My heart goes out to you and your family! It has never made sense to me who this disease pulls an all-out attack on and who it leaves alone. We've had friends of friends die from it here in the Western part of Texas. An ex-brother-in-law succumbed to it after a week-plus on a ventilator but no one closer to that, thank God.
I've had all three "flavors" of it as far as I can tell. The first was in March of '20 when it all started going around but no one else in the house got it. Slept with my wife the whole time but she has that O-negative blood that's supposed to be resistant to a lot of infections. Our daughter and her daughter was living with us at the time and I suspect the granddaughter brought it home from school. It ran its course and was like a light version of the flu with some heightened aspects like the chills were incredibly intense. The chest congestion came after the fever left and took about 2 weeks to leave. Never went to the doctor because they were starting to act strangely about the whole thing.
The second bout was probably the Delta back in September of last year because it started as a sinus infection that just wouldn't quit. I'm a big fan of sinus rinse. I add a little Listerine (not the sweet stuff) to it and it usually takes out just about anything starting to take root there. This bug persisted for five days, from a Wednesday to Sunday, until I knew I had to take something for it. I debated with myself between some left over antibiotic or some Ivermectin paste we'd had around for several months. Opted for the Ivermectin and the whole thing was almost gone in two hours time! Fever, chills, chest congestion, all of it.
The last time was this past January and it was probably the Omicron variety and it WAS extremely transmissible. Our granddaughter had it and I took care of her so it was natural for me to get it, too. Hers was over and done with in a couple of days. I took the Ivermectin again and it took about 5 to 6 hours for it to go away that time. Several weeks later we all three - wife, granddaughter and I - took a trip to Ft. Worth/Dallas to see a show. No masks, none of us vaxxxed and didn't catch so much as a sniffle. Natural immunity is a significant deterrent to this bug but a new one comes around each time just like the flu.
None of us are vaxxxed except for my son's family and they're in the category of high co-morbitity factors with their weight and pre-diabetic conditions. To make matters worse they vaccinated their two little girls that are 6 and 9 and they came down with the Omicron the week my granddaughter and I got it, too. Who gets reoccurring infections - they do. Our daughter is not vaxxed but her husband had to get it to keep his job and, yes, he gets all kinds of infections - strep, more covid and what not. Needless to say we're staying far, far away from doctors and going to the feed stores for our meds. My physician doses himself and his kids with Ivermectin and gave me the dosage amounts by weight for all of us.
God help us all!