Three days before Christmas my wife fell ill to Covid we didn’t get the shot nor did we wear a mask believe it or not we lived in open clean air so we said he’ll with it and our life didn’t change that much at all. Now remember I’m not against getting vaccinNow remember I’m not against getting vaccinated The mandatory vaccination didn’t like it such is life . Well then she got a good job interview and she got hired but it was mandated she take the shot two weeks later she got Covid. I was taking care of her at home before we knew she had Covid I made sure I kissed her every night and was with her in bed because I wanted to have Covid with her together it didn’t work out that way I didn’t catch it I have some real dirty antibodies I could drink swamp water and not get sick and she was usually the same. I brought her to the hospital after 2 days of being sick at home and she died 20 days later it happened so quick I’m just can’t believe it. As far as I’m concerned I’m still married to her and always will be she was my queen and always will be nobody will ever come close to her I mean not even close. So the rest of my time It will be me and metal detector until I see her again I love you Trisha I’ll see you soon