I Need to Know

Gypsy Heart

Gold Member
Nov 29, 2005
Here's the meaning...but first, these words from our sponsor. :wink:

C'mon Somebody be serious! Gypsy does alot here for the forum !! With all her research and all I think that someone could come up with somrthing.


BangTango said:
C'mon Somebody be serious! Gypsy does alot here for the forum !! With all her research and all I think that someone could come up with somrthing.


Someone probably will. I don't know the answer, or I would give it to her. Besides, Gypsy knows how crazy we all are. She's one of us.

Gypsy , I just did a google and came up with ......... circle = a cave , ......... the wide diamond = 1 league . So my guess is 1 league from a cave , hope this helps some .


Kentucky Kache said:
BangTango said:
C'mon Somebody be serious! Gypsy does alot here for the forum !! With all her research and all I think that someone could come up with somrthing.


Someone probably will. I don't know the answer, or I would give it to her. Besides, Gypsy knows how crazy we all are. She's one of us.

She knows were are just yankin' her chain and I wish I could answer her question. I also wanted to put a tag post on here so when that "something big" is revealed I will get to find out what it is. She is keeping us in suspense on purpose me thinks :tongue3:

And here is a little info on "league".

A league is a unit of length or area. It was long common in Europe and Latin America, but it is no longer an official unit in any nation. The league most frequently refers to the distance a person or a horse can walk in an hour. However, the league had many different values, as can be seen below


Sorry Gypsy , I,ve looked and looked for the LS part of the carved clue ...... my suggestion would be to go to a local book store and browse till you find it and then just put it back on the shelf and leave , then you.ll know .



Go to the local hall of records and find out if LS lived in the imediate area in the last 100 years.
if he owned property, he will be listed and should be available as far as information about him goes.

If you get lucky in that area the local public library may have news records that will give you somthing in regards to his character.
you can check sensus records on line as well as some birth records.

but you know all that
sorry I'm not more help.

The circle with a diamond ....
1 league to a cave.
1 league into a cave.

I prefer the first.

Kentucky Kache said:
And here is a little info on "league".

A league is a unit of length or area. It was long common in Europe and Latin America, but it is no longer an official unit in any nation. The league most frequently refers to the distance a person or a horse can walk in an hour. However, the league had many different values, as can be seen below


There is a shipwreck survivor camp noted to be 15 leagues south of St.Augustine Fl. I wonder how far that might be in miles?

BillyBudd007 said:
Kentucky Kache said:
And here is a little info on "league".

A league is a unit of length or area. It was long common in Europe and Latin America, but it is no longer an official unit in any nation. The league most frequently refers to the distance a person or a horse can walk in an hour. However, the league had many different values, as can be seen below


There is a shipwreck survivor camp noted to be 15 leagues south of St.Augustine Fl. I wonder how far that might be in miles?

One site says 3 miles.

So, it seems Jean Ribault's survivor camp may well be between 30 and 45 miles south of St.Augustine. I'll have to take a closer look at a map and maybe do some on site searching next week.

warsawdaddy said:
LS could be - Looking South?????
Could be 'one league looking starboard',which would be to your 'right'.Then all you have to cypher is whether it's to your right while looking at the symble or if it's facing the same way the symble is looking.

Thanks everyone...and I am not offended by the goofy answers...because well...I am goofy also....LOL.....We have been working on a site where one clue has led us to directly to another.....Everything is exactly in line....distances and directions have been figured out by the clues,signs and symbols left and are leading to something......I read that a circle meant a mine ,tunnel or cave.....while I dont think its a mine,it could possibly mean a cave due to the area we are in....what has me stumped is the diamond in the center.

I have researched the area thoughly and there is no one with the initial LS who owned the property or even close in proximity....

In time the full story will come out and it will hopefully have a very happy ending..... :)


If you find more diamonds on trees... let me know, I will have an obscure reference that may or may not be of use to you.

If you find diamonds on the ground..........send them to me! Rubies my fave...but i can make do with diamonds :)

In addition to the Diamond meaning 2.2 miles as Old Dog has said,
it also means " Go To"
The Circle, usually means Cave or Mine, so it is pretty clear
Go to the Cave, appox 2 miles or so
The LS< may mean "Leagues South"
wish you the best and thanks for the countless hours you spend
researching and posting here for all of us to enjoy....

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