Ice Cold Gold - Animal Planet

Yea I thought they over did that also :laughing7:
I wonder how many times they Messed around on Purpose .
I know I would have as long as there was no one below me to catch a rolling Boulder :thumbsup:

there was NO script... for us.

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Hey MadJack Me,

Would I be correct if I assumed that you are part of the crew on the show? I like the show as a whole. But, some shows are phony, scripted, and horribly edited. Along with other negative aspects new shows have.
It is inevitable that people will pick shows to pieces if the producers, directors, and editors don't do their job correctly. If people are going to blow huge amounts of money (especially filming in Greenland) making a "reality" show. They should try a little harder to make it believable and interesting. Nobody cares for poorly written material and nobody will maintain their interest if DRAMA gets out of hand.

well so far I'm still recording each show to watch in the morning.

And haven't re-locked Animal Planet out of my house yet.

so it must be OK to me :laughing7:

Like I'd mentioned on the other thread regarding this show, I think it's great that Jack is on here to comment. I'm really curious to see how things actually played out with feedback from someone who was there....and not just what some producer edited and wants you to see. I'm still enjoying the show and look forward to next week!!

Matt & Jeff, we have NO control over what production decides is "good for TV".
And... there was NO script... for us.

I was just talking about the voice over, not anything being said by onscreen folks. It just seemed like they edited it to cause dramatic alarm every time someone so much as slipped. I don't really need more money spent on the show to make it better, just a recognition that this "reality TV formula" they want to use to churn out these shows is FLAWED at a basic level by assuming every viewer wants as much drama created as possible by production and editing. That may play well with a portion of the population, but is that audience your primary demographic for this show? I guess all I can say is that kind of thing doesn't appeal to me at all.

I was just talking about the voice over, not anything being said by onscreen folks. It just seemed like they edited it to cause dramatic alarm every time someone so much as slipped. I don't really need more money spent on the show to make it better, just a recognition that this "reality TV formula" they want to use to churn out these shows is FLAWED at a basic level by assuming every viewer wants as much drama created as possible by production and editing. That may play well with a portion of the population, but is that audience your primary demographic for this show? I guess all I can say is that kind of thing doesn't appeal to me at all.

I noticed on some shows, Allot of the drama is increased by the music Sounds in the Back-round .
I haven't noticed if they do it also. it's kind of Subliminal on some.
Ghost hunters was sickening because of That. When someone jumped from a noise,
right before a commercial,
I didn't need to hear a loud musical tone or drum beat instead of the so-called noise.

I am no fan of Editors. Raw Footage would Do me

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Beck, I am one of the cast, in front of the camera.

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Same here.... I think the dramatic music thing worked well back in the 1930s - the 80s. It doesn't work as well now because we are quite a bit more intelligent and know when or if something is attention-getting or dramatic.
I see it very frequently on the show Swamp People. But everything turns out to be something silly or doesn't warrant the dramatic climax.

@MadJack. . . Yeah, that's what I meant - Team = Crew & vise-versa.
Don't get me wrong though. I like the show. Especially where it is being filmed at.
I used to travel with a geologist back in the 80s and almost made the trip to Greenland. My geologist friend used to tell me about how she always wanted to know what kind of geology Greenland had. Knowing it was obviously very similar to northern Canada but also unique as well.
I can't tell you how much I have always wanted to go there and I can only hope you guys are very successful on an island of bountiful riches. Most of all, I hope you enjoy the adventure.

Beck, I am one of the cast, in front of the camera.

Matt, I know and understood what you meant. I also agree with your opinion of producers/editors.

Jeff, the raw footage would be fantastic with all the funny things that were said and happened.

Spending weeks with flaming liberals was by far the toughest part!

Just out of curiosity, I wonder if you could tell us just how the cast was chosen and who's idea was it to have the prospecting trip to Greenland produced as a reality show?

By the way, I'm on board with you about the liberals. :icon_thumright:


I would like to know that too. I am bewildered by the whole thing.

Please elaborate

I said this before about this show. Be carefull of how the libs and wackos portray miners and mining in general. We all know how they made the miners on the other shows look like drunken brawling bafoons. I don't trust them as far as I can piss against the wind.

I have to say it bored me so bad I had to turn it both times. And I mostly watch documentaries and history shows.... So for it to bore me, it had to be pretty boring.. Lol

How do you make working in a paper company office interesting enough to watch each week (Dunder Mifflin Paper Company)? How do you make tough, back-breaking work (gold prospecting) exciting to John and Jill America? This is television folks. If they can't sell advertising there is no show. To sell advertising they need ratings. You must have drama (think “death slope”), a villain, protagonist, comedy, and suspense.

The producers don’t give a rats tail about reality, they want advertising gold. “Gold Rush Alaska” set the bar and validated the “formula.” If you watch the show to be entertained great, but if you watch it to learn something, you are a sucker – in my unvarnished opinion. Face it, they spent more money to go to Greenland and shoot this abomination than they will EVER recover in gold. The payoff is advertising dollars.

I have to say it bored me so bad I had to turn it both times. And I mostly watch documentaries and history shows.... So for it to bore me, it had to be pretty boring.. Lol

I would much rather watch a documentary than an "edited for drama" so called reality show but then I am often referred to as a nerd by my peers. :tongue3:

As Terry pointed out, advertising dollars are what the networks are after and the number one show on discovery channel for the last 3 years was Gold Rush Alaska, so that formula is going to be repeated time and time again to garner ratings in spite of what intelligent folks find interesting to spend their spare time viewing.

With that being said, I can relate to the adventure aspects and the uncertainty of prospecting a new territory, and even though I long for some educational documentary type narration I still find the show and the interaction of the cast along with the sheer beauty of the island captivating enough to wade through the fodder.


I have to say it bored me so bad I had to turn it both times. And I mostly watch documentaries and history shows.... So for it to bore me, it had to be pretty boring.. Lol

I totally agree. I can't imagine how the producers think this show is going to go anywhere except down in flames. Watched 2 shows and they haven't even come close to finding any real gold to speak of so they add drama between the crew. I had high hopes for this show but It just isn't doing anything for me but make me change the channel.

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After GDGR posts MJ for years I was surprised to hear you went as always seemed to be private person and hold cards close to the vest. Good bucks and a adventure are cool but that place seems down right hostile. Buds in kalif just signed contract for motherlode show so who knows??? Leonard posted a thread on GDGR for gem/diamond hunter show too. Seems since we are becoming extinct as they all want a piece a the pie whilst all our rights die sic sic sic-John

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