I took my DFX down memory lane

Hello, Dan,

What a great adventure that would have been for you. These pics, that fit in so well with your story brings back some
good old memories for me, too. I, too was a teen in the "fabulous 50's so I can just imagine how much that badge would
mean to you. Congratulations on your whole story. So glad for you that everything worked out so good for you.

Thank you so much for sharing it,

Ray karenray08

Wonderful story, thanks very much for sharing with us.
I remember burying a plastic bag with monopoly money in the front yard as a kid. ;D

HH to you.

this story made me tear up a little after reading it i am going to get a picture of me at my old house and do the same thing and also with the same md i also had a maverick but mine had a 351 windsor with a 4 speed headers and drag radials on it got my first speeding in it got my dl on a monday and a ticket on saturday night .thamks for the memories.

:thumbsup:I love this walk down memory lane , my grandson was so amazed by what the tv looked like back then,he liked your play guns,he loves to play with his collection too.

Thanks for sharing :thumbsup:

Dang! that was a great thread. You must have felt on top of the world finding a badge . It's gonna take a while to top that trip down memory lane.

P.S I'm jealous

Dang, you must be the same age as me!

wonderful post! actually made me tear up. reminded me of when i was a kid growing up with mom and dad ( who are now gone) my brother and sisters and playing out in the yard, with my dog who's name was bullett. memories sustain us, and i thank you for sharing yours with us. thanks again, keith

What a great post. Thanks for sharing the story and pics.

Great story!

I always think about back when I was younger, although, it wasn't that long ago :wink: I miss those days. Not a care in the world.

You sure do look alot like your grandmother!

Well, this week I went to detect another house very close to the one this post is about. Just after I got started a young kind came walking up the driveway and asked if I remembered him. He was one of the neighborhood kids that "hunted" with me at my old home. He asked if I had my pin pointer with him and if he could use it again. Before long word got around and I had 4 or 5 "helpers" on my heals. Aw, to be young again. :wink:

Fantastic post !! :coffee2:

That picture of you with all those guns reminded me of that movie MAD MAX.


Schrecky said:
I live about one-half mile from the house where I was raised. Although the house is not real old I decided to go and ask permission to hunt the yard in hopes of finding something from my childhood. What an experience I had. The house looks like this today.


I lived in this house from the late 1950’s until I got married and moved out in the early 1970’s. This is a picture of me, my sisters, and my grandmother standing in front of the house around 1958.


Before going to ask permission I searched through my photos for one to take with me to show that I had lived there. I came up with this one from 1971.


When I went to the door a lady answered and after telling her why I was there, what I wanted to do, and showing her the picture she gave me permission to detect. While I was standing on the porch her husband pulled into the driveway and he and three kids got out of the car. The boy was 10 years old and the two sisters were younger. The oldest girl was a blond. I was immediately reminded of my family when we live there in the 1960’s. I was the oldest child and had two younger sisters; the oldest one was also a blond. This family reminded me so much of my family. They were very friendly and invited me in to look around. As I stepped in the door and I can’t tell you how many memories came rushing to meet me. I just stood there and took everything in, it was amazing. The house looked much the same as I remembered 20 to 30 years earlier. The boy had the same bedroom that I had. The dressers my Dad built into the walls were still there. The attic door where my parents hid our Christmas presents was still there.

Now during the time I lived here the Cuban Missile Crisis happened around 1960. For those of you who are too young to know about this event, Russia set up missiles in Cuba which created a great threat to our country. The United States set up a blockade of all ships going to Cuba which resulted in a very tense situation. My Dad was in the Civil Defense and because of the missile threat people were encouraged to build fallout shelters in there basements to protect them from a nuclear attack on our country. My Dad built one in the basement of this house. I asked if the shelter was still there and the boy immediately asked if my hand print was one of the ones in the concrete ceiling leading into the shelter. I told him it was and we went downstairs to look at them. Here are our hand prints.



My hand print is the third one from the left with “Dan” over it.

The night after my first trip to this house I got very little sleep. I just kept remembering so many things about living in this house, it was overwhelming.

I finally got around to metal detecting. I enjoy detecting with kids and made four trips to hunt with my “helpers” (and other kids from the neighborhood). Here are the three kids that lived at the house.


There was a lot of junk and lots of clad which I gave to the kids. They were so excited. They wanted everything no matter what it was. They were impressed that I could tell them most of the time what the target would be before I dug it. At one point I mentioned that this target was going to be junk and one of them said “I haven’t got any junk yet, can I have it”.

There were quite a few wheat pennies and one Rosie.


Now, remember that I said I was hoping to find something that was mine? In the front yard I dug up a piece of a kid’s Lone Ranger badge. Close to the same area I ended up finding two more pieces of the same badge. When I put the three pieces together here is what I had.


I was so excited because my mind went back to a picture I had seen of me at a young age wearing a cowboy outfit and a lot of toy guns. I called my Dad and had him search through his pictures to see if he could find the photo. He found it. I asked him over the phone if I was wearing a badge. He said that I was. Here is the picture.


Now if you look closely at my right chest area you will see a badge. I believe that it is the same badge I found in the front yard. I consider this one of my best finds.

This will certainly be one of my most “memorable” hunts.

Very nice story . I went back to the house that I grew up in which is now owned by the fish and wildlife service and it is used for collage students to stay and study the wild life of mobile bay. I stopped by there about 7 years years ago and told the students who I was and they were all amazed when I told them of the old family history going back to the 1800s and all the pasted down stories I had heard from the pirate days,civil war and even WW2 activity. The house sure seemed smaller though.I was 13 when we moved.

Shaw said:
Thanks for the pictures and the journey, Possibly one of the coolest threads I have read here.

I bet that badge is one of your greatest find to date.


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