P (Mt Hood), 11-P (Gettysburg, Olympic, Vicksburg), 11-D (Glacier), 12-P (El Yunque, Chaco), 13-P (White Mountains, Great Basin), 14-P (Shenendoah), 20-P (Weir Farm), 21-P (Tuskegee)

2021 - Crossing the Delaware (1)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's ($1,700 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (Circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2017-S George Rogers Clark (Circ strike) (815,540)
2019-W (American Memorial Park) (2 mil)
2019-W (San Antonio Missions) (2 mil)
2019-W (River of No Return) (2 mil) (x4)
2020-W (Weir Farm) (2 mil) (x2)

Fun Stats: The 2017-S becomes the lowest mintage US coin I've found in the wild. It surpasses the 1926-S Buffalo nickel (970,000) which held the record for 13 years (1/5/08).

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2009, I found a 1924 Buffalo nickel.

El Cortez gets hot in the summer!

Uncompleted Rolls[TABLE="class: grid, width: 215, align: left"]
[TD]1950 [33] (1/23/21)[/TD]
[TD]1955 [25] (6/12/21)[/TD]
[TD]1939-S [17] (11/4/19)[/TD]
[TD]1938-S [5] (3/10/20)[/TD]
[TD]1939-D [4] (3/16/21)[/TD]
[TD]1938-D [3] (10/26/08)[/TD]
[TD]1950-D [2] (2/27/05)[/TD]
[TD]2135 of 2440 [87.5%][/TD]
[TD]1809 of 2000 [90.5%][/TD]


After quite a few fruitless nickel searches recently I finally came up with something to document - my first 1955-P since Oct of last year. Nice to add to an uncompleted roll for a change. Just to explain the above chart: the bottom figure in red represents the raw numbers (1809 nickels found out of a possible 2000) and the resulting completeness percentage. The red figures directly above that are the same but also include silver war nickels.

I think it's realistic to expect that from this point on it'll be pretty tough to find more than one date from the want list, per $100 that is.

Yeah, that turned out to be just wrong, and I'm pretty happy about it! FOUR dates got removed from the want list today, including the final D-mint (Glacier) and the P-mint El Yunque. Remember when I speculated they might make it into the top ten? And then neither did. I guess today's theme is don't rely on predictions. No W's or other oddities from today's $200 take home but I'm still pleased at the outcome.


1999-2009 US States (1)
09-P (Puerto Rico)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (8)
10-P (Mt Hood), 11-P (Gettysburg, Olympic), 12-P (Chaco), 13-P (White Mountains), 14-P (Shenendoah), 20-P (Weir Farm), 21-P (Tuskegee)

2021 - Crossing the Delaware (1)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's ($1,900 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (Circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2017-S George Rogers Clark (Circ strike) (815,540)
2019-W American Memorial Park (2 mil)
2019-W San Antonio Missions (2 mil)
2019-W River of No Return (2 mil) (x4)
2020-W Weir Farm (2 mil) (x2)

Fun Stats: It takes about $2,000 to find every D-mint quarter.

This Week in Casino Searching History: On this day in 1996, I found a 1990-S Lincoln cent, the only proof of my year long 100,000 penny survey. 25 years later and I'm in the midst of yet another survey.

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