I Need to Know

diamonds might be more than imagined


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Gypsy i found this preview of a book by mary carson, from 1980
and the link below, is to a pg with a diamond sign, you have 3
directions to choose from, according to m carsons interpretation
i cant say she is correct in her interpretation, im new to this
type of treasure hunting, and no field experience at all
anyway hope it is helpful,

sorry the link takes you to start of preview, it wont link the pgs
only the start of the book preview
the pg is 23


for the preview of book link here

HOLA amigos,
THANK YOU Gypsyheart for the update, I hope you find that treasure!

SWR wrote
There was a gold related show on afterwords about how the locals draw gold out of dredged mud using mercury and taking it to market. The locals actually handle the mercury :::shudders:::

Isn't it odd how our culture views mercury? Way back in HS we handled it in science class, in fact one of the funny things was trying to push your hand down into an aquarium full of it. Today it is treated as truly toxic, and it is toxic - yet dentists continue to use it in "silver" amalgam fillings in teeth, in our mouths.

I saw the same program, it was on Natl Geographic, and that title does sound right. What else would we expect to see than such depictions of gold miners - those illegally mining within a national park, using mercury carelessly, etc all good arguments for more mines here in the heavily regulated US where at least it is illegal to be dumping the mercury into the waterways, and quit subsidizing foreign operations where such practices are common. Sorry for getting on the soap box! :-[


In a large area that I have been researching for years, I have came up with something completely different for the diamond shapes in monuments, blazes, and rock carvings. At first, I believed them to be the "league" or "God" mark. After 4 years of footwork, I ran into a lot of tear drop shapes, diamonds, and a double tear drop shapes that the tear drops would oppose each other in a horizontal array. This almost drove me crazy...until one day my daughter was watching over my shoulder on a gigantic map I had made of the area, and noticed that the diamond shapes were following one particular trail to a cache area, the tear drops to another, and so on. I am of the opinion, (note I said opinion, as I do not want anyone to lash out at me for it), that the diamond shapes in the area I am working are of one particular mining group, the tear drop another group, and the opposing tear drops a different mining group that used the area for caching. After using her hypotheses as to different groups, it sorted itself out pretty quickly.....Just an opinion, good luck with your work and research.....
Rock....(now back to lurking)....

Where have you been girl, If your Diamond shows the 4 direction's N - E- S- W it may indicate trails, N / S and a league= where you are at trails forward and reverse, should be a monument about 40 inches high at 1320 feet or 7 cordels, in each of the four directions shown, If its outlaw then its very close 50 / 75 feet probably under a rock thats kinda in a unusuall spot. That's my guess

Where have you been girl, If your Diamond shows the 4 direction's N - E- S- W it may indicate trails, N / S and a league= where you are at trails forward and reverse, should be a monument about 40 inches high at 1320 feet or 7 cordels, in each of the four directions shown, If its outlaw then its very close 50 / 75 feet probably under a rock thats kinda in a unusuall spot. That's my guess

Dsty. Where have you been?:hello: I have been missing your post lately.


I too have noticed a trail of hearts and turtles. I have learned to line up like signs.

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