I think I can finally talk about it

I'm sorry for your loss and I CAN relate to this. I lost my precious wife two years ago to cancer. The only thing that keeps me going, until it's my time, is metal detecting. God Bless.
Amen so sorry to hear about your loss 🙏🏻

Been there brother , one the worst pains one person can feel ! I remember up to a two year later lost in the bottle cursing god for taking mine , but a word of advice . Remember we all have purpose in life and for me, me and the man are back on speaking terms and I found my path again . I wish for you to find your path as well my friend . If you need a ear Hollar brother !
Much appreciated

My heart goes out to you and your family! It has never made sense to me who this disease pulls an all-out attack on and who it leaves alone. We've had friends of friends die from it here in the Western part of Texas. An ex-brother-in-law succumbed to it after a week-plus on a ventilator but no one closer to that, thank God.

I've had all three "flavors" of it as far as I can tell. The first was in March of '20 when it all started going around but no one else in the house got it. Slept with my wife the whole time but she has that O-negative blood that's supposed to be resistant to a lot of infections. Our daughter and her daughter was living with us at the time and I suspect the granddaughter brought it home from school. It ran its course and was like a light version of the flu with some heightened aspects like the chills were incredibly intense. The chest congestion came after the fever left and took about 2 weeks to leave. Never went to the doctor because they were starting to act strangely about the whole thing.

The second bout was probably the Delta back in September of last year because it started as a sinus infection that just wouldn't quit. I'm a big fan of sinus rinse. I add a little Listerine (not the sweet stuff) to it and it usually takes out just about anything starting to take root there. This bug persisted for five days, from a Wednesday to Sunday, until I knew I had to take something for it. I debated with myself between some left over antibiotic or some Ivermectin paste we'd had around for several months. Opted for the Ivermectin and the whole thing was almost gone in two hours time! Fever, chills, chest congestion, all of it.

The last time was this past January and it was probably the Omicron variety and it WAS extremely transmissible. Our granddaughter had it and I took care of her so it was natural for me to get it, too. Hers was over and done with in a couple of days. I took the Ivermectin again and it took about 5 to 6 hours for it to go away that time. Several weeks later we all three - wife, granddaughter and I - took a trip to Ft. Worth/Dallas to see a show. No masks, none of us vaxxxed and didn't catch so much as a sniffle. Natural immunity is a significant deterrent to this bug but a new one comes around each time just like the flu.

None of us are vaxxxed except for my son's family and they're in the category of high co-morbitity factors with their weight and pre-diabetic conditions. To make matters worse they vaccinated their two little girls that are 6 and 9 and they came down with the Omicron the week my granddaughter and I got it, too. Who gets reoccurring infections - they do. Our daughter is not vaxxed but her husband had to get it to keep his job and, yes, he gets all kinds of infections - strep, more covid and what not. Needless to say we're staying far, far away from doctors and going to the feed stores for our meds. My physician doses himself and his kids with Ivermectin and gave me the dosage amounts by weight for all of us.

God help us all!
Oh buddy you sound all too familiar I can’t figure it out either and by the way My Wife was type O blood

Three days before Christmas my wife fell ill to Covid we didn’t get the shot nor did we wear a mask believe it or not we lived in open clean air so we said he’ll with it and our life didn’t change that much at all. Now remember I’m not against getting vaccinNow remember I’m not against getting vaccinated The mandatory vaccination didn’t like it such is life . Well then she got a good job interview and she got hired but it was mandated she take the shot two weeks later she got Covid. I was taking care of her at home before we knew she had Covid I made sure I kissed her every night and was with her in bed because I wanted to have Covid with her together it didn’t work out that way I didn’t catch it I have some real dirty antibodies I could drink swamp water and not get sick and she was usually the same. I brought her to the hospital after 2 days of being sick at home and she died 20 days later it happened so quick I’m just can’t believe it. As far as I’m concerned I’m still married to her and always will be she was my queen and always will be nobody will ever come close to her I mean not even close. So the rest of my time It will be me and metal detector until I see her again I love you Trisha I’ll see you soon ♥️
Truth I’m very sorry to hear this! My brother I believe she’s in a better place and being taken care of eternally. I truly believe you wil be reunited with her one day and y’all will live forever. My prayers are with you. May God bless!

Truth, that is so heartbreaking and can’t imagine the hole left in your heart. Deep love leaves a deeper hole. Peace to you and your heart as time brings happier memories and a smile to your soul.

My condolences for your loss Truth.

Here's a song that I hope makes you feel a little better today...

Love Love Love
Love Love Love

Me and my friend were walking
In the cold light of mourning.
Tears may blind the eyes but the soul is not deceived
In this world even winter ain't what it seems.

Here come the blue skies Here comes springtime.
When the rivers run high & the tears run dry.
When everything that dies.
Shall rise.

Love Love Love
Is stronger than death.
Love Love Love
Is stronger than death.

In our lives we hunger for those we cannot touch.
All the thoughts unuttered and all the feelings unexpressed
Play upon our hearts like the mist upon our breath.
But, awoken by grief, our spirits speak

"How could you believe that the life within the seed
that grew arms that reached
And a heart that beat.
And lips that smiled
And eyes that cried.
Could ever die?"

Here come the blue skies
Here comes springtime.
When the rivers run high and the tears run dry.
When everything that dies.
Shall rise.

Love Love Love
Is stronger than death.
Love Love Love
Is stronger than death.

Shall rise. Shall rise.
Shall rise. Shall rise.

Three days before Christmas my wife fell ill to Covid we didn’t get the shot nor did we wear a mask believe it or not we lived in open clean air so we said he’ll with it and our life didn’t change that much at all. Now remember I’m not against getting vaccinNow remember I’m not against getting vaccinated The mandatory vaccination didn’t like it such is life . Well then she got a good job interview and she got hired but it was mandated she take the shot two weeks later she got Covid. I was taking care of her at home before we knew she had Covid I made sure I kissed her every night and was with her in bed because I wanted to have Covid with her together it didn’t work out that way I didn’t catch it I have some real dirty antibodies I could drink swamp water and not get sick and she was usually the same. I brought her to the hospital after 2 days of being sick at home and she died 20 days later it happened so quick I’m just can’t believe it. As far as I’m concerned I’m still married to her and always will be she was my queen and always will be nobody will ever come close to her I mean not even close. So the rest of my time It will be me and metal detector until I see her again I love you Trisha I’ll see you soon ♥️
I’m sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine the heartbreak you must be feeling.

God bless you
God bless her
God damn Covid!

Three days before Christmas my wife fell ill to Covid we didn’t get the shot nor did we wear a mask believe it or not we lived in open clean air so we said he’ll with it and our life didn’t change that much at all. Now remember I’m not against getting vaccinNow remember I’m not against getting vaccinated The mandatory vaccination didn’t like it such is life . Well then she got a good job interview and she got hired but it was mandated she take the shot two weeks later she got Covid. I was taking care of her at home before we knew she had Covid I made sure I kissed her every night and was with her in bed because I wanted to have Covid with her together it didn’t work out that way I didn’t catch it I have some real dirty antibodies I could drink swamp water and not get sick and she was usually the same. I brought her to the hospital after 2 days of being sick at home and she died 20 days later it happened so quick I’m just can’t believe it. As far as I’m concerned I’m still married to her and always will be she was my queen and always will be nobody will ever come close to her I mean not even close. So the rest of my time It will be me and metal detector until I see her again I love you Trisha I’ll see you soon ♥️
My heart goes out to you Truth. I lost my beloved last year to cancer. The hospital had plenty of open beds in ICU. However, the covid regs here in Ca took weeks to work through before she could even see a doctor. And in my mind ole joe is responsible and all of those dems that supported the mandates.

My heart goes out to you Truth. I lost my beloved last year to cancer. The hospital had plenty of open beds in ICU. However, the covid regs here in Ca took weeks to work through before she could even see a doctor. And in my mind ole joe is responsible and all of those dems that supported the mandates.
Arrest for sure they have blood on their hands including my wife she got the shot because they mandated it we were shot listen outside for you and I have everything was all right and then two weeks after that shot she got Covid 29 days later she’s gone. So sorry to hear about your wife I lost my mother to cancer five years ago I miss her as well

Three days before Christmas my wife fell ill to Covid we didn’t get the shot nor did we wear a mask believe it or not we lived in open clean air so we said he’ll with it and our life didn’t change that much at all. Now remember I’m not against getting vaccinNow remember I’m not against getting vaccinated The mandatory vaccination didn’t like it such is life . Well then she got a good job interview and she got hired but it was mandated she take the shot two weeks later she got Covid. I was taking care of her at home before we knew she had Covid I made sure I kissed her every night and was with her in bed because I wanted to have Covid with her together it didn’t work out that way I didn’t catch it I have some real dirty antibodies I could drink swamp water and not get sick and she was usually the same. I brought her to the hospital after 2 days of being sick at home and she died 20 days later it happened so quick I’m just can’t believe it. As far as I’m concerned I’m still married to her and always will be she was my queen and always will be nobody will ever come close to her I mean not even close. So the rest of my time It will be me and metal detector until I see her again I love you Trisha I’ll see you soon ♥️
I know a few people that got covid a few days after getting vaccinated also 2 that got heart attacks after getting vaccinated . I myself will not be a guinea pig after I have seen the effects of these vaccinations. Also there was a cruise ship with all on board fully vaccinated and they broke out with covid,shows how well these vaccinations work at making the drug companies richer. I also read a article about a funeral home that showed their profits have gone up 110% since people have been getting vaccinated. Also I am adamant in no one being forced to put something in their body they do not want as employer's do not have the right to do so we must stand our ground as the more freedoms we give up the more we will lose until all are gone. I am very sorry for your loss.

Moms hands down , nobody I mean nobody sac so much. No it’s what they do they say. Forget all that hogwash. My mom was my dad to never knowing, 5 years Dec, 22 now , 79 birthday is March 17, 1943. Folks I’m telling you this go spend as much time with mom and dad, no excuses, if they live far away phone calls are free. Please you don’t no what you had until it’s gone. I sit here and cry today, it’s ok to be emotional I have no answers because nothing ever the same. Look just as I said is best thing to do, thankyou

Deep down yes but if I go there I may go postal bad enough the virus was manmade.

How deeply sorry I am for your loss. I can’t imagine what your going through. I agree with you wholeheartedly.
My ex- Mother-in-law’s Brother, was in perfect health. He lived in a rural area alone, and was very careful about not going out without a mask etc., he hardly ever left home.
He was given the 4th vaccine against Covid. Later that day he was rushed to hospital, 4 days later he was dead from complications from vaccine and was Covid+. That was about two weeks ago! My own Daughter works between 3 medical clinics. She has seen several patients have negative symptoms or shall I say extremely bad reactions to the booster’s. I could go on and on. I’m sure the vaccine’s have helped overall, but too many people are having serious issues that are being swept under the carpet.
Ok, that’s my 2 cents worth.

How deeply sorry I am for your loss. I can’t imagine what your going through. I agree with you wholeheartedly.
My ex- Mother-in-law’s Brother, was in perfect health. He lived in a rural area alone, and was very careful about not going out without a mask etc., he hardly ever left home.
He was given the 4th vaccine against Covid. Later that day he was rushed to hospital, 4 days later he was dead from complications from vaccine and was Covid+. That was about two weeks ago! My own Daughter works between 3 medical clinics. She has seen several patients have negative symptoms or shall I say extremely bad reactions to the booster’s. I could go on and on. I’m sure the vaccine’s have helped overall, but too many people are having serious issues that are being swept under the carpet.
Ok, that’s my 2 cents worth.
I believe that is true, on my 2nd booster I have severe migraines for a week.

Truth, that is so heartbreaking and can’t imagine the hole left in your heart. Deep love leaves a deeper hole. Peace to you and your heart as time brings happier memories and a smile to your soul.
That was so sweet of you and you’re right and left the crater I had to give it all to God because I couldn’t handle it

How deeply sorry I am for your loss. I can’t imagine what your going through. I agree with you wholeheartedly.
My ex- Mother-in-law’s Brother, was in perfect health. He lived in a rural area alone, and was very careful about not going out without a mask etc., he hardly ever left home.
He was given the 4th vaccine against Covid. Later that day he was rushed to hospital, 4 days later he was dead from complications from vaccine and was Covid+. That was about two weeks ago! My own Daughter works between 3 medical clinics. She has seen several patients have negative symptoms or shall I say extremely bad reactions to the booster’s. I could go on and on. I’m sure the vaccine’s have helped overall, but too many people are having serious issues that are being swept under the carpet.
Ok, that’s my 2 cents worth.
Yeah I agree with you we were an anti-vaccine we were anti-mandate vaccine I could drink swamp water won’t get sick she never got sick we never even wear a mask we just did stuff outside like Metal Detect the metals in a say in the mud it’s all good fire my insides are probably filthy but they could whip culverts ass and My Wife Coutu on to buy a huge coincidence two weeks later she gets Covid I just wish more people would talk about the negative side to it because it’s not little numbers. And for the third fourth fifth sixth seventh 12th 15th booster shot I don’t think the first Covid shot was anything if you need all those boosters. Now I’m here and we got something called monkey disease if that’s the case then how much is eat a banana a day

If you took a polio shot, 1 or 2 boosters & still got polio chances are the shot doesn't work. I don't have to be a scientist or famous MD to know bullshit when I see it. I never got vaccinated, got Covid last August. Took Ivermectin, 3 days later felt like I never had it. My wife got the vaccine, 1 booster & caught covid. Her sister & brother in law vaccinated 2 boosters caught covid. My brother took it plus booster, hospitalized with a blood clot. Neighbor behind us, stroke. Fauci caught it. Remember he said the shot was 95% effevtive? Hmmm. People can do as they please, at this point it doesn't seem to matter. Sorry to ramble.

If you took a polio shot, 1 or 2 boosters & still got polio chances are the shot doesn't work. I don't have to be a scientist or famous MD to know bullshit when I see it. I never got vaccinated, got Covid last August. Took Ivermectin, 3 days later felt like I never had it. My wife got the vaccine, 1 booster & caught covid. Her sister & brother in law vaccinated 2 boosters caught covid. My brother took it plus booster, hospitalized with a blood clot. Neighbor behind us, stroke. Fauci caught it. Remember he said the shot was 95% effevtive? Hmmm. People can do as they please, at this point it doesn't seem to matter. Sorry to ramble.
I,ve had completely enough of all this crap.I got the first 2 shots and the booster.I,m done getting shots and done with masks too. There,s a higher power looking after me I believe and I,ll just trust to that.

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