Immy's Casino Royale


Silver Member
Mar 12, 2005
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Golden Thread
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All Treasure Hunting
Sleepy's dime thread was the inspiration for this (with apologies to the James Bond franchise). Now that I'm visiting the El Cortez more often than usual (aka one of the last coin-op casinos in Vegas) it's time to create a thread to post ongoing results. I can't say it'll be as frequently updated as Sleepy's, but count on at least one or two excursions a month with hopefully interesting finds. Only wish I had the stamina and eyesight of my younger years. :dontknow:

In addition, with about 35 years of casino searching in the books, I'll augment my posts with stats and trivia from past casino visits.

Yesterday was a pretty great day amongst the nickels. These two beauties were in my bucket from around $100 searched. And after some Nik-A-Date treatment the year 1916 emerged. 2nd buffalo this year!

I always try to situate myself near the self-serve coin counters since the reject chutes are good sources of stuff. Yesterday was no exception. A guy came in with a large bag of non-casino coins. We got chatting and he said he got them from a storage unit he bought. Told him I'd take any rejects he didn't want and he gave me the 1981 Taiwan 10 dollars pictured above. Checking another machine also got me the 1950 Hong Kong 10 cent-er, my oldest foreign coin this year. Great stuff!

Fun Stats: Last 1916 buffalo I found was on 4/27/04. And, amazingly, the last 45-S war nickel I found on...9/3/11, exactly eight years ago to the day! :o

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 1999, I completed a roll of 1954-D nickels.

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Upvote 3
You do seem to have mastered those quarters, Immy.

And they have mastered me (apologies to Oscar Wilde).

Not only am I severely pining for these last four but I'm not sure how long to continue after they're found. Do I then continue until all ten W's are found, or do I take a much needed break until the new series starts next year? Decisions, decisions.

"Decisions, decisions." ? More like "a first world problem". But yeah, I get it. Happy Hunting


New month, new Cortez finds, but sadly none of the last four needed dates. However...another new W-mint to tick off - 2019-W War in the Pacific making it 6 out of 10 and leaving Lowell as the final 2019-W to find. Also scored this 1967 onto which someone scratched the message "To Mom Love You". Wonder what the story was behind this and how the recipient reacted. Cool find amongst the $200.


1999-2009 US States (1)
09-P (Puerto Rico)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (2)
10-P (Mt Hood), 20-P (Weir Farm)

2021 - Crossing the Delaware (1)

2019-2020 W-mint (4)
2019 (Lowell)
2020 (National Park/Bats)
2020 (Salt River Bay)
2020 (Marsh Billings)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's ($3,500 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (Circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2017-S George Rogers Clark (Circ strike) (815,540)
2019-S San Antonio Missions (Circ strike) (853,620)
2019-W American Memorial Park (2 mil) (x2)
2019-W War in the Pacific (2 mil)
2019-W San Antonio Missions (2 mil)
2019-W River of No Return (2 mil) (x5)
2020-W Weir Farm (2 mil) (x3)
2020-W Tallgrass Prairie (2 mil)


$100 searched in-casino had some success in the NIFC department, producing a 2007-P, 2009-P and the usual batch of 2018-D's. My NIFC completion rate has now reached 10 of 42. And here's a first. For years I saw others finding these dual-dated, counterstamped halves but I'd never found one. Here's my first example, plated with the extra dates 1960 & 1980. Pretty neat!

Fun Stats: The 2009-P half is the third half dollar I've found (fourth if you count the Lost 2008-P) that has a lower mintage than West Point quarters.

This Week in Casino Searching History: The summer of 2002 was a great time for casino nickel hunting. Six rolls were completed in July and August, with the 1953 being topped off this week.


The dog days of summer are upon us and it seems to be extending to quarters too. Nothing found today at the Cortez to further the set completion, though one bright spot was West Pointer #7 of 10 - a scuffy but still gorgeous 2020-W Salt River Bay. D-mint Puerto Rico's keeping trolling me but I know I'll eventually snag one.


1999-2009 US States (1)
09-P (Puerto Rico)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (2)
10-P (Mt Hood), 20-P (Weir Farm)

2021 - Crossing the Delaware (1)

2019-2020 W-mint (3)
2019 (Lowell)
2020 (National Park/Bats)
2020 (Marsh Billings)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's ($3,700 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (Circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2017-S George Rogers Clark (Circ strike) (815,540)
2019-S San Antonio Missions (Circ strike) (853,620)
2019-W American Memorial Park (2 mil) (x2)
2019-W War in the Pacific (2 mil)
2019-W San Antonio Missions (2 mil)
2019-W River of No Return (2 mil) (x5)
2020-W Weir Farm (2 mil) (x3)
2020-W Salt River Bay (2 mil)
2020-W Tallgrass Prairie (2 mil)


Casino searching continues to rack up the NIFC's. 2008-D & 2011-D were today's finds, upping the total to 12 of 42.

Fun Stats: An interesting facet of NIFC halves is that low mintages don't seem to correspond with rareness. Today's two dates are tied for the lowest mintages of the NIFC series yet they were fairly easy finds.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2006, a 1920-S would become the last Buffalo nickel I'd find at the Rivera Hotel - my old workplace - before they went coinless.

Cortez triple header this week!

Wartime Nickels [509][TABLE="class: grid, width: 225, align: left"]
[TD]1942-P (11/4/19) [31][/TD]
[TD]1942-S (12/10/19) [22][/TD]
[TD]1943-P (5/17/21) [105][/TD]
[TD]1943-D (9/15/09) [9][/TD]
[TD]1943-S (8/4/21) [103][/TD]
[TD]1944-P (12/17/19) [53][/TD]
[TD]1944-D (9/24/19) [21][/TD]
[TD]1944-S (10/30/20) [22][/TD]
[TD]1945-P (6/15/21) [59][/TD]
[TD]1945-D (8/12/11) [21][/TD]
[TD]1945-S (3/23/21) [63][/TD]


Overdue trip into nickel country paid off today with wartime #10 for the year - 1943-S. An added bonus was this 1975 Swiss franc abandoned in the coin counter reject chute.


Good thing nickels were successful since quarters were a whole lotta nada.


1999-2009 US States (1)
09-P (Puerto Rico)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (2)
10-P (Mt Hood), 20-P (Weir Farm)

2021 - Crossing the Delaware (1)

2019-2020 W-mint (3)
2019 (Lowell)
2020 (National Park/Bats)
2020 (Marsh Billings)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's ($3,900 searched)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (Circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2017-S George Rogers Clark (Circ strike) (815,540)
2019-S San Antonio Missions (Circ strike) (853,620)
2019-W American Memorial Park (2 mil) (x2)
2019-W War in the Pacific (2 mil)
2019-W San Antonio Missions (2 mil)
2019-W River of No Return (2 mil) (x5)
2020-W Weir Farm (2 mil) (x3)
2020-W Salt River Bay (2 mil)
2020-W Tallgrass Prairie (2 mil)


NIFC's ahoy! 2004-P & 2011-P became part of the collection today bringing the total to 14 of 42.

Fun Stats: At the current rate I should have half of the 42 NIFC's by summer's end.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2002, I completed a roll of 1956 nickels.


Hold on a minute! Could it be? Is it? It is!!! The only thing that could make me happier than another W or one of the remaining missing dates happened today thanks to upping my take home total. Breaking into the silver years was a long time coming and this 1964-D is a sight for sore eyes (and grimy fingers!). Let's hope it's not a fluke.


1999-2009 US States (1)
09-P (Puerto Rico)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (2)
10-P (Mt Hood), 20-P (Weir Farm)

2021 - Crossing the Delaware (1)

2019-2020 W-mint (3)
2019 (Lowell)
2020 (National Park/Bats)
2020 (Marsh Billings)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's ($4,200 searched)
1964-D (704 mil)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (Circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2017-S George Rogers Clark (Circ strike) (815,540)
2019-S San Antonio Missions (Circ strike) (853,620)
2019-W American Memorial Park (2 mil) (x2)
2019-W War in the Pacific (2 mil)
2019-W San Antonio Missions (2 mil)
2019-W River of No Return (2 mil) (x5)
2020-W Weir Farm (2 mil) (x3)
2020-W Salt River Bay (2 mil)
2020-W Tallgrass Prairie (2 mil)


Skunked! Nuf said.

Fun Stats: An informal $5,000 quarter survey I did in the early 2000's at the Riviera (informal meaning no stats were kept) had similar results with only one silver discovered, though it was a doozy...1938-S in EF condition.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2006, I found the oldest impaired proof in all my years of casino hunting, a 1961 nickel.

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gray = wanted
black = Found
Another Coinstar score today that also netted me this 1947 dime. It's a new addition to the list and brings my total to 18 of 48.

Nickels are my favorite coin to find, and those guys are what I shoot for....!


With so few new discoveries lately, it's kind of an extra delight when something is found. F'rintance, this rough looking 2019-W Lowell which completes the 2019 West Point set. I'm now down to just two 2020's. Which will get finished first - the West Pointers or the regular series?


1999-2009 US States (1)
09-P (Puerto Rico)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Except S's or W's] (2)
10-P (Mt Hood), 20-P (Weir Farm)

2021 - Crossing the Delaware (1)

2019-2020 W-mint (2)
2020 (National Park/Bats)
2020 (Marsh Billings)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's ($4,400 searched)
1964-D (704 mil)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (Circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2017-S George Rogers Clark (Circ strike) (815,540)
2019-S San Antonio Missions (Circ strike) (853,620)
2019-W Lowell (2 mil)
2019-W American Memorial Park (2 mil) (x2)
2019-W War in the Pacific (2 mil)
2019-W San Antonio Missions (2 mil)
2019-W River of No Return (2 mil) (x5)
2020-W Weir Farm (2 mil) (x3)
2020-W Salt River Bay (2 mil)
2020-W Tallgrass Prairie (2 mil)


I was noticing that in the roughly $1,500 of searched halves I've done this year, there aren't many proofs. Not typical, as Vegas slots have proven over the years. So just to pick up the ratio, today's batch coughed up this nice 1980-S.

Fun Stats: $1,500 in quarters has been searched since the list was whittled down to just four.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2002, I found a 2002-S nickel, my only same-year proof casino find.

Ladies & Gentlemen...we're down to 2!


Doubling up on my home search amount really paid off today. No W's or silver but hot damn, two of the last four dates have been found! 2009-P Puerto Rico at last showed itself, finally completing the US States series. I would've been plenty happy with just that, but along came 2020-P Weir Farm to add to the fun. It leaves only 2010-P Mount Hood and 2021-P Crossing the Delaware as the lone holdouts. How great (and tidy!) would it be if both were found in the next $200? That would be an even $5,000 searched. I'm not holding my breath. :laughing7:

And to add more variety to the hunt, this cool 1996 Panamanian quarter balboa was among the quarters.


1999-2009 US States

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Except S's or W's] (1)
10-P (Mt Hood)

2021 - Crossing the Delaware (1)

2019-2020 W-mint (2)
2020 (National Park/Bats)
2020 (Marsh Billings)

SILVER/NIFC's/S's/W's/MISC ($4,800 searched)
1964-D (704 mil)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (Circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2017-S George Rogers Clark (Circ strike) (815,540)
2019-S San Antonio Missions (Circ strike) (853,620)
2019-W Lowell (2 mil)
2019-W American Memorial Park (2 mil) (x2)
2019-W War in the Pacific (2 mil)
2019-W San Antonio Missions (2 mil)
2019-W River of No Return (2 mil) (x5)
2020-W Weir Farm (2 mil) (x3)
2020-W Salt River Bay (2 mil)
2020-W Tallgrass Prairie (2 mil)
1996 Panama quarter balboa


Nothing found. Quarters were the real star today.

Fun Stats: I've now found Panamanian coins in cent, nickel and quarter denoms from casino slots.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2002, I completed a roll of 1947-S nickels.

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With so few new discoveries lately, it's kind of an extra delight when something is found. F'rintance, this rough looking 2019-W Lowell which completes the 2019 West Point set. I'm now down to just two 2020's. Which will get finished first - the West Pointers or the regular series?


1999-2009 US States (1)
09-P (Puerto Rico)

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Except S's or W's] (2)
10-P (Mt Hood), 20-P (Weir Farm)

2021 - Crossing the Delaware (1)

2019-2020 W-mint (2)
2020 (National Park/Bats)
2020 (Marsh Billings)

SILVER/NIFCS/S's/W's ($4,400 searched)
1964-D (704 mil)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (Circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2017-S George Rogers Clark (Circ strike) (815,540)
2019-S San Antonio Missions (Circ strike) (853,620)
2019-W Lowell (2 mil)
2019-W American Memorial Park (2 mil) (x2)
2019-W War in the Pacific (2 mil)
2019-W San Antonio Missions (2 mil)
2019-W River of No Return (2 mil) (x5)
2020-W Weir Farm (2 mil) (x3)
2020-W Salt River Bay (2 mil)
2020-W Tallgrass Prairie (2 mil)


I was noticing that in the roughly $1,500 of searched halves I've done this year, there aren't many proofs. Not typical, as Vegas slots have proven over the years. So just to pick up the ratio, today's batch coughed up this nice 1980-S.

Fun Stats: $1,500 in quarters has been searched since the list was whittled down to just four.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2002, I found a 2002-S nickel, my only same-year proof casino find.

Really nice, I am amazed at how many W mint quarters you find.

Really nice, I am amazed at how many W mint quarters you find.

Really? I'm sort of unfamiliar with how regularly people find them. Is 15 quarters out of almost 20,000 above average? Curious what others think.

Really? I'm sort of unfamiliar with how regularly people find them. Is 15 quarters out of almost 20,000 above average? Curious what others think.

Yeah, I don't know how regularly they are found either, but since the start of 2019, I have looked at just under $4,000 worth of rolled quarters and have not found one.

Yeah, I don't know how regularly they are found either, but since the start of 2019, I have looked at just under $4,000 worth of rolled quarters and have not found one.

Seriously? Yikes. I hope your drought ends soon.


We've reached $5,000 searched and the last $200 was underwhelming to say the least. Nothing to note, but I've noticed the Crossing the Delaware's are becoming more numerous (about 12-15 per batch) so it's just a matter of time before the P-mint shows up. Mt Hood is conspicuously less common, on average only 1-2 per $200, so I'll make a "bold" prediction that it'll be the final coin.


1999-2009 US States

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Except S's or W's] (1)
10-P (Mt Hood)

2021 - Crossing the Delaware (1)

2019-2020 W-mint (2)
2020 (National Park/Bats)
2020 (Marsh Billings)

SILVER/NIFC's/S's/W's/MISC ($5,000 searched)
1964-D (704 mil)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (Circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2017-S George Rogers Clark (Circ strike) (815,540)
2019-S San Antonio Missions (Circ strike) (853,620)
2019-W Lowell (2 mil)
2019-W American Memorial Park (2 mil) (x2)
2019-W War in the Pacific (2 mil)
2019-W San Antonio Missions (2 mil)
2019-W River of No Return (2 mil) (x5)
2020-W Weir Farm (2 mil) (x3)
2020-W Salt River Bay (2 mil)
2020-W Tallgrass Prairie (2 mil)
1996 Panama quarter balboa

Fun $5k Stats: Despite my incomplete results, I think it's reasonable to expect an entire set of 289 US quarters can be assembled from ten boxes worth, though the W's may take more searching. My prediction of 17 W-mints fell a couple short.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 2002, I completed a roll of 1940-S nickels.

Got my first 2021 coin in change today. Can't believe it took until late August. That's what I get perhaps for leaving the city in 2012 and moving out into a much more rural area. It was a quarter and I immediately thought of you Immy, and had to check your list. Sadly it's the Denver minted Crossing of the Delaware, and not the Philly version you still seek. I would have mailed it to you. Good luck in your continued "Grail quest". Thurm

Wartime Nickels [510][TABLE="class: grid, width: 225, align: left"]
[TD]1942-P (11/4/19) [31][/TD]
[TD]1942-S (12/10/19) [22][/TD]
[TD]1943-P (8/22/21) [106][/TD]
[TD]1943-D (9/15/09) [9][/TD]
[TD]1943-S (8/4/21) [103][/TD]
[TD]1944-P (12/17/19) [53][/TD]
[TD]1944-D (9/24/19) [21][/TD]
[TD]1944-S (10/30/20) [22][/TD]
[TD]1945-P (6/15/21) [59][/TD]
[TD]1945-D (8/12/11) [21][/TD]
[TD]1945-S (3/23/21) [63][/TD]


With all the emphasis I've been putting on quarters lately, it's always nice to return to nickels, especially since there's only 12 machines left at the El Cortez and who knows when they'll decide to mothball them entirely (one of the staff "joked" to me about them doing just that :icon_pale:). So I was glad to rescue this 1943-P wartime today.


Two Mt Hood and eleven Crossing the Delaware...all D mints. Dang! My consolation prize was a 2019-W Lowell.


1999-2009 US States

2010-2021 ATB/National Parks [Not counting S's or W's] (1)
10-P (Mt Hood)

2021 - Crossing the Delaware (1)

2019-2020 W-mint (2)
2020 (National Park/Bats)
2020 (Marsh Billings)

SILVER/NIFC's/S's/W's/MISC ($5,200 searched)
1964-D (704 mil)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (Circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2017-S George Rogers Clark (Circ strike) (815,540)
2019-S San Antonio Missions (Circ strike) (853,620)
2019-W Lowell (2 mil) (x2)
2019-W American Memorial Park (2 mil) (x2)
2019-W War in the Pacific (2 mil)
2019-W San Antonio Missions (2 mil)
2019-W River of No Return (2 mil) (x5)
2020-W Weir Farm (2 mil) (x3)
2020-W Salt River Bay (2 mil)
2020-W Tallgrass Prairie (2 mil)
1996 Panama quarter balboa

Fun Stats: The next wartime will be my twelfth of the year, equaling 2020's total.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 1999, I found a 1944-S wartime. I've kept a record of every silver nickel found since then.

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I've climbed the mountain...peaked...reached the summit. Those analogies became reality today when the sole 2010 Mount Hood in today's batch turned out to be a P-mint.
To quote the reverse of the 2005 nickel: "O! The joy!" :hello2: :hello2:

And with that discovery, I'm gonna take a break from the casino for a bit, at least thru Labor Day. "But Immy" you might say, "You haven't found a 2021 Crossing the Delaware or the final two W mints." I realize the quarter set is truly incomplete without those final three, and I'll still hunt for them in the future, but I accomplished what I set out to do back in March. The P-mint Crossing the Delaware will eventually cross my path when they finally make it out west, and the final two W's are just a matter of time (today's hunt also netted a W-mint Salt River Bay and Tallgrass).

And to be honest, while I enjoy the hell out of the hunt, my days off over past five months have been occupied mostly with this pursuit. Once the Vegas heat starts to ebb next month I want to enjoy other pastimes. I'll still hit the Cortez, but not as often. I hope this "journey" (ugh, hate how overused that word is) was at least mildly enjoyable to follow. It's certainly not over...


2021 - Crossing the Delaware (1)

2019-2020 W-mint (2)
2020 (National Park/Bats)
2020 (Marsh Billings)

SILVER/NIFC's/S's/W's/MISC ($5,400 searched)
1964-D (704 mil)
2009-S Guam (2.1 mil)
2013-S Great Basin (Circ strike) (1.3 mil)
2017-S George Rogers Clark (Circ strike) (815,540)
2019-S San Antonio Missions (Circ strike) (853,620)
2019-W Lowell (2 mil) (x2)
2019-W American Memorial Park (2 mil) (x2)
2019-W War in the Pacific (2 mil)
2019-W San Antonio Missions (2 mil)
2019-W River of No Return (2 mil) (x5)
2020-W Weir Farm (2 mil) (x3)
2020-W Salt River Bay (2 mil) (x2)
2020-W Tallgrass Prairie (2 mil) (x2)
1996 Panama quarter balboa

Fun Stats: It took 157 days and $5,400 to complete the above series.

This Week in Casino Searching History: August 25th, 2008 was the last time I completed a roll of nickels - 1948-S.

Wartime Nickels [511][TABLE="class: grid, width: 225, align: left"]
[TD]1942-P (11/4/19) [31][/TD]
[TD]1942-S (12/10/19) [22][/TD]
[TD]1943-P (9/6/21) [107][/TD]
[TD]1943-D (9/15/09) [9][/TD]
[TD]1943-S (8/4/21) [103][/TD]
[TD]1944-P (12/17/19) [53][/TD]
[TD]1944-D (9/24/19) [21][/TD]
[TD]1944-S (10/30/20) [22][/TD]
[TD]1945-P (6/15/21) [59][/TD]
[TD]1945-D (8/12/11) [21][/TD]
[TD]1945-S (3/23/21) [63][/TD]

What's going here? Been a couple of weeks away from the casino but the ol' Cortez seems to be beckoning me back. Evidence this 1943-P war nickel, found today from a different sort of machine...a Coinstar. In 12+ years of searching those wonderful green machines I've never found a silver nickel. We'll see if I can manage a visit before the week is over.

Fun Stats: This is my fifth 43-P for 2021. The last time I found more in one year was 2009 when I nabbed twice as many.

This Week in Casino Searching History: In 1987, the casino gave up a 1972-S nickel, the earliest date in my records that a proof coin was found in the wild.

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gray = wanted
black = Found
Friends gave me about $150 in change to look thru yesterday. Bunch of keepers but this dime was the standout.

All the good stuff:

1937, 1946, 1953-D wheaties
1961 Roos
2002-P Canadian quarter
1970 Mexico 50 centavos
2000 Philippines 1 piso
Cinemark game token

...and a 3 volt lithium battery ::)

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